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men (Cf. ABOLITIONIST), distinguished from abolitionists, 55; disheartened by "Free Soil" nomination, 82; outbreaks against in South, 169, 186. Anti-slavery movement grows, 35 ff, 37, 51, 52, 71, 91; women and literary men in, 56; public leaders keep aloof from, 57; petitions, 71; documents excluded from Southern mails, 72, 73; made political issue, 74; strong growth of in North, 113 ff; assumed by Republican party, 127; tabooed at South, 129. Anti-slavery society, American, founded, 44; purposes of, 45; dissolution of, 367.

Arkansas, admitted as slave state, 23; postpones action on secession, 227; secedes, 235; emancipation in, 260; provisional govt. estab. in, 269, 275; reconstructed, 310; relative number of negro voters in, 311; becomes Democratic, 323; Grant recommends state govt. be declared illegal, 344; bill defeated, 345. Armstrong, Samuel Chapman (Gen.), birth and early life of, 356; in Union Army; begins labors for freedmen in Virginia; characterization of, 357; special fitness for work, 359; religious views, 360; forms ideals of negro education, 360 ff; founds Hampton Institute, 362 ff; personality, 364 ff; labors of for school, 365 ff; death of; summary of life work; personal appearance, 366; sayings of, 367; Booker Washington, pupil and successor to, 378. Arnold, Matthew, poem on his father, 369.

Atchison, Senator, of Missouri,


Atlanta University, 358, 398. Atlantic Monthly, begun, 144 Aycock, Governor, of N. C., 388.

BACON, Leonard, 36.

Baltimore, Maryland, Mass. troops attacked at, 237.

Banks, Nathaniel P., joins "Free Soil" party, 81; speaker of House, 115; in Republican party, 127; refuses nomination of Know-nothing' seceders, supports Fremont, 129; governor of Mass., 193; in House, 284.

Baptists, champion cause of freedom, 22.

"Barnburners," the, 82.

Barnwell, Senator, advocates secession, 89.

Bates, Edward,


candidate Presidential nomination (1860), 191; attitude of on emancipation proclamation, 257. Beauregard, Gen., leads attack on Fort Sumter,.235. Beecher, Edward, 36.

Beecher, Henry Ward, characterization of, 141 ff; active in political discussion, 142; criticises Lincoln in Independent, 254; labors in behalf of Union, 277; outlines plan of reconstruction, 277 ff; views on suffrage, 308.

Bell, John, nominated for President, 189; popular vote for (1860), 194; 214.

Bennett, James Gordon, 141. Berea College, beginnings of, 73; discriminated against by Kentucky educational law, 385. Bernard, John, meets Washington, I ff.

"Biglow Papers," Lowell attacks

slavery and war in, 77; 144; 254. Birney, James G., 36; incidents in life of, 58 ff; political ideas of, 59; nominated for President, 74; views of on slavery question, 74; again nominated, 75. Black, Jeremiah S., AttorneyGeneral, 222; Secretary of State, 244; defends Johnson, 312.

"Black Codes" of 1865-6, 281 ff, 372.

Blaine, James G., in House, 284; proposes amend. to Stevens's reconstruction bill, 306; on debate of bill, 307; on negro suffrage, 310; leader in House,

characterized, 331; speaks against Davis, reputation discredited, Presidential candidate, 346.

Blair, Francis P. (Gen.), nominated for Vice-Presidency; defeated, 314.

Blair, Senator, of N. H., bill of for aid to local education on basis of existing illiteracy, 372,


Border Ruffians," the, 116, 118. Border States, severity of war greatest in, 242; Lincoln's scheme for compensated emancipation in, 252; slave owners in alienated by emancipation proclamation, 261.

Boston Courier, denounces Republican party in 1860 campaign, 194.

Bourne, George (Rev.), denounces slavery, 37.

Boutwell, George S., governor of Mass., 92; in House, 284; House prosecutor of Johnson, 311.

Bowles, Samuel, 124; "Life and Times of," 124 note; gives opinion of Johnson imbroglio, 296. Bradley, Joseph (Justice), on Hayes-Tilden commission, 349. Breckinridge, John C., nominated for President, 188; scheme for electing, 189; popular vote for (1860), 194; declines to repudiate secession, 194.

Bristow, Benjamin H., Presidential candidate, Sec'y of Treasury, 346, 347.

Brooks, John Graham, observa

tions of on Virginia politics, 401. Brooks, Preston S., assaults Sum

ner, 122; re-elected and honored, effect on North, 123. Brown, B. Gratz, leads independent movement in Mo., 327; aspirant for Presidential nomination, 328.

Brown, John, sketch of, 119 ff; leads massacre in Kansas, 120; schemes for extinction of slavery, 159 ff; in Springfield, Mass., 159, 162; aided by lead

ing anti-slavery men, 160; pen pictures of by Alcott and Emerson, 160; characterization of, 161 ff; makes raid on Harper's Ferry, 162; captured, 163; hanged, 164; honored as martyr, 164 ff; eulogized by Emerson, 165, 167; characterization of his acts and schemes, 166 ff. Bruce, B. K., U. S. Senator, 336. Bruce, R. C., of Miss., awarded class oratorship at Harvard,

407. Bryant, William Cullen, editor of N. Y. Evening Post, 327. Buchanan, James, 72; Democratic Presidential candidate, characterized, 128; with Mason and Soulé issues Ostend manifesto, 128; administration of (185761), 147; sends Gov. Walker to Kansas, 150; supports Lecompton constitution, 151; announces position on secession, 222; refuses aid to Ft. Moultrie, 224; cabinet, 224.

Burgess, J. W. (Prof.), shows effects of John Brown's raid, 170; comments on laws governing negroes after war, 291. Burns, Anthony, fugitive slave,

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poses anti-slavery petitions, claims State control of mails, 72; in Tyler's cabinet, leader in Texas annexation, 75; returns to Senate, 76; politically isolated, 79; opposes war with Eng., 80; claims of for nationionalization of slavery, 80; last speech of, 86; his opinion of struggle bet. North and South, 87. California, taken from Mexico, 79; admission as free State advocated, 88, 90; swift settlement of; applies for admission with slavery excluded, South opposes, 84; rejects Fifteenth amendment, 315. Cameron, Simon, candidate for Presidential nomination; supports Lincoln, 190.

Carolinas, the (see also NORTH, SOUTH), slavery foundation of aristocracy in, 6; number of slaves in in 1790, 9.

Carpenter, Frank, Lincoln's conversation with, 256. "Carpet-baggers," the, 318, 336, 338.


Casey, F. F., in government of Louisiana, 341.

Cass, Lewis, nominated for President, 81; resigns from cabinet, 224.

Chamberlain, Daniel H., governor of So. Carolina, 332, 348. Chandler, Zachariah, 270; sketch of, 283; as radical leader, 285; party leader, 331; chairman Republican national committee; disputes Tilden's election, 348. Channing, William Ellery, plan of emancipation, 39; sketch of, attitude toward anti-slavery movement, 59 ff; treatise on Slavery, 62.

Chase, Salmon P., in "Free Soil" convention, 82; in Senate, 83; against extension of slavery, 90; in Lincoln's cabinet, 249; attitude of on emancipation proclamation, 257; becomes chief justice, 274; candidate for Presidential nomination, Lincoln's opinion of, services of in supreme court, 313.

Chestnutt, Charles W., 379; shows discrimination against negro suffrage, 384.

Child, Lydia Maria, 56; opinion of Channing, 63.

Church, the, early, accepts slavery, works toward abolition, 4; casuistical defense of slavery by, 5; in America, justifies slavery, 50; split over slavery, 53; united in South in defense of slavery in North divided, 141; labors of in North in behalf of Union, 277.

Civil rights bill (1866) passed, 296; vetoed by Johnson, becomes law, 297; of 1875,


Civil war, the, causes of, 211 ff; 237 ff; views on in North and South, 237; moral results of, 240, 244, 247; emancipation measures discussed and adopted during, 248 ff; disappointment over protraction of, 254; negroes in, 261, 263; courage of both North and South in, 262; suffering in, 265; ended, 270. "Civil War and the Constitution, The," 170.

Clay, Cassius M., opposes slavery, 73; in founding of Berea College, 73; 170.

Clay, Henry, votes for slavery in Arkansas, 23; favors Missouri compromise, aspires to Presidency, dislikes but supports slavery, 26; relations of with J. Q. Adams, 29; advocates protective tariff, 31; proposed tariff compromise, 33; Whigs nominate for President, 75; defeated, 76; opposed to annexation of Mexico, 79; disappointed of Presidential nomination, 81; in Senate (1849-50), frames compromise measures of 1850, 85; opposes extension of slavery, denies right of secession, last speech of, 86; denounces threats of secession, 89.

Clayton, Powell, in Grant faction, 344.

Cobb, Howell, 138.
Coles, Edward (Gov.), 35.

Colfax, Schuyler, in House, 284; Vice-President, 314. Colonization, Jefferson's schemes for, 18; Pennsylvania society, 22; society attacked by New Eng. anti-slavery society, 44. Compromise of 1820, see MISSOURI of 1850, 85; adopted, 90; causes dissatisfaction in North and South, 91. Confederacy, the Southern (see also SOUTH, the, etc.). Secessionists propose to form, 215; convention to organize, 225; organized, constitution of, 226; election of officers of, 226, 227; disregards peace overtures from Republicans, 229; courage displayed in, 262; Lee the chief hero of, 263.

Conkling, Roscoe, in House, 284; party leader, 331; favors "force bill," 345; Presidential candidate, 346.

Connecticut, passes emancipation law, 21.

"Conscience Whigs," 82. Constitution (See Convention of 1787), proposed convention to revise, 229. Amendments to, see AMENDMENTS. Constitutional Union" party, 153, 189.

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Convention of 1787, personnel, work, and difficulties of, 10 ff; results of, 14 ff.

Corwin, Thomas, opposes Mexican war, 77.

Cotton gin, invention of stimulates cotton growing, 23. Credit Mobilier, 344.

Crittenden, John J., Senator, 151,

[blocks in formation]

Curtis, Justice, dissents from Dred Scott decision, 148. Cushing, Caleb, joins seceding Democratic convention, 188; supports Breckinridge Democracy; bitter words of on Mass. election, 193.

DABNEY, Thomas, sketch of, 100 ff; experiences of after war, 337, 339, 355.

Davis, David, on Hayes-Tilden commission; in Senate, 349. Davis, Henry Winter, favors radical reconstruction, 270. Davis, Jefferson, in Senate, 86, 89; sketch of life and principles of, 132 ff; active in politics, in Mexican war, in Senate, Sec'y of War, leader in secession, 134; hostility toward, 135; final estimate of, 136; presents ultimatum of South in Senate (1859), 184; residence of at North, 193; defends secession, 215; opposes Immediate secession (1860), 221; with others withdraws from Congress to organize Confederacy, 225; elected President of Confederacy, 226; North's hatred of, 301; imprisoned by Pres. Johnson, 329; attacked by Blaine, 346.

Davis, Rebecca Harding (Mrs.), describes terrors of Civil war in border states, 242.

Dawes, Henry L., in House, 284, 331.

Dayton, William L., Vice-Presidential candidate (1856), 129. Declaration of Independence, clause in regarding wrongs of slave trade suppressed, 9. DeForest, J. W., 209. Delaware, votes against extension of slave trade, 13; rejects Thirteenth amendment, 262, 276; rejects Fifteenth amendment, 315.

Democratic party (see Democrats), power of South in, 185; extreme South breaks up, 187; Alex. H. Stephens explains move, 189; geographical lines of in campaign of 1860, 192.

Democratic sentiment, growth of,

21, 29.

Democrats, opposed to strong central gov't, 21; favor annexing Texas, 75; nominate Cass for President, 81; combine with Free Soilers, 92; nominate Pierce for President, desert Free Soilers, 93; vote for KansasNebraska bill, 114; in Republican party, 127; platform (1856), campaign, Buchanan candidate of, 128; uphold Ostend manifesto, 129; divided over Lecompton constitution, 151; convention of 1860, 185 ff; delegates from S. C. and Gulf States leave, 187; adjourns, 188; regular convention at re-meeting nominates Douglas and Johnson, seceders nominate Breckinridge and Lane, 188; inharmonious in North, 253; gain in 1862, 261; nominate McClellan for Presidency, defeated, 265; in Congress of 1865-6, 284; hold convention of 1868, repudiate reconstruction acts, favor repudiation, nominate Seymour, 313; regain control in many Southern States, 323; join Independent Republicans, 328; indorse Greeley's nomination, Independent Democrats nominate O'Conor, 329; organize resistance to Republicans in South and begin intimidation, 339 ff; in Congress of 1875-6, 346; nominate Tilden for President, 347; claim election, 348 ff.

Denison, John, Dr., characterizes
Gen. Samuel Armstrong, 357.
Devens, Charles, Attorney-Gen-
eral under Hayes, 353.
Dickinson, Edward, helps organize
Republican party, 114.
Dickinson, John, opinion of slave
trade, 12.

"Disfranchisement," paper on, by Charles W. Chestnutt, 384. District of Columbia, slavery abolished in, 251.

Dix, John A. (Gen.), in Buchanan's cabinet, 224.

Dorsey, Stephen W., in Grant faction, 344.

Douglas, Stephen A., sketch of,
112; introduces "Kansas-Ne-
braska bill to aid his Pres.
candidature, 112 ff; doctrine of
"popular sovereignty," 150; sup-
ports Republicans on Lecompton
bill, 151; returns to Democrats
and becomes Senator, 153; fa-
mous debates of with Lincoln,
180; elected U. S. Senator, 181;
struggle of, with extreme South
on Democratic platform (1860),
185; great power of in con-
vention; principles of; follow-
ers defy Southern Democracy,
186; nominated for President,
188; denounces secession; pop.
vote for, 194; assails Lincoln's
position, proposes plans to con-
ciliate South, 233; supports
Lincoln, 235.
Douglass, Frederick, 96.
"Dred," anti-slavery novel, 123 ff.
Dred Scott decision, 147 ff.
DuBois, Prof., 5; 379; on need of
higher education for negroes,
398, 399.

Dunbar, Paul Laurence, 379.
Duncan, James, 38.

Durell, E. H. (Judge), in Louisiana election struggle, 341.

EDUCATION, of negroes, 37; urged by Beecher, 279; nat'l, of negroes neglected, 325, 326; higher, for negroes, 358, 377 ff, 398 ff; Blair bill for local aid to, on basis of existing illiteracy, 372, 404; of negroes undertaken by Southern whites, 373; standard of in South being raised, 381; efforts to restrict for negroes, unjust Kentucky law, 385; estimate of amt. paid out for negro education to date, 388; improved industrial for negroes, 388; of negro presents great difficulty, 396-7; amount spent by South for edu. of negro in past 30 years, 397; problems of in South, 397 ff; need of higher for negroes, 398-9; gov't aid to in South advocated, 404.

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