The Theory of War: Illustrated by Numerous Examples from Military History |
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Adige advanced guard Alvinzi apply Principle Archduke Arcola Arleux artillery attack Austrian army Austrian right Balaklava base battalions battle of Prague Bevern Blenheim Bohemia bridge campaign cavalry centre column commander corps Crimea crossed Danube Daun defeated defenders detached direction distance divisions echellon Elbe enemy enemy's entrenched exposed favour fire formed fractions Frederick French army front frontier ground guns History horses hostile Illustrations infantry interior lines Kollin Kray left bank left flank left wing line of operations line of retreat manœuvre Maps Marlborough Maxim Mehaigne ment miles military Moravia Moreau movement Napoleon nature oblique order occupied officers opposed passage Peninsular War Pirna Plates Portrait Porus possession Post 8vo Prague Prince Charles protected Prussian rear regiment reinforce retire right bank right wing river road Schwerin Second Edition siege soldier squadrons Square crown 8vo superior theatre tion troops Turenne Verona village vols whole force Woodcuts
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