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There is no way but to march across, and that they must do. But in doing this there is no need of collision. Take care of your rowdies in Baltimore, and there will be no bloodshed. Go home and tell your people that if they will not attack us we will not attack them; but if they do attack us, we will return it, and that severely."

Governor Hicks, (3) of Maryland, was loyal to the Union, but was surrounded by Secessionists. He was timid about taking responsibility. Those whom he highly esteemed were using their influence to bring about the secession of the State. The Legislature assembled at Frederick. The Governor, in his message, said the only safety

April 27.

for the State was to remain neutral. He admitted the right of the United States to take troops through Baltimore.

Once more regiments were passing through that city and moving on to Washington-troops of the United States Army from the Far May 9. West: Sherman's battery, which had won fame on the field of Buena Vista; three months' men, responding to the call of the President. The sky was lurid with lightning and rain falling on the evening of May 13th; but the driving storm, the flashing lightning, did not bring to a halt the 1000 men commanded by General Butler. They entered Baltimore and took permanent possession of the city. The crisis had passed; the Confederate flag never would wave above the dome of the Capitol; Jefferson Davis never enter the White House; Maryland never secede.

It was seen that cannon planted near the home of Robert E. Lee, on Arlington Heights, might send their missiles crashing into the White House. Nearly 20,000 troops had arrived in Washington. May 24. The time had come to take possession of the hills commanding the Potomac and the Capitol. The night was calm and still, the full moon shining, when the Union soldiers rolled up their blankets, fell into line, and marched across the Long Bridge. Three regiments crossed at Georgetown. The "Fire Zouaves," commanded by Colonel Ellsworth, went down the Potomac on a steamer and landed at Alexandria. Colonel Ellsworth had studied law in Mr. Lincoln's office, and was one of the party that accompanied him to Washington. He saw a Confederate flag waving above the Marshall House, kept by Mr. Jackson. He went to the roof and tore it from the staff; but while descending was shot by Mr. Jackson, who in turn was killed by a Zouave. Great the grief of the President. It was the beginning of his many sorrows. The first hostile shot had struck into his own household, as it were, and taken one whom he tenderly loved.

We must remember that Mr. Lincoln was not, like William Lloyd Garrison, an Abolitionist. Mr. Garrison advocated a dissolution of the Union because slavery was wrong; Mr. Lincoln believed the Union was the greatest boon in civil government which had ever come to the human race. He was confronted by a vital question: how to keep Kentucky from leaving the Union. It was his native State. Some of his dearest friends resided there. Governor Magoffin was doing what he could to bring about the secession of the State. The people were divided in sentiment. The Legislature adopted a resolution affirming "armed neutrality" as the position which the State would maintain. Citizens of Louisville passed resolutions denouncing the President for attempting to bring the seceding States back into the Union. At the same time they

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declared the Union ought to be preserved, but maintained it was the duty of Kentucky to oppose the attempt to make war upon a seceding State!

"Kentucky will furnish no troops for the wicked purpose of subduing her sister Southern States," said Governor Magoffin, in his reply to the call of the President for troops.

The Secessionists were organizing. "The Knights of the Golden Circle," as they called themselves, were drilling in the streets of Louisville. The members of the "Working-men's Association" in that city knew that slavery was antagonistic to free labor. They succeeded in electing J. M. Dolph as mayor, who was loyal to the Union. The Secessionists became very bold and arrogant. The Union men were threatened with assassination. Not intimidated but emboldened, they formed a "Union Club." The members swore unconditional loyalty to the Union. Their ritual was compiled from the sayings of Washington, Daniel Webster, and Henry Clay. The great statesman of Kentucky, Mr. Clay, loved and reverenced by President Lincoln, once said: "If Kentucky to-morrow unfurls the banner of resistance, I never will fight under that banner. I owe a paramount allegiance to the whole Union; a subordinate one to my own State."

The Legislature had declared for strict neutrality. President Lincoln comprehended that in a conflict between two diverse civilizations. there could be no neutrality on the part of a State. He had said that "a house divided against itself cannot stand, that the entire country must be one thing or another." What measures could he take to prevent it from becoming the other thing? How foster the Union sentiment in the State? How develop an abiding and aggressive loyalty which would finally marshal it on the side of the Union? Major Anderson, native of Kentucky, had shown his unswerving loyalty to the Union at Sumter. William Nelson, (4) lieutenant in the navy, had declared in forcible language his fealty. The President sent them to their native State to ascertain the exact condition of affairs. They found that the volunteer militia, known as the "State Guard," was under the control of the Secessionists. General Simon B. Buckner was in command. The law under which it was organized was drafted by him. He intended to use the troops in behalf of the Confederacy. Governor Magoffin sent Dr. Luke Blackburn to Montgomery for arms. He purchased a few worthless muskets. Kentucky had not seceded, and the Confederate Government had no arms for that State. He made a speech in New Orleans, in which he stated that the people of Kentucky would soon be marshalled on the side of the Confederacy.

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Another military body came into existence-the "Home Guard.” It was organized in Louisville under an ordinance passed by the City Council. It was founded upon a vague clause in the city charMay 25. ter. Mayor Dolph approved the act, and two regiments were organized for the defence of the city. The mayor was commanderin-chief, with authority to appoint a brigadier general. He selected Lowell H. Rosecrans, who soon became an officer in the United States Army. James Speed was appointed as his successor. It was the beginning of organized loyalty in Kentucky. The Union sentiment was developing. George D. Prentice, whose writings had pleased Abraham Lincoln for many years, was still wielding his pen in behalf of the Union.

Lieutenant Nelson hastened to Washington. "If you will furnish

arms to the Union men of the State," he said to Mr. Lincoln, "they will fight for the restoration of the State to the Union."

"It shall be done," the President replied, and directed that 10,000 muskets be placed at his disposal. Mr. Nelson hastened to Kentucky, and arranged with James Speed for a secret meeting of the leading Unionists. There were only twelve at the meeting-John J. Crittenden, Garret Davis, James Harlan, Joshua F. Speed, (*) James Speed, Charles A. Wickliffe, Thornton F. Marshall, Lieutenant Nelson, and four others. They selected suitable persons to distribute the arms. Joshua F. Speed was appointed general agent by the President. Companies of Home Guards were forming throughout the northern and central sections of the State. The magazine containing the ammunition of the State was under the control of Buckner; but Mayor Dolph demanded the keys. Buckner knew that if he did not give them up the mayor would take forcible possession of the property, and he therefore surrendered them. The mayor demanded the arms of the members of the "State Guard" in Louisville, and they were given up. By the wisdom and prudence of the President, acting in concert with Joshua F. Speed and his few Union friends, Kentucky was saved to the Union.

The President ardently labored to foster the Union sentiment in Missouri. With that end in view he had selected Mr. Bates to be Attorneygeneral. () During the years immediately preceding the outbreak of the war the Germans in St. Louis had manifested their opposition to the extension of slavery. They voted for Abraham Lincoln. The Governor of the State, Claiborne F. Jackson, favored secession. He called a State convention, but the delegates elected were opposed to seceding. It was a great disappointment to Governor Jackson and Jefferson Davis. Francis P. Blair, (') one of the energetic Republicans of St. Louis, brother of Montgomery Blair, whom Mr. Lincoln had appointed Postmaster-general, discovered that Jackson was intending to seize the arsenal, which contained 60,000 arms.


"We must prevent it," said Mr. Blair, privately, to a few of his friends, who agreed with him, and formed themselves into a military company. It was organized before the inauguration of President Lincoln. The commander of the arsenal was from North Carolina. had a secret understanding with Governor Jackson to hand it over to the State. Before their plans were ripe Captain Nathaniel Lyon, of the army, appeared, appointed by General Scott. He was energetic, bold, fearless, and soon had barricades erected for the protection of the arsenal.

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