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Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1868,
In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York.
The New Orleans Disaster.-Its Consequences and Effects.-Dispatches of the
European Commissioners. Butler "the Beast."-Public Opinion in Europe.-The
Atrocities of the Massachusetts Tyrant. - Execution of Mumford. -Lesson of New
Orleans. Spirit of Resistance in the South.-Change in the Fortunes of the Con-
federacy. Two Leading Causes for it. - The Richmond "Examiner." -The Conscrip-
tion Law. Governor Brown of Georgia. Reorganization of the Army.-Abandon-
ment of our Frontier Defences. The Policy of Concentration. -Governor Rector's
Appeal. First Movements of the Summer Campaign in Virginia. - The Retreat from
Yorktown.-Evacuation of Norfolk.-Destruction of the "Virginia."-Commodore
Tatnall's Report. -Secretary Mallory's Visit to Norfolk. -The Engagement of Wil-
liamsburg. The Affair of Barhamsville. - McClellan's Investment of the Lines of the
Chickahominy.-Alarm in Richmond. -The Water Avenue of the James. The Panic
in Official Circles. - Consternation in the President's House. - Correspondence be-
tween President Davis and the Legislature of Virginia.- Noble Resolutions of the
Legislature. Response of the Citizens of Richmond. -The Bombardment of Drewry's
Bluff. The Mass Meeting at the City Hall. -Renewal of Public Confidence. The
Occasions of this. -JACKSON'S CAMPAIGN IN THE VALLEY. -The Engagement of
McDowell. The Surprise at Front Royal.-Banks' Retreat down the Valley. The
Engagements of Port Republic. Results of the Campaign. - Death of Turner Ash-
by.-Sufferings of the People of the Valley of the Shenandoah.-MEMOIR OF TURNER
ASHBY......... PAGE 17
The Situation of Richmond.-Its Strategic Importance. - What the Yankees had
done to secure Richmond. -THE BATTLE OF SEVEN PINES. - Miscarriage of Gen.
Johnston's Plans. - THE BATTLES OF THE CHICKAHOMINY.-Storming of the Enemy's
Intrenchments. - McClellan driven from his Northern Line of Defences. The
Situation on the other Side of the Chickahominy.-Magruder's Comment.-The
Affair of Savage Station. -The Battle of Frazier's Farm.-A Terrible Crisis.-Battle
of Malvern Hill. -The Enemy in Communication with his Gunboats. The Failure
to cut him off. - Glory and Fruits of our Victory.-Misrepresentations of the Yan-
kees. Safety of Richmond. -The War in other Parts of the Confederacy. The
Engagement of Secessionville. - The Campaign of the West. - The Evacuation of
Corinth.-More Yankee Falsehoods. - Capture of Memphis. - The Prize of the Mis-
sissippi. Statistics of its Navigation.-Siege of Vicksburg. - Heroism of "the Queen
City."-Morgan's Raid into Kentucky. The Tennessee and Virginia Frontier.-
Prospects in the West.-Plan of Campaign there..... ........ PAGE 59 CHAPTER III.
Effect of McClellan's Defeat in the North.-Call for more Troops. --- Why the North
was not easily dispirited. -The War as a Money Job.-Note: Gen. Washington's
Opinion of New England. -The Yankee Finances. - Exasperation of Hostilities. The
Yankee Idea of a "Vigorous Prosecution of the War."-Ascendancy of the Radicals.
-War Measures at Washington.-Anti-Slavery Aspects of the War.-Brutality of the
Yankees. The Insensibility of Europe. Yankee Chaplains in Virginia. -Seizures of
Private Property. - Pope's Orders in Virginia. - Steinwehr's Order respecting Host-
ages. The Character and Services of Gen. John Pope. -The "Army of Virginia."-
Irruption of the Northern Spoilsmen. -The Yankee Trade in Counterfeit Confederate
Notes. Pope's "Chasing the Rebel Hordes." - Movement against Pope by "Stone-
wall" Jackson.-BATTLE OF CEDAR MOUNTAIN. - McClellan recalled from the Penin-
sula. The Third Grand Army of the North.-Jackson's Surprise of the Enemy at
Manassas. A Rapid and Masterly Movement. Change of the Situation. Attack by
the Enemy upon Bristow Station and at Manassas Junction.-Marshalling of the
Hosts. Longstreet's Passage of Thoroughfare Gap. -The Plans of Gen. Lee.-Spirit
of our Troops. -Their Painful Marches. - THE SECOND BATTLE OF MANASSAS.-A ter-
rible Bayonet Charge.-Rout of the Enemy. -A hideous Battle-field.-Gen. Lee and
the Summer Campaign of Virginia.-Jackson's Share in it. -Extent of the Great
Victory of Manassas. - Excitement in Washington. -The Yankee Army falls back
upon Alexandria and Washington.-Review of the Situation. -Rapid Change in our
Military Fortunes. What the South had accomplished. Comparison of Material
Strength between North and South.-Humiliating Result to the Warlike Reputation
of the North..... ....... PAGE 52
Rescue of Virginia from the Invader. Gen. Loring's Campaign in the Kanawha
Valley. A Novel Theatre of the War. Gen. Lee's Passage of the Potomac.-His
Plans. Disposition of our Forces. -McClellan again at the Head of the Yankee
-THE BATTLE OF SHARPSBURG. - Great Superiority of the Enemy's Numbers.-Fury
of the Battle.-The Bridge of Antietam.-A Drawn Battle.-Spectacles of Carnage.-
The Unburied Dead. - Gen. Lee retires into Virginia. - McClellan's Pretence of
Victory. The Affair of Shepherdstown. -Charges against McClellan. -His Disgrace.
-Review of the Maryland Campaign. -Misrepresentations of Gen. Lee's Objects.-
His Retreat. Comment of the New York "Tribune." -The Cold Reception of the
Confederates in Maryland. Excuses for the Timidity of the Marylanders. What
was accomplished by the Summer Campaign of 1862.-The Outburst of Applause in
Europe. Tribute from the London "Times." -Public Opinion in England.-Dis-
tinction between the People and the Government. - The Mask of England.-OUR FOR-
EIGN RELATIONS IN THE WAR. - An Historical Parallel of Secession. -Two Remarks on
the "Neutrality" of Europe. - The Yankee Blockade and the Treaty of Paris. The
Confederate Privateers. -Temper of the South. Fruits of the Blockade....PAGE 128
Movements in the West. - The splendid Programme of the Yankees.-Kentucky
the critical Point. Gen. Kirby Smith's Advance into Kentucky. -THE BATTLE OF
RICHMOND.-Reception of the Confederates in Lexington. -Expectation of an Attack