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Longmans, Green, Reader & Dyer, 1871 - Utilitarianism - 96 pages

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Page 12 - A TREATISE on the STEAM ENGINE, in its various Applications to Mines, Mills, Steam Navigation, Railways, and Agriculture, By J. BOURNE, CE Eighth Edition ; with Portrait, 37 Plates, and 546 Woodcuts. 4to. 42s. CATECHISM of the STEAM ENGINE, in its various Applications to Mines, Mills, Steam Navigation, Railways, and Agriculture.
Page 1 - The HISTORY of the LIFE and TIMES of EDWARD the THIRD. By WILLIAM LONGMAN. With 9 Maps, 8 Plates, and 16 Woodcuts. 2 vols. 8vo.
Page 12 - Useful Information for Engineers. By the same Author. FIRST, SECOND, and THIRD SERIES, with many Plates and Woodcuts. 3 vols. crown 8vo. 10s. 6<f. each. The Application of Cast and "Wrought Iron to Building Purposes. By the same Author.
Page 8 - Elements de Physique ' (with the Author's sanction) by E. ATKINSON, Ph.DFCS New Edition, revised and enlarged ; with a Coloured Plate and 620 Woodcuts.
Page 7 - An Introduction to Mental Philosophy, on the Inductive Method. By JD MORELL, MA LL.D. 8vo. 12s. Elements of Psychology containing the Analysis of the Intellectual Powers. By the same Author. Post 8vo. 7s. Gd. The Secret of Hegel: being the Hegelian System in Origin, Principle, Form, and Matter.
Page 14 - EVIDENCE of the TRUTH of the CHRISTIAN RELIGION derived from the Literal Fulfilment of Prophecy. By ALEXANDER KEITH, DD 37th Edition, with numerous Plates, in square 8vo.
Page 10 - A SYSTEM of SURGERY, Theoretical and Practical. In Treatises by Various Authors.
Page 10 - Lectures on Surgical Pathology. By Sir JAMES PAGET, Bart FRS Third Edition, revised and re-edited by the Author and Professor W. TURNER, MB 8vo. with 131 Woodcuts, 21s. Cooper's Dictionary of Practical Surgery and Encyclopaedia of Surgical Science.
Page 5 - An Outline of the Necessary Laws of Thought : a Treatise on Pure and Applied Logic.
Page 9 - BIBLE ANIMALS ; being a Description of every Living Creature mentioned in the Scriptures, from the Ape to the Coral.

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