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A publication is not rendered improper or needless, because works of a similar nature have preceded it. Little would ever issue from the press if such a principle were admitted. For what new thing is there under the sun? Neither is an author in this case supposed to undervalue the labors of those who have gone before him. He only adds to their number with his own probabilities of excitement. And he may awaken fresh attention even in the minds of those who have made use of his predecessors, while he may fall into the hands of some who have to begin this kind of reading. Every author, too, has not only his own connexions but his own manner, and thus as the tastes of readers vary, more individuals can be gratified.—Wм. Jay.


The present volume is no rival for public favor with the voluminous, scientific, and finished pages of Prof. SILLIMAN, Sen., or the productions of those justly popular authors, Drs. PRIME, MURRAY, and TAPPAN-worthy successors of the lamented CARTER. "What can the man do who cometh after the King?"

"Why publish then?" For several reasons; the first of which is embodied in the extract which graces the opposite page, from the pen of the distinguished JAY, of Bath. Another is found in the following note which, upon conducting a course of narrative Lectures, was handed to me as expressing public sentiment in the place of my favored abode :

"DEAR SIR:-The undersigned, believing that your late instructive Lecture upon what passed under your observation in your European tour, contains much that is valuable and highly interesting to the public, respectfully request that you favor us with a copy for publication.

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Brief chapters, instead of a continuous narrative, were deemed more consistent with pleasant reading, and have, therefore, been adopted, the gentlemen named leaving the manner of arrangement wholly to my judgment.

I went abroad for purposes of health, and enlarged observation of "men and things," the entire expense of my tour being met by persons whose names are, to a large extent, entirely unknown to me. Of their generosity this volume is a public memorial. Would that it were more worthy!

Originality in a narrative of sight-seeing through regions often traveled by American tourists, can hardly be expected. But while much respecting London and Parisian notables, may be trite, yet in the chapters upon the "Blue-coat Boy School," "Commencement Day at Oxford," "Evening at Parliament," "Crystal Palace at Sydenham," "Holy-Rood Palace," "Glasgow Fair," " English Lakes," "Catacombs," Cemetery of Naples," "Trip to Bristol and Bath," much will be found which other writers have hardly noticed. How far worthy of the public eye, the reader will judge.


If, among the hitherto "tarry-at-home travelers," one shall be incited by these pages, "himself to go and see," the volume will not have been sent forth in vain. If such be the lot of any reader, the author has but the wish, that there may be as much of the "dulce et utile" in the excursion as fell to his portion. More can hardly be expected.


Embarking in a Storm


- Benediction - Kind Friends —
Ocean Steamers-Steamer "Savannah"-Dr. Lardner--Mr.
Ocean Steamer described -- Mam-



- Statistics

moth Steamer,



Under Way - Sea-sickness - Daily Routine-Fellow-Pas-
· Co-travelers — Icebergs - Sabbath at Sea-St.

George's Channel-Arrival at Liverpool,


Westminster Abbey-St. Paul's-Metropolitan Churches-
British Museum-Thames Tunnel- Monument -- Bank--
Post Office-National Gallery-Madame Tussaud-Zoologi-
cal Gardens-Celebrated Places-Summary,..

Christ's Hospital - History - Dress of a Student—Internal
Arrangement-Meals and Dormitories-Customs-Peculiar
Game-Celebrated Alumni-Poetical Stanza,..

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Leave for the Continent-Crossing the English Channel-Ar-
rival in France-ditto at Paris,..

Locality of Paris - Tuilleries--Place de Concorde-Center
of the City-Louvre -- Cemeteries - Pere la Chaise-
Mont Matre - Pantheon - La Madeleine-Versailles
Charles Wadsworth--Morgue-Hotel del Invalides--Boule-
vards-Want of Paris-Benediction to Friends,

Departure for Italy--Fontainebleau-Saone-Peculiar Head-
dress-Macon-Sabbath in Lyons-Past History of the City
Extract from Dr. M.-Anecdote of Dr. N.-Manufactures
of this Metropolis--Rhone-Arrival at Marseilles,..........

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