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Notes from my Diary.


Mr. Heberlet writing to the Secretary of the Society observes:

I send you some more notes from my diary; and first, with reference to


The characteristic greed of this class is quite as apparent here as elsewhere in India, perhaps more so, and when they press it on my attention by a more than usually persistent appeal, I remind them that as some of their holy men practising austerites, by keeping an arm constantly tied up to a post become at last unable to draw it down, so the brahmins, by having their hands constantly extended in a begging attitude, have now become quite unable to withdraw them. I do not speak angrily, this brings a smile to the face of all who are by, it is not disputed, and the importunity ceases.


Many of them will, in the most brazenfaced way, confess their ruling passion. One day, as we neared the Patna rajah's house, (he is a minor, a little boy,) we met a number of them coming from thence with the gifts dispensed to them on the death of the ruler of Kalahandy, a relative of the rajah. One of them addressed us, shewing his presents, and saying, "See here, the profit of being a brahmin. Now I can go home and feast on these things." When I objected that that was no real gain, and that the kingdom of God was not meat and drink, he protested that it was. "Sir, there is no such thing as vice or virtue. The belly is the principal thing, and to fill it the whole duty of man.' To my question whether he acted on that principle, he unhesitatingly answered "yes," and went on his way.

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Another time I met one who said that as their festival had come round I should feast the brahmins; and when I asked if he had no higher aim than feasting, replied, "As you were made a sahib, to be served and have incense offered to you, (figurative,) so I was made a brahmin to eat." I assured him he left me in no doubt as to the consistency of his course with the latter statement, though I disputed the former.

Once again, as I sat discussing in the bazaar, and endeavouring to show that the temporal interests of the brahmins were bound up in the maintenance of the present system, one of them that sat by said, "True, sir, look here," exhibiting a handkerchief full of mangoes, "I had not got these had I not been a brahmin."

Their readiness to make such admissions as these, in the presence of the very people upon whose ignorance and credulity they impose, shews the strong assurance they entertain that their dupes can never be set free from the trammels of superstition in which they have enmeshed them. And yet there are tokens, which should be apparent even to them, that the time of deliverance is at hand. Indeed one of them the other day, taking up a lament about the perverseness of the "Kumbipatias," said, "They mind not the gods, nor Jagannath, nor the tulsi plant, nor brahmins"-a cumulative charge, having its climax in the last clause. God speed the day when the same shall be said of all India's millions, and they shall acknowledge no twice-born save such as have been "born again of water and of the Spirit."

Yet one more special instance of greed that came under my notice was a lively dispute in the public road between two companies of these "incarnations of God," as they sometimes claim to be. The set attached to one temple had appropriated offerings intended for another, whereupon the other lot had retaliated in like manner, and then the first offenders, feeling themselves aggrieved, had come to call the other party to account. The shameful controversy drew a number of people to the spot, but the disputants went on; it rained, but they got under the eaves of the houses, or put up umbrellas, and went on, till at last it was settled somehow. How does the noble declaration, "I seek not yours, but you," shine by contrast with such a scene as this. Then


Surely it is a gross darkness that covers the people so that their spiritual vision is obscured, a darkness that may be felt. On the walls of temples, their "holy" places, are depicted the vile imaginations of foul minds; and I have heard this practice defended by the singular statement that it protects the building from the thunder-bolt or lightning stroke. My remarks apply only to one temple in this town of those situated in public places, but elsewhere there are others, and one Sabbath-day in the market, coming across a native artist with whom I had conversed three or four times previously, I asked to see the roll he had



under his arm. He first demurred, but then handed it to me. No pure mind would desire a second glance; but when I endeavoured to set before him the terrible depravity of his course, shocked to find in what way he employed his talent, he attempted to excuse himself by saying that when anyone desired to build a temple he was applied to for patterns of ornamentation for the walls. Yet, how is the judgment of the people perverted, that, notwithstanding this, they will pay every outward mark of respect to the temple as a holy place! Once, as I stood by one to speak to the brahmins who sat there, happening to put my booted foot upon the outermost step, I was begged to remove it "for fear of defilement to the habitation of the Holy One." At another time, seeing that a woman called a man, who was sitting a little way off, to hand her a loto of water which had been left on the outer step of the temple, easily

within her reach, I asked and learnt that she must have walked over some unholy or unclean place, or for some such reason did not count herself fit to touch what rested on the step of the holy place. Is there any accounting for such oblique moral vision? The answer is given in Rom. i. 21. "When they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened."

Oh, when shall the word of the Lord go forth with power to all. "Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light"! When shall there be another prophesying among the dry bones, and to the wind, "Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe upon these slain that they may live!" "It is not for you to know the times or the seasons which the Father hath put in His own power." Amen, so be it.

The Voyage to India.



EIGHTH day (Wednesday, Oct. 25th).-
To-day we are fairly in the Mediterra-
nean, with its deep blue waters, and its
pleasant balmy breezes. Such weather
in October! How unlike the biting Octo-
ber winds of dear old England, and
especially the skinning blasts of dearer
old Scotland. As we gaze on the plea-
sant waters of this mid-land sea, what a
multitude of historical events-classical
and biblical-rush into one's mind. Not far
ahead we may sail over the course ploughed
by the frail barque of Æneid, the fabled
founder of the Roman people. Not far to
the right witnessed the tragic end of Dido,
Carthage's Queen. The Bible student at
once remembers he is in the "Great Sea"
of scripture, out of which arose the small
cloud no bigger than a man's hand-the
product of Elijah's prayer. Into this sea
was thrown poor Jonah, after being
dragged up from the sides of the ship-
(he had gone steerage). By the way, we
have met several whales, one of which
was large enough to accommodate the
faithless prophet; but science cannot
stretch its (the whale's) mouth wide enough
to allow him (Jonah) to pass. Turning to
the New Testament, we can follow Paul
in his memorable journey to the city of
the Cæsars. We are keeping close to the
African shore, where we get a view of

Algiers by gaslight. Poor Africa! her very land seems blighted by the curse on Ham. What we see from the ship is a vast expanse of sand and rocks, unrelieved by a patch of vegetation.

To-night, at the dinner table, the effect of a smooth sea and bracing air are manifestly visible. Now we see faces that have been hid for a week. The sea sickness has passed away, and every one is in the best of spirits. How different is the reception given to the ship's fare. A few days ago the few who ventured to the table practically said, "throw curry to the dogs, I'll have none of it." But just look at the way they clean their plates to-night. Not a few, with one or two of the "cloth" included, give us proof that while they may not read, mark, learn, they certainly can inwardly digest.

Tenth day (Saturday).—Our voyage along the Mediterranean has been most enjoyable, and to-day we have reached the bellicose island of Malta. From every point we have cannon frowning upon us. "Cannon to right of us, cannon to left of us." Notwithstanding the intense heat, the great majority of the passengers landed and witnessed the various sights mentioned in the guide books. Those who remained on board had an inexhaustible store of amusement in wit


nessing the bartering of the vendors of Maltese lace, who actually pushed their goods on their fair purchasers. Several troop-ships were close to us, and the clandestine trade in tobacco was very great. There was an incessant trade between the boatmen and the portholes. The heroes of Tel-el-Kebir were evidently short of cash; but the men who could circumvent poor Arabi were not to be beat, though money was scarce; hence popped out shirts, pillow slips, etc., all eagerly caught by the enthusiastic floating merchants, who gave in return the precious "weed." One fellow was evidently conscience stricken in regard to the Government pillow slips, but he forgot to return the square of tobacco to the boatman, who did a deal of swearing, but, being in Maltese, it did no harm.

The whole appearance of Malta was not prepossessing. The day was very hot, and the glare of the soft sandstone buildings was painful to the eyes. Again, the "loafing" class was very large. Hundreds of men unqualified for work solely by indolence, presented a difficult problem to the social reformer. The streets were dirty, disturbing the olefactory nerves in no little degree. The professional beggar met the visitor at every turning with an importunity far exceeding the widow in the Gospels. But the great outstanding fact of Malta is its fortifications, which, to the non-professional eye, appear in every way complete. Far be the day when Malta's power of destruction shall be called into requisition. Our three hundred tons of coal are all on board; then, with a parting salute to the red-coated heroes, we bid Malta good afternoon.

11th day (Sunday).-Alas! we are "rocked in the cradle of the deep" once more. Two days ago we were congratulating each other that our stomachs and legs were now accustomed to the unstable element-but not so; there were more people sea-sick to-day than what we had at any time in the Bay of Biscay. All agree (including the ship's officers) that last night was very stormy. We can now enter into the feelings of St. Paul in his Mediterranean storm. Last night we had our "Euroclydon," and it was "tempestuous" in the extreme. "We were exceedingly tossed with a tempest," and "we wished for the day." One poor lady went about the dining saloon all the night declaring that we were going to the bottom. The water was dashing over the vessel in tons,-putting silence, if not sense, into silly people. Sleep was out of the question; and this morning we were of all men most miserable. It is


pleasing to see that all feel, if they do not express, gratitude to God for protection from the dangers of the deep. There was a grand sublimity in the action of the waves last night. Our 4,000 tons ship was knocked about like a cockle shell. The "sea hath spoken," and blessed are they who could hear the articulate sounds of the still small voice in the thunder roar of the winds and waves. "It is I, be not afraid," was our all-sufficient promise. There was supreme sport for those who could enjoy it; but our sense of the ludicrous was somewhat blunted, hence everything seemed common place.


14th day (Wednesday). This morning we are all on the tiptoe of expectancy to see Port Said. It is now in the distance; and as we near it let us take a view of the passengers in hot-weather garb. The ladies claim our first attention. young ladies are preparing to go ashore, and they are determined to show their Egyptian sisters how England's daughters can dress. All the colours of the rainbow are displayed, and, as a rule, with taste. There are exceptions (grotesque in the extreme); but, generally speaking, the light airy get up has a pleasing effect. Gentlemen have dispensed with every dispensable piece of clothing; and no marvel, the heat of the sun is intense. Helmets of every shape, with yards of calico attached. What a figure they would cut in a staid English country town.

The town (?) of Port Said is built on a flat sandy piece of land jutting out into the Mediterranean. As we approach we wonder where is the harbour, and especially look out for the entrance to the canal. With the assistance of the pilot all our difficulties are soon made plain. After rounding a point, we glide pleasantly past several men-of-war, and come to anchorage. Now we have a full view of Port Said, made historic ground by Sir Garnet. We would violate the term by calling it a town. It is Oriental in every respect, even to the sacred dirt and smells. Brawling bullock and donkey drivers are everywhere asserting themselves. The buildings sadly lack beauty and symmetry. Here is a tolerable hotel, and alongside of it a wretched mud-built hut. The only piece of beauty about it is its lighthouse, built of solid masonry, standing 120 feet above the level of the sea. Some of the passengers landed tonight, and getting into one of the gambling hells were (shall we say deservedly) fleeced. An amusing case of indistinct dealing took place to-night. Nine passengers went on shore, promising the boatman one shilling as their fare. The



purser was a countryman of mine, and he, canny Scot like, refused payment till the return journey. After all the passengers were safely on board the Egyptian boatman had one shilling slipped into his hand by the Scotch treasurer. Bah! what an Oriental row. Egyptian gesticulation and Scotch stolidness face to face. The Arab attempted to use violence; but, lo! he found himself safely in his boat in a most unceremonious way. Scotch boots and non-sensitive Egyptian flesh collided. But oh! the Arabic oaths that came over the waters; being in Arabic, however,

like the aforesaid Maltese, they did no harm. One curiosity I forgot to mention, which the Arabs told us we should by all means see, viz., the dead body of a Jew who was hanged this morning. He was not yet cut down. Perhaps the officials and the "shrimps" were in league providing an additional "lion" for their wretched town. I am afraid that the sight did not "draw." In bidding adieu to the Mediterranean we have finished another stage of our journey. Halfpast ten (five bells) has gone, the electric light has been shut off, so, kind reader, good night

News from Rome.

WITH reference to the evangelistic and educational work being carried on in Rome Mr. Shaw writes:

When I took our locale in the Via Volturno a year ago, it was Hobson's choice. The position seemed excellent, but the place was small, and its shape exceedingly inconvenient. We were much annoyed by the noises of the street, and found that the place was too exposed for the timid ones, of whom there are many yet in Rome. At length I have been able to secure an every way excellent locale, only a few paces distant from the old one. It is in a street which crosses Via Volturno, and is called Via Montebello. The locale is sufficiently public, while just out of the noise. It is sufficiently large, at least for the present, and seems to give universal satisfaction.

A higher rent, of course, it was necessary to pay, nearly double that of the locale in Via Volturno, but I am thankful to say that a kind friend, who forbids me to mention his name, has promised to follow the example of Messrs. R. Johnson and C. Roberts, jun., and so the extra expenditure is provided for. The furnishing will cost from twelve to fifteen pounds, which sum I should be thankful to receive from some lover of the good work.

On two

The locale has already been opened, and may be called a success. evenings in the week we have evangelistic services in it, which have hitherto been well attended, and four other evenings are devoted to teaching English and French. Each of these English and French classes is attended by about twenty-five apparently intelligent persons, mostly young men of a class superior to that which forms the majority of evangelical congregations; and their having purchased books is some guarantee of their earnestness.

These classes will make us acquainted with many who would, but for them, keep aloof from us, and we shall have many opportunities of presenting to their minds the highest kind of truth. Indeed a number of them already come to hear us preach the Gospel.


We are making the most of our time, as our readers will see from this time table of our meetings, which I will give. Of course it does not include meetings that are not exclusively our own, but which are sufficiently numerous to make large demands on our time.

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At the Bible Readings we sometimes have the Sala nearly full of people, All who can edify are free to take part, and These meetings are most profitable.

who seem to be much interested. generally three or four take part.

A Mark of Progress.

DURING this autumn there have been fearful inundations in the north of Italy, causing much suffering and distress. Subscription lists have been opened everywhere in Italy, and some of the congregations of Evangelicals have made collections for the sufferers. We have had our collection, and it is interesting to contrast the result with a similar occurrence in the past.

When I came to Italy in 1878 there was a similar distress from inundations in the north of Italy, and similar efforts were being made to relieve it. We then made a collection. I remember the occasion well., We had a crowded Sala. The collection had been duly announced previously, and I supposed that all hearts were palpitating with sympathy for poor suffering fellow Italians. But the collection, when counted up, amounted to thirty centesimi, that is, just threepence! This year we have made the collection at a service rather less numerously attended than in 1878, but the result was twenty-six lire, i.e., a little more than a sovereign.

This is not much, but it suffices to show some progress.

Hotes and Gleanings.

SACRAMENTAL OFFERINGS FOR WIDOWS AND ORPHANS.-With reference to this subject we beg to call attention to the circular which appeared in the Observer for December. We trust the offerings will be as liberal as possible.

THE REV. ALEX H. YOUNG, M.A., who has gone o take charge of the Protestant Boys' School, Cuttack, embarked in the British India steamer Rewa, in London, Dec. 2nd, and left Gravesend the next day for India. We are glad to see that the vessel has passed Suez.

MR. AND MRS. WOOD, with their little boy, and a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pike, arrived safely in England on Wednesday, Dec. 6th. We are pleased to state that the health of both Mr. and Mrs. Wood has greatly improved on the voyage. Mr. Wood's address for the present is, Hugglescote, Ashby-de-la-Zouch.

CAVERSHAM, NEAR READING.-The ladies of the Mission Working Society at Caversham, have sent per Miss Leigh articles to Cuttack to the value of £10. Would that a similar working society existed in connection with each of our churches. Were this the case, the funds of the Mission would be considerably augmented. Will the ladies kindly attempt something in this direction. Ten pounds per annum would support three orphans, or a Bible woman.

BAPTISM AT CUTTACK.-Fourteen young persons were baptized at Cuttack on Lord's day, the 5th of November. Shem Sahu preached on the occasion from 1 Cor. xii. 6, on the manifold ways which the Lord employs in bringing sinners to Himself, after which Ghanushyam Naik administered the sacred ordinance. We have also, at the present time, eighteen candidates. It was a day of many hallowed recollections. It was the 56th anniversary of the writer's baptismal day; and very interresting it is to add, that it was also the 56th anniversary of the opening of our chapel at Cuttack by brethren Lacey and Sutton, and this, as all

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