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tion of the


Resolved, That said committee shall receive the same compenCompensa sation as is by law allowed to members of the General Assembly, to be paid by the State Treasurer, upon orders drawn by the chairman of said committee, out of any money in the hands of said State Treasurer, not otherwise appropriated; and the chairman of said committee shall have authority to draw orders for the incidental expenses arising out of the session of said committee, to be paid in like manner.

Adopted at Dover, Feb. 3, 1835.

Reports of


Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of cases adjudg- Delaware in General Assembly met, That Samuel M. Harrington ed in Sup. Court and be requested to publish a report of cases adjudged in the Superior Court, and Court of Errors and Appeals in this State, commencing with the organization of those courts under the amended constitution.

Court of Errors and Appeals.

Resolved, That the sum of three hundred dollars be, and the same Appropria- is hereby appropriated, to be paid to the said Samuel M. Harrington, or his order, to indemnify him for such incidental expenses as he may incur in the preparation of such reports for publication.


Resolved, That in addition to the said sum of three hundred dolFurther sub- lars, the State will further patronize the said work by the purchase, scription. on its completion, of one hundred copies thereof, at the price for which it may be furnished to subscribers and others, not to exceed five dollars cach copy.


Copy of these Resolved, That a duly authenticated copy of these resolutions be resolutions to communicated to the said Samuel M. Harrington. be furnished

S. M. Harrington.

Adopted at Dover, Feb. 10, 1835.



Whereas, by the twenty-third section of an act entitled "An act to incorporate a company to erect a drawbridge over the Christiana, at Wilmington, and for other purposes," passed at Dover, January 20, 1807, it is declared and enacted, that whenever the nett profits, arising or accruing to the Bridge Company from the tolls, shall exceed the sum of ten per cent., per annum, on the capital stock of the said Bridge Company, that the said company shall. pay into the hands of the "Trustee of the fund for establishing

schools in this State," the respective sums which may be in their hands, after deducting the said nett profits of ten per cent., per annum, on the said capital stock: And whereas, it has been represented, that the nett profits on the said capital stock have exceeded ten per cent., per annum, for several years past; and without the intervention of the Legislature, the school fund may not derive the full benefit contemplated by the provisions of the said act: Therefore,

rized to ex

Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met, That the trustee of Trustee of the school fund of the State of Delaware, be and he is hereby school fund, directed, in pursuance of the twenty-fourth section of said act, to neral and AuAttorney Geask for, and at such reasonable times as may be required, to ex- ditor of Acamine the books of accounts belonging to the said Bridge Compa- counts authony, and other books and papers, with the view to ascertain the nett amine books, profits on the capital stock of the said Bridge Company, for each &c., of Wiland every year since the erection of said bridge, and that the At-mington torney General and Auditor of Accounts be associated with him Bridge Co. for that purpose: and that he make a report of his proceedings herein, to the next session of the General Assembly of this State. Adopted at Dover, Feb. 12, 1835.

Trustee to re

port to the

next Legisla



Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met, That James H. M. Clayton, J. H. M. be and he is hereby appointed to take charge of all the books and Clayton appapers belonging to the State in the Senate chamber, and the hall pointed to take charge of the House of Representatives, and cause the same to be safely of books, &c. deposited in one or other of the said rooms, and from time to time, in Senate examine and attend to, as he may judge proper, in order to pre- Call of House serve the same; or in case he may deem it proper, such of the said of Represen articles may be deposited in the office of the Secretary of State.

Adopted at Dover, Feb. 13, 1835.

chamber and



of Senate

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State J. Buckmasof Delaware in General Assembly met, That Joseph Buckmaster be, ter appointed and he is hereby appointed to take charge of all the furniture be- to take care longing to the State, in the chambers of the Senate and House of of furniture Representatives, during the recess of the Legislature; and shall chamber andcause the same to be safely deposited in one or the other of the said hall of House chambers, and locked up, and from time to time shall examine and of Repsentaattend to the same, that the same may be preserved from injury.

Adopted at Dover, Feb. 13, 1835.



Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met, That this General Assembly Removal of do not approve of the course pursued by the president of the Unithe deposites ted States, in regulating the currency of the Union by removing disapproved the public deposites of the funds of the government from the Bank Because, &c. of the United States and branches thereof; because as a measure of policy, it was unwise, imprudent and fraught with great evil in all its consequences, and because the mode of its accomplishment was in violation of the law and constitution.


Bank of the

U. S. is an institution

Resolved, That the Bank of the United States is an institution well calculated to regulate the currency of the Union;-that it hath fully answered the purposes contemplated in its creation, by estabeneficial to blishing an uniform and stable currency, and equalizing exchange the prosperity in commercial transactions, and by promoting to an unexampled of the coun- extent the prosperity and happiness of the whole country, and that the best evidence of the honesty and integrity of its administration, is to be found in its firm resistance of executive influence, which sought to control its operations, and to make it as it had the post office and treasury departments, an engine of political power to corrupt the people by a distribution of "spoils" amongst devoted partisans.


Proof of its

honesty, &c.

President's protest disapproved of.


Resolved, That the doctrines and assumptions contained in the protest message of the president, to the Senate of the United States, the occasion of its resistance and condemnation of his meaupon sures, in regard to the removal of the deposites from the Bank of the United States, are utterly at variance with the principles, inimical to the freedom and subversive of the constitution of our government, and that the conduct of our Senators upon that occasion accords with the views and meets the entire approbation of this General Assembly.

And whereas, the Senate of the United States, did by their resoSenate's reso-tution of the twenty-eighth of March last, declare and resolve that lution with the president, in his last executive proceedings in relation to the regard to the public revenue, had assumed upon himself power and authority not executive conferred by the constitution and laws, but in derogation of both. And whereas, the Legislatures of certain States have instructed their Senators in Congress to cause the said resolution to be expunged from the journal of the Senate. And whereas, in and by the constitution of the United States, it is provided that each House of Congress shall keep a journal of its proceedings, and from time to time publish the same; and that the yeas and nays of either House of Congress, on any question shall, at the desire of one-fifth of those present be entered on the journal. And whereas, in pursuance of said provision, and at the request of at least one-fifth of the Senators present at the adoption of said resolution, the yeas and nays were entered on the said journal. And whereas, the true journal of the

aforesaid proceedings of the Senate, has been kept and published in pursuance of said constitution: Therefore,

instructed to oppose any

Resolved, That our Senators in Congress be, and they are here- Our Senators by instructed to oppose any proposition which may be made to expunge the said resolution of the Senate from the journal aforesaid, resolution to or to obliterate or falsify their records, as a palpable violation of expunge or the constitution of the United States.

obliterate their records.

Resolved, That the thanks of this Legislature, on behalf of the Thanks giv. people of this State, be and are hereby tendered to our representa- en to our retion in both Houses of Congress, for the manly and strenuous efforts presentation used by them in resisting the tide of executive encroachments, and in Congress, in sustaining upon all occasions those measures of policy so well calculated to advance the general welfare, and in support of the laws and constitution of the Union.


Resolved, That a copy of the foregoing resolutions be signed by Speakers to the speakers of the Senate and House of Representatives, and sent forward them to each of our Senators, and to our Representative in Congress.

Adopted at Dover, Feb. 13, 1835,

a copy of these resolutions.


have the

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State Sec. of State of Delaware in General Assembly met, That the Secretary of State directed to be and he is hereby directed, to cause the amended constitution to amended con. be printed and published as a part of the eighth volume of the Laws stitution of Delaware.

Adopted at Dover, Feb. 13, 1835.

bound with the 8th vol Laws.


WILMINGTON, DEL. April 14, 1835.

In obedience to the directions of an act of the General Assembly of the State of Delaware, entitled "An act concerning the keeping of the pepers belonging to the Executive Department, and the acts of the General As sembly, and the printing and disposal of the laws and journals," I have collated with, and corrected by the original rolls, and caused to be published, this edition of the laws of the said State, passed during the last session of the General Assembly, which commenced on Tuesday_the sixth day of January, and closed on Friday, the thirteenth day of Feb. ruary, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirtyfive,


Secretary of the State of Delaware.

DOVER, Feb. 9, 1842.

I do hereby certify, that in obedience to a resolution of the General Assembly of the State of Delaware, adopted at Dover, January 30, 1841, I have caused to be re-published and bound up, so as to correspond with the other bound volumes of the laws, this edition of the eighth volume of the laws of the said State, and that the same is accurately re-printed.

Secretary of State.

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