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general in five minutes, but it is not easy to replace a

hundred and ten horses."


Lincoln and Stanton Fixing up Peace Between the Two Contending Armies.

"On the night of the 3d of March, the Secretary of War, with others of the Cabinet, were in the company of the President, at the Capitol, awaiting the passage of the final bills of Congress. In the intervals of reading and signing these documents, the military situation was considered the lively conversation tinged by the confident and glowing account of General Grant, of his mastery of the position, and of his belief that a few days more would see Richmond in our posession, and the army of Lee either dispersed utterly or captured bodily when the telegram from Grant was received, saying that Lee had asked an interview with reference to peace. Mr. Lincoln was elated, and the kindness of his heart was manifest in intimations of favorable terms to be granted to the conquered Rebels.

"Stanton listened in silence, restraining his emotion but at length the tide burst forth. 'Mr. President,' said If you are not to be

he, 'to-morrow is inauguration day. the President of an obedient and united people, you had better not be inaugurated. Your work is already done, if any other authority than yours is for one moment to be recognized, or any terms made that do not signify you are the supreme head of the nation. If generals in the field are to negotiate peace, or any other chief magistrate is to be acknowledged on this continent, then you are not needed, and you had better not take the oath of office.'

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"Stanton, you are right!' said the President, his whole tone changing, 'Let me have a pen.'

"Mr. Linclon sat down at the table, and wrote as follows:

"The President directs me to say to you that he wishes you to have no conference with General Lee, unless it be for the capitulation of Lee's army, or on some minor or purely military matter. He instructs me to say that you are not to decide, discuss, or confer upon any political question. Such questions the President holds in his own hands, and will submit them to no military conferences or conventions. In the meantime you are to press to the utmost your military advantages.'

"The President read over what he had written, and then said:

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'Now, Stanton, date and sign this paper, and send it to Grant, We'll see about this peace business.'

"The duty was discharged only too gladly by the energetic Secretary.

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Attending Henry Ward Beecher's Church. Mr. Nelson Sizer, one of the gallery ushers of Henry Ward Beecher's church in Brooklyn, told a friend that about the time of the Cooper Institute speech, Mr. Lincoln was twice present at the morning services of that church. On the first occasion he was accompanied by his friend, George B. Lincoln, Esq., and occupied a prominent seat in the center of the house. On a subsequent Sunday morning, not long afterwards, the church was packed, as usual, and the services had proceeded to the announcement of the text, when the gallery door at the right of the organ-loft opened, and the tall figure of

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