Taylor, John [Petitions from Taylor, John R.-inhabitants Maysville in his favor Tandehetse, a Seneca warrior Tennille, William A. Page. 31, 296, 359 67 78 106 121 26, 45 Tennille, Francis, heirs of 101, 150 (see bills H. R. No. 565.) Tennessee, merchants of Nashville, auction system 64 fourteenth annual convention, slavery District of Co- inhabitants Western district, lands for schools 174 177, 206 233 Tenney, T.-see A. Poor et al. Thirber-see King & Thirber Thompson, John-Christopher Adams & Samuel Spraggins Umbrella-makers of Philadelphia-see Pennsylvania V. Vaccination, memorial for encouragement of Valley Creek Academy. benefit of. (see bills S. No. 99.) surveyors to issue licenses and enrolments to vessels em- Vermont, members from appear, viz: (see bills H. R. No. 422.) Daniel A. A. Buck, Jonathan Hunt, Rollin C. Mallary, George E. Wales Virginia, members from appear, viz: Page. 205, 217 67 217, 257 Robert Allen, William S. Archer. William Armstrong, Mark Alexander, Thomas Newton Burwell Bassett, John Floyd Virginia Military District, appoint a surveyor for (see bills H. R. No. 304.) Van Tassell, Jacob [Petitions from] Vermont, inhabitants of Middlebury, auction system do Brattleboro', auction system 4 58 5 8 24 30 24, 41 260 357 204, 248 88 Sunday mail 99 100 113 the State, slavery District of Columbia Hinesburg do 179 Charlotte, post 181 the State, slavery District of Columbia 204 207 Rockingham do 207 St. Albans. &c. post 208 Brookfield. &c. Sunday mail 232 232 Buche, Newark, &c. &c. post - 233 Rutland and of Barton, Sunday mail - 265 Weston, Georgia. Halifax, &c. Slavery District of Columbia - 293 Cabot and of Pittsfield, Sunday mail 322 323 Vincent, Joseph Vickery, William Vine. John B.-see Gardipier et al. Virginia, inhabitants of Harrison and Lewis, post Norfolk, auction system Church-wardens of Elizabeth City Wabash river, report of survey of Walker, Tandy, relief granted to, (see bills H. R. No. 202.) 56, 62, 76 480 War, Secretary of, communicates a survey of the harbor of Nantucket Page. 221 240 240 a report or manual of Gen. Gaines on the dis- 240 the application of Capt. Beauleau, a French 240 241 253 a return of the militia of the United States a statement of appropriations for military ser- a survey of Roanoke Inlet 254 261 271,285 271 328 copies of accounts of Indian agents, superin- $44 a report in relation to the erection of buildings $65 a report of the expenditures and operations at $90 105, 111 Washington, Gen. George, his portrait offered to Congress for sale Washington City, purchase certain lots for public purposes - call for information respecting the disposal of wood given to the poor of continue authority of corporation to draw lotte- ries. (see bills H. R. No. 200.) Washington bridge, presentment of grand jury against draws of 249, 315 324 175 Wayne. Gen. allow his army against the Indians grants of land 124, 135 West Brook, survey of harbor of. (see bills H. R. No. 395.) White, Joseph M., his collection of French and Spanish laws re- lating to land titles in Florida Wilson, George, relief granted to, (see bills S. No. 79.) 201 282, 295 |