110 A bill to provide for the gradual increase of the Corps of Engi- 127 A bill to cede to South Carolina the jurisdiction over, and the title to, a tract of land called Mount Dearborn Title amended-An act to provide for ceding to the State of South 129 A bill authorizing a subscription of stock in the Washington 133 A bill to reform the penal laws in the District of Columbia 134 A bill concerning the government and discipline of the Peniten- 098 3 200 A bill to continue in force, the provisions of "An act to authorize 198, 221 198 202 202 209 382 383 389 390 390 202 209 381 382 384 389 202 209 381 382 383 390 202 209 381 382 383 390 247 A bill to enable Walter Wilson and John Tipton to purchase the 202 A bill for the relief of Tandy Walker 203 A bilt for the relief of William R. Maddox 206 A bill for the relief of the representatives of James A. Harper 207 A bill for the relief of Thomas Hunt Steamboat Company 210 A bill for the relief of Richard Harris and Nimrod Farrow 211 A bill for the relief of John Heard, jun. surviving assignee of Amasa Davis, jun. deceased 215 A bill for the relief of Richard Eppes 218 A bill for the relief of Archibald W. Hamilton 221 A bill for the relief of Benedict Joseph Flaget, Bishop of Bards- town 232 A bill to release the right of the United States to certain lands in 235 A bill for the relief of the legal representatives of Joseph Jeans, deceased 239 A bill for the relief of Robertson & Barnwell 240 A bill to provide for an exploring expedition to the Pacific and South Seas 66, 167 241 A bill for the relief of Jeremiah Walker, of the State of Louisiana 246 A bill to compensate the Register and Receiver, at Augusta, 248 A bill for the relief of John Gates, jun. 249 A bill for the relief of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore Clarke, deceased 284 287 251 A bill for the relief of Elijah L. Clarke, of Louisiana 261 A bill for the relief of Jared E. Groce, of the State of Alabama 266 A bill for the relief of Joel Byington 206 A bill for the relief of William J. Quincy and Charles E. Quincy 400 320 321 307 A bill for ascertaining the latitude of the southerly bend or ex- A bill to refund the moiety of the forfeiture upon the schooner Volant 308 soldiers, and for other purposes 312 A bill to preserve from injury and waste the school lands in the Territory of Arkansas kins, jr. deceased 313 A bill for the relief of Richard Biddle, administrator of John Wil- 315 A bill for the relief of Cecille Boyer, and the children of Muta- ma-go-quo, all of Indian descent 316 A bill for the relief of Elijah Carr 317 A bill to amend an act, entitled "An act to provide for certain 318 A bill for the relief of Nathaniel B. Wood 319 A bill to revive and continue in force, for a limited time, the act cates" A bill allowing to certain persons in Florida the right of pre- 322 A bill to amend an act, entitled "An act to grant certain relin- 323 A bill releasing the lien of the United States upon a tract of land 71 -- No. HOUSE BILLS-Continued. 324 A bill to authorize the citizens of Arkansas to elect certain officers 326 A bill to amend an act entitled "An act for the relief of purcha- 327 A bill to vest the title of certain lots of ground in the trustees for 328 329 330 A bill for the relief of Luther Chapin 331 A bill to establish a port of entry at Magnolia, in Florida 332 A bill for increasing the pay of the Captains and Masters Com- 333 A bill for the relief of John Long 334 A bill for the relief of Thomas Wheatley 335 A bill for the relief of Theophilus Cooksey 336 A bill for the relief of the heirs of Col. John Ellis, deceased 337 A bill for the relief of the heirs of Joseph Pierce, deceased 338 A bill for the relief of King and Thirber 339 A bill for the relief of Hyacinth Bernard 340 A bill for the relief of the heirs and legal representatives of An- 341 A bill to incorporate the Alexandria Canal Company 342 A bill for the relief of Amos Binney 343 A bill for the relief of Orson Sparks and John Watson |