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[Main references are to items except as otherwise indicated]

Booth, John Wilkes, 49

Borch, Fred, 168 n.

Border Development and Friendship, United
States-Mexico Commission for, 451

Boston College alumni, 206 n.

Boston Red Sox, 429
Boundary and Water Commission, United
States and Mexico, International, 47,
303, 408 [2,8], 451, 454 n.

Boutin, Bernard L. (Small Business Admin-
istrator), 325 n., 412

Bow, Repr. Frank T., 85 n.

Bowers, Dr. Raymond, 416 n.
Bowles, Chester, 33

Boy Scouts of America "Report to the Na-

tion," 41

Boyd, Alan S. See Transportation, Secretary


Boyd, Mrs. Alan S., 5

Boyd, Forrest, 278 n.

Boys, National Training School for, 15
Boys Nation, 323

Bradley Field, Conn., 222, 223
Brandeis, Louis D., 3 (p. 6), 35, 105

Brandt, Willy (Vice Chancellor of West
Germany), 347, 348, 349, 351

Brasco, Repr. Frank J., 391

Brazil, 17, 44

President-elect Arthur da Costa e Silva, 17
Bretton Woods, N. H., monetary conference
(1944), 373

Brewster, Sen. Daniel B., 193, 286
Bridge of the Americas, 454

Bridge safety, 558

Bridwell, Lowell K., 6 ftn. (p. 17)
Briley, Beverly C., 115 n.
Brimmer, Andrew F., 81

Bringle, Vice Adm. William F., 567
Brinkley, Repr. Jack, 485 [1]
British Museum, 423

Broadcasters, National Association of Edu-
cational, 474

Broadcasting, Corporation for Public, 77,
Bronze Star, 475

Brooke, Sen. Edward W., 81, 326

Brosio, Manlio (Secretary General, North
Atlantic Treaty Organization), 521

Brown, Elizabeth Ann, 93 n.

Brown, George, 278, 404

Brown, Harold (Secretary of the Air Force),
9, 106

Brown, Winthrop G., 223 [8, 12]

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka,
Kans., 55

Brownell, Herbert, Jr., 68

Bruce, Mrs. Mellon, 470

Bryant, Farris. See Emergency Planning, Of-
fice of, Director

Bryant, William Benson, 81
Buchanan, James, 115

Buddha, 459

Budget, 16 (p. 89), 225 [3, 14], 330, 375

Administrative, 13 (pp. 41, 43, 45, 46, 59),
358 [12]

Appropriations, 417, 495 [9]

Cash budget, 13 (pp. 41, 45, 59)
Cutbacks, 6 [2, 6, 7, 9, 12] 358, [12], 417

[10, 13], 460 [12], 556

Deficits, 6 [13], 13 (pp. 41, 43, 45, 56),
312 [4], 329, 330 [1], 343, 358 [12],
362, 374, 420, 495 [9], 503, 518 [9],

District of Columbia, 15, 71

Fiscal 1967, 3 (p. 8), 6 [3], 23, 27, 120,

140, 211, 217

Fiscal 1968, 3 (p. 8), 13, 16 (p. 77), 77,
85, 98, 114, 121, 163, 329, 410, 411
[10], 417 [1], 518 [6, 91, 546

Fiscal 1969, 518 [4, 6], 546
Messages to Congress, 13, 329
National income accounts, 13 (pp. 41, 45,

59), 16 (pp. 76, 77), 339 [1]

News conference, 6

Budget, Bureau of the, 223 [7], 225 [22],
315 n., 346

Budget, Bureau of the, Director (Charles L.
Schultze), 14 n., 77, 85, 88, 92, 103, 114,
121, 124, 157, 163, 184, 232, 294, 295,
329, 330 [4], 343, 358 [12], 379, 417
[1], 420, 458, 518 [9], 554 [13]

[Main references are to items except as otherwise indicated]

Budget, Bureau of the, Director-Continued
Memorandums, 89, 186

[blocks in formation]

Bunche, Ralph J., 81

Bundy, McGeorge, 184, 255, 375 [17]
Bundy, William P., 219, 352, 562
Bunker, Ellsworth, 126-128, 130 n., 131, 134,

166, 352, 461, 490, 493, 503, 526, 567
News conference remarks, 132 [1, 4, 7,

13], 225 [2], 309 [1], 358 [2], 460
[11], 495 [6, 13, 14]

Buntin, Mrs. Horatio B., 115

Bunting, Mrs. Mary, 500

Burlingame, Anson, 213

Burma, 409

Burns, Gov. John A., 555

Burns, John J., 251

Busby, Horace, 87 n.

Business, 121, 524, 554 [13]

Community development, 114

Cooperation. See Government coopera-
tion with business, education, and

Depreciation allowances, 329

Executives, foreign policy conference, 519
Inventories, 16 (p. 78)

Loans, 427

Small, 427, 504

Tax increases, reactions, 330 [7]
Technical services to, 13 (pp. 51,57)
Business Council, 524

Business and Labor, Department of, pro-
posed, 3 (p. 4), 11, 13 (p. 57), 16 (p.
86), 121, 148

Byrd, Sen. Robert C., 216, 405

Byrne, Repr. James A., 291, 330 [1, 4], 495
[9], 518 [5]

C-5A transport aircraft, 13 (p. 48)

Cabinet, 221, 315, 417 [10, 14], 460 [1], 500,

518 [16], 556

Cabinet Committee on Balance of Payments,


Cabinet Committee on Federal Staff Retire-
ment Systems, 25
Caglayangil, Ihsan Sabri, 162

Cain, Dr. James C., 500

Calhoun, John C., 68, 115

Califano, Joseph A., Jr., 6 [17], 157, 343 ₪.,
379, 380 n., 391

California, 418, 485 [2-4]
Democratic Party, 281
Water desalination, 227

California, Metropolitan Water District of
Southern, 284

California Youth Authority, 35
Calkins, Robert D., 184

Cam Lo, South Vietnam, 446

Cam Ranh Bay, South Vietnam, I4, 25, 134,

446, 568 n., 573

Visit, 566, 567

Cambodia, 480, 132 [3, 4]

Cameroon, 444

Foreign Minister Benoit Binozi, 444
President El Hadj Ahmadou Ahidjo, 444

Camp, William B., 85

Camp David, Md., 272

Camp Pendleton, Calif., 485 [3, 4], 493

Camp Springs, Md., 193

Campaign Costs, President's Commission

[blocks in formation]

[Main references are to items except as otherwise indicated]

Canberra, Australia, 560-564
Cancer, 6 [15], 77, 319, 477,
Candidacy for reelection (1968), 104 [13],
225 [19], 411 [9], 495 [8], 518 [17],
554 [9]

Cantinflas (Mario Moreno Reyes), 449
Cape Lookout National Seashore, N.C., 20
Capital Housing Authority, National, 180
Capital Planning Commission, National, 15,


Capital Transportation Agency, National,
15, 154

Capitol Page School, graduation, 262

Car Dealers Association, Baltimore New,

Cardenas, Col. Robert L., 485 [6]

CARE (Cooperative for American Remit-
tances to Europe), 33, 153

Carlson, Sen. Frank, 32
Carnegie Commission, 474
Caroline Islands, 360
Carpet tariffs, 428

Carr, Thomas W., 201

Carrillo Flores, Antonio, 447, 449, 452, 454 ₪.
Carrillo Flores, Mrs. Antonio, 447, 449, 452
Carroll, Lewis, "Alice in Wonderland," 431
Carter, Dr. H. E., 37 n.

Cartmill, George E., Jr., 419 n.
Casals, Pablo, 484

Casey, Richard G. (Governor-General of
Australia), 239, 561

Cash budget, 13 (pp. 41, 45, 59)
Cassidy, Gloria, 275

Cassidy, Robert C., 458 n.

Castro, Fidel (Premier of Cuba), 395
Cattle. See Livestock

Cavanagh, Jerome P., 321, 322, 325, 328 [5,

Celler, Repr. Emanuel, 68, 251

Census, Bureau of the, 270, 460 [2], 463, 498
Center for Advanced Study in the Health
Sciences, Fogarty International, 217
Center for Advanced Study in the Visual

Arts, 470

Center for Deaf-Blind Youth and Adults,

National, 77, 413

Central American Common Market, 44
Central American Integration Fund, 44
Central Intelligence Agency, 116, 104 [6],


Central Intelligence Agency, Director (Rich-
ard Helms), 147, 255

Central Radio Propagation Laboratory, 31 n.
Central Texas College, Killeen, Tex., 532
Central Treaty Organization, 109
Cereals Arrangement, International, 33
Certificates, participation, 13 (p. 44), 329,
330 [1], 420

Chafee, Gov. John H., 222 n., 223 [2, 3]
Chaffee, Lt. Comdr. Roger, death, 19, 38
Chamberlin, Guy W., Jr., 458 n.

Chamizal boundary settlement, United
States-Mexico, 447, 451-454

Chamizal Convention of 1910, 453
Chamizal Convention of 1963, 454
Champassak, Sisouk Na, 439
Chanceries in District of Columbia, 71
Chandler, Mrs. Norman, 526

Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan, 37 n.
Chapman, Lt. Gen. Leonard F., Jr., 518 [1,7]
Charleston, W. Va., 514

Charter, U.N. See United Nations
Chena River, Alaska, 369

Chesapeake Bay, 101

Chiang Kai-shek (President of the Republic
of China), 212 n., 540

Chiang Kai-shek, Madame, 212 n.
Chicago, Ill., 114

Mayor Richard J. Daley, 216, 223 [10], 515
Chicago, University of, 391

Chief Justice of the United States (Earl
Warren), 18, 52, 105, 146, 263, 278, 387,
394, 395, 443, 450, 470
Dinner honoring, 7

Chiefs of Police, International Association

of, 382, 385

Chiefs of Staff. See Joint Chiefs of Staff
Child Nutrition Act of 1966, 405
Child Protection Act of 1966, 57, 200

AFDC (aid to families with dependent
children), 16 (p. 83), 39

Birth defects, 214 n.
Day care programs, 15
Disadvantaged, 16 (p. 82), 39, 53, 55, 77,

114, 292

Education, 3 (pp. 2, 5), 13 (p. 55), 15,

16 (p. 85), 53, 55, 77, 110, 114, 183,
222, 286, 292, 423, 452, 479, 532, 540

[Main references are to items except as otherwise indicated]
Chow Shu-kai, 219


Foster grandparent programs, 12, 114
Handicapped, 13 (pp. 55, 59), 39, 77, 260,

Health and welfare, 13 (p. 53), 16 (pp.
75, 85), 39, 57, 63, 77, 86, 160, 176, 200,
222, 251, 353, 405

Labor, 39

Medical care, 13 (p. 60), 39, 114
Mentally ill, 285

Message to Congress, 39, 40
Preschool program. See Project Head Start
Recreational facilities, 160, 203, 209
School lunch and milk programs, 15, 39,
63, 228, 353, 405

"Share Your Summer" program, 209
Toy safety, 200, 393, 465

Children, National Advisory Council on the
Education of Disadvantaged, 77, 183 n.
Children's Bureau, 39, 114

Children's Hospital, District of Columbia, 15
Chile, 44

China, Communist, 272, 409, 519, 554 [1]
Cultural revolution, 219
Foreign policy, 554 [14]
Nuclear arsenal, 491

Premier Chou En-lai, 225 [8]
U.N. membership question, 219

U.S. relations, 3 (p. 13), 225 [18], 312
[15], 554 [14]

Vietnam conflict role, 34 [2], 358 [7]
China, Republic of, 44, 272

Ambassador Chow Shu-kai, 219
Economic and social development, 212,

[blocks in formation]

Christian, George E., 50 n., 69 n., 70 [4], 79,

132 [1], 204, 254 n., 255 n., 263, 264 ftn.
(p. 612), 269, 297 [9], 312 ftn. (p. 699),
318 n., 325, 328 [1], 371 n., 375 ftn.
(p. 821), 404, 411 [1, 3, 4], 472 n., 518
[2], 529

Christian Leadership, Inc., International,
32 n.

Christmas messages

American people, 573

Armed Forces, 549

Christmas Tree, National Community, 544
Christopher, Warren, 269, 325, 335

Chung, Il Kwon (Prime Minister of South
Korea), 111-113

Church, Sen. Frank, 262

Churchill, Sir Winston S., 134, 246, 249, 407,
485 [5]

Cieplinski, Michel, 397

Cigarroa, Dr. Leonides G., 419 n.
Citations. See Awards and citations
Cities. See Urban areas

Citizens' Advisory Committee on Recreation
and Natural Beauty, 295

Citizens for Johnson and Humphrey, 421 n.
Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, 451, 454

Civil air agreement, United States-Soviet, 80

Civil disorders, 55, 225 [1], 264 [8], 327,
328 [5, 19], 328 [7], 382, 420, 481, 554

Address to the Nation, 326

Detroit, Mich., 321, 322, 325, 326, 328 [2],
331, 466

Disaster relief, 325, 328 [20]
Newark, N.J., 312 [6]
Plainfield, N.J., 312 [6]
Prevention and control, 575
Riot control training, 326

Civil Disorders, National Advisory Commis-
sion on, 326, 327, 328 [1, 10, 23]
Civil rights, 3 (pp. 2, 5), 81, 105, 115, 124,
146, 216, 267, 333, 382, 421, 443, 452,
463, 481, 484, 534, 554 [6]

[Main references are to items except as otherwise indicated]

Civil rights-Continued
Jury selection, 55

Legislation, 55, 81, 114, 251, 258, 291, 484
See also specific acts

Medicare, compliance under, 298
Negroes, 81

Civil Rights, Commission on, 55
Civil Rights Act of 1957, 55, 298
Civil Rights Act of 1960, 55

Civil Rights Act of 1964, 12, 55, 77, 216,
333, 548

Civil rights bill of 1967, 55, 56, 353, 358 [3]
Civil Service Commission, 95 n., 121, 148,
265, 379, 502

Civil Service Commission, Chairman (John
W. Macy, Jr.), 95, 121, 163, 184, 232,
343, 379, 388, 546

Civil War, 49, 115, 361, 487, 495 [11]
Civilian Conservation Corps, 258

Clark, Edward, 248, 551, 562

Clark, James Beauchamp (Champ), 495 [14]

Clark, Dr. James W., 117

Clark, Sen. Joseph S., 291

Clark, Gen. Mark W., 104 [12]

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


Columbus, Christopher, 515, 533

Combined Federal Campaign, 288
Comfort, Texas, 493

Commerce, Department of, 8, 31, 103, 104
[1], 139 n., 225 [9], 268, 412, 428
Appropriations, 417 [1]

Reorganization, 3 (p. 4), 11, 13 (p. 57),
16 (p. 86), 121, 148

Commerce, international, 346
Commerce, Secretary of (John T. Connor),
6 [17, 18], 8, 31, 186
See also Connor, John T.

Commerce, Secretary of (Alexander B.
Trowbridge), 13 (p. 587), 70 ftn. (p.
221), 72, 74, 113, 199. 223 [2], 231, 295,
420, 460 [1], 498, 499, 512, 539
Memorandums, 89, 412

Swearing in, 268

Commercial, Clerical, and Technical Em-
ployees, International Federation of,

Commission on Civil Rights, 55

Commission on Codes, Zoning, Taxation
and Development Standards, 4, 16 (p.


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