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[Main references are to items except as otherwise indicated]

Defense, Department of-Continued
Project Transition, veterans, 345
Spending. See Defense spending
Defense, national. See National security
Defense, Secretary of (Robert S. McNa-

mara), 25, 80 ftn. (p. 261), 92, 103, 116,
121, 134, 159, 163, 167, 189, 195, 205,
208, 232, 241, 248 n., 254 n., 255, 279,
286, 309, 310, 321, 322, 324, 326, 329,
331, 345, 352, 360, 372, 379, 384, 410,
420, 434, 485 [1−3, 5, 6], 492, 493, 529
Memorandums, 89, 412, 441, 504
News conference remarks, 6 [16-18], 70

[1, 3, 7], 104 [2, 12, 14], 132 [8],
204 [1, 2, 5], 225 [2], 312 [3], 358
[10], 375 [1, 2, 5, 6, 12, 19], 408
[1], 417 [14], 518 [4, 16]
Resignation, 518 [5, 13], 554 [15]
World Bank, nomination as President,
511, 518 [5], 554 [15]

Defense Contract Audit Agency, 315 n.
Defense Establishment, 511
Defense Planning Committee of the North
Atlantic Treaty Organization, 204 ftn.
(p. 497)

Defense spending, 13 (pp. 41, 43, 46), 16
(pp. 76-77), 193, 225 [3], 329, 330 [1],
417 [1], 524

Economic impact, 16 (p. 81)

News conference remarks, 6 [12, 13]
Defense Supply Agency, 315 n.
Deferments, selective service, 92

De Gaulle, Charles (President of France),
554 [5, 10]

DeGrove, John, 4 n.

de la Garza, Repr. Eligio, 408 [1, 5, 8]
Delaware, Gov. Charles L. Terry, 121 n.
Delinquency, National Council on Crime
and, 276

Dellinger, David, 554 [8]

Demilitarized Zone, Vietnam, 225 [20]
Deming, Frederick L., 371

Democratic Governors conference, 296, 297
Democratic National Committee, 34 [8],
150, 225 [19], 421

Democratic Party, 216, 281, 296, 514
Conferences, 514

Dinners, 150, 251, 270, 421
Finances, 281

Platform, 34, [4], 281, 296, 460 [14]

Democratic Party-Continued

Record in office, 150, 251, 296, 421, 514,

Demonstration cities. See Model cities pro-

Demonstration Cities and Metropolitan De-
velopment Act of 1966, 121

Dempsey, Jack, 315

Dempsey, Gov. John N., 222 n., 223 [1, 2,

Denmark, Prime Minister Jens Otto Krag,

Dennis, Dr. James L., 419 n.
Dent, Dr. Albert, 500

Dental care, 13 (p. 53), 16 (p. 85), 114
Denton, Texas, 408 [1]

Department of Defense Appropriation Act,
1968, 410

Department of the Interior and Related
Agencies Appropriation Act, 1968, 417

Department of Transportation Act of 1966,

Departments of Labor, and Health, Educa-
tion, and Welfare Appropriation Act,
1968, 217 n., 479

Departments of State, Justice, and Com-
merce, the Judiciary, and Related Agen-
cies Appropriation Act, 1968, 482
Deposit Insurance Corporation, Federal,
16 (p. 87)

Depreciation allowances, 6 [13, 17], 104
[1], 329

Message to Congress, 103
Depressions, 156, 286

Deschutes National Forest, Oreg., 418
Desegregation. See Integration

De Seynes, Philippe, 230

Des Moines, Iowa, 358 [9]

Detachment ALFA, Mine Squadron Eleven,
USN, 424

De Tocqueville, Alexis, 349 n., 415
Detroit, Mich., 114, 535

Civil disorders, 328 [2], 466

Armed Forces use, 321, 322, 328 [2],

[blocks in formation]

[Main references are to items except as otherwise indicated]

Developing nations, 495 [5]
Agricultural programs, 33
Assistance, 13 (p. 49), 16 (p. 80), 157,
175, 271, 346, 423, 442, 491, 519, 545
Economic and social development, 13 (p.
49), 16 (p. 80), 390, 442, 545
Food needs, 13 (p. 49), 33, 272, 448, 476

Health, 13 (p. 49)

Investments, 469

Population, 272

United Nations aid, 488

Development, International Bank for Re-
construction and, 13 (p. 49), 33, 44,
153, 401

Development, National Advisory Council on
Education Professions, 396
Development, Organization for Economic
Cooperation and, 33, 44

Development, United Nations Conference
on Trade and, 100

Development Association, International, 13
(p. 49) 16 (p. 80)

Development and Resources Corporation, 73
Development Standards, Commission on

Codes, Zoning, Taxation and, 4, 16 (p.

De Vries, Lucien (Governor of Surinam),

Diaz Ordaz, Gustavo (President of Mexico),

47, 70 [4], 408 [1, 7], 453, 454 n.

Visit, 447, 448, 449, 451, 452

Diaz Ordaz, Mrs. Gustavo, 447, 449, 449 n.,
451, 452, 453

Dickinson, John, 68

DiLuzio, Frank C., 227

Diori Hamani (President of Niger), 400, 403
Diori Hamani, Madame, 400, 403

Dirksen, Sen. Everett McK., 6 [17], 7, 236,
278, 495 [14], 546
Dinner honoring, 502
Disabled. See Handicapped persons
Disadvantaged Children, National Advisory

Council on the Education of, 77, 183 n.
Disarmament. See Arms control and disarm-

Disarmament Agency, United States Arms
Control and, 59

Disarmament Committee, Eighteen-Nation,
64, 80 [2], 204 [4], 340, 365, 367

Disaster relief, Detroit civil disorders, 325,
328 [20]

Disaster Relief Act, 325 n.

Disaster Warning System, National, 31 n.
Disasters, natural

Earthquake, Alaska, 369
Floods, 300

Alaska, 369

Mexico, 408, 447, 449, 451

Texas, 408


Mexico, 408

Texas, 408

Prediction and control, 31 n., 120, 303, 329,
408 [5]

Relief, 133 n., 138, 369, 408, 449, 451
Tornadoes, Midwest, 187

Disease prevention, 6 [15], 13 (pp. 53, 59),
77, 110, 271, 286, 477, 479, 520, 532,
554 [12]

See also specific diseases

Disosway, Gen. Gabriel P., 485 [7]
Dissent, right of, 495 [13], 502, 554 [8]
Distinguished Federal Civilian Service,
President's Award for, 317

Distinguished Service Medal, 308, 567
District of Columbia, 307, 377, 406
Budget, 15, 71, 247
Chanceries, 71

Commissioner Walter N. Tobriner, 372 n.
Commissioner Walter E. Washington,

406, 411 [1], 466, 544, 575
Congressional representation, 71
Council, swearing in, 406, 466
Courts, 15, 71, 350

Crime, 15, 27, 71, 337, 466, 575
Education, 15, 350, 399

Reorganization, 71, 225 [22], 247, 307,

337, 339, 341

Safety award, 265

Health and welfare, 15, 71, 574
Home rule, 13 (p. 56), 15, 71, 247
Housing, 15 n., 180, 372
Medicaid participation, 574
Messages to Congress, 15, 71, 247
Police, 15, 27, 71, 441, 466
Recreation, 15

Transportation, 15, 71, 154

[Main references are to items except as otherwise indicated]

District of Columbia-Continued

Vietnam peace demonstrations, 441
District of Columbia, President's Commis-

sion on Crime in the, 15, 27, 71

District of Columbia Bureau of Criminal
Statistics, 71

District of Columbia Council on Human Re-

lations, 15

District of Columbia Department of Correc-
tions, 71

District of Columbia General Hospital, 15
District of Columbia Judicial Council, 71
District of Columbia Public Library, 15
District Youth Services Office, 71
Dixon, James, 193

Doar, John, 328 [19]

Dobrynin, Anatoly F., 18 n., 279, 282, 425
Docking, Gov. Robert B., 485 [6]
Dolby, Mr. and Mrs. Charles L., 407 n.
Dolby, Daniel, 407 n.
Dolby, Sgt. David C., 407
Dole, Repr. Robert, 33

Dollar stability, 411 [11], 417 [5], 524
Dominican Republic, 44, 100, 261, 436
President Joaquin Balaguer, 436

Dominican Republic-Puerto Rican Economic

Commission, Joint, 436

Domino theory, 519

Donahue, Thomas R., 97

Donovan, William J., 502

Doran, Adron, 396 n.

Dorn, Repr. W. J. Bryan, 374

Doughboy Station, Fort Benning, Ga., 485

Douglas, John W., 411 [2]
Douglas, Paul H., 4, 16 (p. 84)
Douglas, Justice William O., 256

Downing, Repr. Thomas N., 485 [8]
Downs, Anthony, 4 n.
Doyle, Jack, 324 n.

Draft. See Selective Service System
Drapeau, Jean, 237

Drico Oil Tools, Inc., 231 n.

Driver, William J. (Administrator of Vet-
erans Affairs), 25, 161, 374, 493
Drug Administration, Food and, 35, 57, 77
Drugs, 3 (p. 7), 12

Addiction, 35, 285, 382

[blocks in formation]

East-West relations, 162

Ebert, Dr. Robert H., 500
Eckler, A. Ross, 498

Eckstein, Otto, 87 n.

Economic Advisers. See Council of Economic

Economic Affairs, Joint United States-Japan
Committee on Trade and, 381, 491
Economic assistance, 44, 423, 442, 469, 489
China, Republic of, 219

Developing nations, 13 (p. 49), 491
Iran, 509

Message to Congress, 44
Middle East, 264 [10]

Economic Commission, Joint Dominican Re-
public-Puerto Rican, 436

Economic Cooperation and Development,
Organization for, 33, 44

Economic Development Act of 1965, 223 [4]
Economic growth. See Economy, national
Economic Opportunity, National Advisory
Council on, 87 n., 114

Economic Opportunity, Office of, 13 (p. 54),
27, 77, 114, 193, 199, 203, 412
Appropriations, 55

Report to Congress, 277

[Main references are to items except as otherwise indicated]

Economic Opportunity, Office of, Director
(R. Sargent Shriver, Jr.), 12, 39, 77,
87 n., 114, 199, 211, 258, 259, 286, 291
Memorandums, 259, 412
Economic Opportunity Act of 1964, 15, 87,
91, 114, 199, 353, 378
Economic Opportunity Amendments of
1967, 114, 119 n., 358 [3]
Economic Opportunity Council, 114
Economic Report to Congress, 16

[blocks in formation]

207, 310

Vietnam conflict, 6 [12], 13 (p. 40), 16

(pp. 74, 75, 77, 87), 89, 430, 524
Inflation. See Inflation

Messages to Congress, 16, 329

News conference remarks, 6, 70 [6], 312

[4], 375 [11], 417 [5], 554 [13]
Stabilization, 430

Statistics, 13 (p. 57), 121

See also Fiscal and monetary policy
Economy measures. See Cost reduction

Edison, Thomas, 388

Education, 13 (p. 55), 81, 82, 117, 185, 266,

267, 270, 286, 413, 421, 423, 448, 490,
492, 493, 495 [5], 498, 532, 540, 554 [12]
Adult, 77, 277
Appropriations and expenditures, 13 (pp.
46, 55), 82, 201, 211, 223 [6], 258,
261, 266, 286, 291, 329, 423, 448, 452,

Children and youth, 3 (pp. 2, 5), 13 (p.

55), 15, 16 (p. 85), 53, 55, 77, 110,
114, 183, 222, 277, 286, 292, 423, 452,
479,532, 540


Cooperation. See Government cooperation

with business, education, and labor
District of Columbia, 15, 350, 399
Equal opportunity, 16 (p. 76), 554 [6]
Exchanges, international. See Exchange


Federal aid, 13 (p. 55), 16 (pp. 75, 82),
35, 67, 77, 114, 164, 193, 223 [6], 304,
378, 396 n., 490, 495 [5], 532, 534,

Foreign assistance, 44

Government employees, 121, 184
Health, 217

Legislation, 13 (p. 55), 77, 82, 204 [15],
216, 270, 286, 291, 358 [3], 413, 423,
452, 484, 490

Medical personnel, 15

Message to Congress, 77, 78

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Edwards, Corwin D., 342 n.

Egan, Gov. William, 369

Egypt. See United Arab Republic
Ehrenkrantz, Ezra, 4 n.

Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee,
64, 80 [2], 204 [4], 367

U.S. Representative, 64 n., 340, 365, 367
Eilberg, Repr. Joshua, 291
Eilers, Col. A. J., 210
Einstein, Albert, 266
Eisenhower, President Dwight D., 3 (p. 9),

16 (p. 88), 38, 44, 83, 99, 110, 143,
158 n., 233, 236, 248 n., 251, 281, 358
[10], 409, 425, 495 [14], 502, 510 n.,
515, 518 [3, 14]
Eisenhower, Milton, 474

Eisenhower Lock, St. Lawrence Seaway, 398
El Paso, Texas, 451, 452, 460 [2]

El Salvador, 44

[blocks in formation]

Electrification Administration, Rural, 13
(pp. 46, 51)

Electron volt accelerator, 515
Electronic eavesdropping, 3 (p. 6), 35
Elementary and Secondary Education Act of
1965, 13 (p. 55), 16 (p. 85), 39, 77, 120,
193, 199, 353, 532

Elementary and Secondary Education
Amendments of 1967, 204 ftn. (p. 502)
Eliot, George, 306

Elizabeth II, Queen (United Kingdom),

[blocks in formation]

Memorandum, 186

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 158, 323, 344, 347 n.,
364, 514
Emphysema, 20

Employer of the Year award, 388
Employment, 16 (p. 79), 81, 97, 276
Community action programs, 114
Construction industry, 199

Equal opportunity, 12, 16 (p. 76), 55, 95,
354, 548

Federal. See Government employees
Full employment, 16 (p. 82)

Handicapped persons, 199, 388, 413
Increase, 3 (p. 2), 13 (p. 39), 16 (pp. 72,
73, 88), 63, 97, 121, 199, 270, 354,
393, 534, 554 [13]
Military personnel, 199

persons, 12, 114, 199, 548
Public assistance recipients, 16 (p. 83), 114
Rural, 114

Skilled workers, 16 (p. 74)
Statistics, 57

State, 199
Students, 378

Teachers, 292, 396

Veterans, 345, 374, 432, 493

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