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49; Thirty-Seventh, 122; Thirty-Eizhth, 140; at Bor-
der State interview with the President, 211; views on
compensated emancipation, 213-217; amendment re-
lating to colored persons as witnesses, 213; to Colora-
do bill, 255; resolution relative to Cols. Jacob and
Wolford, 560.
MALLORY, STEPHEN R., Senator in Thirty-Sixth Congress, 48;
withdrew, 3; intermediary between Col. Hayne and
President Buchanan, 32; Secretary of Navy in Rebel
Provisional administration, 12, 400; in permanent ad-
ministration, 401; member of committee of secret Dis-
union Caucus, 392.

MANIFESTO of Southern Members of Congress, 37.
Manley, Judge, of North Carolina, opinion on habeas cor-
pus, 130

MANN, A. DUDLEY, Rebel Commissioner to England, letter
of to Earl Russell, 27; reported conversation with
Earl Russell, 27.

MANN, WM. D., report upon credentials of as representative,

MANNING, J. L., Commissioner from South Carolina to Loni-
siana, 11; received by convention, 4; vote on seces-
siou ordinance, 399.

MANSFIELD, JOSEPH K. F., Brigadier General, order of, con-
cerning fugitive slaves, 245.

MARCY, DANIEL, Representative in Thirty-Eighth Congress,

MARCY, WILLIAM L., Opinion on citizenship of colored per-
sons, note, 382.

MARQUE, letters of, bill to authorize, 377; rebel legislation,

MARSHALL, HENRY, Deputy in Rebel Provisional Congress,
11, 400; Representative in First Congress, 401.
MARSHALL, HUMPHREY, Representative in Second Rebel
Congress, 402.

MARSTON, GILMAN, Representative in Thirty-Sixth Congress,
48; Thirty-Seventh, 122.

MARTIAL LAW, Proclamations of, by Jefferson Davis, 121.
MARTIN, CHARLES D., Representative in Thirty-Sixth Con-
gress, 49.

MARTIN, EGBERT S., Representative in Thirty-Sixth Con-
gress, 49; address to the people of Virginia, 40.
MARTIN, THOMAS, Member of Peace Conference, 68.
MARVIN, JAMES M., Representative in Thirty-Eighth Con-
gress, 140.
MARYLAND, Vote for President in 1860, 1; in 1864, 623;
members of Peace Conference, 67; Thirty-Sixth Con-
gress, 48; Thirty-Seventh, 122; Thirty-Eighth, 140;
secession movement in, 9; State Conference Conven-
tion, 9; Howard County meeting and resolutions, 9;
Legislature on secession and recognition, 9, 397; pro-
ceedings of Legislature, 396-398; arrest of members,
152, 153; orders for, and report on, 153; emancipation
in, 200-211, 226, 227; law and military orders respect-
ing elections, 308-311; Governor Bradford's proclama-
tion, 300, 310; soldiers in the rebel army, 390; vote on
Free Constitution of, 460; provision respecting allegi-
ance of the citizen, 460; vote of Legislature on ratify-
ing the anti-slavery Amendment, 597.
MASON, CHARLES, Statement relative to the Tennessee pro-
test, 440.

MASON, JAMES M., Senator in Thirty-Sixth Congress, 48;

address of, to people of Virginia, 40; on voting on se-
cession ordinance in Virginia, 7; resolution on suspend-
ing certain laws in the insurrectionary States, 86; cor-
respondence respecting surrender of, to Great Britain,
338-342; comment of the London Times on, 342, 343;
Deputy in Rebel Provisional Congress, 400; retired,
401; expected in Baltimore during reign of terror,"
393; Benjamin's despatch to, on Peace, 455.
MASON, Mr., arrest of, 153.

MASSACHUSETTS, vote of, for President in 1860, 1; in 1864,
623; menibers of Peace Conference, 67; Thirty-Sixth
Congress, 48; Thirty-Seventh, 122; Thirty-Eighth,
140; "personal liberty" laws of, 44, 45-47; vote of
legislature on ratifying the anti-slavery amendment,

MATTHEWS, JOSEPH W., Commissioner from Mississippi to
Alabama, 11.

MAURY, M. F., recently discovered letters of, 390.
MAXWELL, AUGUSTUS E., Senator in First Rebel Congress,
401; Second, 402.

MAY, HENRY, Representative in Thirty-Seventh Congress,
122; arrest of, 152; resolution respecting arrest of
Baltimore Police Commissioners, 179; respecting re-
fusing counsel to prisoners in Fort Warren, 191; re-
specting interference of Major General Schenck with
freedom of religious worship, 182, 524; peace resolu
tions, 295, 296.

MAYNARD, HORACE, Representative in Thirty-Sixth Con-
gress, 49; Thirty Seventh, 122; substitu è of for con-
fiscation bill, 198, 199; reply to the President's appeal
to the Border States, 218.

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MCALLISTER, ARCHIBALD, Representative in Thirty-Eighth
Congress, 140.
MCBRIDE, JOHN R., Representative in Thirty-Eighth Con-
gress, 141.
MCCALLUM, JAMES, Representative in Second Rebel Con-
gress, 402.

MCCLEARY, DAVID W., Resolutions in Legislature of Mary.
land, 397.

MCC ELLAN, GEORGE B., Major General, President Lincoln's
allusion in Message to appointment of, as general-in-
chief, 135; order to General Banks for the arrest of
members of the Legislature of Maryland, 153; order
respecting President's emancipation proclamation, nole,
227; proclamation of, in Western Virginia, 244; order
promulgating and enforcing the President's order re-
specting seizure of supplies, 252; order of chief of staff
of, respecting election of 1861 in Maryland, 308, 309;
urged a draft in 1861, 274; letter on political adminis
tration, 385, 386; letter in favor of election of George
W. Woodward as Governor of Pennsylvania, 386; nomi-
nation of for President at the Democratic National
Convention, 420; letters of notification and acceptance,
420, 421; accepting membership in the McClellan Le-
giou, 421.
MCCLERNAND, JOHN A., Representative in Thirty-Sixth Con-
gress. 49; Thirty-Seventh, 122; resignation, 123; ad-
justment proposition, 54; member of Border State
Committee, 73; resolution on the war, 291.
MCCLURG, JOSEPH W., Representative in Thirty-Eighth
Congress, 140.

MCCUBBIN, Mr., arrest of, 153.

MCCURDY, CHARLES J., Member of Peace Conference, 67.
MCDOUGALL, JAMES A., Senator in Thirty-Seventh Congress,

122; Thirty-Eighth, 140; resolutions on General
Stone's arrest, 179, 180; on monarchical governments
in Central and South America, 353, and French occu-
pation in Mexico, 348, 349; amendment to enrollment
bill to abolish substitution, 264.

MCDOWELL, IRVIN, Major General, order to protect property
in Virginia, 251.
MCDOWELL, JAMES F., Representative in Thirty-Eighth
Congress, 140; resolution on arrests and habeas cor
pus, 183.
MCDOWELL, J. L., Letter of Attorney General Bates to, re
specting fugitive slave law, note, 235.
MCDOWELL, THOMAS D., Deputy in Rebel Provisional Con.
gress, 400; Representative in First Congress, 402.
MCINDOE, WALTER D., Representative in Thirty-Seventh
Congress, 123; Thirty-Eighth, 140.
MCKAIG, THOMAS J., Commissioner from Legislature of Ma.
ryland to Jefferson Davis, and report, 9, 10; votes in
Senate of Maryland, 396-398.

MCKEAN, JAMES B., Representative in Thirty-Sixth Con-
gress, 48; Thirty-Seventh, 122; resolution on compen.
sated emancipation, 209.

MCKEE, R., Secretary of Russellville (Kentucky) Con-
gress, 8.

MCKENNAN, WILLIAM, Member of Peace Congress, 68.
MOKENTY, JACOB K., Representative in Thirty-Sixth Con-
gress, 48.

MCKINNEY, JOHN F., Representative in Thirty-Eighth Con-
gress, 140.

MCKINNEY, ROBERT J., Member of Peace Conference, 68.
MCKNIGHT, ROBERT, Representative in Thirty-Sixth Con.
gress, 48; Thirty-Seventh, 122; agency in preventing
the removal of heavy guns from Allegheny Arsenal,
note, 35.

MCLANE, ROBERT M., Commissioner from Legislature of
Maryland to Jefferson Davis, and report, 9; Senator
Mason's desire to see, 393.

MCLEAN, J. B., Representative in First Rebel Congress,

MCLEAN, JOHN, Justice, President Lincoln's allusion to
death of, 131.

MCMAHON, JOHN ▼. L., proposed Member of Board of Pub-
lic safety in Maryland, 9.
MCMILLAN, JAMES P., Rev., protest of, in Louisville Pres-
bytery, 522.

MCMULLEN, FAYETTE, Representative in Second Rebel Con-
gress, 402; resolution on peace, 615.
MCPHEETERS, SAMUEL B., Rev. Dr., orders and correspond-
ence respecting, 533-537; proposed action concerning
in New York Synod, 466, 467.

MCPHERSON, EDWARD, Representative in Thirty-Sixth Con-
gress, 48; Thirty-Seventh, 122; clerk of House, Thirty-
Eighth Congress, 140.

MCQUEEN, JOHN, Representative in Thirty-Sixth Congress,
49; withdrew, 2; statement respecting forts in
Charleston harbor, 30; Representative in First Rebel
Congress, 402.

MCRAE, COLIN J., Deputy in Rebel Provisional Congress,
11, 400: appointed brigadier, and cotton loan agent at
Paris, 400.

MCRAE, JOHN J, Representative in Thirty-Sixth Congress, | MILLER, H. H., Commissioner from Mississippi to Texas, 11.
49; withdrew, 3; Representative in First Rebel Con- MILLER, SAMUEL A., Representative in First Rebel Con-
gress, 401.
gress, 402; Second, 402,

MEDIATION, 345-348-see "Foreign Mediation."
MEMMINGER, CHARLES G., vote on secession ordinance, 399;
Secretary of the Treasury of the republic of South
Carolina, 2; report in South Carolina Convention, 15,
16; remarks of, 17, 18; Deputy in Rebel Provisional
Congress, 11, 400; Secretary of the Treasury under the
Provisional Administration, 400, under the Permanent
and resignation, 401; political history of, 401.
MENEES, THOMAS, Representative in First Rebel Congress,
402; Second, 402.

MENONITES, action of, on the state of the country, 603, 604.
MENZIES, JOHN W., Representative in Thirty-Seventh Con-

gress, 122; at interview of Border-State Representa-
tives and President Lincoln, 211; views on compensa-
ted emancipation, 213–217.

MERCIER, M., Letter of French Minister of Foreign Affairs,
to, respecting mediation, 345.

Mercury, Charleston, on Border State Embassies, 3; on
Peace Conference, 41; telegram in, respecting the dis-
union conspiracy, 391, 392.

Mercury, Mobile, on the "do nothing" policy, 112.
MEREDITH, S. A., Colonel, General McDowell's order to, 251.
MEREDITH, WILLIAM M., Member of Peace Conference, 67.
MERRYMAN, JOHN, arrest of, 154; proceedings in case, in-
cluding Chief Justice Taney's opinion, 154-158.
Metropolitan Record, excluded from Department of Mis-
souri, 192; Archbishop Purcell upon, 503.
MESSAGES, last annual, of President Buchanan, 49, 50; Pres-

ident Lincoln's first, 123–129; first annual, 129–136; se-
cond, 136-140, 220–229; third, 141-147; fourth, 555-558;
in General Stone's case, 180; on confiscation 197, 198;
compensated emancipation, 209; on District of Colum-
bia bill, 212, 213; on enrollment act, note, 263; on early
proceedings to save the Capital, 333, 334; vetoing bill
authorizing small notes, 359; relative to national
banking system, note, 362; on monarchical intrigues
in Central and South America, 343; the French Mex-
ican question, 349; the Arguelles case, 354, 355; trans-
mitting Hampton Roads Conference, 566-569; on Elec-
toral College bill, 579; Jeff. Davis's, 610, 612, 616, 618.
METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, General Conference of 1860,
494-496; of 1864, 497-499; Baltimore Conference of
1861, 496; protest of members of, 496; Western Virgi-
nia Conference of 1861, 496; President Lincoln's re-
sponse to resolutions of East Baltimore Conference of
1862, 496. IN INSURRECTIONARY STATES, facts respecting,
516; orders of President Lincoln and Secretary Stanton
for occupancy of churches, 521-523; Rev. Dr. J. P. New-
man's address at New Orleans, 523, 524; action of
Holston Conference, 546.

1862, 499, 500; action of Maryland Annual Conference,
West Virginia Conference, and Ninth Street Church in
Washington city, 499, 500.

MEXICO, the French occupation of, proceedings of Govern-

ment, 348-354; Mr. McDougall's resolution respecting,
348, 349; resolution of the House, and subsequent pro-
ceedings, 349-354; Mr. Murray's resolution respecting,
in Rebel Congress, 617.

MICHIGAN, Vote for President in 1860, 1; in 1864, 623; mem-
bers of Thirty-Sixth Congress, 48, 49; Thirty-Seventh,
122; Thirty-Eighth, 140; personal liberty law, 46, 47;
not represented in Peace Conference, 69; vote of legis-
lature on ratifying the anti-slavery amendment, 599.
MIDDLETON, GEORGE, Representative in Thirty-Eighth Con-
gress, 140.

MIDDLETON, MR., remarks in South Carolina Convention, 17;
vote on secession ordinance, 399.
MILES, District Attorney, Charleston, on sequestration,

MILES, WILLIAM PORCHER, Representative in Thirty-Sixth
Congress, 49; withdrew, 2; Deputy in Rebel Provis-
ional Congress, 11, 400; Representative in First Con-
gress, 402; Second, 402; vote on secession ordinance,
399; statement respecting forts in Charleston harbor,
32; declaration respecting secession, 53; on Beaure-
gard's staff, 401.

MILITARY Arrests, General Augur's order respecting, 87.
MILITARY COURTS, orders respecting, 154, 177; proposition to
limit the jurisdiction of, 561, 562, 563.
MILITARY Governors, letter of appointment, 179; power to
suspend the writ of habeas corpus, 179.
MILITARY Interference with elections, bill to prevent, 315,
316, 566.

MILITARY Legislation, summary of our, 115-117, 563-566.
MILITARY Legislation, summary of rebel, 117-121, 611-613,


MILITARY Orders respecting elections, 308-316, 415.
MILITIA, Bill to reorganize, in District of Columbia, 77; Da-
vis's opinion of militia of the States, 37.

MILLER, SAMUEL F., Representative in Thirty-Eighth Con-
gress, 140.

MILLER, WILLIAM II., Representative in Thirty-Eighth Con-
gress, 140.
MILLIGAN, SAMUEL, Member of Peace Conference, 68.
MILLS, BERNARD, arrest of, 153; motions and votes in Mary-
land Legislature, 396-398.
MILLS, JOHN T., interview with President Lincoln, 424.
MILLSON, JOHN S., Representative in Thirty-Sixth Congress,
49; member of Committee of Thirty-three, 53; ex-
tract of letter to James Barbour, 39.

MILLWARD, WILLIAM, Representative in Thirty-Sixth Con-
gress, 48; damages against, for seizing the West Ches-
ter Jeffersonian, 441, 442.

MINNESOTA, Vote for President in 1860, 1; in 1864, 6:3; mem-
bers of Peace Conference, 69; Thirty-Sixth Congress, 48,
49; Thirty-Seventh, 122; Thirty-Eighth, 140; vote of
legislature on ratifying the anti-slavery amendment, 599.
MISSISSIPPI, vote for President in 1860, 1; members of
Thirty-Sixth Congress, 48, 49; Deputies in Rebel Provis
onal Congress, 11, 400; members of First Congress,
401, 402; Second, 402; secession movement in, 3; inter-
State commissioners, 11; legislature on habeas corpus
bin, 399; men in the army, 399.

MISSOURI, Vote for President in 1860, 1; in 1864, 623; mem-
bers of Peace Conference, 67; Thirty-Sixth Congress, 48,
49; Thirty-Seventh, 122; Thirty-Eighth, 140; Depu
uties in Rebel Provisional Congress, 11,400; Members
of First Congress, 401, 402; Second, 402, 611; secession
movement in, 10, 11; seizures and surrenders of Uni-
ted States property, 28; ordinance of convention re-
specting elections, 314; military orders respecting
electious in, 314, 315, 445; proposed compensated
emancipation, 221-226; men in the rebel army, 399;
admission into the "Confederacy," 400; vote on abol-
ishing slavery in, 332; vote of legislature on ratifying
the anti-slavery amendment, 599; postponement of elec-
tion for Rebel Congressmen, 611.
MITCHEL, CHARLES B., Senator in First Rebel Congress, 401;
in Second, and death, 402.

MITCHELL, WALTER, proposed member of board of public
safety in Maryland, 9.

MITCHELL, WILLIAM, Representative in Thirty-Seventh
Congress, 122.
MONARCHICAL intrigues in Central and South America, ac-
tion on, 343.

MONTAGUE, ROBERT L., report in Virginia convention, 6;
vote on secession ordinance, note, 7; Representative in
Second Rebel Congress, 402.

MONTANA Territory, Bill to organize, 240, 241; proposed ne-
gro suffrage in, 240; prohibition of slavery, 254, 255.
MONTGOMERY, WILLIAM, Representative in Thirty-Sixth
Congress, 48.

MOORE, JAMES W., Member of bogus Legislative Council of
Kentucky, 8; Representative in First Rebel Congress,
401; Second, 402.


MOORE, LABAN T., Representative in Thirty-Sixth Congress,
MOORE, S. McD., vote on secession ordinance, note, 7; com-
missioner of Virginia in making military league, 8.
MOORE, SYDENHAM, Representative in Thirty-Sixth Con-
gress, 49; telegram south, 37; withdrew, 4.
MOORHEAD, JAMES K., Representative in Thirty-Sixth Con-
gress, 49; Thirty-Seventh, 122; Thirty-Eighth, 140;
agency in preventing the removal of heavy guns from
Allegheny Arsenal, note, 35; resolution on ineligibility
to office, 376.

MORAVIAN CHURCH, action of, on state of the country, 483.
MOREHEAD, CHARLES S., Member of Peace Conference, 68;
arrest of, 153.

MOREHEAD, JOHN M., Member of Peace Conference, 68; de-
puty in Rebel Provisional Congress, 400.
MORFIT, HENRY M., arrest of, 153; votes in Maryland Legis-
lature, 396-398.

MORGAN, EDWIN D., Senator in Thirty-Eighth Congress, 140;
amendment to enrollment bill, 265; remarks in open-
ing the Baltimore Union Convention, 403; Professor
Lieber's letter to, on amending the Constitution, note,
591, 592.

MORGAN, S. H., Representative in Second Rebel Congress,


MORRILL, ANSON P., Representative in Thirty-Seventh Con-
gress, 122.
MORRILL, JUSTIN S., Representative in Thirty-Sixth Con-
gress, 48; Thirty-Seventh, 122; Thirty-Eighth, 140;
member of the Committee of Thirty-three, 53; substi
tute for confiscation bill, 199; for emancipation bill,
200, 201; resolution on the war, 291.
MORRILL, LOT M., Senator in Thirty-Sixth Congress, note,
48; Thirty-Seventh, 121; Thirty-Eighth. 140; member
of Peace Conference, 67; amendment to Washington

city registry bill, 241; resolution on bailing arrested
persons, 183.

MORRIS, DANIEL, Representative in Thirty-Eighth Congress,
140; bill repealing fugitive slave laws 137.
MORRIS, EDWARD JOY, Representative in Thirty-Sixth Con-
gress, 48; adjustment proposition, 55.
MORRIS, ISAAC N., Representative in Thirty-Sixth Congress,
49; adjustment proposition, 73; resolution on the
Union, 75, 76.

MORRIS, JAMES R., Representative in Thirty-Seventh Con-
gress, 122; Thirty-Eighth, 140.

MORRISON, Captain, surrender of his vessel to rebels, 28.
MORRISON, WILLIAM R., Representative in Thirty-Eighth
Congress, 140; resolution on slavery, 259.
MORSE, FREEMAN II., Representative in Thirty-Sixth Con-
gress, 48: member of Committee of Thirty-three, 53;
of Peace Conference, 67.

MORTON, JACKSON, Deputy in Rebel Provisional Congress,
11, 400; vote on secession ordinance 399.
MORTON, OLIVER P., Governor of Indiana, signer of Altoona
address, 233.

MOSEEY, JOUN, commission of as major of partisan rangers,


MULATTOES, drafting in rebel States, 282.

MUNNERLYN, J. C., Representative in First Rebel Congress,


MUNROE, THOMAS B., Deputy in Rebel Provisional Congress,

MURPHY, ISAAC, Governor of Free State of Arkansas, 321;
votes and action in secession convention, 399.
MURRAY, JOHN P., Representative in Second Rebel Con-
gress, 402; resolution on Mexican question, 617.
MURRAY, United States Marshal of southern district of New
York, indicted by the Grand Jury for the arrest of Ar-
guelles, 355; proceedings in court upon, 355.
MURRETT, ROBERT T., arrest of, 153.
MYERS, AMOS, Representative in Thirty-Eighth Congress,
140; resolution relating to the war, 292.
MYERS, LEONARD, Representative in Thirty-Eighth Con-
gress, 140.


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NAVY, disposition of vessels in, during 1860, report on,
NEBRASKA, enabling act for, 377.
NEGOTIATION, John D. Baldwin's resolution against, with
rebels, 208, 299; Niagara Falls, 301-303.
NEGRO SUFFRAGE, Bills to authorize, in Montana Territory,

and Washington city, amendments to and votes upon,
240, 241; vote on proposed, in New York and Illinois,
note, 241; former in Tennessee, 383; proposed in re-
constructed States, 577.

NEGROES, enrollment of in "rebeldoni,” 282, 283, 427, 428;

draft of for military service, 282; to work on fortifica-
tions, 282; impressment of, in Georgia, 282; changing
sentiment in the Rebel Congress respecting the em
ployment of, in military service, 282; in the army, 282,
283; act of Rebel Congress respecting, 283; General
Magruder calls for, 283; legislation concerning negro
prisoners, 283; Richmond Inquirer on, 428. 429; the
Negro Soldier bill, and General Lee's letter, 611, 612.
NELSON. HOMER A., Representative in Thirty-Eighth Con-
gress, 140,

NELSON, THOMAS A. R., Representative in Thirty-Sixth Con-

gress, 49: member of Committee of Thirty-three, 53;
report of, 53; one of the Tennessee protesters, 458-441.
NESMITH, JAMES W., Senator in Thirty-Seventh Congress,
122; Thirty-Eighth, 140.

NEVADA TERRITORY, bill to organize, 89, 90; admission of,

as a State, 460; Senators and Representatives from,
559; vote of legislature on ratifying the anti-slavery
amendment, 600; voto at Presidential election of 1861,


NEW ENGLAND, proposition of Garrett Davis to divide,259.
NEW HAMPSHIRE, vote for President in 1860, 1; in 1864, 623;
members of Peace Conference, 67; Thirty-Sixth Con-
gress, 48; Thirty-Seventh, 121; Thirty-Eighth, 140;
personal liberty" law of, 44; Democrats of, Rich-
mond Sentinel's response to resolution of, 331.
NEW JERSEY, Vote for President in 1860, 1; in 1864, 623;
members of Peace Conference, 67; Thirty-Sixth Con-
gress, 48; Thirty-Seventh, 122; Thirty-Eighth, 140;
personal liberty" law, has no, 46: vote of legislature
on ratifying the anti-slavery amendment, 597.
NEWMAN, J. P., Rev. Dr., address of, at New Orleans, 523,



| NEW MEXICO, proposed admission of, 59.
NEW ORLEANS, open to trade, 149; loyalty of Episcopal and
Presbyterian Churche‹ in, 543-545.
NEWSPAPERS, exclusion and suppression of, 187; proceed-
ings, orders, presentments, reports, letters, arrests,
charges, resolutions, and decision respecting, 188-191,
441, 442; rebel limitations upon privileges of 177.
NEW YORK, vote for President in 1860, 1; in 1864, 623;
members of Peace Conference, 67: Thirty-Sixth Con-
gress, 48: Thirty-Seventh, 122; Thirty-Eighth, 140; of
"personal liberty" law, 46; negro suffrage in, note, 241 ;
vote of legislature on ratifying the anti-slavery amend
ment, 596, 597.
NEW YORK CITY, Mayor Wood's recommendation that it be-
come a free city, 42–44.

NEW YORK CONGRESSMEN, adjustment proposition of, 74.
NEW YORK DEMOCRATS, Lori Lyons's statement of views of,
respecting foreign mediation, 347; correspondence
with President Lincoln respecting Vallandigham's re-
lease, 167-175.

NEW YORK (Grant) Meeting, President Lincoln's letter to,


New York News, C. L. Vallandigham's letter to, 423.
New York Sun, adjustment proposition of, 75.
New York Times, on the disunion programme, 392.
New York Tribune, on the prospect of peace, 303.
NIBLACK, WILLIAM E., Representative in Thirty-Sixth Con-
gress, 49; adjustment proposition of, 54.
NICHOLAS, Judge, of Kentucky, proposition to amend the
Constitution, 255, 256.
NICHOLSON, A. O. P., Senator in Thirty-Sixth Congress, 48.
NISBET, EUGENIUS A., Deputy in Rebel Provisional Congress,
NIXON, JOHN T., Representative in Thirty-Sixth Congress,
48; Thirty-Seventh, 122; member of Border-States Com-
mittee, 73.
NOBLE, WARREN P., Representative in Thirty-Seventh Con-
gress, 122; Thirty-Eighth, 140; resolution of, respect-
ing the purposes of the war, 286; amendment of, to
the loan bill, 360.

NOELL, JOHN W., Representative in Thirty-Sixth Congress,
49; Thirty-Seventh, 122; adjustment proposition of,
51; on compensated emancipation in the border States,
211. 217, 218; bill to promote emancipation in Mis-
souri, 224, 225.

NORFOLK opened to trade, 149.

North American Review, President Lincoln's letter to pub-
lishers of, 336.
NORTH CAROLINA, vote for President in 1860, 1; members of
Peace Conference, 9; Thirty-Sixth Congress, 48, 49;
Deputies in Rebel Provisional Congress, 400, when
elected, 401; Members of First Congress, 401, 402;
Second, 402, 611; secession movement in Convention and
Legislature, 4; seizures and surrenders, 28; Supreme
Court refuse writs of habeas corpus to persons who had
furnished substitutes, 120; peace propositions in legis
lature, 304, 305, 619; resolutions on peace, 330; adjust-
ment proposition of “distinguished citizen," 75; men
in the army, 399.

NORTHWESTERN CONFEDERACY, Cincinnati Gazette upon the
intrigue for, 42.

NORTON, ELIJAH II., Representative in Thirty-Seventh Con-

gress, 122.

NORTON, JESSE O., Representative in Thirty-Eighth Con-
gress, 140.

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OATH OF ALLEGIANCE, bill requiring from lawyers, 602;
from Senators, note, 603.

OCHILTREE, WILLIAM B., Deputy in Rebel Provisional Con-
gress, 11, 400.

O'CONOR, CHARLES, Letter of George N. Sanders to, 330.
ODELL, MOSES F., Representative in Thirty-Seventh Con-
gress, 122; Thirty-Eighth, 140.

OFFICE, certain persons ineligibleto, act declaring, 376.
OFFICE, civil and military, incompatibility of, 375.
Oшo, vote for President in 1860, 1; în 1864, 623; members
of Peace Conference, 68; Thirty-Sixth Congress, 48;
Thirty-Seventh, 122; Thirty-Eighth, 140; no “personal
liberty" law, 47; vote of legislature on ratifying the
anti-slavery amendment, 598.

OHIO DEMOCRATS, correspondence with President Lincoln
relative to Mr. Vallandigham's return, 167-175.
OLDHAM, WILLIAM S., Deputy in Rebel Provisional Congress,
11, 400; Senator in First Rebel Congress, 401; Second,

402 views on sequestration, 205; resolutions respect- | PARKE, JOHN G., Major General, despatches at Hampton
ing peace, 616.

OLDEN, CHARLES S., Member of Peace Conference, 67.
OLIN, ABRAHAM B., Representative in Thirty-Sixth Con-
gress, 48; Thirty-Seventh, 122; opinion in habeas cor-
pus case, 562.

O'NEILL, CHARLES, Representative in Thirty-Eighth Con-
gress, 140.

O'NEILL, JOHN, Representative in Thirty-Eighth Congress,


OPINIONS of the Attorneys General-J. S. Black, upon the
powers of the President, 50-52; Edward Bates, on the
power of the President to make arrests and suspend
the writ of habeas corpus, 158-161; Caleb Cushing, on
inviolability of United States mails, 189, 190; Edward
Bates, on pay of colored chaplains, 279, 280; on pay of
colored soldiers, 384, 385; on citizenship of colored
persons, 378-384.

ORD, EDWARD O. C., Major General, despatches at Hamp-
ton Roads Conference, 567.

ORDERS, military, respecting elections, 308-316, 445.
ORDERS of Abraham Lincoln-see "Lincoln, Abraham."
ORDERS RESPECTING A DRAFT, of Secretary Stanton in 1862,
272; in 1864, note, 604.
ORDERS RESPECTING ARRESTS, of Secretary Cameron in Mary-
land Legislature, 153; General McClellan, 308, 309;
Secretary Stanton, 154; General Augur, 187; Generals
Butler and Wild respecting Rev. 8. H. Wingfield, 553,

cerning churches in the insurrectionary States, 521,
522; of Gen. Veatch in Memphis, 522; Gen. Schenck in
Baltimore, 524, 525; Generals Curtis and Schofield in
St. Louis, 533, 534, 535, 537; Generals Rosecrans and
Pope in St. Louis, 538, 564; Col. B. G. Farrar and Gen.
Brayman in Natchez, 538, 541; Generals Butler and
Bowen in New Orleans, 542, 543; Gov. Andrew John-
son in Nashville, 542; Gen. Wild in Norfolk, 542.

Gov. Andrew, 279; of Major General Palmer respect-
ing freedom of families cf, note, 564.
Maryland election of 1861, 308, 309; Generals Dix,
Schenck, Fry, and Tyler and Lieut. Col. Tevis, 309, 311,
312; Generals Burnside, Asboth, and Shackleford, and
Lieut. Col. Johnson, and Colonels Foster and Mundy
in Kentucky, 313, 314; Generals Hall, Schofield, and
Rosecrans in Missouri, 314, 315, 445.

Washington City Provost Marshal, (Brig. Gen. Andrew
Porter,) 245; Gen. Fremont, 246; Gen. Wool, 248;
Gen. Halleck, 248, and proposed censure of, 253, 254;
Gen. Hooker, 250; Gen. Doubleday, 250; Gen. T.
Williams, 251; Lieut. Col. Anthony, 251; Secretary
Stanton to Gen. Saxton, 252; Gen. J. M. Tuttle, 253;
Gen. Roberts, 253; Gen. Grant, 443, 444.

ERTY, of Gen. McDowell in Virginia, 251; Generals
Hartsuff and Boyle in Kentucky, 315.
ORDERS RESPECTING sale of fiRE-ARMS, of Gen. Heintzelman
in Columbus, note, 418.

ORDERS, REBEL, of Col. W. M. Churchwell, 121; Judah P.
Benjamin on bridge-burning and arrests, 187; respect-
ing emancipation, 118; for enrollment of persons be-
tween 17 and 50, 427; for enrollment of negroes in
Louisiana, 428; for revocation of details, 428.
OREGON, Vote for President in 1860, 1; in 1864, 623; not
represented in Peace Conference, 49; members of Thirty-
Sixth Congress, 48, 49; Thirty-Seventh, 122, 123; Thirty-
Eighth, 141.

ORR, JAMES L., commissioner to Washington, 2; correspond-
ence with President Buchanan, 29-32; commissioner
from South Carolina to Georgia, 11; received by Con-
vention, 3; Senator in First Rebel Congress, 401; Sec-
ond 402; objections to bill repealing substitute law,
121 vote on secession ordinance, 399.
ORR, JOHN A., Representative in Second Rebel Congress, 402.
ORTI, GODLOVE S., Member of Peace Conference, 68; Repre-

sentative in Thirty-Eighth Congress, 140; amendment
to the enrollment bill, 269.

OWENS, JAMES B., Deputy in Rebel Provisional Congress, 11,
400; vote on secession ordinance, 399.


PACIFIC Republic, intrigues for, 41; Shasta Herald upon,
41; San Francisco Bee, 42.

PAINE, E. T., Colonel, arrested for declining to return fugi-
tive slaves, 251.

PALMER, JOHN M., Member of Peace Conference, 68; Major
General, order announcing freedom of families of col-
ored soldiers, note, 564.

PALMER, GEORGE W., Representative in Thirty-Sixth Con-
gress, 48.

Roads Conference, 567.

PARKER, JOSEPH, bearer of Peace address from Great Brit-
ain, correspondence with Secretary Seward, 456.
PATTERSON, JAMES W., Representative in Thirty-Eighth Con-
gress, 140.

PATTERSON, Judge, East Tennessee, Benjamin's order of ar-
rest, note, 187.


PATTERSON, ROBERT, Major General, proclamation, 244.
PATTON, JOHN, Representative in Thirty-Seventh Congress,
PAY of colored soldiers, Opinions of Attorney General upon,
279, 280, 384, 385; proposed prohibition of pay to,


PAY of soldiers increased, 116, 272.

PEACE, Alexander II Stephens's letters on, 430, 431, 458, 459;
Wm. W. Boyce's, 431-433, 457; Herschel V. Johnson's,
433, 434; General Grant on, 434; Benjamin to Mason,
455; Davis in his last messages, 455, 456, 611; Alabama
legislature on, 456; Rebel House of Representatives on,
456; Address from Great Britain, 456; Hampton Roads
Conference, 566–572; correspondence of Generals Grant
and Lee on military convention, 572, 573; Garrett Da-
vis's proposition for, 573, 574; resolutions of Messrs.
Cox, Fernando Wood, Ingersoll, Townsend, Dawson,
and Williams, 574, 575: Niagara Falls Peace Negotia
tions, 301-303, and Horace Greeley's letter upon, 603;
propositions in Rebel Congress, 614-616; movements
in legislatures of North Carolina, Virginia, Alabama,
and Georgia, 619–622.

PEACE CONFERENCE, Propositions of, rejected in Virginia
Convention, 7; Washington telegram of Charleston
Mercury respecting. 41; delegates to, officers of, pro-
ceedings, and propositions, and votes in, 67-69; Con-
gressional votes on proposition of, 69, 70.

PEACE PROPOSITIONS IN CONGRESS, 294–300, 574, 575; corres-
pondence between President Lincoln and Fernando
Wood, 296, 297; Niagara Falls Conference, and New
Fork Tribune on prospects of peace, 301-303; Rich-
mond Examiner on, 399.

PEACE PROPOSITIONS, REBEL, in their Congress, and debate,
303-307, 614-616; in Senate of Virginia, 304, Legis'a-
tures of North Carolina, Virginia, Alabama, and Georgia,
304, 330, 619-622; Richmond press upon, 305.
PEARCE, JAMES ALFRED, Senator in Thirty-Sixth Congress,
48; Thirty-Seventh, 122; death, 123.
PEARSON, Judge, of North Carolina, opinion on habeas cor
pus, 120.

PENDLETON, GEORGE H., Representative in Thirty-Sixth
Congress, 49; Thirty-Seventh, 122; Thirty-Eighth, 140;
resolutions relative to Baltimore Police Commissioners,
180, alleged proposition of release to prisoners, 152,
arrest of Mr. Vallandigham, 182, and the objects of the
war, 286; remarks on newspaper exclusion from the
mails, 191, 192; nomination of, for Vice President at
Democratic National Convention, and remarks on ac-
cepting, 420; speech at Dayton, 421; in New York,
422; letters, 423.

PENNINGTON, WILLIAM, Representative in, and Speaker of
House, Thirty-Sixth Congress, 48.

PENNSYLVANIA, vote for President in 1860, 1; in 1864, 623;
members of Peace Conference, 67: Thirty-Sixth Con-
gress, 48; Thirty-Seventh, 122: Thirty-Eighth, 140; per-
sonal liberty law, 46, 47; decisions of Supreme Court
on enrollment act, 273, 274; of Judges on "legal ten-
der," 455; vote of legisiature on ratifying the anti-
slavery amendment, 597.

PENROSE, SAMUEL, arrest of, 153.

PENSACOLA, port of, opened to trade, 149.
PEOPLE'S COMMITTEE, address of, 410.
PEREA, FRANCISCO, Delegate from New Mexico, declaration
of, note, 590.

PERHAM, SIDNEY, Representative in Thirty-Eighth Congress,


PERKINS, JOHN, JR., Deputy in Rebel Provisional Congress,
11, 400; Representative in First Congress, 401; Second,
40.; reported offered and declined Secretaryship of the
Navy, 400.

PERRY, JOSEPH J., Representative in Thirty-Sixth Congress,
48; Member of Peace Conference, 67.
PERRY, M. S., Governor of Florida, message of, 2.
PERRY, NEHEMIAH, Representative in Thirty-Seventh Con-
gress, 122: Thirty-Eighth, 140.
PERRYMAN, JOHN D., one of the Tennessee protesters, 438-

PERSONAL liberty laws of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont,
Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey,
Pennsylvania, Michigan, Iowa, and Wisconsin, with
movements to modify or repeal, 44-47; complained of
in South Carolina Convention, 16; Alexander H. Ste-
phens upon, 24, 25; propositions in Senate Committee
of Thirteen, 70; resolution in House, 58, 75; remarks
of Senator Simmons upon, 47.

PETIGRU, JAMES L., argument on sequestration, 205, 206.

PETTIT, JOHN U., Representative in Thirty-Sixth Congress,
49; member of Border-State Committee, 73.
PETTUS, E W., Commissioner from Alabama to Mississippi,
117; received by Convention, 3.

PEYTON, BAILIE, National Intelligencer's statement respect-
ing in 1835, 390; one of the Tennessee protesters, 438-

PETTON, ROBERT L. Y., Senator in First Rebel Congress,
402; withdrawal, 402.

PEYTON, SAMUEL O., Representative in Thirty-Sixth Con-
gress, 49.

PHELAN. JAMES, Senator in First Rebel Congress, 401.
PHELPS, JOHN S., Representative in Thirty-Sixth Congress,

49; Thirty-Seventh, 122; member of Committee of
Thirty-three, 53: report, 58; views on compensated
emancipation, 213-217; vote for Vice President in
Democratic National Convention, 420.

PHELPS, TIMOTHY G., Representative in Thirty-Seventh
Congress, 122.

PHILADELPHIA FAIR, President Lincoln's remarks at, 337.
PHILLIPS County, (Arkansas,) purchase of United States
arme by, in 1860, 35.

PHILLIPS, WENDELL, Letter to Judge Stallo, 411; to Cleve-
land Convention. 412.

Picayune, New Orleans, on fall of Sumter, 114.

PICKENS, Colonel, of East Tennessee, Benjamin's order of
arrest, 187.

PICKENS, FRANCIS W., Governor of South Carolina, 2; cabi-
net, 2; proclamation announcing independence, 2;
deputation of, and instructions to Isaac W. Hayne,
commissioner to Washington, 32; course in caucus of
1835, 390.

PICKETT, J. T., secretary to rebel commissioners, 109,


PIERCE, FRANKLIN, Letter to Jeff. Davis, January 6, 1860,
391; named in Chicago Convention for nomination and
withdrawn, 420.

PIERPOINT, FRANCIS H., Governor of Virginia and signer of
Altoona address, 233.

PIKE, FREDERICK A., Representative in Thirty-Seventh Con-

gress, 122; Thirty-Eighth, 140; amendment to extend
enrollment to include persons of fifty years of age, 268.
PINCKNEY, J., request for special session of Maryland legis-
lature of 1861, 8.

PITTS CHARLES II., arrest of, 152; offer of negroes to Bal-
timore Police Commissioners, 393; motions and votes
in Maryland Legislature, 396-398.

PITTSBURG, excitement in, on attempted removal of guns
from Allegheny Arsenal, 35.
PLATFORMS, of Baltimore Convention, 406; of Cleveland
Convention, 413; of Union League, 410; of Democratic
National Convention, 419, 420; Vallandigham's letter
upon, 423; Conservative National Union men, 423.
POLICE Commissioners, Baltimore, arrest of, and reasons,
152; application to Congress, 179, 180; minutes of,
393, 394.

POLICEMAN DAVID DANEKER, of Baltimore, refusal to "conde-

scend" to pull down the American flag, and resigna-
tion, 394; William T. Butler resigned, 394.
POLLOCK, JAMES, Member of Peace Conference, 67.
POLK, LEONIDAS, Bishop, pastoral letters of, 515; commis.

sioned Major General Confederate" Army, with Bish-
op Meade's advice to, and Bishop Burgess's opinion of,
note, 515; allusion to in pastoral letter, 486; and death
of, note, 515.

POLK, TRUSTEN, Senator in Thirty-Sixth Congress, 48;
Thirty-Seventh, 122; telegram to Missouri, 39; amend-
ment to resolution on the cause of the war, 286; ex-
pulsion of, 123.

POLYGAMY, to prohibit in Utah, 376.
POMEROY, SAMUEL C., Senator in Thirty-Seventh Congress,

122; Thirty-Eighth, 140; proposition relative to repre-
sentation in the Electoral College, 578; relative to the
return of Arkansas to the Union, 586.
POMEROY, THEODORE M., Representative in Thirty-Seventh

Congress, 122; Thirty-Eighth, 140; substitute for loan
bill, 360; amendment to national currency bill, 364.
POOL, JOHN, resolutions on Peace in North Carolina legis-
lature, 619.

POPE, JOHN, Major General, modification of General Rose-
crats's Church Order, 554.

POPE, The, reply of to the Rebel Commissioners, 517.
PORTER, ALBERT G., Representative in Thirty-Sixth Con-
gress, 49; Thirty-Seventh, 122; motion and proposi-
tion on emancipation bill, 200, 201.

PORT KOYAL opened to trade, 149.

POSTMASTERS GENERAL, Opinions of, 188-191.

POSTON, CHARLES D., Delegate from Arizona, declaration of,

POTTER, JOHN F., Representative in Thirty-Sixth Congress,
49; Thirty-Seventh, 122; Member of Peace Confer-
ence, 68.

POTTER, R. B., General, President of the Vallandigham mili-
tary court, 162


POTTLE, EMORY B., Representative in Thirty-Sixth Congress,
POWELL, LAZARUS W., Senator in Thirty-Sixth Congress,
48; Thirty-Seventh, 122; Thirty-Eighth, 140; chair
man of Committee of Thirteen, 70; amendment to
Crittenden proposition, 65, 66; resolution on arrest of
Baltimore Police Commissioners, 179; arrests in Ken-
tucky, 180; dispersion of convention, 181; amendment
to indemnity bill, 185; propositions to abolish fishing
bounties, 375, 376; to amend the Constitution, 255, 256;
amendment to enrollment bill, 265; amendments to
bill to increase the pay of soldiers, 272; to bill to sup-
press insurrection, 275; to engineer bill, 276: to bill
for emancipation in Missouri, 225; to national cur-
rency bill, 364; bill to prevent interference in elections,
315, 316, 566; protest against the bill to punish con-
spiracies, 377, 378; declined as candidate for nomina-
tion for Vice President at Democratic National Con-
vention, and vote for Vice President, 420; proposed
resolution and bill respecting churches, 543; resolu-
tions relative to release of prisoners, 559, to arrests in
Kentucky, 560, to compensation of loyal slave-owners,
565; amendment to bill to allow bail in certain cases,
562; to bill to secure freedom of colored soldiers'
families, 565.

POWERS of the President, opinion of Attorney General
Black, 50-52; Chief Justice Taney, 155-168; Attorney
General Bates, 158-161.

PRATT, JAMES T., Member of Peace Conference, 67.
PRATT, THOMAS G., request for special session of Maryland
Legislature of 1861, 8; proposed member of board of
public safety, 9; Senator Mason's desired interview
with, 393.

473, 474.

PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, (NEW SCHOOL,) deliverances of 1861,
1862, 1863 and 1864, 468-472; remarks of President
Lincoln to Committee of, in 1863, 471; Secretary Stan-
ton's order for occupation of churches in insurrec-
tionary States, 522.

PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, (OLD SCHOOL,) deliverances of 1861,
1862, 1863, and 1864, 461-406; reaffirming the testi-
mony of 1818 on slavery, 465; dissent of the Presby-
tery of Louisville, 522. IN INSURRECTIONARY STATIS,
508-513; action of General Assembly in 1861, 508–512;
of 1862 and 1864, 512, 513; Union of old and new
schools, 513: on religious instruction of slaves, 5 3,
518: an East Tennessee church, 513; Secretary Stan-
ton's order for the occupation of churches in insurrec
tionary States, 522.

Synod in 1863 and 1864, 473.

President Lincoln in 1862, 472; resolutions of Synod
in 1-64, 472, 473.

PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, UNITED, deliverances of 1861 and
1862, 474 of 1863 and 1864, 507, 508; orders of Secre-
tary Stanton relative to churches of, in insurrectionary
States, 521, 522.

PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES, in New Orleans, loyalty of, 544,
545; in East Tennessee, 546; Cumberland Presby-
terian, 546.

PRESBYTERY, TRANSYLVANIA, of 1861, action respecting mar-
riage of slaves, 458.

PRESIDENT, ELECTION OF, Propositions to change the mode
and term, 54, 55, 57, 73, 87, 255, 256, 573.
PRESIDENT, powers of the, Attorney General Black, 50-52;
Chief Justice Taney, 155-158; Attorney General Bates,

PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION, of 1860, 1; of 1864, 623; Mr. Lin-
coln's estimate of actual result, 558, 623.
PRESS, freedom of the, Justice Story upon, 188; other pro-
ceedings respecting, 117, 188–194, 441, 442, 562.
PRESTON, JOHN S., Commissioner from South Carolina to

Virginia, 11; received by Legislature, 6; his denuncia-
tion of the Union, 6; telegram to Judge Hopkins, 40.
PRESTON, WALTER, Deputy in Rebel Provisional Congress,
400; Representative in First Congress, 402; Second, 402.
PRESTON, WILLIAM BALLARD, vote on secession ordinance,
7; Commissioner of Virginia in making military league,
8; delegate from Virginia Convention to President Lia
coln, 112; Deputy in Rebel Provisional Congress, 400;
Senator in First Congress, 401; retired, 401.

PRICE, HIRAM, Representative in Thirty-Eighth Congress,
140; resolution relative to furloughing drafted clergy-

men, 564.

PRICE, RODMAN M., Member of Peace Conference, 67; Jet-
ters of, in 1860, found in Fredericksburg, Va., 330.
PRICE, THOMAS L., Representative in Thirty-Seventh Coa
gress, 123; views on compensated emancipation, 213-
217; proposed resolution of, at Democratic National
Convention, 418.

PROCEEDINGS of the Government in relation to the secession
movement, 48-90.

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