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Including the Time between
August 14, 1819, and January 27, 1820.


Printed and Sold by William Benbow, 269, Strand.



But Doc 9000, B20.3


No. 1. A Letter to Messrs. Johnson, Bagueley, and Drummond, on their Imprisonment, and on the Line of Conduct which they ought to pursue; and on Political Shoy-hoys.

2. Letter IX. to Mr. Hunt, on the recent Tricks of the Boroughmongers, relative to their main Prop, their Paper-money.

3. Letter X. to Mr. Hunt, on the same Subject.

4. Letter IX. to Mr. Hunt, on the Workings of the Poor Laws.

5. Letter to Lord Viscount Folkestone, on the Proceedings in Parliament, during the Session of 1819, relative to the Paper-money.-Letter to Mr. Hunt, on the Confusion introduced by him at Mr. Peel's City Finance Meeting, &c.

6. Letter II. to Lord Viscount Folkestone, on the Proceedings in Parliament during the Session of 1819, relative to the Paper-money.

7. Letter XII. to H. Hunt, Esq. on the Meeting at the London Tavern, on the 18th of May, 1819, relative to the Bank Note affairs.

8. Letter to Sir. R. Peel, on the Petition presented by him against the Resolutions, in Parliament, relative to the Specie Payments.-Letter to Mr. Hunt on Paper-money affairs.

9. To the Female Reform Society of Blackburn.

10. Letter to the Prince Regent, on the wild and visionary Schemes of the Boroughmongers.

11. Letter II. to the Prince Regent, on his Proclamation against the Reformers.

12. Letter to the Middle Classes of England, on the benefits which Re

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form could produce to them.-Letter to Mr. Hunt.

13. Letter to Mr. James P. Cobbett, on Mr. Cobbett's Progress from Liverpool to London, and on the State of Public Affairs in England at that time.

14. Letter to the Earl of Liverpool, on the present State of the Country, and on the Measures proposed to be adopted at the present time.-Letter

to Mr. J. P. Cobbett, about Wright. 15. Letter II. to the Earl of Liverpool, on the Powers of Taxation to produce Misery; and on the Speech of Mr. Baring relative to the Taxes,

the Paper-money, and the Funds. 16. To the Reformers of the whole Kingdom, and Prospectus to the Daily Evening Post.

17. To the Female Reformers of the Kingdom.

18. To the Reformers of England, Scotland, and Ireland.

19. Letter to Earl Grosvenor, on his Speech of the 17th December last; on the Inducement for Englishmen with Families and with Capital to go to settle in the United States of America; and on the President's most important Speech of December last. 20. A Plan for the promotion of Sobriety and Frugality, and an abhorrence of Gaming.

21. To the Bishop of Landaff, on a Speech published in the Courier on the 11th of December last, purporting to be a Speech delivered by him on the 10th of that month, in which Speech is contained certain Remarks relative to the Subjects of Blasphemy and that of Paine's Age of Reason.


[blocks in formation]

Bagueley, 1.


Fitzwilliam, Earl, 361.

Files, M. 516.

Flower, Mr. George, 708.
Frend, Mr. William, 256.


Burdett, Sir F. 23, 24, 29, 47, 62, 124, Grenville, Lord, 28, 136, 141, 142, 140,

211, 233, 494.

Bagot, Mr. 49.

Brutus, 89.

Bourne, Mr. Sturges, 105.

Binns, John, 126.

Benbow, Mr. 125.

Bentham, Mr. Jerry, 127.

Becket, Mr. 199.

Baring, Mr. 246, 298, 450,, 465.
Burke, 254, 421.

Bedford, Duke of, 308.

Blackstone, Sir Wm. 327, 748.
Birch, 339.

Brougham, Mr. 362, 378, 488.

Bayley, Judge, 365.

Bennet, Mr. 378.

Barker, Jacob, 412, 504.

Birckbeck, Mr. 703.

Belsham, Mr. 725.

[blocks in formation]

Fox, Mr. 365, 422.

Fearon, Mr. 127.

Folkestone, Lord Viscount, 129, 143,

154, 161, 450.

Gillray, 2.

157, 221, 246, 305, 318.

Grenfell, 198.

Gifford, Wm. 199.

Goldsmith, 246.

Garnier, 284.

Grose, Judge, 305.

Grey, Mr. 423.

Grey, Lord, 466.

Grosvenor, Lord, 506, 779.

Gibbon, 635, 732.


[blocks in formation]

Hume, Mr. 299.

Hun, Mrs. 310, 369.

Holland, Lord, 466, 631.

Hulme, Mr. 631.

[blocks in formation]

Kotesbue, 88, 90.
Knight, Thomas, 15.

Kitchen, Alice, 258.


Landaff, Bishop of, 717.

Liverpool, Earl of, 221, 362, 417, 449.

Lamb, 359.

Lowndes, Lieut.-Col. 280.

Locke, Mr. 106.

Lauderdale, Earl of, 144.

Little Shilling, Lord, 185.

Lopez, Sir M. Μ. 638.

Morrell, 22, 23.

Minchin, 52, 67.


Malthus, 99, 111, 120, 492.

Mansfield, Mr. 107.

Milton, Lord Viscount, 254, 638,
More, Mrs. Hannah, 267.

Mansfield, Countess of, 278.
Macqueen, Major Potter, 280,

Maddocks, Mr., 334.

Moore, Peter, 378.

Mitchell, Judge, 385.
Manners, Mr. 533.

Monroe, James, 612.


Northington, Lord, 278,



Oliver, 199.

Saxton, S. 516.
Stewart, Peter, 533.

Ogden, "the revered and ruptured," Stewart, Daniel, 533.

Swann, Mr. 638.


Smith, Mr. Wm: 725.

Palmer, Fyshe, 23, 278.

Sandt, 88, 99.

Pitt, Mr. 31, 228, 237, 238, 255, 364,


422, 471.

Titus, Mr. 17.

Perkins, Mr. 49, 50, 54.

Tarquin, 89.

Paine, 92, 131, 231, 255, 364, 422, 471, Tell, William, 89.

599, 709, 730, 778.

Tierney, Mr. 175, 188, 232, 294, 423.

Peel, Mr. 121, 154, 155, 318, 362.

Temple, Earl of, 280.

Peel, Sir Robt. 195, 222, 226, 236, 248. Taylor, Mr. 466, 479.

[blocks in formation]

Sidmouth, Viscount, 133, 198, 221, 318, Wilberforce, Mr. 422.

Sebright, Sir J. 238, 247, 248.

Smith, Adam, 365..

Smith, Egerton, 391.

Spooner, Mr. 477.

York, Duchess of, 269.
York, Duke of, 269.

Yong, Madam De, 188.

Wright, Isaac, 573.


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Price 2s. 6d.

and Plough Boys..

COBBETT'S ENGLISH GRAMMAR. you look back into history, you Intended for the Use of Schools and of Young will find, that tyrants have, for Persons in general; but, more especially for the most part, been brought to the Use of Soldiers, Sailors, Apprentices, punishment by the immediate Upwards of 13,000 Copies of this Grammar exertions of those, who have have been sold in Six Months. The THIRD EDITION is Just Pablished smarted under their tyranny. Be by THOMAS DOLBY, 34, Wardour Street, of good cheer, therefore, You are Soho, London; and may be had of all Book. sellers, Newsinen, &c. in Great Britain and


In consequence of the illness of Mr. Wm. Cobbett, Jun. No. 35, of vol. 54, containing the remainder of Major Cartwright's Address, and the Title and Index to that volume, is for a short time postponed.



On their imprisonment; and on the
line of conduct which they ought
to pursue; and on Political

North Hampstead, Long Island,
30th June, 1819.


young men. The present active tyrants will, according to the course of nature, quit the world before you. But, the chances are, that, if you be prudent, and especially sober, you will see the effect of complete justice on their heads.

They sent me, or, rather, caused me to be sent to prison for the same length of time, that they have caused you to be sent to prison. At that time all was a deep gloom. The public mind was in darkness. One half of even good men thought my horrid punishment necessary, if not just. Then my punishment was, with many, a subject of jesting. There was one villain, whose name was GILLRAY, and who was pensioned by the Boroughmongers, who ca ricatured me looking through my prison walls. Some villains of farmers, then fat, riding by one of

THE news of the proceedings and sentence against you have reached me. They do not at all surprize me; for such things have taken place, in all ages and in all countries, during the struggles of the oppressed against the oppressors. Men should never despair of the Commonwealth; for, even in the hardest of their sufferings, my fields, where my men were there is a source of consolation; putting up a fence, cried out, seeing that, in the end, those suf- "wheer be the iron bars?" This ferings are always visited upon scoundrel race has been well the heads of the oppressors. If pinched since, and GILLRAY,

Printed by HAY and TURNER, 11, Newcastle Street, Strand,
For T. DOLBY, 34, Wardour Street, Soho,

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