which we pay here upon the cal licoes is taken off from the callicoes that go there; and, besides, as you will by and by see from the President's speech, the English goods are sold there at a great 10 71 M 701 9 loss. All coarse goods, whether that there are not more than about cotton or woollen or linen; all twenty five dirty days in a year; bedding stuff; can be made there and those are wet, rather than so cheap that our manufacturers dirty. Judge of the shoe wear with their present taxes to pay by this: I lived in the country: I cannot meet them in the same went about a great deal in all market; unless they sell their sorts of ways, and yet, during goods at a loss. But, besides five months in the year, I wore these articles of dress, the women shoes, the soles of which were like those of pomps, and the upperleathers of which were made of buck-skin, dressed in precisely the same way that the leather for buck-skin gloves is dressed. One pair of these yellow shoes lasted me two summers and they made excellent nt slippers after that. uppose that a man's shoes in America will not cost him more than a quarter part of what his shoes will cost him here. As to 91 1.9% Π in America are supplied with China crapes, Levantine silks, French silks, French laces of all sorts, parasolls, all the things that go to the making of caps, hats and bonnets, and they are supplied with these at so cheap a rate that even the servant girls in New York are seen sweeping down the door-ways, dressed in China crapes: nay even the black girls are frequently seen wearing F 11. of every creature you meet gives evidence of the existence of no taxation without representation. The leather, being untaxed, is them. So that as I have once hats they are about the same before said, the most gay prome-price, that is to say, they cost nades in ar and about London, and about the same sum that hats do even the boxes of our licenced and here, but for that same sum you degraded theatres, are, in point of have a hat about three times as female dresses, perfect beggary, good. The hats being made there, compared with the every day ex- in great part, at least, of real hibition in the "Broad way" of beaver furr, and not of wool and New York; where the very look glue. Your head is covered completely without your feeling a weight upon it enough to squeeze your brains out. In summertime people wear white hats, some 090 1 ; 1 Now, my lord, can you possibly to us than the silly creatures, who 100 believe that hundreds and thousands of men, in somewhat the situation of my correspondent will not remove with their families and capital? How just was the saying of Mr. PAINE, which I have taken for a motto to this paper! How true was it that the Americans were fighting " to make "room upon the earth for honest men to live !" He saw at that time; even that distant time he saw that America would be a place of refuge for those who would be persecuted and menaced with beggary by the system under which we live. He himself contributed more than any other man to make room for us; to make for us us A place of safety to to prepare for us a place of refuse from dungeon and bas nishment bills., Yourulardship thought proper to 19 sneak of the bones of this celebrated man, and upon that subject I have some thing to t say; but, ut, as I am now about to speak of his, acts, and of the effect which he produced in the world, will 11 first insert here the Speech of the President to the Congress, which Speech or Mes sage, I believe it is called, was delivered on the seventh of December last. It is long; but its length is not (as was the case with my petition given to Lord Folkstone) an insuperable obstacle to its being presented or read. The 16 are the under-workers of Corruption, appear to perceive. Indeed, every word of it is of importance to us, and therefore I take the liberty to request your Lordship to read it with the greatest atten tion. "FELLOW-CITIZENS OF THE SENATE AND OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. "The public buildings being advanced to a stage to afford accommodation for Congress, I offer you my sincere congratulations on the re-commencement of your duties in the capit 1. "In bringing to view the incidents most deserving attention, which have occurred since your last Session, I regret to have to state that several of our principal cities have suffered by sickness; that an unusual drought has prevailed in the middle and western states; and that a derangement has been felt in some of our monied institutions, which has proportionably affected their credit: Fam happy, however, to have it in my power to assure you, that the health of our cities is now pletely restored that the produce of the year, though less abundant than usual, will not only be amply sufficient for home consumption, but afford a large surplus for the supply of the wants of other nations; and in the circulating paper medium, by being left to those remedies which its obvious causes suggested, and the that the derangement good sense and virtue of our fellosvecitizens supplied, has diminished, "Having informed Congress on the 27th of February last, that a treaty of amity, setlement, and limits had been concluded in this city, between the United States and Spain, and ratified by the competent authorities of the former, full confidence was entertained that it would have been ratified by his Ca tholic. Majesty with equal promptitude, and a like earnest desire to terminate, on on the conditions of that Treaty, the differences which had so long existed between the two countries. Every view which the subject adinitted of was thought to have ju justified this Conclusion. Great losses had been sustained the United States, from Spanish matter of it is of more importance by citizens of 4 eruizers, more than twenty years before, which had not been redressed. These losses had been acknowledged and provided for by a treaty, as far back as the year 1802, which, although concluded at Madrid, was not then ratified by the Government of Spain, nor since, until the last year, when it was suspended by the late treaty, a more satisfactory provision to both parties, as was presumed, having been made for them. Other differences had arisen in this long interval, affecting their highest interests, which were likewise provided for by this last Treaty. The Treaty itself was formed on great consideration, and a thorough knowledge of all circumstances, the subject matter of every article having been for years under discussion, and repeated references having been made by the Minister of Spain to his Government, on the points respecting which the greatest difference of opinion prevailed. It was formed by a Minister duly authorized for the purpose, who had represented his Government in the United States, and been employed in this long protracted negociation several years, and who, it is not denied, kept strictly within the letter of his instructions. The faith of Spain was therefore pledged, under circumstances of peculiar force and solemnity, for its ratification. On the part of the United States, this treaty was evidently acceded to in a spirit of conciliation and concession. The indemnity for injuries and losses so long before sustained, and now again acknowledged and provided for, was to be paid by them, without becoming a charge on the Treasury of Spain. For territory ceded by Spain, other territory, of great value, to which our claim was believed to be well founded, was ceded by the United States, and in a quarter more interesting to her. This cession was nevertheless received, as the means of indemnifying our citizens in a considerable sum, the presumed amount of their losses. Other considerations, of great weight, urged the cession of this territory by Spain. It was surrounded by the territories of the United States on every side, except on that of the ocean, Spain had lost her authority over it, and, falling into the hands of adventurers connected with the savages, it was made the means of unceasing annoyance and injury to our Union, in many of its most essential interests. By this cession then, Spain ceded a territory, in reality, of no value to her, and obtained concessions of the highest importance, by the settlement of long standing differences with the United States, affecting their respective claims and limits, and likewise relieved herself from the obligation of a Treaty relating to it, which she had failed to fulfil, and also from the responsibility incident to the most flagrant and pernicious abuses of her rights where she could not support her authority. L "It being known that the Treaty was formed under these circumstances, not a doubt was entertained that his Catholic Majesty would have ratified it, without delay. I regret to have to state that this reasonable expectation has been disappointed; that the Treaty was not ratified within the time stipulated, and has not since been ratified. As it is important that the nature and character of this unexpected occurrence should be distinctly understood, I think it my duty to communicate to you all the facts and circumstances in my possession, relating to it. "Anxious to prevent all future disagreement with Spain, by giving the most prompt effect to the Treaty, which had been thus concluded, and particularly by the establishment of a government in Florida, which should preserve order there, the Minister of the United States who had been recently appointed to his Catholic Majesty, and to whom the ratification, by his Government, had been committed, to be exchanged for that of Spain, was instructed to transmit the latter to the Department of State as soon as obtained. by a public ship, subjected to his order for the purpose. Unexpected delay occurring in the ratifications, by Spain, he requested to be informed of the cause. It was stated, in reply, that the great importance of the subject, and a desire to obtain explanations on certain points, which were not specified, had produced the delay, and that an Envoy would be dispatched to the United States, to obtain such explanations of this Government. The Minister of the United States offered to give full explanation on any point on which it might be desired, which proposal was declined. Having communicated this result to the Department of State in Aygust last, he was instructed, notwithstanding the disappointment and surprise which it produced, to inform the Government of Spain, 1 that, if the Treaty should be ratified, and transmitted here at any time before the meeting of Congress, it would be received, and have the same effect as if it had been ratified course be affected by it. The mere possi bility of such a case, so inconsistent with the intention of the parties, and the meaning of the article, induced this Government to de in due time. This order was executed-mand an explanation on the subject, which was immediately granted, and which corresponds with this statement. With respect to the other act alleged, that this Government had tolerated or protected an expedition against Texas, it is utterly without foundation. Every discountenance has invariably been given to every such attempt within the limits of the United States, as is fully evinced by the acts of the Government, and the proceedings of the Courts. ----There being cause, however, to apprehend, in the course of the last summer, that some adventurers entertained views of the kind suggested, the attention of the constituted authorities in that quarter was immediately drawn to them, and it is known that the project, whatever it might be, has utterly failed. the authorised communication was made to the Government of Spain, and by its answer, which has just been received, we are officially made acquainted, for the first time, with the causes which have prevented the ratification of the Treaty by his Catholic Majesty. It is alleged by the Minister of Spain, that this Government had attempted to alter one of the principal articles of the Treaty, by a declaration, which the Minister of the United States had been ordered to present, when he should deliver the ratification by his Government in exchange for that of Spain; and of which he gave notice, explanatory of the sense in which that article was understood, It is further alleged, that this Government had recently tolerated, or protected, an expedition from the United States against the province of Texas. These two imputed acts are stated as the reasons which have induced | Spain had no justifiable cause for declining sour must be maintained, and a new and a be given to the Ministers of Spain, will be sadistinguished proof be afforded, of that re-tisfactory, and produce the desired result. In gard for justice and moderation, which has any event, the delay for the purpose mentioninvariably governed the councils of this free ed, being a further manifestation of the sinpeople. It must be obvious to all, that if the cere desire to terminate, in the most friendly United States had been desirous of making manner, all differences with Spain, cannot conquests, or had been even willing to ag-fail to be duly appreciated by his Catholio "These facts will, it is presumed, satisfy every impartial mind, that the Government of to ratify the Treaty. A Treaty, concluded in conformity with instructions, is obligatory, in good faith, in all its stipulations, according to the true intent and meaning of the parties. Each party is bound to ratifyit. If either could set it aside, without the con his Catholic Majesty to withhold his ratification from the Treaty, to obtain explanations respecting which, it is repeated that an Envoy would forthwith be dispatched to the United States. How far these allegations will justify the conduct of the Government of Spain, will appear on a view of the following | sent of the other, there would be no longer facts, and the evidence which supports them. ❘ any rules applicable to such transactions be"It will be seen, by the documents trans-tween nations. By this proceeding, the Go vernment of Spain has rendered to the United States a new and very serious injury. It has been stated thata Minister would be sent to ask certain explanations of this Government; but, if such were desired, why were they not asked within the time limited for the ratification? Is it contemplated to open a new negociation respecting any of the articles or conditions of the Treaty? If that were done, to what consequences might it not lead? mitted herewith, that the declaration mentioned relates to a clause in the eighth artielé, concerning certain grants of land, recently made by his Catholic Majesty, in Florida, which it was understood had conveyed all the lands, which till then had been ungranted. It was the intention of the parties to annul these latter grants, and that clause was drawn for that express purpose, and for none other. The date of these grants was amknown, but it was understood to be pos- | At what time, and in what manner, would a terior to that inserted in the article: indeed it must be obvious to all, that, if that provision in the Treaty had not the effect of annulling these grants, it would be altogether nugatory. Immediately after the Treaty was concluded and ratified by this Government, an intimation was received that these grants were of anterior date to that fixed on by the Treaty, and that they would not, of new negociation terminate? By this proceeding, Spain has formed a relation between the two countries which will justify any measures on the part of the United States, which a strong sense of injury, and a proper regard for the rights and interests of the nation, may dictate. In the course to be pursued, these objects should be constantly held in view, and have their due weight. Our national ho -grandize themselves in that way, they could have had no inducement to form this Treaty. They would have much cause for gratulation at the course which has been pursued by Spain. An ample field for ambition is open before them. But such a career is not consistent with the principles of their Government, nor the interests of the nation. الله "From a full view of all circumstances, it is submitted to the consideration of Congress whether it will not be proper for the United States to carry the conditions of the Treaty Into effect, in the same manner as if it had been ratified by Spain, claiming on their part all its advantages, and yielding to Spain those secured to her. By pursuing this course, we shall rest on the sacred ground of right, sanctioned in the most solemn manner by Spain herself; by a Treaty which she was bound to ratify; for refusing to do which she must incur the censure of other nations, even those Majesty, as well as by other Powers. It is submitted, therefore, whether it will not be proper to make the law, proposed for carrying the conditions of the Treaty into effect, should it be adopted, contingent; to suspend.. its operation upon the responsibility of the Executive, in such manner as to afford an opportunity for such friendly explanations as may be desired, during the present Session of Congress. " I communicate to Congress a copy of the Treaty and of the instructions to the Minister of the United States, at Madrid, respecting it; of his correspondence with the Minister, of Spain, and of such other documents as may be necessary to give a full view of the sub-+ ject. " In the course which the Spanish Government have, on this occasion, thought proper to pursue, it is satisfactory to know, that they have not been countenanced by any other most friendly to her; while, by confining | European Power. On the contrary, the opi ourselves within that limit, we cannot fail to obtain their well-merited approbation. We must have peace on a frontier where we have been so long disturbed; our citizens must be indemnified for losses so long since sustained, and for which indemnity has been so unjustly withheld from them. Accomplishing these great objects, we obtain all that is desir able. "But his Catholic Majesty has twice deelared his determination to send a Minister to the United States, to ask explanations on certain points, and to give them respecting his delay to ratify the Treaty. Shall we act, by taking the ceded territory, and proceeding to execute the other conditions of the Treaty, before this Minister arrives and is heard? This is a case which forms a strong appeal to the candour, the magnanimity, and honour of this people. Much is due to courtesy between nations. By a short delay we shall lose nothing; for, resting on the ground of immutable truth and justice, we cannot be diverted from our purpose. It ought to be presumed, that the explanations, which may nions and wishes, both of France and Great Britain, have not been withheld either from the United States or from Spain, and have been unequivocal in favour of the ratification.. There is also reason to believe, that the sentiments of the Imperial Government of Russia have been the same, and that they have also been made known to the Cabinet of Madrid. "In the civil war existing between Spain and the Spanish Provinces in this hemisphere, the greatest care has been taken to enforce the laws intended to preserve an impartial neutrality. Our ports have continued to be equally open to both parties, and on the same conditions, and our citizens have been equally restrained from interfering in favour of either, to the prejudice of the other. The progress of the war, however, has operated manifestly in favour of the Colonies. Buenos Ayres still maintains, unshaken, the independence which it declared in 1816, and has enjoyed since 1810. Like success has also lately attended Chili and the provinces north of the La Plata, bordering on it; and likewise Venezuela. "This contest has, from its commencement, A |