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"What though we be absent in body through the journey of life, if we do but meet in heaven. How much more perfect and delightful will be the joys of friendship there where all the air is love.' I should rejoice to hear from you by letter, and wish you would unfold your feelings as freely as I have my own. Above all, forget me not when you are at the feet of Jesus our Lord and Redeemer."

It is natural to suppose that Mr. Cornelius would feel a strong interest in the subject of revivals of religion in colleges. It was on college-ground that he had first partaken of the joys of forgiven sin, and of hopes full of immortality. He was thus preparing to exert a most important influence upon young men placed in similar circumstances. He had known by experience the temptations which beset the thoughtless and inexperienced undergraduate. He had learned how a community of ardent young men are affected, what truths are specially appropriate to their condition, and in what manner and measure to present these truths to their consideration. The great importance of revivals of religion in literary institutions was impressed on his mind with indelible distinctness. It is not too much to say that his labors in respect to the religious condition of students, were among the most earnest and successful in which he was ever engaged.

On the 5th of December, 1814, he says, "The state of religion is low indeed in college, though we are hoping for better days. The brethren appear to be in some measure at least awake. We have agreed to unite in a secret `concert of prayer every Sabbath morning, at sunrise, for a revival of religion in college. Will you and your brethren unite with us? There are two instances of awakening." It may here be proper to remark that but few of the students of Yale college, were at this time professors of

religion. A considerable proportion of those who became pious in the revival of 1813, were members of the senior class, whose connection with college had terminated in September of that year. Mr. Cornelius had, however, some efficient coadjutors. Among these was Samuel B. Ingersoll, who had been hopefully converted while master of an East India ship. When cast away on the rocks of Bermuda, the lightning rending the masts asunder was the means, in the hands of God, of his conviction and subsequent conversion. He was a holy man while member of college. He completed his academical education when thirty-five years of age, and was a kindred spirit with Cornelius. Soon after he had entered on the ministry he rested from his labors.

The important part which Mr. Cornelius performed in the revival of religion which occurred in Yale college in the winter of 1814-15, a respected minister of the Baptist church, then a member of the institution, describes in the following manner,

"The piety of Mr. Cornelius was of the active kind. He felt for the souls of those young men whose skepticism, if not infidelity, recalled to mind his own former life when ' without God and without hope in the world.' In some of our usual or stated prayer-meetings, attended by Mr. Ingersoll, and a few other pious students, who are now useful ministers of the gospel, a proposal was made for renewed and increased exertion on the part of Christians in behalf of the fearful state of impenitent students. I cannot, at this distant period of eighteen years, state by whom this proposition was made, but as we looked to brother Cornelius as a leader in those meetings, I am induced to attribute it to him. We accordingly agreed to meet at an early hour in the morning, before prayers in the chapel.

In a short time, students began to feel anxious. This awakened our hopes, encouraged our prayers, and greatly increased the zeal and warmth of Mr. C's exhortations; indeed in such a manner as I shall never forget. Though our acquaintance continued at intervals until his death, still there is scarcely a period of his life so vividly printed on my memory, as when he addressed us in these prayermeetings and conferences, with those soul-stirring appeals for which he was peculiarly gifted. I well recollect one very cold night, in which we walked nearly half a mile from college, at the early hour of three o'clock, to a private room to pray, and I have always remembered that morning as one of the happiest I ever enjoyed. It was truly a season in which heaven seemed to be let down to earth, and to adopt his language at the time, The foundations of college began to tremble.' Mr. Ingersoll, with two or three other excellent young men, commenced visiting from room to room, and scarcely a room did they enter, in which there was not found at least one awakened sinner. Some infidels fastened their doors, determined to shut out visitors and conviction. But the Spirit of the Lord reached them, and compelled them, not only to open their doors, but also their hearts, to receive the truth. For a number of days we were scarcely able to study or recite at all. So universal was the excitement that it was believed there were not more than three or four students in college, who were not more or less impressed with concern for the soul.

"About eighty were numbered as fruits of the revival in the institution, besides many other persons in the city. Though a number afterwards gave reason to believe they had deceived themselves, yet it was a glorious revival, and many will forever bless God that Cornelius was there, and labored for their salvation."

The same scenes were thus detailed by Mr. Cornelius.

"New Haven, April 13, 1815.

"Had you been here you would have seen the fullest evidence that the work was of God. It was so great that all were astonished at the sight. This was particularly the state of things on Monday and Tuesday of last week. Those days may emphatically be called days of awakening and conviction. Cases of this nature increased so fast, that it was impossible to tell at any one time what was the exact state of college. On Wednesday, there was more regularity and less confusion. Those who were awakened, were requested to assemble at particular rooms-of which one was designated for each entry, and proper persons met there to converse with those who assembled and prayed for them. Before these small conferences were appointed, all who were distressed on account of sin, had been accustomed to go and converse with the pious, and those with them. This occasioned a continual running from room to room, and was the cause of considerable confusion. The attention to the subject was such, that religion might properly be said to be the general topic of conversation throughout college. It seemed at one time, as if the whole college was under conviction, certainly a universal solemnity prevailed, and every individual was prepared to hear you open a conversation on the subject. It was at this time, that I wrote my letter to Mr. B. the contents of which I suppose you have seen or heard. The number I then stated to be under impressions was one hundred; this was mere conjecture on my part, most persons estimated the number much higher, and I thought that I was below the truth. But it now appears that much of the feeling then visible was the effect of mere sympathy, and probably not more than eighty or ninety students have experienced real conviction of sin. Several who were at

first awakened have returned to their state of stupidity, and since Tuesday of last week I do not remember to have heard of more than five or six cases of awakening. From that time to the present, the period may be styled the days of conversion. The number of those who hope they have passed from death to life, I cannot exactly state. There are some of whom we stand in doubt. About forty give clear evidence of conversion. For two or three days past, the revival has appeared to be stationary; we now hope it is advancing again. Almost every day, some instances of hopeful conversion occur.

"I hope you will answer this soon, and let me know of your affairs; once we walked, we prayed, we sang, we sweetly conversed together. Oh! blessed days, when worldly care and worldly affection were in some sense strangers to our breasts, and sweet submission and Christian simplicity made us happy in the presence of God. Oh our Divine Benefactor, may those days be renewed, and our hearts again be given unreservedly to thee, and we be fitted for thy presence in glory."

In June, he thus mentions a proposal for a general concert of prayer in behalf of colleges. "A plan is on foot for establishing a concert for prayer in all the colleges in the United States, at nine o'clock every Sabbath morning. It has been already extensively communicated in many directions. If any other hour has been heretofore thought of, I trust it will be relinquished for the reason, that all may be united in this. You will do what you can to promote the blessed design. I hope we all shall see the providence of God in it. Our concert was held last Sabbath morning, and will be continued till another revival of religion, and from that period, I hope, till the millennium. Oh what things do we witness. Let heaven and earth rejoice. The Prince of peace and glory is

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