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and it will be my aim as God shall give me grace to cooperate with them in all measures which they, as the representatives of the Board, and the constituted guardians of its interests, shall judge to be necessary to the highest good of the cause of missions. With my brethren and associates at the missionary rooms, it will afford me pleasure to confer on all subjects pertaining to our respective duties, and to adopt such an understanding with regard to them as will be mutually agreeable, and calculated in the highest degree, to promote the common object of our labors. Should we be unable to satisfy ourselves without further advice from the committee, it will always be our privilege, to ascertain their wishes, and to govern ourselves accordingly.

"It is my design to enter upon the duties of the office to which I have been called, so soon as the resignation of my existing duties shall have been accepted. And now, respected and dear brethren, permit me to ask a daily remembrance in your prayers, that I may be qualified for this sacred service, by an abundant supply of the spirit of Jesus Christ, and be faithful, even unto death.

"With Christian affection and respect,

"I am your servant for Jesus' sake,

"New York, Dec. 19, 1831."


He soon after resigned the offices which he held in connection with the American and Presbyterian Education Societies. The spirit in which he entered on his new labors was eminently Christian. For a few months previously he had grown rapidly in grace and in the knowledge of his Lord and Saviour. A holy cheerfulness diffused itself over his countenance, and irradiated all his conduct. A mellowness of religious feeling was delightfully mingled with his accustomed energy. He felt, like

Brainerd, "that he was dwelling on the sides of eternity." He was more and more earnest and solemn in the discharge of his parental and relative duties. To a friend he said, "I want you to do all you can for my dear Lord Jesus, who never appeared half so precious as he does now." To another individual, who had remarked that he must not overwork himself, nor wear out too soon, he replied very expressively, while he looked up towards heaven, his hand raised in an emphatic manner, matters not, if we only reach that bright place at last." To a gentlemen who was appointed as an agent, he thus wrote.


"New York, Jan. 11, 1832.

"My dear Brother,-The impression which we wish you to make is, that the time has come for greatly increased efforts in the cause of foreign missions. We shall soon have a host of missionaries in the field, if the churches of this nation will come up to the work with any thing like the degree of liberality which the wants of the perishing heathen demand. At our present rate of converting the world, more than a hundred centuries must elapse before the gospel can be preached to every creature. We must hasten our steps, or this work will never be accomplished. And why wait any longer? The Lord's hand is not shortened, neither is his ear heavy. Let the churches put on the breastplate of faith and love, and for an helmet, the hope of salvation, and let them go forth to this work in the strength of the Lord God Almighty, and all flesh will ere long be saved.

"For the present state and prospects of the Board, I must refer you to the abstracts in the Missionary Herald for January. May the God of missions fill your heart with love, and touch your lips with celestial fire; and may you go, feeling that you are the representative of six hundred millions of souls, sinking into hell, whose im

ploring cry you are to catch and carry to the hearts of God's people."

On the 13th of January, 1832, Mr. Cornelius arrived in Boston, for the purpose of effecting a general arrangement of his duties, with the other secretaries of the Board, and also to perform an agency in the churches in Boston, and the neighborhood. A few extracts from his journals will show the elevated spirit and tone of his feelings. He toiled with an energy which surprised all his friends. The divine Spirit appeared to rest upon him and his labors in an extraordinary degree.

"January 22, Sabbath morning.-Preached my first missionary sermon in Park-street church, from Isa. lii. 1. Had great freedom, and used great plainness of speech. The audience was apparently very solemn, and impressions were deep. May the Lord add his permanent blessing, and cause the heathen to rejoice in the results.

"Evening. Preached in Salem-street church, from Jer. ix. 1. 'Oh that my head were waters, and mine eyes a fountain of tears.' Sermon chiefly extemporaneous. Never had greater freedom of utterance, or depth of feeling, and the Lord seemed to make the appeal like a 'nail in a sure place.'

"January 23.-Met the ladies' and gentlemen's missionary associations of Park-street. Animated meeting, and increased subscription. Mr. B. attended and addressed the children. Mr. A. made statements to the gentlemen in the evening.

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January 26.—Held two very interesting and successful meetings in Salem-street church for the missionary cause. Gentlemen subscribed in the evening more than eight hundred dollars.

"January 27. Friday.-Went to Andover to visit the students, converse with those expecting to go on missions,

and to see my children.* I still observed my rule in a degree. In the evening, was joined by Mr. G., and addressed the students of the seminary at eight o'clock; nearly all being present. It was a solemn and delightful meeting. My heart was enlarged, and I spoke with as great freedom as I ever did, and I hope with some effect. I began with describing my own feelings in visiting a seminary so long associated with missions to the heathen, the spot where Hall, Newell, Fisk, Parsons, had prayed, and made preparation for the heathen. I then introduced a number of topics, such as the responsibleness of the present students to maintain and even raise this character. Second, every man bound to do all he can in this world for Christ. Third, same rule applicable, wherever we are to labor. Fourth, comparative wants of the heathen. Fifth, their perishing condition. Sixth, how their wants are to be supplied;-by arousing the church; and young men must awaken the church by giving themselves to the work, as Mills, Hall, and others did, twenty years ago. Seventh, comparative extent of influence and usefulness of a minister who goes to the heathen, and one who stays at home;-example, Mr. Judson, in his relation to the Baptist church in the United States. Eighth, the highest good of the church at home, demands that more be done for the heathen. Never shall we witness such revivals of religion as occurred in the primitive ages, until the church. awakes to her duty, and attempts to convert the world. Ninth, let no one decide too hastily, that it is not his duty to go to the heathen. Question is not so much shall I stay, as shall I go. Tenth, advice. Appoint a day of fasting and prayer, and at the close of it, go to Christ and ask, 'Blessed Master, where can I do most for thee?' If you can say, 'I am willing to go to the heathen, but duty

*Two of his children then resided at Andover, In respect to fasting, &c.

to thee requires me to stay,' then stay. Otherwise, go. He who stays, should have the same reason as he who goes, viz. that duty to Christ requires it.

"January 31.-Excessively bad walking, but attended two meetings in Bowdoin-street church. Mr. A. assisted in the evening, and Dr. B. made some very good and original remarks. One reason, he said, why primitive missions were more rapid in their results than those of modern times is, that there was no way, previous to the discovery of printing, and the establishment of schools, &c. to convert the world, but by making an onset with an army of light troops. The victory was soon won, but the devil recovered almost all in three hundred years. Now, a different plan is marked out by the providence of God. He is bringing up the heavy part of his artillery, and preparing the way, by translating and distributing the Bible, teaching mankind to read it, overthrowing tyrannical governments, &c. to obtain a decisive victory again, but it shows that he means next time to keep possession of the ground, and no more suffer the devil to repeat his triumphs. The thought is at least original and plausible. It is difficult to conceive how Christianity can keep permanent foot-hold, without Bibles, scholars, &c.

"February 2.-Attended ladies' association in Green-st. church. Preached in the evening to ladies' and gentlemen's associations in Essex-st. church, from Prov. xxiv. 11, 12. Had a solemn season, and spoke very directly and plainly. Mr. F. followed, and made some forcible and excellent remarks on praying for the heathen, and giving our property while we live. 'All you leave at death,' said he, 'is lost, absolutely lost. It is not yours.' He spoke with great keenness, of those who gave to Christ as though it were a charity to him. 'What, Christ a child of charity, coming around and begging of you? Christ, Lord of this world, whose stewards ye are ? What if the clerks in this city should

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