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Knowing the author and his familiarity with this always interesting subject, his ability to handle it, his conscientious painstaking and his perfect reliability, we anticipate in his forthcoming book a valuable contribution to the personal history of the most interesting character that ever figured on the stage of human action in the United States, and one of the most interesting in all history.-Los Angeles Weekly Mirror.

We have read all that is extant relating to the life, character and public services of the immortal Lincoln, and can say in all sincerity that, in our judgment, the forthcoming volume from the pen of Mr. Maltby will get nearer to the heart of the rising generation than any other history of the martyr Lincoln. What will impress the reader of Maltby's Life of Lincoln is that, without verbosity or undue embellishment, it wells up fresh and pure from a heart earnest and honest in its devotion to the memory of a revered friend.-Petaluma Weekly Argus.

Mr. Maltby, the author, is a resident of Stockton, and we rejoice to know that we have in our midst a citizen who is capable of producing so excellent a book on the grandest character of the age.-Stockton Record.

This work will contain many incidents of Mr. Lincoln's early life never given to the public before, as well as his later acts that have so endeared his memory to the American people. From the advance pages, we predict the work will be a marked success.-Lodi Sentinel.

We bespeak for Mr. Maltby hearty welcome for his book, which a long and close connection with Mr. Lincoln, previous to and during his greatness, makes him qualified to write.-Santa Barbara Independent.

Advance sheets of the "Life and Public Services of Abraham Lincoln," by Charles Maltby, have been received at the JOURNAL office. There are certainly in the introductory pages an excellence and merit that bespeaks success for the entire work.-Tulare County Journal.

Mr. Maltby was formerly a partner of Mr. Lincoln and is familiar with many unpublished incidents in the life of the martyred President. The work will meet with extensive sale.-Santa Barbara Press.

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On our country's record are inscribed the names of many that live and should live, and in their memorial our Republic is honored in their remembrance.

Among those worthies who have passed to their reward, there are none whose life-work shines with a brighter luster than that of him who, in the interests and services of humanity and freedom, has perfected the ideal, and executed the grandest work for his country and his race the world has ever witnessed-whom his countrymen loved and delighted to honor-Abraham


I have written, and now present to the American public, a brief account of the life and public services of that great and good man. I have been moved to this, in part, by a personal acquaintance of thirty-five years with Mr. Lincoln-commencing at the time of his majority, in daily business associations with him for a period which resulted in an intimacy and friendship which continued through his life, and which friendship and confidence he manifested during his administration in giving the writer appointments of offices of trust and honor on the Pacific Coast. Incentives formed by those personal relations with Mr. Lincoln have made the writing of his life a pleasure. It is an offering to his friendship and memory, while opportunity is presented to illustrate his personal character, to portray those interesting features of his private and public life, and to exhibit his social, religious and political principles.

It has been my aim and purpose to present a true and faithful exhibition of the character and eminent services of that good man, narrating in an abbreviated form the events of his life, the inception, the growth and fruition of those grand and humane principles which have made his name and fame


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