The Works of the British Poets: With Lives of the Authors, Volume 11

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Mitchell, Ames, and White, 1819 - English poetry

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Page 159 - Was everything by starts and nothing long ; But in the course of one revolving moon Was chemist, fiddler, statesman, and buffoon ; Then all for women, painting, rhyming, drinking, Besides ten thousand freaks that died in thinking.
Page 258 - Egyptian* Bishop of another mind: For though his Creed eternal truth contains, 'Tis hard for man to doom to endless pains All who believ'd not all his zeal requir'd, Unless he first could prove he was inspir'd.
Page 265 - Tis some relief, that points not clearly known, Without much hazard, may be let alone ; And, after hearing what our church can say, If still our reason runs another way, That private reason 'tis more just to curb, Than by disputes the public peace disturb : For points obscure are of small use to learn, But common quiet is mankind's concern...
Page 188 - Round as a globe, and liquor'd every chink, Goodly and great he sails behind his link; With all this bulk there's nothing lost in Og, For every inch that is not fool is rogue: A monstrous mass of foul corrupted matter, As all the devils had spued to make the batter.
Page 127 - While by the motion of the flames they guess What streets are burning now, and what are near, An infant, waking, to the paps would press And meets instead of milk a falling tear. 260 No thought can ease them but their Sovereign's care. Whose praise the...
Page 148 - He sought the storms ; but, for a calm unfit, Would steer too nigh the sands, to boast his wit. Great wits are sure to madness near allied, And thin partitions do their bounds divide ; Else, why should he, with wealth and honour blest, Refuse his age the needful hours of rest?
Page 155 - Till time shall ever-wanting David draw, To pass your doubtful title into law: If not; the people have a right supreme To make their kings; for kings are made for them.
Page 159 - Nothing to build, and all things to destroy. But far more numerous was the herd of such, Who think too little, and who talk too much. These out of mere instinct, they knew not why, Ador'd their fathers...
Page 166 - In midst of health imagine a disease, Take pains contingent mischiefs to foresee, Make heirs for monarchs, and for God decree? What shall we think? Can people give away, Both for themselves and sons, their native sway? Then they are left defenceless to the sword Of each unbounded, arbitrary lord ; And laws are vain, by which we right enjoy, If kings unquestioned can those laws destroy.
Page 188 - God before curst him ; And, if man could have reason, none has more, That made his paunch so rich, and him so poor. With wealth he was not trusted, for...

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