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has burned out of it the last lingering stain of compromise with anything inconsistent with its primary object, "to ordain justice and perpetuate liberty."

These men have all been formed by the principles of that great Christian document, and that state of society and those social influences which grew out of it, and it is instructive to watch, in their early life, how a Christian republic trains her sons.

In looking through the list it will be seen that almost every one of these men sprang from a condition of hard-working poverty. The majority of them were self-educated men, who in early life were inured to industrious toil. The farm life of America has been the nursery of great men, and there is scarce a man mentioned in the book who has not hardened his muscles and strengthened his brain power by a hand to hand wrestle with the forces of nature in agricultural life. Frugality, strict temperance, self-reliance and indomitable industry have been the lessons of their early days.

Some facts about these specimen citizens are worthy of attention. More than one-half of them were born and received their early training in New England, and full one-third are direct lineal descendants of the Pilgrim fathers. All, so far as we know, are undoubted believers in the Christian religion-the greater proportion of them are men of peculiarly and strongly religious natures, who have been active and efficient in every peculiarly religious work. All have been agreed in one belief, that the teachings of Jesus Christ are to be carried out in political institutions, and that the form of society based on his teachings, is to be defended at any sacrifice and at all risks.

There is scarcely a political man upon this list whose early efforts were not menaced with loss and reproach and utter failure, if he advocated these principles in the conduct of political affairs. For these principles they have temporarily suffered buffetings, oppressions, losses, persecutions, and in one great instance, DEATH. All of them honored liberty when she was hard beset, insulted and traduced, and it is fit that a free people should honor them in the hour of her victory.

It will be found when the sum of all these biographies is added up that the qualities which have won this great physical and moral vietory have not been so much exceptional gifts of genius or culture, as those more attainable ones which belong to man's moral nature.

Taken as a class, while there is a fair proportion both of genius and scholarship among them, yet the general result speaks more of average talent and education turned to excellent account, than of any striking eminence in any particular direction.

But we regard it as highest of all that they were men of good and honest hearts-men who have set their faces as a flint to know and do the RIGHT. All of them are men whose principles have been tried in the fire, men who have braved opposition and persecution and loss for the sake of what they believed to be true, and knew to be right, and for this even more than for their bravery in facing danger, and their patience and perseverance in overcoming difficulties, we have good hope in offering them as examples to the young men of America.

In respect to one of the names on the list, the editor's near relationship, while it gives her most authentic access to all sources of just information, may be held to require an apology. But the fashion of writing biographies of our leading men is becoming so popular that the only way in which a prominent man can protect himself from being put before the public by any hands who may think fit to assume the task, is to put into the hands of some friend such authentic particulars as may with propriety be recorded. Mr. Beecher has recently been much embarrassed by the solicitation of parties, who notwithstanding his remonstrances, announce an intention of writing his life. He has been informed by them that it was to be done whether he consented or not, and that his only choice was between furnishing these parties with material, or taking the risk of what they might discover in their unassisted researches.

In this dilemma, it is hoped that the sketch presented in this volume, as being undeniably authentic, may so satisfy the demand, that there may be no call for any other record.

HARTFORD, January, 1868.





The Men of our Time-Lincoln Foremost-The War was the Working-Man's

Revolution-Abraham Lincoln's Birth and Youth-The Books he Read-

The Thirty Thousand Dollars for Tender-The Old Stocking of Govern-

ment Money-A Just Lawyer; Anecdotes-His First Candidacy and Speech

-Goes to Legislature and Congress-The Seven Debates and Campaign

against Douglass in 1858-Webster's and Lincoln's Language Compared-

The Cooper Institute Speech-The Nomination at Chicago-Moral and

Physical Courage-The Backwoodsman President and the Diplomatists-

Significance of his Presidential Career-Religious Feelings-His Kindness

-"The Baby Did It "-The First Inaugural-The Second Inaugural, and

other State Papers-The Conspiracy and Assassination-The Opinions of

Foreign Nations on Mr. Lincoln.


A General Wanted-A Short War Expected-The Young Napoleon-God's

Revenge Against Slavery-The Silent Man in Galena-"Tanning Leath-

er"-Gen. Grant's Puritan Descent-How he Loaded the Logs-His West

Point Career-Service in Mexico-Marries, and Leaves the Army-Wood-

Cutting, Dunning and Leather-Selling-Enlists against the Rebellion-Mis-

souri Campaign-Paducah Campaign-Fort Donelson Campaign-Battle

of Shiloh-How Grant Lost his Temper-Vicksburg Campaign-Lincoln

on Grant's "Drinking"-Chattanooga-Grant's Method of Making a Speech

-Appointed Lieutenant-General-The Richmond Campaign-"Mr. Grant

is a Very Obstinate Man"-Grant's Qualifications as a Ruler-Honesty-

Generosity to Subordinates-Sound Judgment of Men-Power of Holding

his Tongue-Grant's Sidewalk Platform-Talks Horse to Senator Wade-

"Wants Nothing Said "-The Best Man for Next President.


Mr. Garrison's Birth and Parents-His Mother-Her Conversion-His Boy-

hood-Apprenticed to a Printer-First Anti-Slavery Address-Advice to

Dr. Beecher-Benjamin Lundy-Garrison Goes to Baltimore-First Battle

with Slavery-In Jail-First Number of the Liberator-Threats and Rage

from the South-The American Anti Slavery Society-First Visit to Eng-

land-The Era of Mob Violence-The Respectable Boston Mob-Mr. Gar-

rison's Account-Again in Jail-The Massachusetts Legislature Uncivil to

the Abolitionists-Logical Vigor of the Slaveholders-Garrison's Disunion-

ism-Denounces the Church-Liberality of the Liberator-The Southern-

ers' own Testimony-Mr. Garrison's Bland Manners-His Steady Nerves-

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The Scotch-Irish Race in the United States-Mr. Greeley a Partly Reversed

Specimen of it-His Birth and Boyhood-Learns to Read Books Upside

Down-His Apprenticeship on a Newspaper-The Town Encyclopedia-

His Industry at his Trade-IIis First Experience of a Fugitive Slave Chase

His First Appearance in New York-The Work on the Polyglot Testament

-Mr. Greeley as "The Ghost"-The First Cheap Daily Paper-The Firm

of Greeley & Story-The New Yorker, the Jeffersonian and the Log Cabin

-Mr. Greeley as Editor of the New Yorker-Beginning of The Tribune-

Mr. Greeley's Theory of a Political Newspaper-His Love for The Tribune

The First Week of that Paper-The Attack of the Sun and its Result-

Mr. McElrath's Partnership-Mr: Greeley's Fourierism-"The Bloody

Sixth-The Cooper Libel Suits-Mr. Greeley in Congress-He Goes to

Europe-His Course in the Rebellion-His Ambition and Qualifications for

Office-The Key-Note of his Character.


The Lesson of the Rebellion to Monarchs-The Strength of the United States

-The U. S. Naval Service-The Last War-State of the Navy in 1861-

Admiral Farragut Represents the Old Navy and the New-Charlemagne's

Physician, Farraguth-The Admiral's Letter about his Family-His Birth

-His Cruise with Porter when a Boy of Nine-The Destruction of the Es-

sex-Farragut in Peace Times-Expected to go with the South-Refuses,

is Threatened, and goes North-The Opening of the Mississippi-The Bay

Fight at Mobile-The Admiral's Health-Farragut and the Tobacco Bish-



Governor Andrew's Death Caused by the War- The Governors Dr. Beecher

Prayed for-Governor Andrew a Christian Governor-Gov. Andrew's Birth

-He goes to Boston to Study Law-Not Averse to unfashionable and Un-

popular Causes-His Cheerfulness and Social Accomplishments-His Sun-

day School Work-Lives Plainly-His Clear Foresight of the War-Sends

a Thousand Men to Washington in One Day-The Story of the Blue

Overcoats-The Telegram for the Bodies of the Dead of Baltimore-Gov.

Andrew's Tender Care for the Poor-The British Minister and the Colored

Women-The Governor's Kindness to the Soldier's Wife-His Biblical

Proclamations-The Thanksgiving Proclamation of 1861-The Proclama-

tion of 1862-Ilis Interest in the Schools for the Richmond Poor-Cotton

Mather's Eulogy on Gov. Winthrop Gov. Andrew's Farewell Address to

the Massachusetts Legislature-State Gratitude to Gov. Andrew's Family. 325


General William Colfax, Washington's Friend-Mr. Colfax his Grandson-

Mr Colfax's Birth and Boyhood-Removes to Indiana-Becomes Deputy

County Auditor-Begins to Deal with Politics-Becomes an Editor-The

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