THE WORKS OF WILLIAM PALEY, D. D. COMPLETE IN FIVE VOLUMES. VOL. V. SERMONS ON SEVERAL SUBJECTS. SIX SERMONS ON PUBLIC OCCASIONS. Printed for T. and J. Allman; W. Baynes and Son; A. B. Dulau and Co.; Otridge and Rackham; J. F. Setchel; Westley and Parrish; Whitmore and Fenn; W. Mason; C. Smith; Gossling and Egley; Smith and Elder; W. Wright; T. and W. Boone; B. Iley; C. Rice; J. Hearne ; J. Bain; Lawler and Quick; W. Crawford; R. Beckley; T. Lester; J. Cox; and R. Hoffman: T. Wilson and Sons, York; H. Mozley, Derby; J. Anderson, jun. Edinburgh M. Keene, and J. Cumming, Dublin. 1823. D. It was undoubtedly the Author's wish that the collection should not be printed for public sale; but the distribution of so large a number destroyed his intention; and accordingly, in 1808, the first public edition made its appearance; since which time the volume has gone through several large impressions. London, January, 1823. CONTENTS. SERMONS ON SEVERAL SUBJECTS. |