OUTRAGES ON NORTHERN MEN. 333 seizure, gave the different States arms enough to equip several divisions each for immediate service. Had it not been for these sales by Northern men, during December, January, February and March, and the filling up of the Southern arsenals, during the summer of 1860, the rebellion would have been almost powerless for want of arms. Sad Condition of conspiracy was said to have been discovered just previous to the holidays, which caused apprehension for a while, and only ended by the hanging of several negroes, by a self-constituted court, and the most terrible punishment of flogging administered to others of the blacks supposed to be implicated. The various communities in the Cotton States were qui vive in regard to the negroes; and the extraordinary precautions taken by planters, by committees of safety, and by the minute-men organizations, prove that, practically, the Southern people regarded their human "property" in any other light than as cattle and horses.* Outrages perpetrated on Northern Men. The excitement against Northern men became so great, that, when the secession movement took the shape of certainty in its accomplishment, persecutions were so generally inflicted as to cause a perfect hegira of Northern mechanics and agents, as well as of those entertaining Union sentiments. Almost every steamer from Charleston, Savannah, and New Orleans, during the months of February, March, April, and May, brought numbers of persons of Northern birth, fleeing from the South for their lives. In some instances great amounts of property were left behind-the "Committee of Safety" allowing no time for a man to close his affairs prior to leaving. The summons to leave generally stipulated twenty-four hours as the required time in which to escape from threatened "consequences." The history of some of these cases is peculiarly revolting, and excites in the mind a feeling of incredulity that The condition of monetary affairs throughout all the Seceded States grew daily more oppressive, as the winter advanced. Money became of extreme scarcity. The general suspension of specie payment by Southern banks had not given any perceptible relief to the community. Property so rapidly depreciated as to have no longer any fixed value. Real estate in Charleston, New Orleans, Savannah, &c., commanded no sale, at any price; while the inexorable tax levies daily aggregated in their demands until the prospect of oppression as well as of ruin stared property-holders in the face. The two hundred millions due to the North was, by the acts of secession and the general suspension of Federal Courts, as well as by "stay laws" passed by most of the "original seven," placed upon the retired list "to be paid when amicable relations with the North should be restored." Yet, this enormous virtual repudiation scarcely affected the masses -it only gave immunity from pressure to the commercial class; but, even merchants, with stores stuffed by Northern goods, for which only Southern promises-to-pay were given, could find no sale for their stocks except by extending credits, which, in turn, filled their hands with promises-to-pay, liable to be assessed as so much taxable property, upon which assessments must be paid in coin. Slaves, in common with other property, de-able; but, the presence of an overawing power is preciated; and, in all districts they were regarded as a source of weakness rather than of strength in event of a state of war. Several millions of bondmen, ignorant to a degree almost bordering on barbarism, but with native instincts which rendered them a shrewd and persevering race, were not calculated to inspire their masters with a feeling of security; hence, we find alarms of insurrections greatly exciting the States of Alabama and Georgia, during the winter. In the former State a It is denied, in some quarters, that the negroes are a source of weakness. Under military and civil pressure they may be regarded as docile and tract considered, by the Southerners themselves, as their only safety. The history of the Denmark Vesey insurrection in South Carolina-of the Nat. Turner insurrection in Southampton County, Virginia—prove that in the black breasts of the negroes there is a slumbering fire which no power on earth may quench. The Charleston papers said their slaves would do the food-raising, the intrenching, &c., while the young men of the South would do the fighting; but, it is to be doubted if any community in the South, during 1861, was left without its available guard against uprisings. several instances, when the victim was hanged, the papers recorded the event in a humorous strain. We shall recur to this feature of the revolution in a future chapter, giving such accredited statements as will place the fact and nature of these outrages beyond all controversy. They will cast a shadow across even the darkness of the dark record of the revolution, and will serve to give both the Christian philanthropist and the politician such wrongs could have been perpetrated in any civilized community. The case stated on page 134 was almost daily confirmed, during the months named, by the story of the wrongs of some wretched sufferer, at the hands of a self-constituted "committee" in the revolutionary sections. Southern papers occasionally would chronicle these outrages, and would not fail, in all cases, to affix the stigma of "abolitionist" to the persecuted party as a full and only justification for the violence suggestive mile-stones by which to direct perpetrated "by a body of our citizens." In their future steps. CHAPTER XXIII. CONGRESS OF THE SECEDED STATES. NAMES OF DELEGATES. NORTH CAROLINA COMMISSIONERS. HOWELL COBB'S SPEECH FROM THE CHAIR. CONSTITUTION ADOPTED. CLAUSES. Extraordinary Character of the Congress. ITS SPECIAL ELECTION OF PRESIDENT AND VICE-PRESIDENT. MR. Extraordinary Char acter of the Congress. THE Montgomery Con- | towards them by their revention of Delegates as- spective Conventions. This sembled Monday, February Montgomery Convention 4th. The plans and policy of the Conven- was composed of delegates elected by the sevtion appear to have been quite generally eral State Conventions. How they were comunderstood by the people to be a recon- posed the reader has already been informed, struction of the Union of Slave States upon [see p. 203-4.] It thus represented an organthe basis of the Federal Constitution.* This ized revolution, solely-one which, in all cases, understanding, indeed, made the people tol- refused to allow the people to decide for erant of the open-handed usurpation practiced themselves, [see Yancey's speech, page 205, *Thus, the Memphis (Tenn.,) Inquirer used the following language, to induce the Tennessee people to join in the movement for a Southern Confed eracy: "It is well known beforehand that the Constitution, as it is, will be readopted, and such explanations of contested sections of that instrument added as amendments, as to leave not the shadow of a doubt concerning their effect on the Southern social system. That is, it will be the same as though the Constitution of the United States were taken up and amended, at the discretion of Southern statesmen, so far as it affects Southern rights, all without the opposition or interruption of Northern members. It will not be touched at present, any further than to be rendered perfectly unambiguous as to the domes tic institutions of the South. Has anybody in the South any objection to this? The very crisis that now weighs like lead on every man's mind has arisen from a diversity in the interpretation of certain clauses in the Constitution; or, which is the same thing, the fanaticism of the North has been wheedled into the idea that its sectional character is, at least, not adverse to the Constitution itself. It will now at once be seen that the Constitution of the United States, thus explained and amended, would still authorize the reception of States, just as it has always done; and should Tennessee secede, she PROCEEDINGS Extraordinary Character of the Congress. OF THE for the justification of Proceedings of the Florida-James B. Owens, J. Patton Anderson. (Jackson Morton was not present.) Georgia-Robert Toombs, Howell Cobb, F. S. Bartow, M. J. Crawford, E. A. Nisbet, B. H. Hill, A. R. Wright, Thomas R. R. Cobb, A. H. Kenan, A. H. Stephens. Louisiana-John Perkins, Jr., A. Declonet, Charles M. Conrad, D. F. Kenner, G. E. Sparrow, Henry Marshall. Alabama-R. W. Walker, R. this tyrannical usurpation.] | H. Smith, J. L. M. Curry, W. Convening to organize a P. Chilton, S. F. Hale, Colon government, these forty-two delegates proJ. McRae, John Gill Shorter, David P. Lewis, Thomas Fearn. ceeded to their work with all the authority of umpires from whom there was no appeal. They were to adopt articles of confederation, a Constitution, organize departments, elect a President and Vice-President, confirm cabinet and ministerial appointments-in fact, to place a fully-developed and powerful government in operation over the people. There is no parallel for such usurpation, under the guise of freedom, on the whole page of history, Mississippi-W. P. Harris, Walter Brooke, N. S. The people had nothing to do in the organ-Wilson, A. M. Clayton, W. S. Barry, J. T. Harrison. ization of the government-no voice in the South Carolina-R. B. Rhett, Sr., R. W. Barnwell, election of its officers-no option or judgment L. M. Keitt, James Chesnut, Jr., C. G. Memminger, to exercise in the matter. Porcher Miles, Thomas J. Withers, W. W. Boyce.* They were as thoroughly ignored as if no power rested in Mr. Rhett, of South Carolina, then suggestthem. A self-elected assembly gave them the ed the election of a President of the Convenlaw, gave them rulers, gave them inter-State tion, saying:-"On the part of the deputies obligations, voted war for them, imposed from South Carolina, I present the name of a taxes, appropriated their property, impressed gentleman for that office who has been illusthem to serve in the ranks; and, so cleverly was trious on the arena of the General Governthe entire scheme managed that, notwithstand- ment-whose name is coextensive with the ing all this glaring outrage of the first prin- length and breadth of this whole country-I ciples of a republican government, the people nominate the Hon. Howell Cobb, of Georgia, were led as obediently into the movement as for President of this Convention. [Applause.] their own slaves would have been led into I am sure that his election will be unanimous. the shambles. I therefore propose that he be declared President by acclamation." And the motion prevailed. Mr. Cobb assumed the chair, to pronounce from it the following address : The Convention was organized February 4th, when the following delegates presented their credentials and signed the roll: would of course have no objection to the acknowledgment of the Constitution, made secure against any misunderstanding, which is held by some to justify, if it does not originate, the divisions now rife in the country. Any other State or States which might be willing to accept the Constitution thus amended in a Southern Convention, could of course be fairly received. It may be recollected that Mississippi refused, by a vote of sixty-seven to twentythree, to say that she would never receive any Free States into a Southern Confederacy. The Southern Rights advocates have no objection to secure exact equality under their Constitution. And to a reconstruction, on this basis, they are not opposed, so far as we know. Many a man, it is true, may doubt whether this can ever be done; but certainly no one has any objection to it if it can be done. And the way to test whether it is practicable, is to make the trial, as the Montgomery Convention will proceed directly to give an opportunity." "Accept, gentlemen of the Convention, my sincere thanks for the honor which you have conferred on me. I shall endeavor, by a faithful and impartial discharge of the duties of the Chair, to merit, in some degree, at least, the confidence which you have reposed in me. The occasion which assembles us together is one of no ordinary character. We meet as the representatives of sovereign and independent States, who by their solemn judgment have dissolved all the political associations which connected them with the Government of the United States. Of the causes which have led to this decision it is unneces sary now to speak: it is enough to announce that, *Texas seceded February 1st, and appointed delegates to the Montgomery Convention February 11th, notwithstanding her Ordinance of Secession was not to be considered as binding until February 23d, when the people were to be permitted to vote on it! This is only another instance in the category of usurpations. Proceedings of the Congress. by the judgment of our constit- Whereas, The States of South revocable fact-the separation is perfect, complete, Proceedings of the ana have dissevered the political ties which bound them to a compact known as the United States of America, and, through duly authorized delegates, are now assembled in Congress to provide measures for the welfare of those States, and to establish an enduring government, whereby their rights may be maintained; and whereas, it is important that a Provisional Government shall be formed before a permanent one can be constructed: therefore, 66 Resolved, That the President appoint a Committee of one from each State, to report a plan for a Provisional Government as soon as possible." They were considered in secret session. February 6th, the North Carolina Commissioners presented their credentials in the our acts and their results as the justification of the shape of the following resolutions, passed by their General Assembly, January 29th: course which we may pursue and adopt. With a "Resolved, That this Convention deem it expedient forthwith to form a Confederacy of the States which have seceded from the Federal Union, and that a Committee be appointed to report a plan for a Provisional Government upon the basis of the Constitu tion of the United States. "1. Resolved, That for the purpose of effecting an honorable and amicable adjustment of all the diffi culties that disturb the country, upon the basis of the Crittenden resolutions, as modified by the Legis lature of Virginia, and for the purpose of consulting for our common peace, honor, and safety, the Hon. Thomas Griffin, of Alamance, D. M. Barringer, David S. Reid, John M. Morehead, and George Davis, be, and they are hereby appointed Commissioners to re present North Carolina in the proposed consultation to be held at Washington City, on the 4th of February, 1861. And, "Whereas, The State of North Carolina has been invited by the State of Alabama to meet at the City of Montgomery, on the 14th of February, 1861, for the purpose of framing a provisional as well as permanent government; and, 'Whereas, North Carolina, as a part of the Federal Union, has no right to send delegates for such a purpose: therefore, be it "2. Resolved, That for the purpose of effecting an honorable and amicable adjustment of all the difficulties that distract the country, upon the basis of the Crittenden resolutions, as modified by the Legislature of Virginia, and for the purpose of consulting for our common peace, honor, and safety, the Hon. David L. Swain, M. W. Ransom, and John L. Bridgers, are appointed Commissioners to visit Montgomery, Alabama, for the purpose above indicated." Messrs. Swain, Ransom, and Bridgers were invited to occupy seats in the Congress during open sessions. During the day very little was done. The Committee on Provisional Government was hard at work maturing its report. PROCEEDINGS OF THE MONTGOMERY CONGRESS. 337 Proceedings of the Proceedings of the February 7th, a resolu- | drawal from them; these States tion was received from the hereby declaring it to be their Alabama Legislature, plac- wish and earnest desire to ading the sum of five hundred thousand dollars just everything pertaining to the common property, common liabilities, and common obligations of that at the disposition of the "Provisional GovernUnion upon principles of right, justice, equity, and ment of the Confederacy of the Seceded good faith." States," as a loan, with which to set the new Government in motion. February 8th, the loan was accepted, in a series of complimentary resolutions. A secret session was called at 11 o'clock, A. M., and, after a protracted discussion, adopted the Provisional Constitution reported from the Special Committee. Its preamble read: "We, the Deputies of the sovereign and independent States of South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana, invoking the favor of Almighty God, do hereby, in behalf of these States, ordain and establish this Constitution for the This Constitution was understood to have been adopted by the unanimous vote of the Convention. February 9th, the election of President and Vice-President was held by the delegates, resulting in the choice of Jefferson Davis, of Mississippi, to be Provisional President, and Alexander H. Stephens, of Georgia, to bo The vote in Provisional Vice-President. either case was reported unanimous. The President of the Convention also appointed the usual Congressional Committees, viz: on Foreign Affairs, Finance, Military Affairs, Naval Affairs, Postal Affairs, Commerce, Patents, &c., &c. Among other legislative action was an ordinance continuing in force, until repealed or altered by the Congress, all laws of the United States in force or use November 1st. Also a resolution instructing the Finance Committee to report promptly a tariff for raising revenues to support the Gov"The seventh section, first article, read as fol- ernment. That step blew away the dust from Provisional Government of the same, to continue one year from the inauguration of the President, or until a permanent Constitution or Confederation between the said States shall be put in operation, whichsoever shall first occur." The Constitution was a perfect transcript of the Federal instrument, except in special clauses, that here may be stated: lows: "The importation of African negroes from any foreign country other than the Slaveholding States of the United States is hereby forbidden, and Congress is required to pass such laws as shall effectually prevent the same. French and English eyes, who, in the proposed Confederacy, saw brilliant visions of free trade and an unrestricted commerce in foreign bottoms. It was only one instance in which the promises of the leaders to their own people, as well as to foreign capitalists and manufacturers, were not fulfilled. resolution was also adopted authorizing the A "Article second-Congress shall also have power to prohibit the introduction of slaves from any State not a member of this Confederacy. "Article fourth of the third clause of the second appointment of a committee to prepare and report a "Permanent" Constitution for the Government of the Southern Confederacy-a mere matter of form, to confirm the "Provisional" Constitution. Mr. Stephens was serenaded during the grand demonstration which took place on the evening of this day, February 9th, in honor of the election of officers for the new Government. Being called out, he addressed the vast concourse of people as follows: 66 This is not the time nor place to discuss the great questions now pressing upon the public counsels. It is sufficient to say that this day a new republic has been formed. The Confederate Mr. A. H. Stephens' |