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control and direction of the army and navy | For John Bell, of Tennessee, President, and Edward Everett, of Massachusetts, Vice-President...

of the United States, and the appointment of high judicial and executive officers, postmasters included, cannot be entertained by the South for a moment."

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The election resulted, as gloomily anticipated by the Southern States, in Mr. Lincoln's triumph. The vote stood :—



The popular vote was largely against Mr. Lincoln, as will be perceived. Had all the opposition been united the vote would have stood:Opposition

For the Republican candidates..

2,804,560 .1,857,610

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The Democratic Conventions.

Majority in favor of the Democracy,. These figures are of particular interest as proving Rep. Dem. Dem. Lincoln. Douglas Breck'e. that the election was lost 13,651 48,831 to the Democrats by their own divisions, for 5.227 28,732 38.516 34,334 which the South alone was responsible. The 15,522 14,641 Charleston Convention, (April 23d,) packed 3,815 1,023 7,337 3,864 8,543 5,437 with disunionists, sought to drive the North51,889 42,886 ern Democrats into declarations on the sub

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Connecticut ..










367 11,599

Union. Bell. 27,875 20,094 6,817 3,291

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106,533 34,372 5,939



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N. Hampshire.

New Jersey..

New York

N. Carolina




Rhode Island.




17,028 58,801 31,317

37,519 25,881 2,112
58,324 62,801
353,804 303,329




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2,404 4,193 ject of Slavery at once distasteful and hos-
1,673 tile to their convictions,; and, by their efforts
66,058 to force Mr. Douglas from the list of candi-
dates, incurred the hostility of his friends to
41,760 such a degree that further co-operation was
impossible without a compromise of self-re-
62 spect. The malcontents, thwarted in their
25,040 plans for the demoralization of the Northern
Democrats, on the question of Slavery, with-
drew, or "seceded," to prevent a nomination.
The Convention failing of a nomination ad-
journed to meet at Baltimore, June 18th-
the "Seceders" having adjourned to meet at
Richmond, June 11th. The Convention at
Baltimore was beset by the "Seceders" and
their unaccredited delegates; but, after much
discussion and voting they were ruled out,
when Mr. Douglas received the nomination.
The "Seceders," headed by Caleb Cushing,
gathered at the Front Street Theatre, in Bal-
timore and nominated John C. Breckenridge.
Twelve States were not represented at all, in
that gathering. The "Seceders" at Rich-
mond-composed entirely of delegates from
the Cotton growing States, with one from
Tennessee and one from Virginia-having ad-

S. Carolina....Electors chosen by Legislature.


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183 12,776




Total..... 1,857,610 1,365,976 847,953 590.631
For Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois, and Hannibal
Hamlin, of Maine, Vice-President.......
For Stephen Arnold Douglas, of Illinois, Presi-
dent, and Herschel V. Johnson, of Georgia,

For John J. Breckenridge, of Kentucky, Presi-
dent, and Joseph Lane, of Oregon, Vice-Presi-





journed to await the action of the Baltimore | election at Charleston, was received with long-conConvention, "ratified" the nomination of tinued cheering for a Southern confederacy.

Mr. Breckenridge, who thus became a candidate of the extremists, or disunionists. That Mr. Douglas was the regular and just nominee is evident from the fullness of the delegations in the Convention and by the popular


WASHINGTON, D. C., Wednesday, Nov. 7, 1860. There is a good deal of excitement here. Several extreme Southern men in office have donned the cockade, and declared themselves ready to march


COLUMBIA, S. C., Thursday, Nov. 8th.

dispatch from Virginia, tendering the services of a The Speaker of the House last night received a volunteer corps in the event of South Carolina's secession. Edmund Ruffin spoke last night. He said Southern independence conld only be secured by the secession of South Carolina. His speech was raptu

The election of Mr. Lincoln was, therefore, owing to the disorganization of the opposition by the Southern men, and that these disorganizers should have proceeded to organize a scheme of treason against the Government, using their defeat as a pretext, demon-rously applauded. strates the wisdom of the course pursued by the Douglas men in repudiating the dictation of the extremists.

For the election of a Republican President the country is indebted to the extremists of the South.

South Carolina to lead.

From the unity of sentiment which prevailed in South Carolina on the ques

CHARLESTON, S. C., Thursday, Nov. 7, 1860. The bark James Gray, owned by Cushing's Boston Line, lying at our wharves, under instructions from her owners, has hoisted the Palmetto flag, and fired a salute of fifteen guns. ·

NEW ORLEANS, La., Thursday, Nov. 8, 1860. Placards are posted about the city, calling a Convention of those favorable to the organization of a corps of

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Minute Men."

WASHINGTON, D. C., Friday, Nov. 9, 1860. The President is still in doubt what to do. He is

know how to meet them. His feelings are with the South, but he is afraid to assist them openly.

tion of a dissolution of her relations with the Union, that State was looked to by the Seces-apprehensive of troubles in the South, but does not sionists to take the initiative in the rebellion. She did not shrink from the responsibility. Before the day of election her Governor had laid a strong disunion message before the Legislature, advising the calling of a Convention of Delegates to act for the State in dissolving her relations with the Union.

How the Election was regarded.

Such dispatches as the following flew the wires on the days succeed

ing the Presidential election:—


RALEIGH. N, C., Wednesday, Nov. 7, 1860. The Governor and Council are in session. The people are very much excited. North Carolina is ready to secede.

COLUMBIA, S. C., Wednesday, Nov. 7, 1860. William W. Boyce, member of Congress, spoke from the steps of the Congaree House, on Tuesday night,urging secession in case of Mr. Lincoln's election. He was followed by other prominent Carolinians.

MONTGOMERY, Ala., Wednesday, Nov. 7, 1860. Large numbers of the Bell men, headed by T. H. Watts, have declared for secession, since the announcement of Lincoln's election. The State will undoubtedly secede.

AUGUSTA, Ga., Wednesday, Nov. 7, 1860. The Charleston Mercury says the news of Lincoln's


A large quantity of arms was yesterday shipped from our arsenal to the South. But the place of destination remains a secret.

created much excitement. It is the most unconstiThe proclamation of Gov. Brown, of Georgia, has tutional manifesto ever published in the United States, and it depends now upon the President whether he will use his authority, and enforce the laws of the United States.

Growth of the Secession Sentiment

Each day added to the intensity of the excitement. The press of the South, early in November, was widely divided, even in the Gulf States. In New Orleans, the majority of press and people seemed to regard the threats of disunion with disfavor. So in Savannah, Mobile, Memphis, Nashville, &c., there were found stern and strong voices for the Union. "Wait until Mr. Lincoln is inaugurated, and commits the overt act," the Union men urged; but, it soon became evident that the antipathy to the North and to the Union gained in fervor; and, day by day, the public mind of the South became more reconciled to the views of the few men who assumed a leadership in the crisis, viz.: Wm.

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Virginia's Protest.

vention bill was adopted-December 6th be-
ing fixed as the day for the election of dele-
gates, the Convention to meet December 17th.
These "precipitate" de-
monstrations gave especial
alarm to the Union men in
the South, who were rapidly becoming power-
less before the growing feeling against any ar-
rangement with the North. In Virginia, al-
though the disunion sentiment largely pre-
vailed, the disinclination to precipitate steps
was so strong as to call forth such protests as
the following, from the Alexandria Gazette,
against the course of South Carolina:

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'Throwing aside the question of Constitutional right to secede at all, there is something due to comity, to neighborhood associations, to propriety. No man has a 'right,' by setting fire to his own house, to endanger the house of his neighbor. Vir

Gov. Moore, of Alabama, awaits the election of ginia, in this Union, or out of it as a sovereign, and

Lincoln by the electoral college, on the fifth of December, before calling a State Convention. He will issue his call on the 6th of December, fixing election of delegates for the 24th. The Convention assembles 7th January, 1861. The Convention will be composed of one hundred members. From the indications given in private correspondence from leading men in each county, at least seventy-five members of the Convention will be for unconditional disunion. MILLEDGEVILLE, Ga. The leading men of all parties had a conference to-day, and unanimously agreed to a State Convention. They recommend resistance, the time and

mode to be settled by the Convention. Good feeling prevailed.


"Florida is with the gallant Palmetto flag," said a dispatch from Governor Perry, of that State, to Governor Gist, of South Carolina.


Governor Letcher has called an extra session of the Legislature for the 7th of January, to take into consideration the condition of public affairs, and determine calmly and wisely what action is necessary in this emergency.

South Carolina Acts.

as potential as South Carolina, and has her own interests to look after, her own rights to be secured, her own feelings to be respected-and she will demand this from South Carolina, just as much as she would from any other State in the present United States. It would seem as if in the course now pursued, fearing the conservative action of Virginia, and not desiring, in truth, a United South,' certain Cotton States were for going off by themselves, for the mere sake of 'forming a Cotton Confederacy,' totally irrespective of other Southern States which do not recognize Cotton as their King, and totally regardless of any interests or any views but their

own. It used to be a "United South!" It was for

merly Disunion and Secession for aggression by the

General Government. It is now a disunited Southsecession on account of the untoward result of a Presidential election! This is not the way to uphold the rights of the States, and the rights of the South. It is weakening our own position, and destroying our own strength."

To this view of the case the Charleston Mercury replied :—

The Iron Rule.

"Virginia and the other frontier States may as

November 10th, in the well at once understand their position with the Cotton States. They are not expected to aid the Cotton South Carolina Legislature, States in protecting themselves and redeeming their important action was had liberties. They will practically aid the Northern A bill was reported for the immediate enStates in attempting to obtain in the South an acqui.. rolment of 10,000 volunteers. November 21st escence in the rule of Abolitionists at Washington. was fixed as a day of humiliation, fasting The Southern States, however, will disregard their and prayer. The resignations of Messrs. Ham-counsels. They want no conference but in the conmond and Chestnut, United States Senators, vention which will assemble to frame the Constitu were accepted "enthusiastically." The Con- tion, and complete the organization of a Southern


Confederacy. They intend to secede from the Union, and construct a Union amongst themselves, and will be glad to find Virginia and the other Border States in counsel with them, after this great Revolution. But if these value their own dignity,or respect our wishes, let them keep aloof from us until they are prepared to dissolve their connection with the pre


Terms of Settlement to be proposed.

The conservative element in the South, it was hoped, would rally around a proposition of this kind; but, no concerted sympathy was expressed, and all hopes of the proposed Conference were abandoned at an early sent Union, and to unite their destinies with that of day. Under the influence of an ever-increasing sentiment for disunion and "further indethe other Southern States. If they will not be our friends, let them not be our enemies, by unsolicited pendence," the Unionists in Alabama, Georand undesired efforts under whatever amiable pre- gia, and Mississippi were soon left in the text-of preserving an abolished Union, to subject small minority. The immediate Secessionists us to the sectional despotism of a consolidated gov-began at length to speak of them derisively ernment under the control of abolitionists at Wash- as "submissionists," began to use them disington. The day for new guarantees is gone. Henceforth we are two peoples."

courteously at first, but soon proceeded to intimidate by threats. Before South CaroThe Conference demanded by Virginia lina had actually seceded, in the cotton growlooked to a united effort before Congress, and ing States a strong Unionist was regarded as all action for secession was to be withheld an enemy to the South, and was treated with until after the failure to obtain from Con- such opposition as made it impolitic for a gress the necessary guarantees. It was un- citizen to speak his sentiments if they were derstood by her leading men that the Repub-averse to precipitate action. It was given licans in Congress would patiently and will-out, and became the generally received opiningly consider plans for compromise, and Virginia, if she could stay the revolution before it passed beyond the actual point of secession, had fair hopes of still preserving the Union. The programme determined upon by the Virginia leaders embraced, first, a repeal of the statutes nullifying the Fugitive Slave law by those States which have passed such statutes, with a guarantee of a faithful enforcement of that law in the future; second, a concession that the Constitution authorizes the carrying of slaves into the common territory, and consequent protection for slave property therein; and, third, that neither Congress nor the Executive shall interfere with slavery in the States or Territories, except for its protection in the latter when necessary.

ion, that "in view of the increasing power of the Disunionists in the South, the conservatives of that quarter, headed by Henry S. Foote of Mississippi, Alexander H. Stephens of Georgia, Isaac E. Morse of Louisiana, Gen. Sam Houston of Texas, George W. Jones of Tennessee, the Hon. John M. Botts, Timothy Rives, and William C: Rives of Virginia, Albert Rust of Arkansas, and James Guthrie of Kentucky, intend issuing a manifesto, assuring the conservative people of the Free States that in no event will the constitutional election of Mr. Lincoln be regarded as a cause for breaking up the Union, unless he should attack the rights of the South." But, if such an address ever was contemplated or proposed, it never was published.

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Whereas, The present crisis in national affairs, in the judgment of this General Assembly, demands resistance; and

Whereas, It is the privilege of the people to determine the mode, measure, and time of such resistance: therefore,

The General Assembly enacts that the Governor issue his proclamation, ordering the election on the 2d of January.

Its powers were defined in the fourth section of the bill, which read:-"Said Convention, when assembled, may consider all grievances impairing or affecting the equality of rights of the people of Georgia as members of the United States, and determine the mode, measure, and time of redress."

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'Whereas, In consequence of the appointment of Electors, a majority of whom are known to be favor. able to the election of sectional candidates as President and Vice-President of the United States, whose principles and views are believed (by a large portion of the Southern States) to be in direct hostility to their constitutional rights and interests, and in consequence thereof great excitement prevails in the public mind, and prudence requires that the representatives of the people of this Commonwealth should take into consideration the condition of public affairs, and determine, calmly and wisely, what action is necessary in this emergency, therefore, I, John Letcher, Governor, by virtue of the authority gates of the two Houses of the General Assembly of aforesaid, do hereby require the Senators and Dele

the Commonwealth to convene at the Capitol, in the city of Richmond, on Monday, the 7th day of January, A. D. 1861, at 12 o'clock, M., to legislate upon such subjects as they may deem necessary and pro

His proclamation | per."

"Whereas, The people of the Non-Slaveholding States have in various forms, declared purposes hostile to the institutions of the Slaveholding States, and the State Governments of nearly all the Northern States have evinced a settled purpose to evade their

constitutional obligations, and disregard their oaths

in carrying on this war on the rights and institutions of Southern States; and

"Whereas, The recent election of Messrs. Lincoln and Hamlin demonstrates that those who neither reverence the Constitution, obey the laws, nor regard their oaths, have now the power to elect to the highest offices in the Confederacy men who sympathize with them in all their mad zeal to destroy the peace, property and prosperity of the Southern section, and who will use the powers of the Federal Government to defeat all the purposes for which it was formed; and

"Whereas, The dearest rights of the people depend for protection, under our Constitution, on the fidelity to their oaths of those who administer the Govern

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This was accompanied by an announcement in the Dispatch, of Richmond, to the effect that the State could efficiently arm 25,000 troops. The editor further stated that she had at least sixty bronze and rifled field pieces and howitzers. "A contract has been made for 3,000 shells and shrapnells, in addition to those purchased with the Parrott Five hundred barrels of Dupont powguns. der has been purchased and stored in magazines built for the purpose. The model of a new Virginia musket is determined on. Other warlike preparations are also in progress." The Dispatch, referring to the Governor's call, and the crisis which the Legislature would have to meet, said:


By the time they meet, the crisis will be sufficiently developed, no doubt, to demand some action on the part of Virginia. She will then find, very probably, that the question for her to debate is ripe. Ten days have very much changed the appearance of things. The signs from the South leave little room to hope that the Union will long remain unbroken. If there is a possibility of preserving it, or of prevailing upon States which may secede to rejoin the Union, we cannot long postpone deliberation upon the means by which either is to be done. There may be yet another question for Virginia, and that is, if secession cannot be avoided, and the Seceding States cannot be induced to return, what course is left her to pursue? It is probable that Governor Letcher will renew his proposition to the last Legislature for a Convention of the States, under the fifth article of the Constitution, to consider the state of

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