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he comes of age. God bless the little fellow! He starts well in the world, after all, and may yet be President.

The man stepped upon the platform of the turnstile, and was whirled in out of sight of the world and all he loved.

Tenderness of the President toward the

A woman in a faded shawl and hood, somewhat advanced in life, was admitted one day, in her turn, to see President Lincoln, in his office.

much affected by her appearance and story, and said,

"I know what you wish me to do now, and I shall do it without your asking; I shall release to you your second son."

Upon this he took up his pen and commenced writing the order. While he was writing the poor woman stood by his side, the tears running down her face, and passed her hand softly over his head, stroking tenderly his rough hair-as a fond mother will do to a son. By the Her husband and three sons, all she had time he had finished writing, his own heart in the world, had enlisted in the war. and eyes were full. He handed her the But her husband having lost his life in the paper, saying, "Now you have one and I service, she had come to ask the President one of the other two left; that is no more to release to her the oldest son. Being than right." She took the paper, and satisfied of the truthfulness of her story, reverently placing her hand again upon he said, "Certainly, if her prop was taken his head, the tears still upon her cheeks, away she was justly entitled to one of her

boys." He immediately wrote an order


"The Lord bless you, Mr. President. and may

for the discharge of the young man. The May you live a thousand years, poor woman thanked him very gratefully, you always be the head of this great naand went away. On reaching the tion."


she found that this son had been in a recent engagement, was wounded and taken to a hospital. She found the hospital, but

It was the Baby that did It. A touching incident of President Lincoln's kindness of heart is the following, as told by one of the servants attached to the presidential mansion. A poor woman from Philadelphia had been waiting, with a baby in her arms, for three days, to see the President. Her husband had furnished a substitute for the army, but some time afterward was one day made intoxicated by some companions, and in this state induced to enlist. Soon after he reached the army he deserted, thinking that as he had provided a substitute, the Government was not entitled to his services. Returning home, he was, of course, arrested, tried, convicted, and sentenced to be shot. The sentence was to be executed on a the boy was dead, or died while she was Saturday. On Monday, preceding, his there. The surgeon in charge made a wife left her home with her baby to enmemorandum of the facts upon the back deavor to see the President. Said old of the President's order, and, almost bro- Daniel: "She had been waiting here three ken-hearted, the poor woman found her days, and there was no chance for her to way again into his presence. He was get in. Late in the afternoon of the third


Tenderness of the President toward the Lowly.

a cup

manner in which a substitute broker could be victimized-done for!--by his intended victim. It seems that broker became ac

day the President was going through the back passage to his private rooms, to get of tea or take some rest. On his way through this passage-way, (which quainted with a countryman who had some shuts the person passing entirely out of notion about enlistment. "Oh, you're my view of the occupants of the ante-room,) man-I can pocket two or three hundred he heard the little baby cry. He instantly dollars on you," muttered the joyous browent back to the office and rang the bell. ker, at the same time inviting Greeny to 'Daniel,' said he, 'is there a woman with "take a walk and see the town." Greeny a baby in the ante-room?' I said there accepted, and off the two started. They was, and, if he would allow me to say it, not long after imbibed freely-in fact, very I thought it a case he ought to see; for it freely. Broker was anxious to have was a matter of life and death. Said he, Greeny drink often, while his plan was to 'Send her to me at once.' She went in, keep sober. Broker had plenty of money, told her story, and the President pardoned and would not permit "his friend from the her husband. As the woman came out country" to spend a single dime. Finally, from his presence, her eyes were lifted Broker-contrary altogether to his original and her lips moving in prayer, the tears streaming down her cheeks." Daniel added: "I went up to her and pulling her shawl said, ‘Madam, it was the baby that did it!""

Sold by his intended Victim.

plan-became weak in the knees, while Greeny was growing sober. Result: Greeny marched Mr. Broker to the Marshal's office, had him examined, was accepted and sworn in as a substitute. Greeny pocketed the profits, and started for the country. Mr. Broker became a sojourner on Hart's Island, in company with several of his victims. Verdict

The employes and habitues of the Provost-Marshal's office in the city of Troy, New York, were one day considerably amused by a little episode, showing the served him right.

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