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gentlemen able to meet other gentlemen as such. Such men we have, and we should strive to increase their number. The Rev. John Presland proposed the second resolution :-" Resolved, That this meeting, being deeply impressed with the importance of strengthening the early efforts of the Church in its young and weaker Societies, by judicious assistance in the maintenance of suitable Ministers, urges upon all who enjoy the privileges of worship and instruction according to the principles of the New Dispensation, to extend these advantages to others by a hearty and liberal support of the Students' and Ministers' Aid Fund." In moving this resolution, Mr. Presland said that it had been sometimes questioned whether the aid given to small societies by the Fund was not a mistake, and resulted only in the pampering of congregations which had no real life in themselves. This danger, he admitted, did exist, but the Committee carefully guarded against it. The object of the Fund was to help established Societies, and to supplement their resources. What was the history of almost all the existing wealthy Societies? That of a gradual development of their internal resources by the means of extraneous assistance. It could do no harm to review the career of the several London Societies. In his own church, Argyle Square, the Rev. T. C. Shaw had laboured gratuitously for many years, preparing and developing the capacities of the Society for future usefulness, and this same element of outside help existed in the churches at Camden Road, Devonshire Street, Kensington, and Camberwell, though the latter was as good an example of self-help as the New Church in London could show. Having thus freely received, it was our duty to freely give, and endeavour to bestow upon others the blessings that had been vouchsafed to ourselves. Again, what was the usual history of the smaller Societies? He would cite Horncastle as an instance. Dr. Bayley had lectured there, and at first nothing was said or done, but when it was whispered that he was a Swedenborgian, congregations were warned by their pastors to avoid his meetings, and with the usual result of such warnings,-they were immediately neglected, and those came to hear Dr. Bayley who would otherwise have manifested no interest in his lectures. Mr.

Presland recollected a circumstance of a similar kind at Derby. A Dissenting minister warned his congregation against the gate of perdition, by which term he was pleased to denote the New Church in that town. Forthwith, several were anxious to see what the decensus Averni was like, and the Society was strengthened accordingly. But the New Church truths being thus received, what next happened? Our non-separatist friends would say to those accepting them, "Quietly labour in your own communions, lend books, introduce your new convictions into your conversation, until by degrees the little leaven shall leaven the whole lump." How often has this been attempted, and with what usual result? Generally, with that of practical excommunication from former associations, and the inevitable formation of those thus separated into distinct congregations, drawn together by the desire to worship, and receive instruction according to the new principles conscientiously embraced. So had it been in many instances: so was it at Horncastle. The pulpit of that Society had been supplied hitherto chiefly by the Missionary and Tract Society of the New Church, but now, he rejoiced to learn, a strenuous effort was in progress to procure the services of a resident minister. Were the teachings of the New Church a blessing or not? He could not doubt the response, and would therefore earnestly commend to all the necessity of doing what they could to supply the needs of the New Church in our native land. Let the rich give of their wealth, and the poor remember the great results attained by the multiplication of small sums. Ministers were necessary, like Paul, to plant, but so was the assistance of the laity indispensable, like Apollos, to water, and if all contributed their share the Great Lord of the harvest would give the increase.

Mr. Dicks (Buttesland Street), in seconding the resolution, said that one of the greatest needs of the New Church was that its ministers should be able to be pastors. As the leader of a weak society, he had seen that not only did it require a representative and preacher, but it required a pastor who could say the right word in the right place at the right time. But for this it was essential that the minister should be able to devote his whole time to his work. If he

had also, either as an employer or em- be made to enable all to contribute, and

ployé, to consider how to provide daily bread for himself and family, his influence for good would be marred. The Students' and Ministers' Aid Fund was, he learnt, now twenty years old, and was thus commencing the age of manhood. He would hope that the meeting was the opening of a new era of useful. ness and prosperity.

gave some interesting information as to his missionary visits to Grimsby, Long Sutton, and Holbeach.

On the proposition of the Rev. J. Presland, seconded by the Rev. W. Bruce, a resolution of warmest sympathy with Revs. J. Hyde, E. D. Rendell, and R. Storry, in their present infirm health, was unanimously passed. A vote of thanks was passed to the Chairman, and the meeting closed by a hymn and the benediction.

During the evening the Treasurer received the names of friends willing to contribute annually to the two institutions, and the donations of those desirous of giving at once without engaging themselves for the future were also collected. The addition to the funds from these sources amounted to nearly £60.

SWEDENBORG.-Sir,-On reading in

Mr. Deans (Brightlingsea) moved the third resolution:"In view of the pressing necessities of mankind for the genuine principles of Christianity, and the capabilities of the New Church to supply them-Resolved, That in the Opinion of this meeting our National Missionary Institution is worthy of the most liberal pecuniary aid from every member of the Church, and this meeting urges upon all present, and recommends to the members of the Church everywhere, to give it a generous and hearty support. Mr. Deans said he would the April number of The Intellectual not touch upon the pecuniary position Repository, the article on Swedenborg, of the Institution, since he knew the as extracted from the Popular EncycloTreasurer would speak very feelingly pædia or Conversations-Lexicon, I was upon that subject, but he would call reminded of an article which I had attention to the present necessities of noticed in the Universal Encyclopædia mankind for a real Christianity. Having published in 1873, which professes to pointed out some of the errors of the give an impartial account of all subteachings of the day, he said that re- jects on which it treats; hence we may ligious opinions were somewhat "mixed." infer from the account it gives of Large sums of money were raised to send Swedenborg, that he is beginning to out missionaries to heathen lands, but appear before the world in his real we needed missionaries for other labours character, and his works appreciated for He then graphically depicted a society their real value. There, instead of Swedenwithout any regular minister, and told borg being spoken of as "the most celehow four or five of its members would brated mystic," he is denominated "one take their turn to read a sermon. It of the distinguished men of science of often occurred that one of them was the eighteenth century."... "He was unable to conduct the services upon his remarkable for his religious suscepti day and wished to exchange with some bility in his youth; and his parents other, and sometimes no one thought it said that angels spoke through him." his furn. They all, however, thought ... Of his theological works it is themselves as good as each other, and said, "These are in themselves suffi Bey were probably correct, The visits ciently numerous to form a life's work, of a wise opary were made every quarter, and present throughout evidences of and Mr. Pranis desertded the Society as the deepest religious feeling. The style Priwang in pleasurable recollections of of composition marks them as works of the post yet for sex words and in anti- a master mind. They are filled with enations of the coming one for a Me Elustrations from the scientific and pernas He weld of sy bow much menzhysics Jore of their author, and be desend Pat wissendry Cats should present, perhaps the most remarkable de www nyway made te small bomberation of science and theology xva ad de would doge that the that is where to be met with. mix of the Inseteve wild enable Though in a sweedy afirmed that Swaterberg labvared under a delusion, Canvas sending the melk is an SEC D Apie the engen versova: the last, inished but a few Symptoms of

months before his death, being singularly warm and heartfelt way in which it clear and free from enthusiasm. He was explained, as through his own was always regarded as a learned and pious man, and it would appear that the story of his insanity rests for its support upon the word of a single enemy. . The believers of his doctrines are now become a numerous body," etc., etc.-M. HOLLAND.1



mild and amiable personal qualities. The friends of the New Church proposed a contribution to be raised, to enable Mr. Boyesen to visit Stockholm every year, and to lecture here, and such a contribution in a short time was established. Mr. Boyesen remained here more than a week, and lectured To the Editor. - A several times, which contributed conSociety of confessors of the New Church siderably to make the minds more suswas established in Stockholm in the ceptible to the doctrines of the New year 1866, but at that time this Church and the reading of the theoloSociety did not venture to act publicly, gical works of Swedenborg. Once in the on account of the intolerance of the year he returned, in the month of NoSwedes generally, who were not used to vember, and then delivered a series of hear religious opinions differing from lectures, which were accepted with still the Lutheran Confession, which in this more interest, as he had made himself country is established as the Church of known as a religious speaker. The the State. In the year 1874, October number of his auditors continually in22nd, a Swedish gentleman, Mr. Laurell, creased, so that a larger room after having communicated with the required, and we dare say that, through chairman of this Society, took the the lectures, many were warmly interresolute step of announcing publicly, ested in the doctrines of the New Church. in the newspapers of Stockholm, a Among the confessors of this Church meeting of New Churchmen in this the wish was common to see Mr. city. By this meeting the adherents Boyesen removed to Stockholm, as the of the New Church doctrines proved pastor of this community, which would so numerous, that a new Society was be of great interest to the New Church established, part of which were the here. But this cannot be obtained, as old members, and Mr. Laurell has we are not able to offer such a salary as through this step made himself known would be necessary. But we hope that as very much interested for the New our noble American and English friends Church. Such a meeting Mr. Laurell will assist, with the same charity as has had also in Copenhagen, but formerly, the great object of the Scandiwithout any remarkable result, as the navian Mission, and so its zealous serNew Churchmen in this city have vant may be able to work amongst us. been able to act publicly, with the It will be observed that the New Rev. A. T. Boyesen as their pas- Church has been regarded here with tor. At the New Church meet- much interest, and the confessors of this ing in Stockholm, a result, so much Church rejoice that the road to the the more remarkable, was effected free confession of Swedenborg's doctrine through the generous expenses of Mr. may be considered at least as opened, Laurell, to whom we are indebted for and they pray that the time may not the presence of the Rev. A. T. Boyesen, be distant when the Swedes will acwho, at this meeting, lectured on the knowledge the truth with thankfulness, doctrines of the New Church in a way and regard Emanuel Swedenborg, this convincing to all who had a mind sus- great Northern apostle, as belonging to ceptible to true Christian religion. their country.-EIR. ABRAHMSEN, MerWithout the assistance of the Rev. Mr. chant; Osc. TYBONI, Professor of Music; Boyesen probably not much would Z. FALK, E. J. FALK, Manufacturers of have been effected; but this excellent Furniture. preacher interested his auditors, as well through the Word which he pronounced, the truths it contained, the

1 The Universal Encyclopædia, by L. Colange, LL.D., is published by the London Encyclopædia Publishing Company, and sold by Jno. Murdoch, 41 Castle St., Holborn, London, E.C.

SYDNEY, New South Wales. -Rev. and dear Sir,-It may interest your readers to know that the late Mr. Horatio Brett of Sydney, New South Wales, left a legacy to the late Mr.

George Heath of that city and myself, or the survivor of us, for New Church purposes. The legacy was charged, in connection with other property, with certain annuities, and the annuitants having departed this life, as well as my co-trustee Mr. Heath, it has ultimately become payable to myself. It was Mr. Brett's intention that the amount to be devoted out of his estate to this legacy should be £1000. A part of his property was, however, invested in a security supposed to be worth £1200, which only yielded £500. A deficiency on the estate was, therefore, the result, and the surviving executor of Mr. Brett, the honourable John Fairfax, wrote to me explaining the position of affairs, and offering either to nurse the residue until it amounted to £1000, or at once pay it over to me on receiving a full discharge for the legacy. After consultation with some of my friends in the College Council, I determined upon the latter course, and have this day received from Mr. Fairfax a bill payable in sixty days for the sum of £876, 7s. 2d. When Mr. Heath and I were appointed executors by Mr. Brett, I was very anxious to obtain means for establishing the New Church College. Mr. Heath was desirous of extending a knowledge of the New Church doctrines, and establishing a Society for the worship of the Lord in Sydney. Had he lived, I believe we should have arranged to divide the proceeds of this legacy equally between these two objects. I have therefore arranged to do this, and intend on receiving (D.V.) the £876, 7s. 2d. on the 14th June next to hand over on security £438, 3s. 7d. to the Treasurer of the New Church College for its general purposes, and the other moiety to the Trustees of the same Institution to be invested for the benefit of the New Church Society at Sydney. The College Trustees will thus hold the second moiety on trust. And I have arranged that this moiety shall be forwarded to the brethren at Sydney when the Committee of the Foreign and Colonial Aid Society of the New Church sees fit. To prevent the possibility of any misapprehension, I wish it to be distinctly understood that this second moiety is not for College purposes, nor for the purposes of Foreign and Colonial Missions in general, but, solely, for the propagation of the heavenly doctrines or the sustentation of

a New Church Society at Sydney, New South Wales, under the direction of the Committee of the New Church Foreign and Colonial Missionary Institution.Faithfully yours, H. BATEMAN.

NATIONAL MISSIONARY INSTITUTION. The following places have been visited by the Agent of this Institution :Middlesboro'-on-Tees.-The little Seciety in this town has been again visited by Mr. Gunton, who delivered four dis courses on two Sundays, commencing March 14th, and two week evening lectures.

The attendance was satisfactory. The visit aroused the receivers of the doctrines to renewed energy: some strangers attended. Some, who partially receive the views, were helped on further. The Sacrament of the Holy Supper was administered, and three children were baptized. About 150 of the "Silent Missionaries" were sold.

West Hartlepool. This town received a second visit from Mr. Gunton, who delivered two lectures in the Temperance Hall, on the 17th and 18th of March. Owing to the excitement respecting the election of the School Board, and the circumstance of other lecturing in the town the same evenings, the attendance was smaller than was expected. Two gentlemen held in high esteem in the town kindly occupied the chair, one each evening, and a few of the "Silent Missionaries were sold. Several questions were asked and answered.

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Darlington. Mr. Gunton also visited this town for the third time; here the meetings were well attended, and many questions were proposed. The railway company kindly granted the use of the lecture-room of their Institute. A gentleman occupying a position of importance in the town occupied the chair, and was manifestly much interested and favourably impressed by what he heard. Sixty of the "Silent Missionaries" were sold, and many more required; thirty additional, and four copies of the True Christian Religion, have since been sent down. The free-will offerings of the people were accepted on the last evening, and £1, 3s. 6d. was received. Two other friends in addition gave 10s. each.

Nottingham.-This Society was visited by Mr. Gunton, to preach the anniver sary sermons on Sunday, March 28th, and to enable Mr. Wilkins to go to Ashton. The attendance and the collec

tions were satisfactory. On Monday a tea-meeting was held, at which the attendance was good, and the evening was felt to be a happy one. Mr. J. A. Clarke presided.

Market Lavington, Wilts.-This village has been visited by Mr. Gunton for the first time. He delivered two lectures in the Workmen's Hall on Thursday and Friday evenings, April 1st and 2nd. The attendance was good; and the attention and interest all that could be expected. On the second evening several questions were asked. Thirty of the Silent Missionaries were sold, and one copy of the True Christian Religion. Others were ordered. Two New Church friends there paid all the local expenses. The effort was regarded as satisfactory.

Salisbury.-From Market Lavington Mr. Gunton was conveyed on Saturday, April 3rd, by one of the friends there to Salisbury; this friend, Mr. Gauntlett, remaining over Sunday to attend the services of the New Church, which he greatly enjoyed, and expressed his wish that he could have the same privilege every Sabbath day. The attendance at both services was good. After the morning service the Sacrament of the Holy Supper was administered. This Society is progressing satisfactorily, under the leadership of Mr. Whitehorn and Mr. Saunders, with occasional aid from missionaries, for which it has paid during the present year the sum of £10 to the Missionary and Tract Society. Mr. Bruce has lately visited them, and his ministrations were much enjoyed. One pleasing feature of the services is the sweet singing of the Sunday scholars, whose voices are nicely trained by the harmonist.

ACCRINGTON.-From a private letter received from a friend at this place we make the following extract:-"You will be glad to hear that, at our Annual Meeting held last Monday, April 13th, we resolved to start a branch School in Accrington, in either the Scaitliffe or Blackburn Road district. As yet no place has been found more suitable than a room in the old Baptist Chapel, now used as a public hall; but the good spirit with which the movement has been taken up, and the interest displayed in it by many of our young men, augurs well for its ultimate success. This is the first time in the history of our

Society that any action has been taken towards the establishment of a second centre of interest here, and it is a pleasing evidence of increased strength and energy."

BLACKBURN.-On Easter Monday afternoon, the teachers, senior scholars, and friends connected with the New Jerusalem Temple, assembled together in the schoolroom to tea, when about 140 sat down. After the removal of the tables a pleasant and interesting meeting was held, Mr. T. Pemberton in the chair. The junior members of the society and the senior scholars had prepared a varied programme for the edification of those present, and much credit is due to them for the efficient manner in which the music, dialogues, and recitations were gone through. The chief attraction of the evening was the music, which had been prepared, and which was admirably rendered by the choir, Mr. Herbert Riley presiding at the piano.

The Secretary, Mr. Thomas Pemberton, writes us-"As you will imagine, we feel the loss of our minister very much; but I am pleased to be able to say, the attendance at worship is about as usual, and with the assistance of missionaries and other friends, as well as our endeavouring to do our duty, we shall again have the satisfaction of seeing the Society with a pastor before very long. The committee are working harmoniously together, which is a good omen for the future.'

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HULL. An extended notice of the opening of the Bazaar in behalf of the Building Fund, which has been held in this place, appeared in the Hull Times of March 7th. From this notice we give the following extract :

"On Tuesday last a sale of ornamental and useful goods was opened at the Public Rooms, Jarratt Street, in aid of the funds of the New Jerusalem Church, which is at present in course of erection on the Spring-bank. Hitherto the members of this community, who are more familiarly known as Swedenborgians, have worshipped together at the Temperance Hall and Mechanics' Institute, but at length the nucleus of a fund was raised sufficient to justify them in the erection of a church capable of seating 350 persons, and the

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