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The War has made clear that the struggle was between two ideals more than between nations. The outcome is more than a victory: it is an opportunity for the intelligent application of the principles of liberty in every condition of life and among all peoples. The purpose of the untold sacrifice was well expressed by a sergeant, who was going back to his unit after being wounded twice. He had a presentiment that he would not return and he showed his courage by saying: "But I don't mind. It's going to be a better world for the kiddies afterwards." The home was in the heart of this hero, and it was the instinct of the father that led him forward to death, for the sake of the welfare of the rising generation. In every crisis, the father must step into the breach and discharge his high mission.

The home is the best school of character and the center of the finest culture. The contagion of moral and spiritual idealism makes for bright surroundings and healthy pleasures. The atmosphere of religion is an inspiration and a safeguard, whose influence has been beneficial and far-reaching. The absence of it is a most serious loss and a fatal menace, more especially in these days, when we are threatened by atheism in the city, paganism in the country, and materialism everywhere. The conditions of industrial, commercial, and social life are making subtle invasions into the

sanctity of the home. We must see to it that the sacred ties which hold the family together in a complete circle are strengthened by the inner springs, whose source is God.

One of the established means which made family religion fertile and fruitful was the practice of family prayers. This impressive expression of family faith is no longer common nor popular. It does not necessarily follow that religion is not present where the family altar does not exist; but we must acknowledge that the religious life, in all its bearings, receives a greater stimulus where it is honored and used. The altar sanctifies and strengthens the hearth. It helps to cultivate the habits of reverence, dignity, and honor. The public exercises of the sanctuary are more apt to be better sustained by those who observe home worship than by those who neglect it.

Many parents desire to restore or introduce this wholesome practice; but they are doubtless confused as to ways and means. To be sure, it cannot be observed according to traditional ways, nor indeed would it be advisable. Where the father has to take the morning train and the children must hurry to school or the older members go to business, the best time for family prayers is soon after the evening meal, when all the family is generally present. The important question is not how much time should be given to it. The more urgent fact is the spirit of faith and reverence in which it is carried out, and its regular observance throughout the year. Five minutes given to this ennobling exercise, from day to day, will bring


the blessing of heaven on the home and enable parents and children to enjoy the favor of God and the peace divine, which passeth all understanding.

The chapters in this little book are arranged so that the whole family could participate. The Scripture passage at the opening is to be recited in concert. Next comes the portion for the evening followed by the prayer, both to be read by the father, after which all unite in the Lord's Prayer. Provision is also made for special days of the year. Let it be emphasized that the father is the priest of the family and the legitimate leader of family devotions.

This volume was prepared for my own family, and it has worked so well that I am sharing it with others, with the prayer that every home in the land may enjoy in fullest measure the goodness, the grace, and the guidance of the Father, from whom every family is named.

January 2, 1919.

O. L. J.

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