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tack Milliken's Bend, VII, 293; in battle
of Sabine Cross Roads, VIII, 293.
Walker, Leroy P., Conf. Sec. of War and
Brig. Gen.: appointed Confederate Secre-
tary of War, III, 212; letter to Pickens, 397;
dispatches about Fort Pickens, IV, 9-11, 13;
telegrams to Beauregard, 19, 20; instruc-
tions to Beauregard, 29, 30, 38; order to
reduce Sumter, 45, 46; sends agent West
to purchase provisions, 195; directs with-
drawal of Confederate troops from Ken-
tucky, V, 44.

Walker, Moses B., Bvt. Brig. Gen. U. S.

Vols. in battle of Murfreesboro, VI, 291.
Walker, Robert J., U. S. Sen., Sec. of Treas.
under Polk, Gov. of Kas. : appointed gov-
ernor of Kansas, II, 93; conditions of ac-
ceptance, 93; promises a submission of
the Constitution to popular vote, 93, 97,
101; his inaugural address, 95; arrival in
Kansas, 96; speech at Topeka, 97; letter
to Pres. Buchanan, 102; rejects the Ox-
ford and McGee fraudulent returns,
105; proclamation about the attempted
frauds, 105, 106; goes to Washington on
leave of absence, 112; resignation of, 117;
opposition to Lecompton Constitution,


relieve Fort Sumter, III, 172; interview
with Gen. Scott about relief of Sumter,

Ward, W. T., Bvt. Maj. Gen. U. S. Vols. :
in March to the Sea, IX, 481.
Warfield, Henry M., elected to Maryland
legislature, IV, 165.

Warren, Gouverneur K., Bvt. Maj. Gen. U.
8. A.: in battle of Chancellorsville, VII,
97; opinion of Hooker, 110, 111; in battle
of Gettysburg, 248, 254, 261; wounded at
Gettysburg, 269; testimony about Gettys-
burg, 271; sent to Culpeper, VIII, 237, 238;
repulses A. P. Hill's attack, 240; move-
ment at Mine Run, 248-250; opinion on
lost opportunities, 252, 253; commands
Fifth Corps Army of Potomac, 353; crosses
the Rappahannock, 357, 358; in battle of
the Wilderness, 360, 361, 363; reaches
Spotsylvania, 368, 369; in battle of Spot-
sylvania, 374, 376, 381, 383, 385; in battle of
North Anna, 387, 389; in battle of Cold
Harbor, 391, 404; in movement across
James River, IX, 407; in siege of Peters-
burg, 412; in march to Five Forks, X,
169, 171; in battle of Five Forks, 172,
173; relieved from command, 173, 174; at
grand review in Washington, 332.

Walker, Samuel, Bvt. Brig. Gen. U. S. Washburn, Cadwalader C., M. C., Maj. Gen.

Vols. interview with Titus, II, 21.
Walker, W. H. T., Conf. Maj. Gen.: in en-
gagement at Raymond, VII, 177; ordered
towards Lee and Gordon's Mills, VIII, 79;
in battle of Chickamauga, 84, 88, 91; in
battle of Chattanooga, 145.
Wallace, Lew, Maj. Gen. U. S. Vols.: divi-
sion ordered to attack at Fort Donelson,
V, 197; position of division at Crump's
Landing, 324; ordered to battlefield of
Pittsburg Landing, 329; arrival and posi-
tion of, 334; commands at Baltimore, IX,
163; battle of Monocacy, July 9, 1864, 165;
member of military commission for trial
of Lincoln's assassins, X, 312.
Wallace, W. H. L., Brig. Gen. U. S. Vols. :
commands Smith's division at Pittsburg
Landing, V, 324; position of division, 324;
mortally wounded at Pittsburg Landing,


Wallace, Dr. W. S., member of Lincoln's
suite, III, 290.

Wallis, S. Teackle, elected to Maryland
legislature, IV, 165.

Walthall, E. C., Conf. Maj. Gen. : in retreat
of Hood, X, 35.

Ward, James H., Capt. U. S. N.: project to

U. S. Vols.: member of House Committee
of Thirty-three, II, 417; in siege of Vicks-
burg, VII, 290, 292; commands advance on
Matagorda Bay, VIII, 287.
Washburn, Francis, Bvt. Brig. Gen. U. S.
Vols.: killed in march to Appomattox, X,
187, 188.

Washburne, Elihu B., M. C., Min. to France:
interview with Gen. Scott, III, 250; letter
to Lincoln, 250; meets Lincoln at railway
station in Washington, 315; recommends
Grant, IV, 293; candidate for Speaker of
House of Representatives, VII, 391;
nominates Colfax for Speaker, 393, 394;
introduces bill to revive grade of lieu-
tenant general, VIII, 334; statement
about Schofield, 471; letter expressing
doubt about Lincoln's reëlection, IX,

Watson, Benjamin, Lieut. Col. 6th Mass.
Militia: in Baltimore riot, IV, 113.
Watson, P. H., Asst. Sec. of War: at coun-
cil of war, VIII, 112.

Wayne, James M., Assoc. Justice U. S. Sup.
Ct. moves to reconsider Dred Scott de-
cision, II, 67; opinion in Dred Scott case,


Waynesboro', Va., battle of, March 2, 1865,
IX, 329-331.

Wead, Fred F., Col. U. S. Vols.: killed at
Cold Harbor, VIII, 405.

Webb, Alexander S., Bvt. Maj. Gen. U. S.
A.: statement of strength of Johnston's
army, V, 176, 177; comment on landing of
Franklin's division, 365, 366; says War-
wick line could have been broken, 367;
says a fair opportunity to break the War-
wick line was missed, 369; comment on
McClellan's report, 384; in battle of Get-
tysburg, VII, 261, 266; wounded at Gettys-
burg, 269: testimony about Gettysburg,
269; assists in repulsing Hill, VIII, 240;
wounded at Spotsylvania, 382.
Webb, The, Conf. ram: burned on the Mis-
sissippi River, IX, 242, 243.
Webster, Charles R., Ould refuses to ex-
change him, VII, 458.

Webster, Daniel, U. S. Sen., Sec. of State
under W. H. Harrison, Tyler, and Fill-
more: amendment to Fugitive Slave law,
III, 25.

Webster, Edwin H., M. C.: second inter-
view with Lincoln about compensated
emancipation, VI, 111.

Webster, J. D., Bvt. Maj. Gen. U. S. Vols. :
posts a reserve battery at Pittsburg Land-
ing, V, 328.

Weed, Stephen H., Brig. Gen. U. S. Vols. :
killed at Gettysburg, VII, 255.
Weed, Thurlow, editor of Albany "Evening
Journal": invites Lincoln to speak at
Albany, II, 177; letter to Lincoln, III, 252;
visit to Lincoln at Springfield, 261; state-
ment about Lincoln and Seymour, VII,
12, 13; interview with McClellan, IX, 247;
letter to Seward about politics, 250; letter
about opposition to Lincoln, 366.
Weehawken, The, Union monitor: cap-
tures the Atlanta, VII, 79-81; sinking of,
81, 82.

Weitzel, Godfrey, Bvt. Maj. Gen. U. S. A.:
in siege of Richmond, IX, 434; assigned
to command first Fort Fisher expedition,
X, 55; reconnoiters Fort Fisher, 61, 62;
occupies Richmond, April 3, 1865, 208;
present at interviews of Lincoln and
Campbell, 220-222; statement about inter-
view between Lincoln and Campbell, 222;
interview with Campbell, 224-226.
Welles, Edgar T., valuable manuscripts
from, VI, 123.

Welles, Gideon, Sec. of Navy under Lin-

coln: opinion about the Lincoln gene-

alogy, I, 5; selected for the Cabinet, III,
367; appointed Secretary of Navy, 372;
first opinion on Sumter, 387; second
opinion on Sumter, 430, 431; interview
with Lincoln, 440, 441; orders for Fort
Sumter expedition, IV, 4; interview with
Lincoln and Seward, 5, 6; instructions to
Capt. Adams, 9; order to prepare West-
ern gunboats, 201; opinion on closing
insurrectionary ports, V, 7; approves
course of Capt. Wilkes, 25; present at
council about expedition against New
Orleans, 254, 255; statement about Farra-
gut's confidence and enthusiasm, 257;
signs remonstrance against McClellan's
continuance in command, VI, 22; de-
scribes Lincoln's reading of emancipation
proclamation, 160; comment on emanci-
pation proclamation, 163; present at
interview between Lincoln, Cabinet, and
Republican Senators, 266; opinion on ad-
mission of West Virginia, 304-306; com-
ments on Lincoln's draft of final eman-
cipation proclamation, 405; proposes
amendments to draft, 415, 416; opinion on
the Fort Pillow massacre, 482; letter of
thanks to Du Pont, VII, 86; statement
about Grant's plans, VIII, 343; memo-
randum about Lincoln's emancipation
message, X, 136; at Cabinet meeting,
April 14, 1865, 282, 284; present at Lincoln's
deathbed, 300; statement about reduction
of navy, 337, 338.

Welles, T. M., elected to Congress, VIII,

[blocks in formation]

West Virginia, State of, popular move-
ment against secession, IV, 329; consulta-
tion at Wheeling, 329; Union Convention
at Wheeling, 331; provisional State gov-
ernment formed, 331, 332; Peirpoint ap-
pointed governor, 331; legislature elects
U. S. Senators, 332; ordinance to create
State of Kanawha, 332; recapitulation of
formation of the new State, VI, 297, 298;
popular vote for the new State, October,
1861, 298; Constitutional Convention at
Wheeling, 298; name of West Virginia
adopted, 298; popular vote on the Consti-
tution, 298; consent of legislature of the
"restored government of Virginia" to
the erection of the new State of West Vir-



ginia, 298; report of Senate Committee on
Territories on the division of the State,
299; conditions of the Senate bill, 299;
Senate bill passed, July 14, 1862, 299;
passage of the bill by House of Repre-
sentatives, Dec. 10, 1862, 299; Cabinet
consideration of the bill, 300; opinions:
by Seward, 300, 301-by Chase, 301-303 -
by Stanton, 303, 304- by Welles, 304-306-
by Blair, 306–308-by Bates, 308, 309-by
Lincoln, 309-311; Lincoln approves the
Act, 311; Constitutional Convention re-
assembled, 312; conditions of Congress
adopted, 312: Lincoln's proclamation
of admission, 312; inauguration of new
State government, 312; legislative Acts
concerning slavery, 312, 313; abolition of
slavery in, 313; ratifies Thirteenth Amend-
ment, X, 88, 89.

Wever, Clark R., Bvt. Brig. Gen. U. S.
Vols. defense of Resaca, IX, 475, 476.
Whaley, Kellian V., M. C.: member of
Select Committee on Emancipation, VI,

Wharton, Gabriel C., Conf. Brig. Gen.: in
battle of Fisher's Hill, IX, 306; in battle
of Cedar Creek, 316, 320, 321, 325; winter
quarters at Staunton, 329; in battle of
Waynesboro, 329, 330.

Wharton, John A., Conf. Maj. Gen.: in
battle of Murfreesboro, VI, 282; defeated
by A. J. Smith, VIII, 301.

Wheaton, Frank, Bvt. Maj. Gen. U. S. A. :
in march to Appomattox, X, 187.
Wheeler, Ezra, M. C.: first vote for Thir-
teenth Amendment, X, 78; second vote
for Thirteenth Amendment, 83.
Wheeler, Joseph, Conf. Lieut. Gen. : in bat-
tle of Murfreesboro, VI, 282, 293; repulsed
at Fort Donelson, VIII, 50; defeats Co-
burn, 50; in expedition against Burnside,
129; in battles of Resaca, IX, 13; in battles
of Atlanta, 270; raid in Sherman's rear,

Whipple, Amiel W., Bvt. Maj. Gen. U. S. A.:
in battle of Chancellorsville, VII, 101.
White, Albert S., M. C., U. S. Sen., Judge of
Dist. Ct. of Ind.: chairman of Select Com-
mittee on Emancipation, VI, 395; reports
bill to aid emancipation in Delaware,
Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky, Tennes-
see, and Missouri, 395.

White, E. B., Conf. Col. : ordered to prepare
a plan to reduce Fort Sumter, III, 124.
White, Harry, Bvt. Brig. Gen. U. S. Vols.:
exchange of, refused, VII, 458.

White, Hugh L., U. S. Sen.: Presidential
candidate, I, 125.

Whiteley, William G., M. C.: member of
House Committee of Thirty-three, II, 417.
Whitesides, John D., bears a challenge
from Shields to Lincoln, I, 206, 207; pub-
lishes account of the Lincoln-Shields duel,
208; correspondence with Merryman,
209, 210.
Whitesides, Samuel, Gen. Ill. Vols.: com-
mands volunteer expedition in Black
Hawk war, I, 90; march of, to Dixon, 91;
march to Stillman's Run, 91; reënlists as
a private, 93.

Whitfield, J. W., Delegate from Kas. Ter.:
voted for, for Delegate in 1854, I, 406;
elected to Congress, 408; elected Delegate
by Pro-Slavery party, 1855, 428, 429, 438;
driven out of Kansas, II, 2; leaves let-
ters for publication in the Washington
"Union," 111.

Whiting, W. H. C., Conf. Maj. Gen. com-
mands under Lee on the Peninsula, V,
428; at battle of Bermuda Hundred, VIII,
398, 399; wounded at Fort Fisher, 67.
Whitney, Eli, inventor of the cotton gin, I,
320, 321; fame of, neglected, 322.
Whitney, E. W., letter about his father, I,


Wickham, W. C., Conf. Brig. Gen. : in cam-
paign of Fisher's Hill, IX, 306, 309, 310.
Wickliffe, Charles A., M. C., P. M. Gen.
under Tyler: member of committee to
distribute Union arms, IV, 237; second
interview with Lincoln about compen-
sated emancipation, VI, 111; opposes bill
for draft, VII, 5; puts Pierce in nomina-
tion for President, IX, 258.
Wide Awakes, origin and campaign work
of, II, 284-286.

Wigfall, Louis T., U. S. Sen., Conf. Brig.
Gen. Senate discussion, II, 401, 402, 410;
signs secession address, 436; signs the
Senatorial secession caucus resolutions,
III, 181; retains his seat in Senate, 195;
visits Fort Sumter, IV, 59, 60; establishes
rebel recruiting office in Baltimore, 93.
Wilcox, Cadmus M., Conf. Maj. Gen.: in

battle of Gettysburg, VII, 261, 263, 267; in
siege of Richmond, IX, 427; in siege of
Petersburg, 432; defense of Petersburg,
X, 178.

Wilder, John T., Bvt. Brig. Gen. U. s.
Vols. march on Chattanooga, VIII, 71.
Wilderness, Va., battle of, May 5, 6, 1864,
VIII, 360-367.

Wilkes, -, goes to Kansas, I, 448.
Wilkes, Charles, Rear Adm. U. S. N.: com-
mands U. S. war steamer, San Jacinto,
V, 22; overhauls the Trent, 22; com-
mended by Secretary of Navy, 25; re-
ceives thanks of House of Representa-
tives, 25.

Willcox, O. B.. Bvt. Maj. Gen. U. S. A.: in
Army of Potomac, VIII, 353; in attack on
Petersburg, IX, 411; in assault at Peters-
burg mine, 422; censured for Petersburg
mine affair, 425; in recapture of Fort Sted-
man, X, 162.

Willey, Waitman T., U. S. Sen. : second in-
terview with Lincoln about compensated
emancipation, VI, 112.

Williams, Archibald, U. S. Dist. Judge:
member of Bloomington Convention, II,
28; letter to Lincoln, III, 256.
Williams, A. S., Bvt. Maj. Gen. U. S. A.:
succeeds to command of Mansfield's
corps at Antietam, VI, 140; in March to
the Sea, IX, 481; in march to Columbia,
X, 230.

Williams, John E., signs memorial about
Frémont and colored troops, VI. 456.
Williams, Richard, Commander, R. N.:
mail agent of the Trent, V, 23.
Williams, Thomas, Brig. Gen. U. S. Vols. :
commanding land forces, accompanies
Farragut to Vicksburg, V, 348; defeats
attack on Baton Rouge, VII, 122; killed
at Baton Rouge, 122; began Vicksburg
Canal, 146.

Williamsburg, Va., battle at, May 5, 1862,
V, 377.

Williamson, Alexander, present at Lin-
coln's deathbed, X, 300.

Willich, August, Bvt. Maj. Gen. U. S. Vols.:
in battle of Murfreesboro, VI, 286; taken
prisoner, 286; in battle of Chickamauga,
VIII, 104; in battle of Chattanooga, 148.
Wills, David, Special Agent of Gov. Curtin:
invites Lincoln to Gettysburg dedication
ceremonies, VIII, 190.

Wilmington, N. C., occupied by Schofield,
Feb. 22, 1865, X, 69.

Wilmot, David, M. C., U. S. Sen.: offers
Wilmot Proviso, I, 268; leaves Demo-
cratic party, 277; receives votes for Vice-
President at Philadelphia Convention,
II, 35; temporary chairman Chicago Con-
vention, 1860, 266; member of Peace Con-
vention, III, 230; writes to Gen. Scott.
IV, 129; votes for National Bank Act, VI,

Wilmot Proviso, adopted by House of Rep-
resentatives, I, 268; votes upon, 269.
Wilson, Henry, U. S. Sen., Vice-Pres. with
Grant: receives votes for Vice-President
in Philadelphia Convention, II, 35; de-
nounces Brooks's assault, 54; challenged
by Brooks, 54; votes for National Bank
Act, VI, 244; defends bill for draft, VII,
4; comment on Lincoln's Conkling letter,
385; approves Lincoln's message, IX, 109;
comment on Blair, 339.

Wilson, James F., Gov. of Iowa, M. C.:
member of Select Committee on Emanci-
pation, VI, 395; joint resolution to abol-
ish slavery by Constitutional amendment,
X, 78.

Wilson, James H., Bvt. Maj. Gen. U. S. A.:
work on the Yazoo Pass route, VII, 149;
bridges the Tennessee at Morgantown,
VIII, 182; in Army of Potomac, 353; in
battle of the Wilderness, 363; in battle of
Yellow Tavern, 371; in battle of Cold
Harbor, 391; in Sheridan's army, IX, 182;
in battle of Winchester, 300, 303; în move-
ment across James River, 406, 407; raid
on the Weldon Railroad, 413, 418; in army
of Thomas, X, 8; in march to Franklin,
11; in defense of Nashville, 22; in battle
of Nashville, 30, 33; raid through Ala-
bama, 237, 238; defeats Forrest, 239, 240;
captures Selma, April 2, 1865, 240; sends
parties in pursuit of Davis, 269; capture
of Jefferson Davis, May 10, 1865, 270-274;
paroles rebel prisoners, 329; opinion of
Lincoln's military ability, 354.

Wilson, R. L., one of the "Long Nine," I,


Wilson, Robert, U. S. Sen.: second inter-
view with Lincoln about compensated
emancipation, VI, 111; appointed U. S.
Senator, VIII, 469.

Wilson, Thomas F., U. S. consul at Bahia:
protest against the Florida, IX, 130, 131;
dismissal of, 133.

Wilson's Creek, Mo., battle of, Aug. 10, 1861,
IV, 410, 411.

Winans, Ross, elected to Maryland legis-
lature, IV, 165.

Winchester, Va., battle of, Sept. 19, 1864,
IX, 299, 305.

Winder, John H., Conf. Brig. Gen.: cen-
sured by Col. Chandler, VII, 467, 468; pro-
motion of, 468; order to guards at Ander-
sonville prison, 471.

Windom, William, M. C., U. S. Sen., Sec. of

Treas. under Garfield and B. Harrison:

member of House Committee of Thirty-
three, II, 417; votes for re-passage of Na-
tional Bank Act, VI, 245.

of Nashville, 22; in battle of Nashville, 30-
32; in pursuit of Hood, 34; made Depart-
ment commander, 338.

Winnebago, The, Union monitor: in battle Wood, W. B., Conf. Col.: moves his com-
of Mobile Bay, XI, 235.

Winslow, John A., Rear Adm. U. 8. N.:
commands the Kearsarge, IX, 143; block-
ades the Alabama, 144; sinks the Ala-
bama, 146-149, 152, 153; letter about battle
of the Alabama and Kearsarge, 152.
Winslow, Warren, M. C.: member of House
Committee of Thirty-three, II, 417.
Winters, Hannah, niece of Daniel Boone:
marries Abraham Lincoln, I, 5.
Winthrop, Robert C., Speaker H. R.,
U. S. Sen.: chosen Speaker of House of
Representatives, I, 259; comment on
provision of Fugitive Slave Law, III,
25, 26.

Winthrop, Theodore, Maj. U. S. Vols. :
killed at Big Bethel, IV, 320.

Wisconsin, State of, admitted as a State, I,
325; instructs delegates in favor of Lin-
coln's renomination, IX, 56; ratifies
Thirteenth Amendment, X, 89.
Wise, Henry A., Min. to Brazil, Gov. of
Va., Conf. Brig. Gen.: cross-examines
John Brown, II, 209; letter to governors
proposing consultation, 299; letter to
William Sergeant exposing secession in-
trigues, 302; preparations for secession,
III, 416; remarks in Virginia Convention,
417; sent to the Kanawha Valley, IV, 332;
summarizes effect of Union victory at
Roanoke Island, V, 245, 246.

Withers, Jones M., Conf. Maj. Gen.: in
battle of Murfreesboro, VI, 293.
Witzig, J., member of Union Safety Com-
mittee at St. Louis, IV, 212.

Wood, Fernando, M. C.: advice to Lincoln

about Vallandigham, VII, 359, 360; let-
ters to Lincoln about peace, 366; let-
ters to Seward explaining his speech, 367;
letter to Lincoln about amnesty, 367;
rejoinder to Lincoln's reply, 368, 369;
House resolution to appoint peace com-
missioners, 394, 395.
Wood, Gustavus A., Col. U. 8. Vols. : in
battle of Chattanooga, VIII, 153.
Wood, R. C., Bvt. Brig. Gen. U. S. A.:
made Department commander, X, 338.
Wood, Thomas J., Bvt. Maj. Gen. U. S. A.:
march on Chattanooga, VIII, 71; in battle
of Chickamauga, 94, 95, 98-100, 103, 104; in
battle of Chattanooga, 135, 138, 146, 148, 152,
155; in march to Franklin, X, 16; in defense
VOL. X.-31

mand to East Tennessee, V, 77.

Wood, W. S., member of Lincoln's suite,
III, 290.

Woodbury, Daniel P., Bvt. Maj. Gen. U. S.
A.: advice against Burnside's "Mud
March," VI, 218.

Woodman, John, U. S. N.: in expedition
against the Albemarle, X, 47, 51.
Woodruff, William E., Col. U. S. Vols.:
establishes "Camp Clay," IV,
239; in
battle of Murfreesboro, VI, 286.
Woods, C. R., Bvt. Maj. Gen. U. 8. A.:
in battle of Chattanooga, VIII, 142: in
March to the Sea, IX, 481.

Woodson, Daniel, Sec. Kas. Ter.: becomes
acting governor of Kansas Territory, I,
417; proclamation forbidding provisional
Free State legislature to assemble, 435;
becomes acting governor, II, 3; proclaims
the Territory in insurrection, 6; sent to
the Border Ruffian camp, 14; promotion
of, 95.
Woodward, George W., M. C., Judge Sup.
Ct. of Penn.: decides draft law unconsti-
tutional, VII, 13; defeated for governor of
Pennsylvania, 13, 375, 376.

Wool, John E., Maj. Gen. U. S. A.: corre-
spondence with Lincoln, III, 251, 252;
regulates pay and rations of contrabands,
IV, 396; advises holding the Hatteras
forts, V, 13; commands march to Norfolk,
236; telegram about McClellan's despon-
dent tone, 378; transferred to Baltimore,
413; ordered to report to Hooker, VII,
215; notifiles Confederate government of
the mission of Commissioners Fish and
Ames, 449; meeting with Cobb to arrange
exchange of prisoners, 449, 450; letter to
Benjamin about Confederate privateers,


Woolsey, Dr. Theodore D.: remarks on
civil war, VII, 446.

Worden, John L., Rear Adm. U. 8. N.:
sent to Pensacola, IV, 9; arrival, 11;
visits the fleet, 12; arrested and impris-
oned, 13; commands the Monitor, V, 228;
fight of Monitor and Merrimac, March 9,
1862, 228-231; wounded, 230; directs Greene
to take command, 231; commands monitor
Montauk, VII, 63; attacks Fort McAllister,
63; in attack on Charleston, 67.
Wright, Horatio G., Bvt. Maj. Gen. U. S. A.:

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