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JANUARY, 1847.


THE HISTORY OF VIRGINIA, from its Discovery and Settlement to the Present Time. By R. R. Howison. Vol. 1. Containing the History of the Colony to the Peace of Paris, 1763.

496. Carey & Hart: Philadelphia, 1846.


A new book on an interesting subject. The early occupied with the duties of self-government and History of Virginia is one of the richest, and one of governing others, that they have no time to of the most uncultivated fields in this department spend over the records of past ages-that they of literature. Why it has not been cultivated, is who are acting history themselves, care not to read a question easily answered;-because nobody would the histories of other men. Supposing this to be buy the books written on the subject. It is only in all very just and sensible, it may at least be sugVirginia itself that any extensive sale of works ongested, that while so much time, pains, and trouble, the History of Virginia could be expected; and are used in every school they enter to inform them strange to say, an unaccountable penuriousness, or on the politics of Greece and Rome, Medes and Pera total want of interest in the subject among the sians, some small space might be allotted to acpeople, has hitherto disgusted the "trade" with all quaint them with the deeds of their forefathers, such undertakings. O! hapless publisher of Smith's and the trials and triumphs of " that ancient dominion of Virginia." But we cannot think this indifference wholly attributable to the above named cause, for we find it prevailing more than a century ago. Stith concludes his famous history with the Even that bon bouche for all lovers of romance following sarcastical observations: "I intended, and antiquity, lay like lead on the shelves. (as Bishop Burnet has done in a very useful and What can be the cause of this apathy, is a more satisfactory manner,) to have added several other difficult question. The gentry of this State have very curious Papers and original Pieces of Records. Burely never been remarkable for their inferiority | But I perceive, to my no small surprise and mortito those of other parts of the country in wealth, fication, that some of my countrymen, (and those, liberality, intellectual spirit and intelligence; and too, Persons of high Fortune and Distinction,) certainly they have never been, nor are now behind seemed to be much alarmed, and to grudge that a those of any other part of the globe in the matters complete History of their own Country should run of admiration for themselves, and interest in all to more than one Volume and cost them more than that concerns them and theirs. We have seen it half a Pistole. I was therefore obliged to restrain summarily accounted for by the fact, that the gen- my hand, and only to infer these few most necestlemen and higher classes of Virginia are so much sary Instruments, for fear of enhancing the Price

"Thy tale would justify the truth."



to the immense charge and irreparable Damage of ever dwelt in human forms, stung with the " these very generous and public-spirited Gentle- of insufferable wrong," have made their most sucmen." As this was the state of things so long be-cessful struggle. And here we may see the infore the burthen was laid upon the shoulders of domitable spirit of the Anglo-Saxon race, wrestour countrymen, this very pleasing theory must be given up.

There is but one probable cause which we can discover for the want of interest in this subject, and the downright stupid ignorance of the facts of their history manifested by educated Virginians. This is the absence of any well-written narrative of any readable book, which might serve as an Introduction to the Chronicles of the Colony. The work of Messrs. Burk, Jones and Girardin never has been, and from its nature, never can be a popular book. Mr. Campbell's little volume is too meagre and brief to excite curiosity, or to guide the public to the sources. But in the book now before us, we have at last the thing. Whatever may be its defects, it is undeniably interesting and entertaining. The narrative is sufficiently unincumbered to be read with ease by the reader whose mind is a blank to the subject, and sufficiently detailed to leave in it a clear outline of the course of events on which it treats. And we hope that it may be greatly instrumental in exciting a taste for Colonial History, and in rendering the study of its facts more common than it is.

ling with the prejudices of a thousand years, and the resources of an old and powerful government, growing stronger with its falls, and at length fulfilling its destiny in the establishment of American democracy.

A history, whose themes are such as these, could not fail to engage the attention. But even were the incidents less stirring, and of less interest than they are, their importance to the history of the rise and progress of the United States, demand that they should be carefully studied. The Colony and the State of Virginia form the key-stone of that history. Its settlement was the first experiment of England on this continent; and on its success depended their future efforts. Had it failed, the establishment of European people would have been long delayed; it would have been effected in different times, and perhaps by a different nation; it would have advanced in different ages, and perhaps the consequences at this day would have been wholly different from what they now are. It was ever regarded as the most important and remarkable portion of the Christian dominions in America, and it was ever the front ground of the most important But whatever may have been the causes of this affairs transacted in them. The treatment Virginia long apathy of the Virginian public to Virginian received from the British throne, serves as an index history, one thing is certain, that it could never have to its character and to its treatment of the other been produced by a want of interest and impor- provinces; and the stand of the assembly in oppotance in the events of which it is composed. In sition, or its submission to the measures of that earth's strange, eventful history, there is no richer throne, is always the thing of most importance in chapter. It has none which tells of more precari- the behavior of them all. In the struggle which ous undertakings, of more unlooked for and won-separated the politics of the old world from the new, derful vicissitudes, or of such a strange and splen- Virginia was the chief actor; it began and ended did accomplishment. It has none which tells of here; and it was effected by her Generals and more remarkable displays of human passions, or of Statesmen. And last, and most important of all, such desperate and long-continued struggles with it was the representative government of which Viran unaccustomed and mysterious foe. It has none ginia has been possessed almost from the first, which tells of actions in which the stubborn energy which moulded the form, stamped the character, and truth of the most remarkable race of the world and must guide the destinies of this country, so are so signally brought into play. And although it is long as it holds a place among the nations. The true, that during the most interesting portion of her facts which compose the history of this State, career, Virginia was nominally a province of Great therefore, deserve to be carefully studied, not only Britain, and directly under the rule of the crown, for their interest, but because it has been the living it is also true, that the chief agent was always the heart of America, and has made the Union what it colonial assembly, and that the true government is. As Mr. Howison remarks, "the virtues and was always democratical. The elective legislature the faults, the glory and the shame of the 'Old Doand the distance from the central power of the minion' have never been without influence upon the realm of which she formed a part, gave her a sep-whole Republic." She is always the leader, the arate existence, and a civil theatre of her own, on head, the most prominent figure among the Colowhich many a brave man has played his part, and on nies, and which many a bold deed has been done. A drama in which there is many a glorious, and many a dark and bloody scene has been enacted upon it. Selfish, vindictive passions and love of power have done their work here as fully as any where else; and here some of the noblest and the strongest spirits that

--"above the rest,

In shape and gesture proudly eminent,
Stands like a tower."

The superior and commanding position which this State has always occupied, is owing to some

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