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empire, when his sudden revival threw them into consternation. At this critical instant, Macro, the pretorian prefect, caused him to be suffocated with pillows. Thus expired the emperor Tiberius, in the seventy-eighth year of his age and twentythird of his reign, universally execrated.

TIBET. (See Thibet.)

TIBIA; the ancient flute, the invention of which is ascribed to Minerva. It was used among the Greeks and Romans on occasion of almost all festivals, and even as a means of curing certain diseases; by the Romans in their triumphs; by the Lacedæmonians, particularly in war; in celebrating the praises of the gods; at sacrifices and other religious celebrations; at the mysteries of Cybele; at weddings and entertainments; to amuse guests after dinner; also, and particularly, on occasions of melancholy solemnity, as funerals.

TIBULLUS, Albius; a Roman poet of the golden age of Roman literature. Of his life nothing is known but that he belonged to the equestrian order. The year 711 after the building of Rome is generally taken as the year of his birth. Voss places it about 695 A. U. C. He died, without having held any public office, in 735 or 736 A. U. C., in the flower of his age. We possess, of his writings, a collection of elegies, in four books, of which, however, the fourth contains several pieces of doubtful origin. These poems are among the most perfect of their kind which have come down to us from classical antiquity. Their moral tone, however, is that of a reckless voluptuary. The elegies of Tibullus are superior to those of Propertius (with which, and the poems of Catullus, they are usually printed) in agreeable simplicity and tender feeling, and are free from the insipid prate into which Ovid frequently falls; so that the author deserves the first place among the Roman elegiac poets. The best editions are those of Brouckhusius (Amsterdam, 2 vols., 4to.), Heyne (latest edition by Wunderlich, Leipsic, 1816), and Huschke (Leipsic, 1819). J. H. Voss, in his German translation (Heidelberg, 1810), ascribes the third book to a certain Lygdamus, which opinion is confirmed by Eichstädt. Dart and Grainger are among the English translators of this poet. The latter is

much the most successful.

TIC DOULOUREUX (French tic, spasm; douloureux, painful), a painful affection of a facial nerve, is so called from its sudden and excruciating stroke. It is a species of neuralgia, which comprises similar affections in other parts of the body. It is

characterized by acute pain, attended with convulsive twitchings of the muscles, and continuing from a few minutes to several hours. The causes of this affection are unknown, and it often baffles the skill of the physician.

TICINO. (See Tessin.)

TICK, in natural history; a little animal of a livid color, with a blunt and roundish tail, elevated antennæ, a globose-ovate form, and full of blood, which infests cows, swine, goats, sheep and dogs.

TICKELL, Thomas, an ingenious writer in prose and verse, and the intimate friend of Addison, was born in 1686, and received his education at Oxford, where he obtained a fellowship in his twenty-fifth year. While at the university, an elegant copy of verses, addressed by him to Addison, on his opera of Rosamond, introduced him to the acquaintance of that accomplished scholar, who induced him to lay aside his previous intention of taking orders, appointed him his under secretary of state, and, on his death, bequeathed to him the publication of his works. In 1724, Mr. Tickell obtained the situation of secretary to the lords justices of Ireland. As an author, he takes a prominent rank among the minor English poets; his versification especially, in its ease and harmony, being inferior perhaps to that of no one, except Dryden and Pope. When the latter gave to the world his translation of the Iliad, Tickell printed his own version of the first book, in opposition to that of Pope. The production of this poem occasioned an interruption of the good understanding between Pope and Addison, the former suspecting Addison himself to be the author of the work. Tickell's other writings consist of the Prospect of Peace, a poem (1713); the Royal Progress; Kensington Gardens; a Letter to Avignon; Imitation of the Prophecy of Nereus; with several epistles, odes, and other miscellaneous pieces, to be found in the second volume of the Minor Poets. His death took place at Bath, in 1740.

TICONDEROGA; a post-town of Essex county, New York, on the west side of the south end of lake Champa... and at the north end of lake George; twelve miles south of Crown Point, ninety-five north of Albany; population in 1820, 1493. There is a valuable iron mine in this township.-Ticonderoga fort, famous in the history of the American wars, is situated on an eminence, on the west side of lake Champlain, just north of the entrance of the outlet from lake George into

lake Champlain, fifteen miles south of Crown Point, twenty-four north of Whitehall; lon. 73° 27′ W.; lat. 43° 30' N. It is now in ruins. Considerable remains of the fortifications are still to be seen. The stone walls of the fort, which are now standing, are, in some places, thirty feet high. Mount Defiance lies about a mile south of the fort, and mount Independence is about half a mile distant, on the opposite side of the lake, in Orwell, Vermont.

TIDES. The ebb and flow of the sea are evidently connected with the moon's motions. The level of the ocean is slightly disturbed by the attraction which i alternately exerted and withdrawn. The waters, for a large space under the moon, being more attracted than the great body of the earth, are thus rendered lighter than those parts of the ocean which are at the same distance as the earth's centre; and, being lighter, they are forced upwards a little by the surrounding mass, which is heavier; just as water and oil will stand at different heights in the two branches of a siphon tube; or just as ice, which is lighter than water, is made to rise a little higher, on that account, when placed in water. If the earth rested immovably upon a fixed support, there would be a tide, or rising of the waters, only on the side towards the moon. But the great body of the earth is just as free to move as a single particle of the ocean, and, if suffered to yield to the moon's attraction, would be carried just as fast. Hence, for the same reason that a particle of water, on the side of the earth towards the moon, is drawn away from the centre, or has its downward tendency diminished, so the solid earth itself is drawn away from the mass of waters, on the side of the earth farthest from the moon. It is the difference of attraction, in both cases, between the surface and the centre, which causes the lightness of the waters, and the consequent elevation. It will be seen, therefore, that, taking the whole earth into view, there are always two high tides diametrically opposite to each other, and two low tides also, midway between the high ones. The high tides are two great waves, or swells, of small height, but extending each way through half a right angle. These waves follow the moon in its monthly motion round the earth, while the earth, turning on its axis, causes any given place to pass through each of these swells and the intervening depressions in a lunar day, or twenty-four hours fifty minutes. What



we have said with respect to the moon's influence in disturbing the level of the ocean, may be applied also to that of the sun; only, in the case of the sun, although its absolute action is about double that of the moon, yet, on account of its very great distance, its relative action upon the surface of the earth, compared with that at the centre, is but about one third as great as that of the moon. At new and full moon, when the sun's and moon's actions conspire, the tides are highest, and are called spring tides. But at the first and last quarters of the moon, the action on one body tends to counteract that of the other; and the tides, both at ebb and flow, are smallest, and are called neap tides. We have supposed the highest tides to happen at new and full moon, and the lowest at the quarters. But the waters do not yield instantly to the action exerted upon them: the greatest effect takes place some time after the attractive influence has passed its point of greatest power. Thus the spring and neap tides actually occur about a day and a half after the tinies above indicated. So, also. for a similar reason, the real time of high water, in the daily tides, happens about three hours after the moon has passed the meridian. It will be perceived, from what has been said, that the sun's and moon's influence will vary with a change of distance, being greatest when the attracting body is nearest, and vice versa. The phenomena of the tides are modified, moreover, by the situation of the sun and moon with respect to the equator, and the particular latitude of the observer. When, for instance, the moon passes near the zenith of the observer, supposed to be in one of the temperate zones, the opposite high tide will be in the same latitude on the other side of the equator; consequently, under the above circumstances, the high tide, when the moon is above the horizon, exceeds the high tide when the moon is below the horizon; and at a point in the direction of the nearest pole, fifty degrees from the place where the moon is vertical, there will be only one tide in twenty-four hours. The different heights to which the same tide rises, in places but little distant from each other, depend upon local circumstances; as the particular form of the coast, the meeting of currents, &c. Where a bay grows narrower and narrower, like a tunnel, as it runs up from the ocean into the land, the swell of water must rise higher as the passage becomes more contracted in breadth. Thus, in the bay of Fundy,

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which answers to this description, and is of great extent, the tide sometimes rises to the height of seventy feet. It is frequently asked, why there are not tides in the inland seas and larger lakes. If we observe, upon an artificial globe, the very small space occupied by the largest bodies of water of this description, we shall readily perceive that there can be no appreciable difference in the action of the moon upon so small a portion of the earth's surface; the whole of the lake, or sea, therefore, becomes lighter when the moon is over it, and there is no, heavier mass of water ninety degrees distant to force it above its natural level.

TIEBEAM. (See Architecture, vol. i, p. 337.)

TIECK, Louis, was born in 1773. His critical writings on poetry and the arts may be ranked, with those of the Schlegels, among the most important works of this description, for which the literature of modern Germany has been so much distinguished above that of other nations, and the consequences of which have been perceptible in all branches of æsthetics. His literary course, however, will not be considered by all as free from errors. In breaking from the barriers of the formal French taste, which had taken root in Germany, he has not unfrequently run into the opposite extreine of indistinctness. At the age of nineteen years, he studied at the universities in Halle and Göttingen, and, with his friend Wackenroder, at Erlangen. His William Lovell appeared in 1796, and has some of the crudeness of a youthful production. His Peter Leberecht's Popular Tales (Berlin, 1797, 3 vols.) shows a more mature mind. Not long after, he displayed his peculiar talent for keen satire in sportive poetry, of which his Bluebeard, and Puss in Boots, are striking instances. The Effusions of a Friar attached to the Arts (Berlin, 1797), a work of Wackenroder, in which Tieck took part, is of a singular character. There is a kind of mystery in it, which appears also in the Phantasies on Art (Hamburg, 1799), also by Wackenroder, with additions by him. In 1798, he published his Francis Sternbald's Wanderings, in which, as in the two preceding, a warm love of the fine arts is manifested, very much opposed to the heartless criticism then in vogue. From 1799 to 1801, appeared his translation of Don Quixote (in 4 vols.)—a work, in some respects, of pec aliar merit. The Germans have several other translations of the same. In 1799 and 1800, appeared his

Romantic Poems. The second number of his Poetical Journal, published in Jena, begins with letters on Shakspeare, which too soon ceased. He had early applied himself to the study of the great British poet, as appears from his publication of the Tempest, with an Essay on Shakspeare's Treatment of the Supernatural (Berlin, 1796). In 1801 and 1802, he lived in Dresden with his friend Frederic Schlegel, and published, with him and several other poets, the Musenalmanach auf das Jahr 1802. In 1803, he published Minnelieder (Love Songs) of the Suabian Period in a modern German Dress (Berlin, with a preface). In 1804, appeared the Emperor Octavianus, an imitation of an old tale. In 1805, he published, in connexion with Schlegel, the works of their friend Novalis (q. v.), in 2 vols., at Berlin. After this, he went to Italy, and occupied himself much in Rome with ancient German manuscripts in the library of the Vatican. Towards the end of 1806, he returned to Germany, and, while at Munich, suffered the first attack of a painful rheumatism, which, for a long period, prevented him from giving the public any thing new. In 1814 and 1816, appeared his Old English Theatre (in 2 vols.). He has also published two volumes of an Old German Theatre. In London, where he was received, in 1818, with much attention, he materially increased his collections of materials for his larger work on Shakspeare, to which his Shakspeare's Vorschule (Leipsic, 1827) may be considered as an introduction. Since 1819, he has lived with his family in Dresden, where he published, in 1821, a collection of his poems (in 3 vols.), and Henry von Kleist's posthumous works. His tales have been published in various souvenirs, &c. Some of them chastise the errors and vices of the time in a tone of decorous humor. In 1824, appeared the beginning of his Märchen und Zaubergeschichten (Breslau), in his Pietro of Apone. In Berlin appeared, in 1826,the first half of his Insurrection in the Cevennes. Tieck has written much in periodicals, and several of his articles have been collected in his Dramaturgische Blätter (Breslau, 1826, 2 vols.). The completion of Schlegel's Translation of Shakspeare is expected from him. He will probably present the public, at no distant period, with a complete collection of his works.

TIECK, Christian Frederic, professor of sculpture, and member of the academy of fine arts in Berlin, brother of Louis Tieck (q. v.), was born in 1776, at Berlin.

At the expense of the government, he visited Dresden, Vienna, and, in 1798, Paris. In 1801, he returned to Berlin, and soon went to Weimar, where he found much employment as a sculptor. He was appointed professor there, and went, in 1805, to Italy, in company with his brother Louis. In Rome, he produced several works, and went, in 1809, to Munich. In 1812, he returned to Italy, where he lived for some time in Carrara with Rauch. (q. v.) They united their efforts in several works. In Carrara, he made for the then crown prince of Bavaria the busts of Lessing, Erasmus, Hugo Grotius, Herder, Bürger, Wallenstein, Bernard of Weimar, William and Maurice of Orange, marshal Saxe, and many others, for the Valhalla at Münich; also a statue of Necker, and several others, for madame de Staël. He returned to Berlin in 1819. The new theatre at Berlin, and many other places in that city, are ornamented with his productions. In 1820, he became a member of the senate of the academy of fine arts in the Prussian capital, and is one of the most active members of the society for furnishing models for the different mechanic arts, which has already had so great an effect in improving taste in workmanship in the north of Germany.

TIEDGE, Christopher Augustus, a distinguished German lyric poet, was born in 1752, at Gardelegen, in the Altmark, Prussia. His most important poem is Urania, which first appeared in 1801, but was improved in subsequent editions. It is of a lyrical-didactic character. In 1822, appeared his complete works, in seven small volumes.

TIERNEY, George, son of a merchant of London, born in 1761, was educated at Cambridge, and designed for the bar, to which he was called. His father had some connexion with the East India company; and the first publication of Mr. Tierney (1787) was the Real Situation of the East India Compary. Mr. Tierney now engaged in political life, and was sent down by a noble duke as candidate for Colchester, when he stood a severe contest at a great expense, which his patron refused to pay. The less therefore fell heavily on Tierney. In 1796, he was nominated by the popular party to oppose Mr. Thelluson, for the borough of Southwark; and, although defeated on the poll, yet, on a petition to the house of commons, he removed his opponent by the treating act; and, on the next return, as his competitor was legally disqualified,

Mr. Tierney was declared duly elected. As soon as he was in the house, he entered warmly into the measures of the whigs. He soon proved himself an able speaker, and long ranked as one of the first in the house. During a debate in the year 1798, some words spoken in the house were the occasion of a duel between him and Mr. Pitt, in which, however, neither party was wounded. When Mr. Addington became minister, in 1802, he made Mr. Tierney treasurer of the navy. In 1806, under the Grenville administration, Mr. Tierney was made president of the board of control, but went out of office early in the following year, on the resignation of the ministry. He then lost his seat for Southwark, but afterwards sat for different places; in 1806 for Athlone, in 1809 for Bandon Bridge, in 1813 for Appleby, and in 1818, 1820 and 1826, he represented the proprietor of Knaresborough. In 1827, Mr. Canning invited him to the mastership of the mint, from which he retired, with lord Goderich, in 1828. His death took place Jan. 25, 1830.

TIERS ÉTAT (third estate). There was a time in France when the nobility and clergy possessed the property of almost the whole country. The cities were insignificant, and the former two, therefore, alone appeared at the diets. By degrees the cities rose in wealth and importance, became free from the yoke of the feudal lords, and of course were to be summoned also, when taxes were to be granted. Even the peasantry, having acquired the ownership of the ground which they cultivated, rose in importance; and Louis IX summoned the cities and bailiwicks to send deputies to the diets in 1252. But this was done particularly by Philip IV (the Fair), in 1303, when he was desirous to make himself popular on account of his quarrel with pope Boniface VIII; hence the name tiers état. This order, however, was subjected to great humiliations: while the clergy were seated to the right of the king, and the nobility to the left, the deputies of the cities and bailiwicks were obliged to stand outside of the bar, and to receive and answer the propositious of the king on their knees. But the steady march of civilization made the third estate the nation, and the government, embarrassed or unsupported by the clergy and nobility, turned its eyes to this important class in 1788; and Sieyes, in his treatise Qu'est ce que le Tiers État ? (1789), gave utterance to the feeling of the people. The tiers état, at present, is the nation itself; so that the term became un

constitutional, even during the restora- Parthians; recovered that part of his do


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TIFLIS. (See Teflis.)

TIGER. This animal and the lion are the largest and most powerful of the cat kind. The tiger is found only in the East Indies, in Hindoostan, Siam, CochinChina, Malacca, and the isles of Sunda. Its strength and sanguinary disposition are such that it is the terror of the inhabitants in those countries; and no animal, except the elephant, is capable of resisting it. It even comes into the midst of villages, in the night time, for the purpose of carrying off cattle. The color is yellow, with transverse black stripes; and the tail has alternate black and yellow rings. The pupil of the eye is round. It resembles the other animals of the cat tribe in every respect, can be tamed as easily as the lion, and becomes familiar with its keeper. Its voice is very powerful, and resembles that of the lion.

TIGER FLOWER (ligridia pavonia); a Mexican plant, frequently cultivated in gardens, où account of the magnificence of its flowers. It belongs to the same natural family as the iris. The root is a scaly bulb: the leaves are radical, swordshaped, and tapering towards the point of insertion: the stem is about a foot in height, slightly zigzag, dividing into two or three branches, and bearing a few alternate, distant leaves: the flowers are solitary, terminal, very large, of a singular form, and very evanescent. The three exterior divisions of the corolla are much the largest, of a fine orange-red towards the extremity; whitish or yellowish, and beautifully spotted, at the base. It is tolerably hardy, and is increased by seed or offsets.

TIGRANES; a celebrated king of Armenia Major, who reigned in the last century before Christ. He was delivered, by his father, Artaxias, as a hostage to the Parthians, who, upon the death of his father, restored him to the throne, upon condition that he should cede to them a portion of his dominions. With Mithridates, whose daughter Cleopatra he married, he entered into an alliance against the Romans; and, having conquered Cappadocia, his success induced the Syrians, wearied out by the continual family discords of their rulers of the house of the Seleucidæ, to invite him to take possession of their country. He did so, and subdued a great part of Cilicia and Syria, but would not enter into a second alliance with Mithridates against the Romans. He preferred attacking the

minions which had surrendered to them, and conquered Mesopotamia and Mygdonia; then took from the Seleucida the portion of Syria yet possessed by them, and a great part of Phoenicia, and assumied the arrogant title of king of kings. But the Roman consul Lucullus soon required him to deliver up Mithridates, who had fled to him for protection. Upon his refusal, a war ensued, in which Tigranes was defeated. He now committed to Mithridates the conduct of the war; but they were both conquered in a pitched battle. In the following year, however, the two kings, taking advantage of the dissensions which had broken out among the Romans, subdued Armenia and Cappadocia. But the son of Tigranes rebelled against his father, who was thus compelled to divide his army. He, however, defeated his son, and obliged him to fly into Parthia. The Parthians now took part with the son, and made an incursion into Armenia, at the same time that Mithridates was defeated by the Romans, who were eventually joined by the son of Tigranes. Tigranes, relying upon the magnanimity of Pompey, resolved to surrender to him; whereupon Pompey gave him a portion of Armenia, and likewise of Mesopotamia. But the son of Tigranes having again engaged in a conspiracy against his father, as well as against the Romans, Pompey sent him in chains to Rome; but his father, in consequence of the friendly disposition which he manifested towards the Romans, was allowed to retain the title of their friend and ally, and died as such in the eighty-fifth year of his age.

TIGRIS; a river of Asia, which rises in the mountains of Armenia, about fifteen miles east of the source of the Euphrates, and, flowing along towards the eastern frontiers of Turkey, on the west side of Curdistan, in a south-south-east direction, joins the Euphrates at Corna, sixty miles north-west of Bassora. The country included between the Tigris and Euphrates, was anciently called Mesopotamia; in modern times, Diarbekir, and Al-Gezira. This river was particularly famed in antiquity; and on its banks were the cities of Nineveh, Ctesiphon and Seleucia. In modern times, it can boast the famous city of Bagdad, and the secondary ones of Diarbekir and Mosul. Its course is generally rapid. Between Corna and Bagdad, it is about two hundred yards wide, and navigable for boats of twenty or thirty tons. Small boats descend from Diarbekir.

TILGHMAN, William, LL. D., chief

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