PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AT THE SECOND SESSION OF THE TWENTY-SECOND CONGRESS, BEGUN AND HELD AT THE CITY OF WASHINGTON, DECEMBER 3, 1832, AND IN THE FIFTY-SEVENTH YEAR OF THE INDEPENDENCE OF THE UNITED STATES. IN THREE VOLUMES. VOLUME II. CONTAINING DOCUMENTS FROM No. 46 To No. 109, inclusive. WASHINGTON: PRINTED BY DUFF GREEN. 1832. INDEX. A. Agents employed to collect information relative to the ma- Agents, Indian. Alabama, Legislature. Memorial of, relative to South Caro lina Alabama, Legislature, relative to nullification American Institute, of New York, for protecting duties sion fund. Vol. No. Page. Appointments of members of Congress to office from 3d March, 1825 Appropriations for public improvements in the City of Washington in 1832. Report of the expenditures Appropriations, additional, for the Engineer Department for 1833. Estimate of Appropriations for removing the obstructions in the Potomac river, making a free road and a free bridge at the Little Falls Appropriations increased for the General Land Office. Appropriations for the Navy Department for 1832. Statement of the Appropriations made 2d session 22d Congress Appropriations for the War Department for 1832. Statement of Arkansas. Road from Little Rock to Villemont, in Army. Documents accompanying the President's message, viz of the Quartermaster General Army. Documents accompanying the President's message, viz. of the Second Auditor of the Third Auditor Arms manufactured at the National Armories in 1832, and expenditures Army. Relative to the enlistment of minors in the Asylum, Female Orphan, of Georgetown, D. C. Memorial of the Asylum, Female Orphan, of Alexandria Attorneys, district, and other officers of the United States B. Balances against receivers of public moneys on account of Balances on the books of the Second Auditor Balances on the books of the revenue, due three years on the 30th September, 1832 Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company. 333 3 127 138 3 135 120 113 - Memorial of the citizens of Washington relative to the Baltimore merchants in favor of taking the duty off common, Banks in the District of Columbia. Condition of Bank of the United States. Correspondence of the Treasury Banks of the different States. Condition of the Bay, Narragansett. Survey of Boston merchants opposed to a duty on hemp 33 Bounty land, half pay, commutation, &c., of certain revolu- Bounty Land Office. Report from the Bridge over the Potomac river at Washington City Bridge over the Potomac river at the Little Falls. Remov- Buildings, Public. Report of the Commissioner of the of the Mint - Bureau, Pension. To establish a - 93 Memorial of inhabitants of Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company. Memorial of the 2 tion of Clerk House of Representatives. Report of the, relative to Clerks in the State Department. Names and compensation of the Clerks in the Treasury Department. Names and compen- Clerks in the War Department. Names and compensation of the 1 4 122 123 Clerks in the Post Office Department. Names and compen- sation of the Coins, foreign, at the Mint of the United States. Assays of Commutation bounty land, half pay of certain revolutionary Commerce and navigation of the United States Congress, members of, appointed to office since 3d March, 1825. List of Connecticut. Citizens of Litchfield, opposed to a reduction of the tariff - Constitution of the United States. Acts of the several States Contracts made by the War Department in 1832 2 60 Contracts made by the Navy Commissioners in 1832. List of general - Convention between the United States and the King of the Two Sicilies Courts of the United States. Fees of officers of Creeks, rivers, bays, harbors, roads, &c. Report of the Chief Engineer relative to the improvements of |