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with a general re-affirmance of the Cincinnati platform as to
Buch issues, and also indorse said platform as to slavery,
together with the following resolutionis:
2. Resolved further, That we re-affirm so much of the first
resolution of the platform adopted in the Convention by the
Democracy of this State, on the 8th of January, 1856, as
relates to the subject of Slavery, to wit: "The unqualified
right of the people of the Slaveholding States to the protection
of their property in the States, in the Territories, and in the
wilderness, in which Territorial Governments are as yet unor-

3. Resolved further, That in order to meet and clear away all obstacles to a full enjoyment of this right in the Territories, we re-affirm the principle of the 9th resolution of the Platform adopted in Convention by the Democracy of this State, on the 14th of February, 1818, to wit: "That it is the duty of the General Government, by all proper legislation, to secure an entry into those Territories to all the citizens of the United States, together with their property of every description, and that the same should be protected by the United States while the Territories are under its authority."

4. Resolved further, That the Constitution of the United States is a compact between sovereign and co-equal States, united upon the basis of perfect equality of rights and privileges. 5. Resolved further, That the Territories of the United States are common property, in which the States have equal rights, and to which the citizens of every State may rightfully emigrate, with their slaves or other property recognized as such in any of the States of the Union, or by the Constitution of the 6. Resolved further, That the Congress of the United States has no power to abolish Slavery in the Territories, or to prohibit its introduction into any of them.

United States.

7. Resolved further, That the Territorial Legislatures, created by the legislation of Congress, have no power to abolish Slavery, or to prohibit the introduction of the same, or to impair by unfriendly legislation the security and full enjoyment of the same within the Territories; and such constitutional power certainly does not belong to the people of the Territories in any capacity, before, in the exercise of a lawful authority, they form a Constitution preparatory to admission as a State into the Union; and their action, in the exercise of such lawful authority, certainly cannot operate or take effect before their actual admission as a State into the Union.

8. Resolved further, That the principles enunciated by Chief Justice Taney, in his opinion in the Dred Scott case, deny to the Territorial Legislature the power to destroy or impair, by any legislation whatever, the right of property in slaves, and maintain it to be the duty of the Federal Government, in all of its departments, to protect the rights of the owner of such property in the Territories; and the principles so declared are hereby asserted to be the rights of the South, and the South should maintain them.

9. Resolved further, That we hold all of the foregoing propositions to contain cardinal principles-true in themselves-and just and proper, and necessary for the safety of all that is dear to us; and we do hereby instruct our delegates to the Charleston Convention to present them for the calm consideration and approval of that body-from whose justice and patriotism we anticipate their adoption.

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spects subject to criticism, we should not have felt our-
selves in duty bound to withhold our acquiescence.
almost exclusive sectional vote, not representing a ma
But it has been the pleasure of this Convention, by an
jority of the Democratic electoral vote, to adopt a plat-
form which does not, in our opinion, nor in the opinion
of those who urge it, embody in substance the principles
of the Alabama resolutions. That Platform is as follows:
[Here follow Mr. Samuels' resolutions as adop-
ted. See Platform.]

The points of difference between the Northern and
Southern Democracy are;

1st. As regards the status of Slavery as a political institution in the Territories whilst they remain Territories, and the power of the people of a Territory to exclude it by unfriendly legislation; and

2d. As regards the duty of the Federal Government to protect the owner of slaves in the enjoyment of his propery in the Territories so long as they remain such. This Convention has refused, by the Platform adopted, to settle either of these propositions in favor of the South. We deny to the people of a Territory any power to legis. late against the institution of Slavery; and we assert that it is the duty of the Federal Government, in all its departments, to protect the owner of slaves in the enjoy ment of his property in the Territories. These principles, as we state them, are embodied in the Alabama Platform.

this Convention and the constituency which we have the Here, then, is a plain, explicit and direct issue between honor to represent in this body.

Instructed as we are, not to waive this issue, the contingency, therefore, has arisen, when, in our opinion, it becomes our duty to withdraw from this Convention. to assure the Convention that we do so in no spirit of We beg, sir, to communicate this fact through you, and anger, but under a sense of imperative obligation, properly appreciating its responsibilities and cheerfully submitting to its consequences. 0. O. HARPER, LEWIS H. CATO, JNO. W. PORTIS, F. G. NORMAN,

L. P. WALKER, Chairman.









Mr. Walker also presented a resolution to the

10. Resolved further, That our delegates to the Charleston Convention are hereby expressly instructed to insist that said Convention shall adopt a platform of principles, recognizing distinctly the rights of the South, as asserted in the foregoing resolutions; and if the said National Convention shall refuse to adopt, in substance, the propositions embraced in the pre-effect that no other person than the retiring deleceding resolutions, prior to nominating candidates, our delegates had any authority to represent Alabama in the Convention.

gates to said Convention are hereby positively instructed to

withdraw therefrom.

11. Resolved further, That our delegates to the Charleston Convention shall cast the vote of Alabama as a unit, and a majority of our delegates shall determine how the vote of this State shall be given.

12. Resolved further, That an Executive Committee, to consist of one from each Congressional District, be appointed, whose duty it shall be, in the event that our delegates withdraw from the Charleston Convention, in obedience to the 10th resolution, to call a Convention of the Democracy of Alabama to meet at an early day to consider what is best to be done.

Under these resolutions, the undersigned received their appointment, and participated in the action of this Con


By the resolution of instruction, the tenth in the series, we were directed to insist that the platform adopted by this Convention should embody, "in whole," the propositions embraced in the preceding resolutions, prior to nominating candidates.

The Alabama delegation then withdrew from the hall.


Mississippi delegation to state that they retire from the Mr. Barry, of Mississippi.-I am instructed by the Convention with the delegation from Alabama. (Cheers.) They have prepared a protest, which they desire to submit, but by accident it is not now here. I desire also to state that they have adopted unanimously a resolution and that no one is or shall be authorized to represent that they are the only delegates-which is uncontestedthem in their absence upon the floor of the Convention. (Cheers.)

Mr. Mouton, of Louisiana.-Mr. President, I have but a short communication to make to the Convention. I do Anxious, if possible, to continue our relations with this not do it as an individual. I am authorized to say by Convention, and thus to maintain the nationality of the the delegates representing Louisiana in this Convention, Democratic party, we agreed to accept, as the substance that they will not participate any longer in the proceedof the Alabama platform, either of the two reports sub-ings of this Convention. (Cheers.) Heretofore we have mitted to this Convention by the majority of the Commit- been in the habit of saying that the Democracy of the tee on Resolutions-this majority representing not only country was harmonious. (Laughter.) Can we say so a majority of the States of the Union, but also the only to-day with any truth? Are we not divided, and divided States at all likely to be carried by the Democratic party in such a manner that we can never be reconciled, bein the Presidential election. We beg to make these recause we are divided upon principle? Can we agree to ports a part of this communication. the Platform adopted by the majority of the Convention,

[See heretofore the two sets of resolutions re- and then go home to our constituents and put one conported by Mr. Avery.]

These reports received the indorsement in the Committee on Resolutions of every Southern State, and, had either of them been adopted as the platform of principles of the Democratic party, although possibly in some re

struction on it, while Northern Democrats put another? No, Mr. President, I think I speak the sentiment of my State when I say that she will never play such a part. (Cheers.) If we are to fight the Black Republicans to gether, let us do it with a bold front; let us use the sam arms; let us sustain the same principles. I was willing

this morning, in order to do away with the necessity of all these votes, and to ascertain if there was a majority here ready to impose upon us such a Platform-I was willing, myself, that the majority of the Convention should retire and prepare such a Platform as suited them, and to take a vote upon it, and if that Platform did not give is those guarantees which we are entitled to under the Constitution, then we would have been ready to do what we are now doing. The Platform which the majority of this Convention has adopted does not give us those guarantees which we are entitled to for the protection of our property in the Territories. We wish to wear no two faces in this contest. We wish to meet the Black Republicans with their abominable doctrines boldly; and if our friends, the Democrats from the Free States, cannot join us and fight with us, we must fight our own battle. We are ready to meet the issue made by the Black Republicans like men, but we shall battle for what we conceive to be the truth, and not for profit. For these reasons, I am authorized by my delegation to announce that they withdraw from the Convention. At the same time, I should state the fact that two of the delegation do not join us in this movement. (Loud cheers.) At the same time, I should state that those who sent us here instructed us to vote as a unit, and we contend, therefore, that we are entitled to give the whole vote of the State, and that no one else is entitled to give it or to divide it.

Mr. Mouton made some additional remarks, but owing to the confusion which prevailed in the hall, the reporter was unable to hear them.

lives before they will acknowledge the principle which we contend for.

Gentlemen, in such a situation of things in the Convention of our great party, it is right that we should part. The South leaves you Go your way, and we will go ours.

not like Hagar, driven into the wilderness, friend ess and alone-but I tell Southern men here, and for them, I tell the North, that, in less than sixty days, you will find a united South standing side by side with us. (Prolonged and enthusiastic cheering.)

We stand firm and immovable, and while we respect you, we must respect ourselves. And, gentlemen, let me say to you of the North now, that the time may come when you will need us more than we need you. I speak to those who represent "the green hills of New England;' I speak to the "imperial center" of the Union. There slumbers in your midst a latent spark-not of political sectionalism, but of social discord-which may yet require the conservative principles of the South to save your region of country from anarchy and confusion. We need not your protection. The power of the Black We are safe in our own Republicans is nothing to us. strength and security, so long as we maintain our rights. Gentlemen, I have detained you too long. I ask, in conclusion, that the few words which are here writtenwords of courtesy, but words of truth so far as my glori ous State is concerned-may be read in your hearing.

Mr. Mathews, of Mississippi, then read the following document.

To the President of the Democratic Convention :

Mr. Glenn, of Mississippi.-Mr. President and gentleSIR: As Chairman of the delegation, which has the men of this Convention: For the first time, for the only honor to represent the State of Mississippi upon this time, for the last time, in the name of the State that I floor, I desire to be heard by you and by the Convention. have the honor in part to represent here, I desire to say In common consultation we have met here, the reprebut a few words to this Convention. I hold in my hand sentatives of sister States, to resolve the principles of a the solemn act of her delegation upon this floor, and I great party. While maintaining principles, we profess say to you, gentlemen, that it is not a hasty action; that no spirit save that of harmony, conciliation, the success it is not one conceived in passion, or carried out in caprice of our party, and the safety of our organization. But to or disappointment. It is the firm resolve of the great the former the latter must yield-for no organization is body of the people whom we represent, which was ex-valuable without it, and no success is honorable which pressed in the Convention that sent us here, and that re- does not crown it. solve, that people, and we, their representatives, will maintain at all cost and at all hazards. (Loud cheers.)

We came here simply asking a recognition of the equal rights of our State under the laws and Constitution of our common Government; that our right to property should be asserted, and the protection of that property, when necessary, should be yielded by the Government which claims our allegiance. We had regarded government and protection as correlative ideas, and that so long as the one was maintained the other still endured.

We came here not to dictate to the representatives of other sovereign States. Since we have been here, our intercourse has been courteous so far as personalities are concerned. We have all sought, and I believe have all been able, to conduct ourselves as gentlemen. But we did not come here to exercise the courtesies of life alone. We came to settle the principles upon which our party After a deliberation of many days, it has been anmust rest and must stand. We came here, gentlemen of nounced to us by a controlling majority of Representathe North, not to ask you to adopt a principle which you tives of nearly one-half the States of this Union, and that could say was opposed to your consciences and to your too, in the most solemn and impressive manner, that our principles. We did not believe it to be so. We came as demand cannot be met and our rights cannot be recogequal members of a common confederacy, simply to ask nized. While it is granted that the capacity of the you to acknowledge our equal rights within that confede- Federal Government is ample to protect all other proracy. (Cheers.) Sir, at Cincinnati we adopted a Plat-perty within its jurisdiction, it is claimed to be impotent form on which we all agreed. Now answer me, ye men when called upon to act in favor of a species of property of the North, of the East, of the South, and of the West, recognized in fifteen sovereign States. Within those what was the construction placed upon that Platform in States, even Black Republicans admit it to be guaranteed different sections of the Union? You at the West said it by the Constitution, and to be only assailed by a Higher meant one thing, we of the South said it meant another. Law; without them, they claim the power to prohibit or Either we were right or you were right; we were wrong destroy it. The controling majority of Northern repreor you were wrong. We came here to ask you which was sentatives on this floor, while they deny all power to right and which was wrong. You have maintained your destroy, equally deny all power to protect; and this, they position. You say that you cannot give us an acknow-assure us, is, and must, and shall be the condition of our ledgment of that right, which I tell you here now, in coöperation in the next Presidential election. coming time will be your only safety in your contests with the Black Republicans of Ohio and of the North. (Cheers.)

Why, sir, turn back to the history of your own leading men. There sits a distinguished gentleman, (Hon. Charles F. Stuart, of Michigan,) once a representative of one of the sovereign States of the Union in the Senate, who then voted that Congress had the constitutional power to pass the Wilmot Proviso, and to exclude Slavery from the Territories; and now, when the Supreme Court has said that it has not that power, he comes forward and tells Mississippians that that same Congress is impotent to protect that same species of property. There sits my distingui ed friend, the Senator from Ohio, (Mr. Pugh,) who, but a few nights since, told us from that stand that if a Territorial Government totally misused their powers or abused them, Congress could wipe out that Territorial Government altogether. And yet, when we come here and ask him to give us protection in case that Territorial Government robs us of our property and strikes the star which answers to the name of Mississippi from the flag of the Union, so far as the Constitution gives her protection, he tells us, with his hand upon his heart-as Gov. Payne, of Ohio, had before done-that they will part with their

In this state of affairs, our duty is plain and obvious. The State which sent us here, announced to us her principles. In common with seventeen of her sister States, she has asked a recognition of her Constitutional rights. These have been plainly and explicitly denied to her. We have offered to yield everything except an abandonment of her rights-everything except her honor-and it has availed us nothing.

As the Representatives of Mississippi, knowing her wishes-as honorable men, regarding her commands-we withdraw from the Convention, and, as far as our action is concerned, absolve her from all connection with this body, and all responsibility for its action,

To you, sir, as presiding officer of the Convention while it has existed in its integrity, we desire, collectively as a delegation, and individually as men, to tender the highest assurances of our profound respect and consideration.

Signed: D. C. Glen, Chairman of the Mississippi delegation; George H. Gordon, James Drone, Beverly Mathews, J. T. Simms, Joseph R. Davis, W. S. Wilson, Isaac Enloe, Charles Edward Hocker, W. H. H. Tison, Ethelbert Barksdale, W. S. Barry, J. M. Thomson.

Mr. Mathews then announced that a meeting

of all those who sympathized with them in this movement would be held at 8 o'clock this even ing, in St. Andrew's Hall.

The Mississippi delegation then withdrew from the Convention.


The Hon. James Simons, of South Carolina -Mr. President, I am directed by the delegation from South Carolina respectfully to present the following document. TO THE HON. CALEB CUSHING,

President of the Charleston Convention:

We, the undersigned Delegates appointed by the Democratic State Convention of South Carolina, beg leave respectfully to state that, according to the principles enunciated in their Platform at Columbia, the power, either of the Federal Government or of its agent, the Territorial Government, to abolish or legislate against property in slaves, by either direct or indirect legislation, is especially denied; and as the Platform adopted by the Convention palpably and intentionally prevents any expression affirming the incapacity of the Territorial Government so to legislate, that they would not be acting in good faith to their principles, or in accordance with the wishes of their constituents, to longer remain in this Convention, and they hereby respectfully announce their withdrawal there


[blocks in formation]

Mr. Milton, of Florida.-Mr. President: Representing the State of Florida, it is with feelings of sadness that I present myself before you to bid adieu to the men of talent and men of high and noble feelings from the North and West, who have met us here upon this occasion. But differences have arisen between us which, as honorable men, we cannot adjust. It has been asked, time and again, why we should invite gentlemen from the Northwest, the North and the East, to come and occupy higher ground than we did when we stood together and triumphed on the Cincinnati Platform? Since that time, gentlemen, according to your own report, a mighty power has arisen in your midst, deriving much of its strength and support from the Democrats of the North. I allude to the Black Republican party-a party which promulgates to the country that they have a higher law, a law known only to themselves-I hope not known to you-but superior to the Constitution. And, gentlemen, let me tell you that we came here expecting to be met hand in hand, and heart in heart, and to have formed a line shoulder to shoulder with you to drive back this swelling tide of fanaticism. But, gentlemen, how have we been met by you? I am proud to say that we have been met with high-toned generosity by Oregon and California. (Cheers.) I am proud to say that supporters of our claim for equal rights have boldly presented themselves from the good old State of Pennsylvania. (Cheers.) While we have entertained great respect for your talent and integrity, yet we bid adieu to you of the Northwest without so much feeling of regret, as you have hardened your hearts and stiffened your necks against the rights of the South. (Cheers and laughter.) But, we say to you, gentlemen from Oregon and California, and Pennsylvania and other States, who have come forward with the hand of fellowship, that we part from you with feelings of heartfelt sorrow.

Mr. Randall, of Pennsylvania.-And New-Jersey. Mr. Milton.-I did not forget New-Jersey, nor could I forget Massachusetts. My remark was general. Whereever and whenever a gentlemen from the North, the East or the West. has had the manliness to rise up and vindicate our rights, our hearts have been at his command. (Cheers.)

We thank you, gentlemen, for the courtesies we have

received amongst you, and which we have returned with without any unkind feeling. We respect you as gentlethe kindest feelings of our hearts. We part from you men, but differing, as we do, upon principles vital to our most sacred interests, in the same spirit of wisdom and affection which caused Abraham and Lot to pass on, ons in one direction and the other in a different one, we bid you a most respectful adieu. (Loud cheers.) One more remark, and I have done. The delegation from the State of Florida has unanimously passed a resolution that no one is authorized, when we shall retire, to represent Florida in this Convention. I confess, in all frankness, that I deem the resolution wholly unnecessary, because I believe there is too high a sense of honor amongst gen. tlemen here from the North, and the East, and the West, to permit any man to skulk in here to represent Florida. Mr. Eppes, of Florida, then read the following protestation:


President of the Democratic National Convention: The undersigned, Democratic delegates from the Stafe of Florida, enter this their solemn protest against the action of the Convention in voting down the Platform of the majority.

Florida, with her Southern sisters, is entitled to a clear and unambiguous recognition of her rights in the Territories, and this being refused by the rejection of the majority report, we protest against receiving the Cincin nati Platform with the interpretation that it favors the doctrine of Squatter Sovereignty in the Territorieswhich doctrine, in the name of the people represented by us, we repudiate.

T. J. Eppes, B. F. Wardlaw, John Milton, J. B. Owens, C. F. Dyke, delegates from Florida.

The delegates from Florida, before retiring, have unanimously adopted the following Resolution :

Resolved, That no person, not a regularly appointed delegate, has a right to cast the vote of the State of Florida in this Convention.

JOHN MILTON, Chairman of Delegation.


said: Mr. President and gentlemen of the ConventionMr. Bryan, of Texas, who was received with loud cheers, Texas, through her delegates on this floor, on the land of Calhoun, where "truth, justice and the Constitution" was proclaimed to the South, says to the South-this day the necessity which calls for our parting with the deleyou stand erect. (Loud cheers.) Whilst we deprecate gates from the other States of this Confederacy, yet it is an event that we, personally, have long looked to. Educated in a Northern College, I there first learned that there was a North and a South; there were two literary Societies, one Northern and the other Southern. In the Churches, the Methodist Church, the Baptist Church, the Presbyterian Church, are North and South. Gentlemen of the North and Northwest, God grant that there may be but one Democratic party! It depends upon your. action, when you leave here, whether it shall be so. Give not aid and comfort to the Black Republican hosts; but say to the South, "You are our equals in this Confederacy, and your lives, your persons and property, equally with those of the Northern States, are protected by the Constitution of the Federal Union." What is it that we, the Southern Democrats, are asking you to acknowledge? Analyze it and see the meaning; and it is this-that we will not ask quite as much of you as the Black Republithem. We blame you not if you really hold these opinions, cans, and if you only grant what we ask, we can fight but declare them openly, and let us separate, as did Abraham and Lot. I have been requested to read this protest on the part of the delegates from Texas, and to ask the courtesy of the Convention that it be spread upon the minutes of its proceedings.


President of the Democratic National Convention: The undersigned, delegates from the State of Texas, would respectfully protest against the late action of this Convention, in refusing to adopt the report of the majority of the Committee on Resolutions, which operates as the virtual adoption of principles affirming doctrines in opposition to the decision of the Supreme Court in the Dred Scott case, and in conflict with the Federal Constitution, and especially opposed to the platform of the Democratic party of Texas, which declares:

1st. That the Democratic party of the State of Texas reaffirm and concur in the principles contained in the platform of the National Democratic Convention, held at Cincinnati in June, 1856, as a true expression of political faith and opinion, and herewith reassert and set forth the

principles therein contained, as embracing the only doctrine which can preserve the integrity of the Union and the equal rights of the States, "expressly rejecting any interpretation thereof favoring the doctrine known as Squatter Sovereignty," and that we will continue to adhere to and abide by the principles and doctrines of the Virginia and Kentucky resolutions of 1798 and 1799 and Mr. Madison's report relative thereto.

2d. That it is the right of every citizen to take his property, of any kind, including slaves, into the common territory belonging equally to all the States of the Confederacy, and to have it protected there under the Federal Constitution. Neither Congress nor a Territorial Legislature, nor any human power, has any authority, either directly or indirectly, to impair these sacred rights; and they having been affirmed by the decision of the Supreme Court in the Dred Scott case, we declare that it is the duty of the Federal Government, the common agent of all the States, to establish such government, and enact such laws for the Territories, and so change the same, from time to time, as may be necessary to insure the protection and preservation of these rights, and prevent every infringement of the same. The affirmation of this principle of the duty of Congress to simply protect the rights of property, is nowise in conflict with the heretofore established and well-organized principles of the Democratic party, that Congress does not possess the power to legislate Slavery into the Territories, or to exclude it therefrom. Recognizing these declarations of principles as instructions to us for our government in the National Convention, and believing that a repudiation of them by all the Northern States, except the noble States of Oregon and California, the whole vote of which is more than doubtful in the ensuing Presidential election, demand from us our unqualified disapproval.

The undersigned do not deem this the place or time to discuss the practical illustration that has been given of the irrepressible conflict between the Northern and Southern States, that has prevailed in this Convention for the last week.

It is sufficient to say that, if the principles of the Northern Democracy are properly represented by the opinion and action of the majority of the delegates from that section on this floor, we do not hesitate to declare that their principles are not only not ours, but, if adhered to and enforced by them, will destroy this Union.

In consideration of the foregoing facts, we cannot remain in the Convention. We consequently respectfully withdraw, leaving no one authorized to cast the vote of the State of Texas.

Guy M. Bryan, Chairman; F. R. Lubbock, F. S. Stockdale, E. Greer, H. R. Runnells, Wm. B. Ochiltree, M. W. Covey, Wm. H. Parsons, R. Ward, J. F. Crosby.


sentatives of the Democracy of Arkansas be instructed to retire from said Convention, and refuse to aid in the selection of any candidate whomsoever by said Convention. 4th. That the unity of the Democratic party and the safety of the South demands the adoption of the two-thirds rule by the Charleston Convention of the Democracy of the United States, and that our delegates to said Convention be required to insist upon and maintain the adoption thereof as an indispensable necessity.

In accordance with the instructions contained in resolution 3d above, one of the undersigned had the honor, on the second day of the session of this Convention, to offer to the consideration of this Convention the following resolution, viz.:

"Resolved, That the Convention will not proceed to nominate a candidate for the Presidency until the Platform shall have been made "

Which said resolution was passed by the Convention with great unanimity. Subsequently, the Committee on Resolutions and Platform, appointed by the Convention, in accordance with the usages and customs of the Democratic party of the United States, agreed upon and reported to this Convention a platform of principles, recognizing the principle contained in the resolutions of the Democracy of Arkansas, above recited, and fully asserting the equal rights of the Southern States in the common Territories of the United States, and the duty of the Federal Government to protect those rights when necessary, according to the usages and customs of the Democracy of the United States, as developed by the practice of said Democracy assembled in Convention on former occasions, and in strict accordance, as is believed by the undersigned, with the compact and agreement made by and between the Democrats of the several States, upon which the Conventions of the Democracy of the United States were agreed first to be founded, and assented to by the several Southern States. The report and determination of the Committee on Platform became and was henceforward the platform of the Democracy of the United States, and this Convention had no duty to perform in relation thereto but to receive, confirm and publish the same, and cause it to be carried into effect wherever in the respective States the Democracy were able to enforce their decrees at the ballot box.

The undersigned are confirmed in this opinion by reference not only to the history of the past, which shows that in all instances the sovereignty of the States, and not the electoral votes of the States, has uniformly been represented in the Committee on Platforms, and that the report of the Committee has invariably been registered as the supreme law of the Democratic party by unanimous consent of the entire Convention, without changing or in any manner altering any part or portion thereof. It is asserted, as a part of our traditional policy, and confidently believed, that the Democracy of tho United States, by a peculiar system of checks and

Mr. Burrow, of Arkansas, read the following balances, formed after the fashion of the Federal Governprotest.


President of Charleston Convention:

The undersigned, delegates accredited by the Democracy of Arkansas to represent said Democracy in the Convention of the Democracy of the United States, assembled on the 23d April, 1860, beg leave to submit the following protest, against certain actions of this Convention, and statement of the causes which, in their opinion, require them to retire from this Convention:

1st. The Convention of the Democracy of the State of Arkansas, convened at Little Rock on the 2d day of April, 1860, passed among other things, the following resolutions,


1st. Resolved, We the Democracy of Arkansas, through our representatives in Convention assembled, proclaim our confidence in the virtue and intelligence of the people, and unabated faith in the principles of the Democracy.

2d. We re-affirm the political principles enunciated in the Cincinnati platform by the Democracy of the United States in June, 1836, and assert as illustrative thereof, that neither Congress nor a Territorial Legislature, whether by direct legislation or by legislation of an indirect and unfriendly character, possesses the power to annul or impair the constitutional rights of any citizen of the United States to take his slave property into the common Territories, and there hold and enjoy the same, and that if experience should at any time prove the Judiciary and executive power do not possess the means to insure protection to constitutional rights in a Territory-and if the Territorial Government should fail or refuse to provide the necessary reme ties for that purpose, it will be the duty of Congress to supply the deficiency.

3d. That the representatives of the Democracy of Arkansas in the Charleston Convention be instructed to insist upon the recognition by said Convention of the purpose hereinbefore declared, prior to balloting for any candidate for the Presidency; and if said Convention refuse to recognize the rights of the South in the Territories of the United States, the repro

ment, were contracted and bound themselves to fully recognize the sovereignty of the States in making the platform, and the population or masses of the States in naming the candidate to be placed on the platform. That many States have been uniformly allowed to vote the full strength of their electoral college in these Conventions when it was well known that said States never heretofore, and probably would never hereafter give a single electoral vote at the polls to the candidate which they had so large a share in nominating, cannot be accounted for on any other principle than that it was intended only as a recognition of the sovereignty and equality of said States.

Would it be right at this time for the numerical majority to deprive all the Black Republican States represented on this floor of their representation, which by custom they have so long enjoyed, simply because it is now evident that they are or will be unable to vote the Democratic ticket in the next Presidential election?

By common consent we say that a reckless numerical majority should not be thus allowed to tread under foot the vested rights of those States and well established usages and customs of the party.

If thus it be wrong for the numerical majority to deprive the Black Republican States of this long vested right, how much more unjust is it for the numerical majority to deprive all the States of their vested right to make and declare the platform in the usual and customary manner? and when we call to mind that the numerical majority resides chiefly in the Black Republioan States, to whom the South has uniformly accorded so large a privilege, in naming candidates who were alone to be elected by Southern votes, we have much reason to believe that he to whom you gave an inch seems emboldened thereby to demand an ell.

The undersigned beg leave to state that many patriotic States' Right Democrats in the South, have long contended that these Conventions of the Democracy, repre

senting in fact the whole consolidated strength of the
Union, acting through party sympathy upon the indivi-
dual members of society, would ultimate in a despotic,
colossal centralism, possessed of power to override and
destroy at its will and pleasure the constitutions. and
reserved rights of any and all the States.
however, has heretofore felt safe because of the checks
The South,
and balances imposed upon the machinery of the Con-
ventions. The South felt that where she retained an
equal power to write the creed of faith, she could trust
her Northern sisters, with their immense populations, to
name the candidate; and all would alike support the
creed and the candidate.

The undersigned, well knowing the hostility of the Northern masses toward the "peculiar institutions" of the South, and calling to mind the relative numbers of the Northern and Southern States, assert with confidence

that no Southern State in the Union would ever have consented to surrender, so abjectly and hopelessly, all their fortunes to the numerical majority who have just now voted to set aside the Platform, unless upon the full assurance that the States were entitled by agreement to make and establish the creed of faith and prescribe the rule of action. This violation of plighted faith on the part of the numerical majority-this violation of the well established usage and custom of the party-drive us to the conclusion that we cannot longer safely trust the fortunes of Slaveholding States to the chances of the numerical majority in a Convention, where all the Black Republicans of the Union, the immense populations of Massachusetts, New-York, Pennsylvania and Ohio, and other Northern States, are fully represented, on the one side, against the small populations from the slave States on the other. Had these populations adhered strictly to the usages and customs of the party, longer association might have been practicable; but annihilation is staring us in the face, and we are admonished of our duty to

stand upon our reserved rights.

We declare, therefore, that we believe our mission to this Convention at an end:

1st. Because the numerical majority have usurped the prerogatives of the States in setting aside the Platform made by the States, and have thus unsettled the basis of this Convention, and thereby permanently disorganized its constitution. Its decrees, therefore, become null and void.

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by the Democratic party as a unit. (Cheers.) He wished
to consult with other Southern men as to the best course
to be pursued-(cheers)-reserving to himself the right to
decide the question, which he would do in a few hours.
His heart and all the feelings of his nature were with those
tion; but, at the same time, he hesitated between his per-
Southern men who had seen proper to leave the Conven-
sonal feelings and his duty to his own people. If he could
willing to take him on this platform. (Cheers.)
get a good sound Southern man for President, he would be

The Georgia delegation asked leave to retire for consultation, which was granted.

Messrs. Bayard and Whiteley, two of the six delegates from Delaware, retired from the Convention and joined the seceders.

Mr. Saulsbury, (U. S. Senator,) of Delaware, stated his reason for not retiring with his colleagues, and the Convention adjourned.

the regular order of business to be the motions On Tuesday, May 1st, the President stated to reconsider, and the motions to lay the motions to reconsider on the table, by which the various resolutions constituting the Platform were adopted. Pending the determination of these questions, yesterday evening, the chairman of several of the delegations rose to questions of privilege, under which their delegations retired from the hall. When the Convention adjourned the gentleman from Illinois (Mr. Merrick) was upon the floor.


afternoon the delegation from Georgia obtained the leave Mr. Benning of Georgia.-Mr. President: On yesterday of the Convention to retire for the purpose of consulting as to the course they would pursue in consequence of the action taken by the Convention in the previous part of the day. They retired, and they have since been engaged in consultation. They have considered the questions involved, with as much maturity and care as they could bestow upon them, and they have come to a conclusion as to the course they ought to pursue. That conclusion is contained in two resolutions which I hold in my hand, and which I will now read to the Convention.

2d. Because we were positively instructed by the Democracy of Arkansas to insist on the recognition of the equal rights of the South in the common Territories, and protection to those rights by the Federal Government, prior to any nomination of a candidate; and as this Convention has refused to recognize the principle required by the State of Arkansas, in her popular morning, our Chairman be requested to state to the President Convention first, and twice subsequently re-asserted by that the Georgia delegation, after mature deliberation, have Resolved, That, upon the opening of the Convention this Arkansas, together with all her Southern sisters, in the re-felt it be their duty, under existing circumstances, not to parport of a Platform to this Convention; and as we cannot ticipate further in the deliberations of the Convention, and serve two masters, we are determined first to serve the that, therefore, the delegation withdraw. Lord our God. We cannot ballot for any candidate whatsoever.

8d. In retiring, we deny to any person, or persons, any right whatever to cast hereafter, in this Convention, either our vote or the vote of Arkansas on any proposition which may, or can, possibly come up for consideration. The Delegates of Arkansas cannot take any part in placing a sound candidate on an unsound platform, because it would disgrace any sound Southern man who would consent to stand on such a platform; and, as a Squatter Sovereignty Platform has been adopted, we believe good faith and honor requires that the Chief of Squatter Sovereignty should be placed on it. We wish no part or lot in such misfortune, nor do we believe that we can safely linger under the shade of the upas tree, this day planted certainly.


Mr. Burrow stated, after reading the paper, that the gentlemen who had signed represented both wings of the State-all its public men, its hopes, it character, and its fortunes.

Mr. Johnson, of Arkansas, as Chairman of the Arkansas delegation, desired to say a single word to go along with the paper which had been read. It was his desire that that portion of the Arkansas delegation who had concluded to leave the Convention should have paused until the delegation could have had a consultation. Why did he hesitate? It was because he conceived that the stability of the Union itself was involved in the action taken here by the Southern representatives.

He had been taught from childhood to believe that if the Union was to be preserved at all, it was to be preserved

Resolved, That all who acquiesce in the foregoing resolution sign the same, and request the Convention to enter it on their records.





The undersigned, delegates from Georgia, having voted in the meeting of the delegation against withdrawing from the Convention, yet, believe, under the instructions contained in the resolution of the Georgia Convention, that the vote of the majority should control our motion, and we therefore with draw with the majority.



This paper is signed by twenty-six out of the thirty-three of Georgia. or thirty-four delegates in that Convention from the State

I have now, Mr. President, discharged the duty which
has been intrusted to me by my delegation.
from the hall.
The majority of the Georgia delegation then retired

this Convention for a moment.
Mr. Johnson, of Arkansas.-I do not desire to detain
stated to the Convention that I should come here this
On yesterday evening I
morning and tell them what was my conclusion, and what
the State of Arkansas which then thought proper to re-
was the conclusion of the portion of the delegation from
step which our judgment dictates to be right. In accord.
main in the Convention. We are now ready to take that
ance with our duty here, we wanted time to pause and

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