OF DEBATES IN CONGRESS, COMPRISING THE LEADING DEBATES AND INCIDENTS OF THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWENTY-FIRST CONGRESS: TOGETHER WITH AN APPENDIX, CONTAINING IMPORTANT STATE PAPERS AND PUBLIC DOCUMENTS, AND THE LAWS ENACTED DURING THE SESSION WITH A COPIOUS INDEX TO THE WHOLE. VOLUME VI. WASHINGTON: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY GALES AND SEATON. 1830. GALES & SEATON'S Register of Debates in Congress, TWENTY FIRST CONGRESS...FIRST SESSION: FROM DECEMBER 7, 1829, TO MAY 31, 1830. DEBATES IN THE SENATE. MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1829. At noon, the Honorable SAMUEL SMITH, of Maryland, President pro tempore of the Senate, took the chair. The roll of Senators having been called over by WALTER LOWRIE, Esq. Secretary of the Senate, it appeared that thirty-five members were present. The usual message was sent to the House of Representatives, notifying that a quorum of the Senate had assembled. Mr. WHITE and Mr. SANFORD were then appointed a committee to join the committee of the House of Representatives, to inform the President of the United States that quorums of the two Houses had assembled, &c. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1829. Mr. WHITE reported from the Joint Committee, that they had, according to order, waited on the President of the United States, who replied that he would, to-day, at 12 o'clock, make a communication to each House of Congress. Soon after which, a written message (which will be found in the Appendix) was received from the President of the United States, by Mr. DONELSON, his Secretary. The message was read, and, on motion by Mr. ROWAN, it was Ordered, That four thousand five hundred copies of the message, with one thousand five hundred copies of the documents accompanying it, be printed for the use of the Senate. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1829. The Senate, this day, elected its several standing committees: and on motion of Mr. SANFORD, it was Resolved, That a select committee be appointed to consider the state of the current coins, and to report such amendments of the existing laws concerning coins, as may be deemed expedient. HONORS TO THE DEAD. Mr. ELLIS having announced the death of his colleague, the Honorable THOMAS B. REED, of Mississippi, submitted the following resolutions, which were unanimously agreed to: Resolved, That the members of the Senate, from a desire of showing every mark of respect to the memory of the Honorable THOMAS B. REED, deceased, late a Senator VOL. VI-1 of this body, from the State of Mississippi, will go into mourning for one month by wearing crape on the left arm. Resolved, That, as an additional evidence of respect to the memory of the Honorable THOMAS B. REED, the Senate do now adjourn. [From the 10th to the 22d of December, inclusive, there was no business transacted to give rise to debate. The Senate was principally occupied in receiving and referring petitions, and disposing of motions for inquiry, &c.] WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1829. INTEREST DUE TO CERTAIN STATES. The bill providing for the allowance of interest to certain States therein mentioned, on such advances made by them to the United States, during the late war, as have been or may hereafter be refunded to them, with the amendments of the Committee on the Judiciary to the bill, were taken up in Committee of he Whole. The amendments, viz: To provide for the payment of interest due to the States of Rhode Island and New Hampshire, were agreed to; and, on motion of Mr. IREDELL, the bill was further amended by inserting the State of North Carolina; and the question being on ordering the bill to be engrossed for a third reading Mr. BENTON expressed some repugnance at voting for the bill, until he was better informed of the consequences which might attend that vote, and how far the accounting officers of the Government might be authorized to go under the bill. Formerly great rigor and exactness were observed in the investigation of claims on the Government before Congress ordered their allowance. It was a good practice, and he should be sorry to see a different and looser mode introduced. For himself, he did not know that the United States owed a debt to a single State, and if the bill proposed to authorize the accounting officers to ascertain the fact of the existence of debt to the States, and allow interest thereon, without other examination, he could not consent to it. He should himself like to see the accounts, whether for advances made in money, or for services rendered, and know whether they were rendered by order or against order, and judge of their validity. At present he was in the dark as to the whole subject of the bill; he had seen no report on it, and knew not if there was any. He desired further information. |