That the said river, and the works to be erected thereon in virtue of this act, when completed, shall forever thereafter be esteemed and taken to be navigable as a public highway, free for the transportation of all goods, commodities, or produce, whatsoever,... Index to Documents - Page 85by Senate of the United States - 1840Full view - About this book
| United States - Law - 1796 - 776 pages
...and the works to be erected thereon in virtue of this act, when completed, shall forever ilie.vaftcr be esteemed, and taken to be navigable as a public...for the transportation of all goods, commodities, and produce wliatrvei, on payment of the tolls to be imposed, as provided by this act; and no other... | |
| Virginia - 1803 - 548 pages to be erected thereon in virtue oftHis Aft, when completed, shall forever thereafter beefteemed and taken to be navigable as a public highway, free for the tranfportation of all aoods, commodities, or produce whatfoever, on payment of the tolls impofed by... | |
| Virginia - Virginia - 1808 - 734 pages for the toll* imposed the transportation of all goods, wares, commodities or prodnce by this act. whatsoever, on payment of the tolls imposed by this act ; and no tax til* at any othep to11 or tax whateyer, for the u?e of the waiter of the said eatime imposed nals... | |
| Virginia, William Waller Hening - Law - 1823 - 654 pages
...esteemed and ta- esteemed a ken to be navigable as a public highway, free for the ^y'0 " transp6rtation of all goods, commodities, or produce whatsoever,...the said river, and the works thereon erected, shall nt any time hereafter be imposed by both or yither of the said states, subject nevertheless to such... | |
| Delaware - Session laws - 1816 - 446 pages
...thereon, shall forever thereafter be deemed and taken to be navigable as a public highway, free from the transportation of all goods, commodities or produce...whatsoever, on payment of the tolls imposed by this act. SEcT. 9. And be it enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for every of the said proprietors to transfer... | |
| William Waller Hening - Law - 1823 - 652 pages be erected thereon in virtue of this act, when works to be completed, shall forever thereafter, be esteemed and taken to be navigable as a public...and no other toll or tax whatever, for the use of ihe water of the said river, and the works thereon erected, shall, at any time hereafter, be imposed:... | |
| Virginia, Virginia. General Assembly - Law - 1823 - 660 pages
...virtue of this act, wlien wnrka to be Completed, shall forever thereafter, be esteemed and la- l'f ken to be naVigable as a public highway, free for the...the tolls imposed by this act; and no other toll or tnx whatever, for the use of the water of the said river, and the works thereon erected, shall, at... | |
| William Waller Hening - Law - 1823 - 842 pages
...for the transportation ef all goods, wares, commodities, or produce whatsoever; and for travelling on payment of the tolls imposed by this act, and whatever for the use of the water of the said canal and the works thereon erected, or the causeways, shall at any time hereafter be imposed by both... | |
| Virginia, Virginia. General Assembly - Law - 1823 - 840 pages
...ef all goods, wares, commodities, or produce whatsoever; and for travelling on payment of the lolls imposed by this act, and no other toll or tax whatever for the use of the water of the said canal and the works thereon creeled, or ttie causeways, shall at any time hereafter be imposed by both... | |
| Virginia, William Waller Hening - Law - 1823 - 844 pages
...for the transportation of all goods, wares, commodities, or produce whatsoever; and for travelling on payment of the tolls imposed by this act, and no other loll or tax whatever for the use of the water of the said canal ;".<; ilie works thereon erected, or... | |
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