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THE design of the publishers, in this Magazine, is to offer to the public an entertaining work for children and youth; one that may become with them a favourite; one that will please and instruct them; one that they will regard not as a thing which they must read as a task, but which they will love to consult as a companion and friend; one, in short, the reading of which may be permitted to good children as a reward, but the denial of which may be felt as a punishment by those who are bad. It will consist chiefly of matters of fact, and the editor will endeavour to present truth and knowledge in a guise, as attractive to the youthful mind, as that in which fiction has generally been arrayed.

The title of the work is chosen, as an indication of what is intended shall be its character. The style which the author of Peter Parley's Tales has chosen as a vehicle of instruction for youth, will be adopted in its pages, and Peter Parley, in his proper character of story teller and traveller, will often appear as a contributor. The work will comprise pieces adapted to all stages of the youthful faculties from childhood upwards. It may thus pass from hand to hand in the family circle, and the parents will not disdain to find amusement in what they are called upon to explain to their children; while the elder branches will be induced to try to lead on, by easy steps, their still younger companions to that enjoyment which they have already experienced themselves.

The contents of the Work will be too various to be enumerated in this place ; but in order to convey some idea of the intentions of the conductors, the following may be mentioned as forming a portion of the more prominent subjects. I. Geographical descriptions of manners, customs, and countries. II. Travels, Voyages, and Adventures, in various parts of the world. III. Interesting Historical Notices and Anecdotes of each State, and of the United States, as well as of foreign countries.

IV. Biography, particularly of young persons.

V. Natural History, as birds, beasts, fishes, &c.; as well as plants, trees, flowers, &c.

VI. A familiar description of the objects that daily surround children in the Parlour, Nursery, Garden, &c.

VII. Original Tales, consisting of Home Scenes, Stories of Adventures, &c. calculated to stimulate the curiosity, exercise the affections, and improve the judgment. VIII. An account of various trades and pursuits,and some branches of commerce. IX. Cheerful and pleasant Rhymes, adapted to the feelings and comprehension of youth.

The publishers have made arrangements to have the work abundantly illustrated with spirited engravings, and every effort will be made to render it a useful auxiliary to the cause of education.




This work is published in numbers of 32 pages, on the first day of every month.

The price is One Dollar a year, payable, in all cases, in advance.

Six copies will be sent, to one address, for five dollars.



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Look Out!

Looking a Tiger out of

285, 316


144 Picture to be Studied 27

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in Iceland

Visit to Mount Vernon

Visit to Wier's Cave

Walks in Boston

Walks about Boston

Walks about Canton in


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sing a Porcupine

Christ and the Samaritan


Crusoe and the Print of

a Foot

Crusoe and the Turtle
Crusoe's Family



25 Young Turk



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