THE REBELLION IN THE UNITED STATES; OR, THE WAR OF 1861; BEING A Complete History of its Bise and Progress, COMMENCING WITH THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. CONTAINING AN ACCOUNT OF THE MOVEMENT OF TROOPS; DESCRIPTION OF BATTLES; LIST OF KILLED AND NECTED WITH THE REBELLION. TAKEN FROM GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS AND OTHER RELIABLE SOURCES. SECOND EDITION. CAREFULLY COMPILED BY MRS. J. BLAKESLEE FROST. HARTFORD, 1862. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1862, by J. BLAKESLEE FROST, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the District of Massachusetts. University Press, Cambridge: INTRODUCTION. IN offering to the public this work on the "Rebellion in the United States," it is done with not a little embarrass- ment, and many fears and anxieties, known only to those who, for the first time in their life, under their own real signature, have brought before the public, to any considerable extent, the effusions of their pen. In bringing this little volume before the people, the authoress lays no claim to rare talents, or great abilities as a "historian," nor expects to win unheard-of, laurels; but to give to the world a plain, simple, unvarnished account of passing events as they actually occur; and she has endeavored in this work to "separate the wheat from the chaff," or, in other words, to give the truth in its purity, and cast aside the fiction. In submitting this work to the criticism of the press and the people, it is done with a thorough knowledge of her own incompetency, and she is fully aware that abler pens than hers are being wielded in the work of narrating this stupendous rebellion. In preparing this "History," the authoress has endeavored, for the time being, as far as possible, to divest |