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To Newport, near Galveston Island, Texas,

23 ten-inch columbiads, 128 pounders.

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In all, one hundred and twenty-four guns, one broadside of which would throw five tons of balls.

Floyd did a lively business in treason all around.

The superintendent of the Springfield, Mass., armory, received an order from Secretary Floyd to deliver to Major Thornton, of the army, having charge of the military stores in New York, twenty thousand muskets, as condemned ordnance stores, and to be sold. They were sold to the State of Virginia for two and a half dollars each; which cost the government twelve dollars each.

Twenty-six mounted field-pieces from the "Watervliet Arsenal" were forwarded to South Carolina, January 3d. During the year 1860, there was removed from the Springfield (Mass.) armory, and deposited in other arsenals of the United States, 135,430 government arms, as follows:

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Thus it will be seen that from the Springfield armory alone there had been sent to the points where treason had made its appointments, 128,000 muskets, and not a single musket to any United States arsenal in a Northern State, except 20,000 to New York. These, like those from

Troy, were not to remain in New York, but were sold to the traitors for the paltry sum of two dollars and a half each.

This removal of arms was entirely "independent" of the supply which the government sends, as the regular quota, to the different States, aside from this, that was going on as usual. Here we see the treason of Floyd developing itself. It was impossible for him longer to conceal his villany, and when the people demurred, he resorted to stratagem to quiet their fears, until he could accomplish his purpose. If anything was needed to rouse our people to the frightful treachery over which they had been sleeping, this should have been sufficient. When, if they started in their slumbers or began to rouse from their lethargy, and asked why was this vast movement of arms, almost simultaneously, from so many different points, and at a time too when the cry of secession, civil war and bloodshed was wafted to us from the South on every returning breeze, they were answered, "It is only the 'regular quota' which the general government appropriates yearly to the several States. The Southern States, not having as many volunteer companies and militia as Northern States, have not called for their share until now, and it has been credited to them year after year, which accounts for the large number which they receive at this time."

Some little excitement was caused in New York by the heavy shipment of arms South from the arsenal at Troy, and it was intimated that the arms were to be used for hostile purposes by the secessionists. They, the people, were told that the rumor in the latter respect was entirely without any truth; that no fears need be entertained of hostility; that the arms alluded to were manufactured at the United States arsenal at Troy, for the State militia of Georgia, in accordance with an order issued in May previous; that a similar order for the State

of South Carolina was fulfilled about the same time; that these "shipment" were not at all unusual, as during the past summer months one hundred and twentyfive thousand stands of arms were sent to the five cotton States, in accordance with the requisition of the Secretary of War.

When the people of Pittsburg, Pa., arose in their indignation and resolved to oppose by force the removal of the heavy guns from the "Alleghany Arsenal," they were quietly informed that "the manufacturer contracted to deliver them at certain points where requisition was made, and any opposition or restraint in their delivery by citizens would inure to the injury of the contractor only, should the service suffer by delay; that the appropriation for the purchase of the cannon was long since made for the defensive works at those points, and the order for their removal thither was in accordance with law and regulation, without any reference whatever to political occurrences.'

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Thus, with these and all sorts of excuses, the people were lulled to rest, until the "war-note" sounded from the walls of "Sumter" which awoke them to the fearful reality. And if ever man is punished for the robbery of a nation's treasury, it should be that same John B. Floyd of Virginia, who leaves the earmarks of fraud throughout his whole administrative career.

January 1st. South Carolina convention passed an ordinance to define and punish treason; that levying war against the State, aiding her enemies, etc., be punished by death. Oh, consistency, thou art a jewel! The convention was opened with prayer, by the Rev. Mr. Dupree. The following is a quotation from the appeal:


"O God, wilt thou bring confusion and discomfiture. upon our enemies, and wilt thou strengthen the hearts and nerves and arms of our sons to meet this great fire in the name of the God of Israel."

Immediately fronting the president was a bust of John C. Calhoun in white marble, with this inscription on paper:

"Truth, Justice and Fraternity, you have written your name in the book of life; fill up the page with deliberation; that written, execute quickly. The storm is from the North. The day is far spent and the night is at hand. Our homes and honor summon the citizens to appear on the parade-ground for inspection."

A correspondent writes:

"The Palmetto Guards,' one hundred strong, are guarding the arsenal, under the 'Palmetto Flag,' instead of the stars and stripes.""

The flag adopted by South Carolina is a red ground, with a marine blue cross, on which are fifteen white stars, a large one in the centre, a white palmetto tree and crescent on the upper right-hand corner, next to the staff, the corner spaces all of red.

The chair, the table, the pens, and the inkstand used on the memorable night of signing the ordinance of secession, were ordered to be reverentially placed in the State at Columbia, and sacredly preserved for posterity

to see.

January 2. ́ Forts Pulaski and Jackson, and the United States arsenal at Savannah, were seized by Georgia State troops.

Fort Macon and the United States arsenal at Fayetteville were seized by North Carolina State troops, by order of Governor Ellis.

Military operations in Charleston were very active, and every point of importance was fully manned.

A censorship was exercised over the telegraph, and the city was nightly patrolled by the military.

It was proposed to starve out Major Anderson and his brave little band, and then attack them on rafts, with the aid of the batteries already erected.

The South Carolina commissioners, at Washington,

received a telegram from Governor Pickens, saying, "that he was notified of the departure of the revenue cutter Harriet Lane for Fort Sumter, with sealed dispatches from Washington, but that she could not come over the bar except under the white flag; otherwise, she would be fired into by the South Carolina troops."

January 3. Florida State convention assembled at Tallahassee.

January 4. Fort Morgan and the United States arsenal at Mobile were seized by Alabama State troops. The arsenal contained six stand of arms, 1,500 barrels. of powder, 300,000 rounds of musket cartridges, and other munitions of war. There was no defence.

January 5. South Carolina convention adjourned, subject to the call of the Governor.

Governor Pickens received a telegram from the mayor of New Orleans, pledging that city to support Charleston when the time for action arrived.

January 7. Alabama convention met at Montgomery. The Governor of Virginia, in a message to the State legislature, condemned the hasty course of South Carolina, but opposed federal coercion.

The Mississippi convention met at Jackson.

Major Anderson's removal to Fort Sumter sustained by the United States House of Representatives.

January 8. Forts Johnson and Caswell, at Smithville, were seized by North Carolina.

At Washington, Jacob Thompson, Secretary of the Interior, called upon the President to know whether reinforcements had been sent to Major Anderson. The President at once informed him that the steamer “Star of the West" had been chartered, and was on her way to Charleston, with two hundred and fifty United States troops.

Later in the day, at a meeting of the cabinet, Secretary Thompson demanded of Secretary Holt to know if

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