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President LINCOLN addressed the following letter to General McClellan after the latter had landed his forces on the Peninsula in the spring of 1862. It relates to several points in which the General's action had already excited a good deal of public uneasiness, and been made the subject of public comment, though the letter itself has never before been made public:


MY DEAR SIR:--I have just assisted the Secretary of War in forming the part of a dispatch to you, relating to army corps, which dispatch, of course, will have reached you long before this will. I wish to say a few words to you privately on this subject. I ordered the army corps organization not only on the unanimous opinion of the twelve generals of division, but also on the unanimous opinion of every military man I could get an opinion from, and every modern military book, yourself only excepted. Of course, I did not on my own judgment pretend to understand the subject. I now think it indispensable for you to know how your struggle against it is received in quarters which we cannot entirely disregard. It is looked upon as merely an effort to pamper one or two pets, and to persecute and degrade their supposed rivals. I have had no word from Sumner, Heintzelman or Keyes. The commanders of these corps are of course the three highest officers with you, but I am constantly told that you have no consultation or communication with them, that you consult and communicate with nobody but Fitz John Porter, and perhaps General Franklin. I do not say these complaints are true or just; but, at all events, it is proper you should know of their existence. Do the commanders of corps disobey your orders in any thing?

When you relieved General Hamilton of his command the other day, you thereby lost the confidence of at least one of your best friends in the Senate. And here let me say, not as applicable to you personally, that Senators and Representatives speak of me in their places as they please without question; and that officers of the army must cease addressing insulting letters to them for taking no greater liberty with them. But to return, are you strong enough, even with my help, to set your foot upon the neck of Sumner, Heintzelman, and Keyes, all at ouce? This is a practical and very serious question for you.

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Arbitrary Arrests, action of Govern- | Confederacy-organization of the Rebel

ment, 339; debate in Congress, 327.
Arkansas, President's letter to General
Steele, 455; President's letter about
Convention, 456; election and adop-
tion of a Free State Constitution, 457.

Banks, takes Port Hudson, 382; proclam-
ation for an election in Louisiana, 454.
Battle of Bull Run, 61, 154; of Williams-
burg, 235; of Seven Pines and Fair
Oaks, 244; of Fredericksburg, 376; of
Gettysburg, 379; of Vicksburg, 382;
of Tullahoma, 388; of Chattanooga,
389; defeat at Olustee, 458.

Blair, F. P. Jr., reappointment as Major-
General, 439.

Border, States, reply of the members to
President's address, 192; Hon. Mr.
Maynard's reply, 194.

Buchanan, official action on Secession,
56; last message, 63; dissolution of
his Cabinet, 64; message on Secession,

Burnside, General, succeeds McClellan
in Army of Potomac, 281; battle of
Fredericksburg, 376; arrests Vallan-
digham, 351; second attempt on Fred-
ericksburg, 377; relieved from com-
mand, 377; defence of Knoxville, 390.

Cabinet, dissolution of Buchanan's, 64;
organization of Lincoln's, 121; resigna-
tion of Secretary Cameron, 205.
Cameron, resignation of, as Secretary of
War, 205: President's message con-
cerning, 205.

Colonization, President's views on, 184;
President's interview with colored
men on, 468; attempts to colonize New
Grenada, 472; colony to Isle à Vache,


Colfax, elected Speaker of House of Rep-
resentatives, 416.

Compromise, Crittenden's, 66; special
committee of Congress on, 68; report
of resolutions by committee, 68; adop-
tion of the resolutions, 70.

Government, 59; objects of the Con-
federacy stated by Mr. Stephens, 62.
Confiscation Bill, 153; debate in Con-
gress on, 196; its provisions, 199;
supplementary resolution, 200; mes-
sage approving, 201.
Congress, appoints committee on Com-
promise, 65; adoption of Compromise
resolution, 70; action on amendment
of Constitution, 70; action on Critten-
den resolution and Peace Conference,
76; meeting in extra Session, July 4,
1861, 138; adoption of resolution on
the objects of the War, 152; bills on
confiscation-employment of slaves,
153; meeting in December, 1861, 162;
effect of Bull Run defeat on legislative
action of, 181; abolishes slavery in
Territories, 183; abolishes slavery in
District Columbia, 183; approves com-
pensated emancipation, 156; debate on
Contiscation Bill, 196; the Currency
Bill, 195; meeting, December, 1862,
308; debate on arbitrary arrests, 327;
admission of members from Louisiana,
336; meeting, December, 1863, 416;
debates of, 1863, 434; action on slavery,
435; passage of Conscription Bill, 331
Constitution, amendment forbidding in-
terference with slavery, 70; amend-
ment abolishing slavery, 435.
Crittenden Compromise, 66; resolution
declaring the objects of the War, 152.
Curtis, General, appointed to command
in Missouri, 398; his removal, 399.

Democratic Party, its position at time of
election, 1860, 54; success in State elec-
tions of 1862, defeat in 1863, 414.

England, instructions to our Minister at
outbreak of the Rebellion, 133; protest
against her recognition of the Rebels
as belligerents, 135; the Trent affair,
162; stoppage of rebel rams, 441.
Emancipation, President's reply to Chi-
cago Committee on, 212; Proclamation

of September, 1862, 215; Proclamation
of January, 1563, 218; in Missouri,

Election of President, 53: State elec-
tions of 1862, State elections of 1863,

Fremont, appointed to Department of
the West, order of emancipation, 393;
President's revocation of order, 161;
removal from command of Western
Department, 894; agreement with
Price, 394; popular demonstrations in
favor of, 396; asks to be relieved, 263.
France, offer of mediation, 297; reply of
Mr. Seward, 298; our relations with,

Florida, expedition of General Gillmore,

457; defeat at Olustee, 458.

Greeley, President Lincoln's letter to,


Gettysburg, battle of, 379; President's

proclamation of victory, 381; dedica-
tion of Cemetery, 351.

Grant, General, siege and capture of
Vicksburg, 352; appointment as Lieu-
tenant-General, 436.

Hunter, General, his order abolishing
slavery in South Carolina, 188; Lin-
coln's letter to, in Missouri, 394.
Halleck, letter to McClellan on the neces-

sity of aiding Pope, 260; letter about
his leaving the Peninsula, 260; orders
McClellan to advance after Antietam,
280; letter about fugitive slaves, 292.
Habeas Corpus, first instance of suspen-
sion, 341; action of the Government,
339; proclamation suspending, 348;
proclamation on subject, 367.
Hooker, General, succeeds General Burn-

side in Army of Potomac, 377; is re-
lieved from command, 379.

Invasion-proposed rebel invasion of the
North, 129; invasion of Pennsylvania
by General Lee, 378.

Kilpatrick-raid to Richmond, 459.
Knoxville, siege of, raised, 390.

Lincoln, Abraham, life and career, 13;
nomination at Chicago, 45; election to
the Presidency, 53; speech at Spring-
field, 78; at Tolono, 79; at Indiana-
polis. 79; before Legislature of Indi-
ana, 80; at Cincinnati, 81; at Columbus,
83; at Steubenville, 84; at Pittsburg, 84;
before Common Council of Pittsburg,

85; at Cleveland, 88; at Buffalo, 89; at
Rochester, 91; at Utica, 92; at Albany,
92; at Troy, 94; at Hudson, 95; at
Poughkeepsie, 95; at Peekskill, 96; at
Astor House, New York, 96; to Re-
publican Association, 97; at City Hall,
99; at Jersey City, 100; at Newark,
100; at Trenton, 101; at Philadelphia,
103; at Independence Hall, 104; at
Lancaster, 106; at Harrisburg, 106;
at Washington, 109; at Washington.
about McClellan, 286; at serenade in
Washington, Sept. 24, 1862, 306; at fair
in Washington, 465; at fair in Balti-
more, 466; to workingmen of New
York, 463; at Gettysburg. 381; at
Washington, on victories of Gettys-
burg and Vicksburg, 385; departure
for Washington, 108; inauguration, 111;
inaugural address, 112; message, extra
session, July, 1861, 138; First Annual
Message, Dec., 1861, 165; message rec-
ommending aid to States emancipating
slaves, 184; message approving bill
to abolish slavery in District of Co-
lumbia, 184; message approving confis-
cation bill, 201; message on blockade
of Southern ports, 208; second annual
message, 1862, 308; message recom-
mending aid for emancipation, 319;
message on the currency, 332; third an-
nual message, 1863, 416; proclamation
for 75,000 troops, 123; of blockade, 128;
revoking Gen. Hunter's order, 188; of
emancipation, September, 1862, 215; of
emancipation, January, 1863, 218; for
Thanksgiving, April 10, 1862, 259; to
the rebels, 294; concerning the Sab-
bath, 306; suspending habeas corpus,
348, 367; about national forces bill,
369; of victory at Gettysburg, 381;
for Thanksgiving, July, 1863, 386;
Thanksgiving for victories in East
Tennessee, 390; Thanksgiving, Oct. 3,
1863, 390; roclamation of amnesty,
430; explanatory proclamation of am-
nesty, 433; for 300,000 volunteers, 436;
letter to Gov. Hicks, of Md., 125; to
Gov. Bradford, of Md., 126; to Gen.
Fremont revoking his order, 161; to
H. Greeley, 210; to McClellan concern-
ing an advance on Richmond, 224; to
McClellan about retaining Blenker,
229; to McClellan about strength of his
army, 232; to McClellan about McDow-
ell, 237; to McClellan about withhold-
ing McDowell, 240; to McClellan about
Jackson, 241; to McClellan about Han-
over Junction, 243; in reply to McClel-
lan, 250; about re-enforcements after
seven days' battles, 253; on the strength
of McClellan's army, 257; to McClellan
after Antietam, 279; to McClellan about
horses, 253; to Fernando Wood, 305; to
committee of Albany meeting, 354; to
committee of Ohio Convention, 362; to

Gov. Seymour on the draft, 372; second
letter on same subject, 374; dispatches
to Chicago, 375; letter of thanks to
Gen. Grant, 386; to Gen. Hunter on
taking command in Missouri, 394; to
Gen. Schofield, 399; to committee from
Missouri, 403; on church quarrels in
Missouri, 409; to Union convention in
Illinois, 411; on payment of bounties,
133; to House of Representatives on
Gen. Blair, 439; on aiding people of
East Tennessee. 440; to editor of N. A.
Review, 449; to Gov. Shepley on elect-
ing members of Congress in La., 452;
to Gen. Steele, of Arkansas. 455; about
Arkansas Convention, 456; to Gen.
Gillmore about Florida, 457; to work-
ingmen of Manchester, 461; to work-
ingmen of London, 462; to working-
men of N. Y., 463; to Christian Com-
mission, 465; to Mr. Hodge, of Ken-
tucky, 481; to Gov. Magoffin, of Ky.
(App.). 492; to Gen. McClellan on the
formation of army corps (App.), 494;
interview with authorities of Md., 127;
address to members of Congress from
Border States, 190; reply to Commis-
sioners of Virginia, 131; remarks on ar-
rest of Md. Legislature, 344; draft of a
bill to aid emancipation, 194: reply to
Chicago committee on emancipation of
slaves, 212; interview with radicals of
Missouri, 400; reappointment of Gen.
Blair, 439; declines to recognize 'Em-
pire of Mexico, 447; theory of recon-
struction, 449; reply to application of
Louisiana planters, 454; interview with
colored men at Washington, 468; mem-
oranda concerning an advance of the
armies in 1861, (App.) 491; order for
advance of U. S. armies, 223; for ad-
vance of Army of Potomac, 224; to
leave Washington properly defended,
226; authorized to issue letters of
marque, 337; general estimate of his
policy, 476.

Louisiana, admission of members of Con-
gress, 336; movements for reorganiza-
tion, 452; President's letter to Gov.
Shepley, 452; application for authority
to call a Convention, 453; application
of planters to the President, 453; Pres-
ident's reply, 454; Gen. Banks's pro-
clamation ordering an election, 454;
election of Gov. Hahn, 455.

Magruder, the rebel general's report of
rebel strength at Yorktown, 233.
Maryland, passage of troops through Bal-
timore, 125; President's correspond-
ence with Gov. Hicks, 125; President's
interview with authorities, 127; arrest
of members of the Legislature, 344.
Maynard, Hon. Horace, reply to Presi-
dent's address on emancipation, 194.

Meade, Gen., succeeds Hooker, 379; fights
at Gettysburg, 380.

Mexico, the new empire, 444; Mr. Sew-
ard's letter on, 445; President declines
to recognize, 447; resolution of House
of Representatives, 448.

McClellan, appointed commander-in-
chief, 222; report of rebel strength at
Yorktown, 230; movement to the
Chickahominy, 236; reports of Wil-
liamsburg, 235; wants McDowell to
join him by water, 238; letter of ad-
vice to the President, 256; ordered to
withdraw from the Peninsula, 259; or-
dered to superintend forwarding of re-
enforcements to Pope, 263; his failure
to aid Pope, 264; suggests that Pope
be left to get out of his scrape," 271.
stops Franklin's advance, 272; failure
to pursue Lee after Antietam, 279
ordered to advance, 280; letter to Pres-
ident about Gen. Scott, 488; advises a
draft in 1861, 490.

Missouri, condition of the State at out-
break of the rebellion, 392; emancipa-
tion in, 397; appointment of Gen. Cur-
tis, 395; President's dispatch about,
398; Gen. Schofield's appointment, 399;
President's instructions to, 407; his
removal, 408; President's interview
with radicals of, 401; abolition of slave-
ry in, 401; mass convention, 402; Pres-
ident's letter to Mo. committee, 403;
President's letter on church contests,
404; President's letter to Gen. Hunter,


National Militia-passage of the con-
scription bill, 331; its provisions, 368;
President's proclamation concerning,
369; draft and riots in N. Y., 371; Gov.
Seymour's correspondence with the
President, 372; President's dispatches
to Chicago, 375.

Ohio-nomination of Vallandigham for
Governor, 362; his defeat, 414.

Peace Conference, its action, 71; action
of Congress on it, 76.
Presidential Election, popular and elec-
toral vote, 55.

Reconstruction, President's movements
towards and message on, 416; letter
to N. A. Review, 449; proclamation
for,451; movements towards, in Louisi-
ana, 452; movements in Arkansas, 457.
Riots in N. Y., 371.

Scott, retirement of General, 156; letter to

Secretary of War about McClellan
(App.). 457; second letter on same sub-
ject, 459.

Schofield, appointment to Western De-
partment, 899; President's instructions
to, 407; removal from command, 408.
Secession conspiracy at Washington. 58;
Mr. Stephens's speech against it, 60.
Secession of South Carolina, 57.
Sécession of Virginia, 132.
Seward, instructions to our minister in
England, 133; reply to French offer of
mediation. 298; diplomacy of 1863, 441;
letter to Mr. Adams on danger of war
with England, 442; letter on the Mex-
ican question, 445.

Seymour, Gov. of N. Y., correspondence
with President on the draft. 372.
Sherman, General, expedition from
Vicksburg, 459.

Slavery and Slaves-relations of slavery
to the rebellion, 151; employment of
slaves, bill in regard to, 153; President's
views regarding fugitive slaves, 158;
abolition in Territories, 183; abolition
in District of Columbia, 153; resolution
approving President's policy of aiding
emancipation in States, 186; adoption
in both Houses, 187; negroes author-
ized to be employed in army, 204; ac-
tion of military commanders concern-
ing, 291; Halleck's letter about slaves,

States, relation of rebel States to the
general government, 329.

State Prisoners, executive order relative

to, 345; order releasing, 350; appoint-
ment of a commission on, 347; case of
Vallandigham, 351.

Stephens, A. H., speech against seces-
sion. 60; statement of objects of the
Confederacy, 62.

Sumter, bombardment of Fort, 122.

Taussig, James, his account of an inter-
view with the President, 401.

Vallandigham, his arrest, trial, and sen-
tence, 351; President's letter to Alba-
ny meeting concerning, 354; Presi-
dent's letter to Ohio meeting concern-
ing, 362; nominated for Governor of
Ohio, 362; is defeated, 414.
Vicksburg-siege and surrender, 382.
Virginia, secession of, 132; Lincoln's
reply to commissioners, 131; admis-
sion of Western Virginia, 334.

War-Crittenden resolution declaring its
objects, 152.

War Department-order for protection
of Washington, 228; order for seizure
of rebel property, 294.

Yorktown-McClellan's report of rebel
strength, 230; Magruder's report, 233;
evacuation of, 234.

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