| John Walker - Elocution - 1799 - 438 pages
...form, which requires the accent to be on the firft fyllable of the noun, and on. the laft of the verb. But when the poet has with great judgment contrived that his numbers lhall be harfli and grating, in order to eorrefpond to the ideas they fuggefi, the common accentuation... | |
| Great Britain - 1807 - 542 pages
...language, greatly resemble those of his masters ; and in a few years hence you may compare his " On :i sudden open fly with impetuous recoil and jarring sound, the infernal doors, aud on their hinges grate harsh thunder." — with Virgil, Book VI. line 574, " Turn dciftum itorrisono... | |
| Hannah More - Courtship - 1809 - 270 pages
...he had spent a year, and from whence he was lately returned. He was just got to the catacombs, when on a sudden open fly, With impetuous recoil and jarring sound, the mahogany folding doors, and in at once, struggling who should be first, rushed half a dozen children,... | |
| Hannah More - Courtship - 1809 - 442 pages
...he had spent a year, and from whence he was lately returned. He was just got to the catacombs, when on a sudden open fly, With impetuous recoil and jarring sound, the mahogany folding doors, and in at once struggling who should be first, rushed half a dozen a dozen... | |
| John Walker - Elocution - 1810 - 394 pages
...form, which requires the accent to be on the first syllable of the noun, and on the last of the verb. But when the poet has with great judgment contrived...sudden open fly With impetuous recoil and jarring sound TV infernal doors, and on their hinges grate Harsh thunder. Parad. Lost, B, \\ -o. 879. Here the harshness... | |
| William Hayley - Poets, English - 1810 - 484 pages
...intricate wards, and every bolt and bar Of massy iron or solid rock with ease 0Ģi • <P/V . Unfastens : on a sudden open fly With impetuous recoil and jarring...infernal doors, and on their hinges grate Harsh thunder, that the lowest bottom shook Of Erebus. She opened, but to shut Excell'd her power; the gates wide... | |
| Alexander Chalmers - English poetry - 1810 - 560 pages
...turns The intricate wards, and every bolt and bar Of massy iron or solid rock with ease Unfastens. On a sudden open fly With impetuous recoil and jarring...infernal doors, and on their hinges grate Harsh thunder, that the lowest bottom shook Of Erebus. She open'd, but to shut Excell'd her power ; the gates wide... | |
| Hannah More - Conduct of life - 1810 - 310 pages
...he had spent a year, and from whence he was lately returned. He was just got to the catacombs, When on a sudden open fly^ With impetuous recoil and jarring sound,. the mahogany folding doors, and in at once, struggling who should be first, rushed half a dozen children,... | |
| 1815 - 538 pages
...the huge portcullis high up drew, Which but herself not all the Stygian powers Could once have moved; With impetuous recoil and jarring sound The infernal doors, and on their lunges grate Harsh thunder, that to the lowest bottom shook Of Erebus. She open'd, but to shut On a... | |
| Thomas Ewing - Elocution - 1819 - 448 pages
...placing the accent, it is scarcely necessary to observe, that the verse ought in this case to decide. But when the poet has with great judgment contrived...shall be harsh and grating, in order to correspond with the ideas they suggest, the common accentuation must be preserved. How the Vowels e and o are... | |
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