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tions in their vicinity, were as innocent-look- Their manner of treating the rebel soldiers was ing woods as any we had passed through. eccentric. They waited until one showed himWhile they worked forward, the 1st Massachu- self tolerably near, and then ran forward, setts regiment, which led the line, was sent chased him down and killed him, without redown into the valley, and formed close to the gard to the numbers by whom he was surthickets. The 2d and 3d Michigan regiments rounded. One of them actually penetrated a followed them, but were almost immediately small battery, sheltered by a side ravine, bayafterward sent over to a distant field on the oneted one of the gunners, and escaped unright, from which they were never called ex- harmed. In this way they occupied themselves cepting to retire. Before these troops were for nearly an hour, toward the end of which fully formed, a series of tremendous musketry they got separated, and, consequently, became One of them was or rifle volleys was heard among the trees. uneasy on each other's account. They both These were directed against the skirmishers, came out without a wound. who had encountered a large body at the skirt the last man of our side to leave the ground; of the woods. From this time little attention and, as he withdrew and walked up the hill on was given to the right of the road, where the our side, quite unprotected, he kept pausing Michigan men were stationed, the left being at intervals, and looking back for minutes at a the region of the conflict. For a time the time, as in need of his comrade, whom he beskirmishers received the entire attention of the lieved to be still among the enemy. He went enemy; but a few minutes after their disap-along the line as our column retired toward pearance the right company of the Massachu- Centreville, crying bitterly. "I didn't want to setts regiment was instructed to occupy the have that fellow shot," he said; "that fellow house and barn before mentioned as having has run in the Fire Department with me three been held by the rebels. They reached it un-years." der a sharp and regular fire, found that it was now vacant, and so reported. They were immediately afterward ordered to enter the wood as skirmishers-a duty which cost them their The cirsecond lieutenant and several men. cumstances of the lieutenant's death were peculiar. He first discovered the enemy, but doubting, from their gray uniforms, that they were hostile, he ran forward, shouting, "Who "Who are you?" are you?" The answer came, to which he answered, “Massachusetts men." The enemy then cheered violently, and sent a volley, by which the lieutenant was killed.

Five minutes later Col. Richardson ordered two companies of the Massachusetts 1st to enter the woods, from which the firing proceeded. They immediately started forward, under Lieut.-Col. Wells, the respective companies being led by Capt. Carruth and Lieut. Bird. As they climbed the rail fence which divided the woods from the open field, they were joined by two Fire Zouaves, the record of whose hardy exploits I must here introduce, although it will somewhat anticipate the order of events. These Zouaves had inexplicably appeared at the van a little while before the period of the conflict. Their regiment was far behind, at Fairfax Court House, but they declared they had missed it some night, and were now looking for it with all their might. I privately believe that they scented the battle afar off, and could not control the temptation to step on and share the danger. At any rate they were with us, and they pushed themselves into a fighting position at the first opportunity that opened. For nearly an hour they fought in those woods with daring intrepidity, wholly on their own account, and conscious of no other authority beside their own. They were perpetually in the advance, until the run was reached, when they were obliged to hold back, like the Massachusetts companies, which dashed on at almost the same time.

It was very touching to see the tender grief of this rough and reckless fireman, and it was even more so to witness the wild and overwhelming delight with which he met his companion at Centreville as uninjured as himself, and filled with an anxiety as great as his own. To-day, I am told, they have rejoined their regiment, which came up from Fairfax Court House last night.

When the Massachusetts companies penetrated the woods, somewhat to the left of the main road, they found themselves at the head of a dry water-course which grew gradually deeper as they followed it. Their path was not an easy one; for, beside the enemy who had met them at the edge, they had to contend with irregular and broken ground, which presented a continued series of alternate gullies and high rocks. The rebels attempted no stand here, although their force was the stronger. As they ran in a body over the hills, three or four men appeared to linger and level their pieces at Capt. Carruth's company. The captain, believing that they might be friendly It turned skirmishers, ran swiftly in among them, crying, "Now, then, who are you? out that he guessed rightly, and that they were Michigan men, who were misled by the gray Following on, and Massachusetts uniforms. mounting a higher eminence than they had before encountered, our men came suddenly upon a deep ravine, which, from their description, was undoubtedly Bull Run. Here, at the angle formed by this ravine and the dry watercourse which emptied into it, they were subjected to volleys from three different directions. They looked about, but their assailants were invisible. Reiterated volleys drew their attention to a point where they discovered a The main very small number of the rebels, upon whom they showered their rifle-shots. body, however, remained hidden in masked batteries. Renewed volleys brought down the

men of Capt. Carruth's company by half doz- | Michigan regiments were stationed far away to ens, although Capt. Adams' men escaped with- the right of the main road, out of the line of out loss. Capt. Adams' company, however, battle, and in a deep hollow, where it was next rendered the most effective service at this to impossible for them to take part in the point by covering the retreat of one of our contest under any circumstances. The two guns. While the skirmish was going on so howitzers were sent down without any support briskly, Gen. Tyler had sent down two howit- whatever, in consequence of which one of the zers from Ayres' battery to the assistance of pieces, and perhaps both, might have been lost our men. With extreme intrepidity, they ran if the rebels had ventured from their pits and their pieces rapidly down the hill and into the batteries. When the New York regiment broke woods, until they reached the edge of the dry away, it did not appear that any attempt was water-course, before spoken of, at the outlet of made to supply their place by better men. which a small battery was now discovered. By And from first to last, the two Massachusetts the time they had fired their second round in companies, which entered the woods early, the faces and eyes of the rebels, six of their were left for half an hour without reinforcemen were disabled, but they held bravely out ment, and were then compelled to retreat beuntil their ammunition was exhausted, and then fore the great superiority, in numbers and poprepared to withdraw. A disposition to cap-sition, which confronted them. All these apture one of the howitzers was manifested by a pear to be strange oversights, and yet they did small party of the enemy, but the appearance of not end there: Without a loss worth considerCapt. Adams' company restrained this unusual ing in any serious way, with the advantage of demonstration of spirit. a partial knowledge of the enemy's defences, and with a full fresh brigade already upon the spot, and drawn up by regiments in line of battle, the day was suffered to pass by to our disfavor, without a second demonstration from us. Let me resume the order of events. The cavalry, which had dismounted with the intention of taking a turn in the woods on foot, saw the 12th flying, and themselves menaced with rifled cannon balls, which suddenly flew profusely around them. Finding themselves out of their station, or perhaps believing their services would be needed to cut off an attack upon the fugitives, they remounted in haste, and galloped furiously up the hill, at the brow of which they formed once more. A few minutes later, the two Massachusetts companies, under Lieut.-Col. Wells, withdrew from the wood, and moved to rejoin their regiment. They had fallen back from their perilous position, and waited awhile in a place of comparative shelter, where they would be better prepared to meet an attack; but the rebels did not turn out to pursue them. The commander urged a return, in order to secure the wounded. For an instant, remembering the terrific fire to which they had been exposed, they hesitated, but the officers sprang forward, and the men were not slow to follow. Upon reaching their old post they were again repeatedly assailed by volleys from three directions, and were compelled to retire without effecting their purpose. As they moved away, they distinctly heard the rebel officers giving a command to bayonet the wounded.”

Simultaneously with these events, the New York 12th regiment had marched down to the woods at the extreme left of our line. The cavalry, also, was stationed beside it, although its efficiency would have been paralyzed in any attempt to act among trees. While the New York regiment waited to receive its order to narch in, a perfect hail of shot came flying among them, which seemed to throw them into a panic before their start. It was difficult to drive some of them over the rails and into the woods. At length, however, it was done, and the regiment disappeared. For about one minute they were absent, at the end of which came a volley more tremendous than any that had yet been heard, and the men were seen breaking and running back in disorder. Their officers vainly endeavored to rally them, and they flew irregularly up the hill, passing by the General and his staff, and taking refuge in the grove far behind. I suspect they fancied they were pursued, for I saw one fellow turn suddenly about, and hurriedly fire at one of his own party, who fell instantly to the ground. While they were thus flying, the Massachusetts 1st, which had been ordered to the right, held the flank of the woods until the shot among them became so murderous that they were forced to lie down upon their faces. Still they held their dangerous ground, and waited for instructions, which at last came, but only for their retreat.

This, and the indecision of the commanders, decided our failure. I say commanders, because the multiplicity of authority was really bewildering. At times there was an actual chaos of suggestion and command. It is a question, moreover, if the details of the attack were all as regularly ordained as they should be, The Massachusetts 1st was sent to the right, and remained there. The New York 12th was sent to the left, and fled, but against that mishap the commanders could not, of course, have provided. But the 2d and 3d VOL. II.-Doc. 29


It must have been at this time that the order to retire was issued. The two Michigan regiments were fresh, and had had no share in the fight; the Massachusetts regiment at the right, under a heavy fire, was ready to advance at the word; three new and strong regiments were just arriving, and yet the action was abandoned when only about two hundred men of our side had at any time been positively engaged, and when our total loss could hardly

have risen above fifty men. The regiments, NEAR MIDDLEBURG, July 19, 1861. excepting the New York 12th, retired in good I left Manassas Junction last night at sunorder, leaving the valley free from troops. No down. Our troops had very severe fighting on attempt whatever was made by the other side Bull Run, about three miles distant from the to pursue or harass them, although much in- Junction, nearly all day yesterday. The artiljury might have been inflicted at that time.lery was in full play from nine A. M. until beThe business was then taken up by the artillery, and a heavy cannonading was opened by both our batteries, which was briskly responded to by the enemy. The shots, however, went -four of ours to one of theirs. Some injury was done to our troops by the balls as they plunged through the woods and tore away limbs of trees, and in one or two cases limbs of men. For ten minutes the ugly whirr and hum of their flight through the air were almost incessant. The shriller whistle of the rifle ball filled all intervals in its own unmelodious way. At last our batteries were called upon to cease firing, and the cessation on our side was the instantaneous signal for silence with them.




tween four and five P. M., with two or three intervals of about one hour each. The enemy's loss is thought to be very heavy. Ours is comparatively light. Marye, of the Alexandria Riflemen, and Sangster, of the same company, are killed. A good many of same regiment are wounded, among them Capt. Dulany, severely. I could not learn that any of the Guard were killed or wounded, though I did all in my power to ascertain. The regiment to which they are attached covered itself with glory; but were unfortunately fired into by a Mississippi regiment by mistake. The enemy were repulsed three different times with heavy loss. To use the expression of one of their Our position was then abandoned. men taken prisoner, "they were slaughtered regiments marched slowly back toward Cen-like sheep "-among them several field-officers. treville, their rear protected by Lieut. Drummond's cavalry company. On the way, large reinforcements met us, and other divisions of the corps d'armée were seen pouring down by the northern roads. They joined us at Centreville, where all rested for the night, excepting the picket-guards, which were thrown out far toward Bull Run, and a single troop of cavalry, which encamped about two miles from the scene of the contest. Thus the skirmish ended, not creditably to our leaders, but in a manner reflecting no dishonor upon our soldiers, (excepting those of the New York 12th.) Truer valor However, I will give you a correct history has never been seen among men than that of it, or at least as near as I can. Our batwhich was gladly shown a hundred times dur-talion (the New Orleans Washington Artillery) ing the day. Our Generals, too, seemed utterly indifferent to any peril. Col. Richardson commanding the brigade rode through storms of shot unconcerned, and Gen. Tyler with his staff stood for an hour in the most exposed situations, while rifled cannon balls tore through the trees and shattered the walls of houses beside him, and the bullets dropped into the ground about him like cherries shaken from a ripe tree. In some places, thick puffs of dust covered the open field, shaken up by the plunging of the bullets in the loose soil.


The Leesburg Democratic Mirror extra of July 19, says:-We have just learned that a sanguinary battle took place at Bull Run, near Manassas Junction, on yesterday, July 18, in which the enemy met with terrible loss. The following letter, from a perfectly reliable gentleman, was sent to us at seven o'clock this morning, July 19. We will endeavor to give to our friends from time to time the latest information from the scene of action. Two passengers, who also left the Junction yesterday evening, confirm the statements of our correspondent, and say that the victory was overwhelming:

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The Memphis Avalanche, of July 26, has the following letter from a member of the Washington Artillery, to a sister living in Memphis. The writer graphically describes the battle at Bull Run:

CULPEPPER, VA., July 20, 1861. Dear Sister Olivia: I suppose that ere this you have heard of the fight we had with the Yankees on the 18th inst.

were stationed on a small creek called Bull Run, five miles north of Manassas Junction. On the morning of the 17th couriers came running into our camps, bringing the information that the enemy had taken Fairfax Court House, and were advancing toward Manassas, We immediately left our tents standing, and went two miles further down on the same creek, to a ford where we thought the enemy would attempt to cross. Arriving at the ford we found the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Mississippi regiments awaiting the approach of the enemy. We planted our battery of seven guns, and waited till morning, but the enemy did not come. About 12 o'clock on the 18th, General Beauregard ordered our guns to be removed to another ford one mile above where we were. We left immediately, and had just reached the ford when the enemy commenced firing on our infantry. We only had five regiments at this ford, and the enemy were between fifteen and twenty thousand strong. However, our little force waded across the creek, pitched into them, and they immediately retired. It was not long, however, before they rallied on another part of the hill, and commenced firing on our artillery.

They were on a high hill behind some thick

trees, so that we could not see them; but our boys guessed from the direction their balls came where they were, so we commenced firing on them, and they again retreated. They soon returned again, and an incessant fire was kept up until about one hundred rounds were fired, when the enemy retreated some three miles, leaving about one thousand killed and wounded on the field. Our side lost five killed and about forty wounded. Out of this number there were six of our battalion wounded, though none of them seriously. I am one of the number, which accounts for my being here. A small ball passed through my upper lip, on the left side, knocking out one of my lower and one of my upper teeth-also giving two other front teeth such a jar that I am fearful they will have to be taken out.

I left the same evening of the fight, and came here, where I will remain about a week, when I will go back and join our battalion.

I was offered a discharge to go home, but I can't think of going home while there is a live Yankee to fight on our soil; besides I want to go back and get satisfaction for the shot I received. If the shot had struck me two inches higher, I would have been a "gone chicken." Brother was within a mile of the fight, but was not in the engagement.

We were expecting another attack on the 19th, but I have not heard whether there was one or not.

My wound is getting on very well-pains me but little.

I hope you are all well-wish I could see you. My love to all. Good-bye.



The following account comes through our occasional correspondent at Washington, on whom we have great reliance:

The following account of the battle at Bull Run is given by the Hons. Wm. A. Richardson, John A. McClernand, of Ill., and John W. Noel, of Missouri, (all members of the House,) who were eye-witnesses of the battle, and aided in several instances in bearing from the field members of the New York 12th, who were wounded.

The action commenced under the direction of Gen. Tyler, of Connecticut, at 1 o'clock on Thursday afternoon, at Bull Run, three miles from Centreville, between several companies of skirmishers attached to the Massachusetts 1st, and a masked battery situated on a slight eminence. The skirmishers retreated rapidly, and were succeeded in the engagement by Sherman's battery and two companies of regular cavalry, which, after continuing the contest for some time, were supported by the New York 12th, 1st Maine, 2d Michigan, 1st Massachusetts, and a Wisconsin regiment, when the battle was waged with great earnestness, continuing until 5 o'clock. The Federal troops were then drawn back in great confusion

beyond the range of the Confederate batteries, where they bivouacked for the night. During the conflict the Michigan, Maine, and Wisconsin regiments held their ground with a fortitude which, in view of the galling fire to which they were exposed, was most remarkable, but the New York 12th and the Massachusetts 1st regiments retired in great disorder from the field, a portion of them throwing away knapsacks and even their arms, in their flight. A number of the members of the former regiments openly asserted that their confused retreat was the fault of their officers, who evinced a total lack of courage, and were the first to flee.

After the retreat had been commenced, Corcoran's New York 69th (Irish) and Cameron's New York 79th (Scotch) regiments were ordered up to the support, but arrived too late to take part in the action.

There were three batteries in all. The first to open fire which was the smallest, was situated on the top of an eminence; the second, and most destructive, in a ravine.

The latter was totally concealed from view by brushwood, &c.; and it was in attempting to take the first by assault that the Federal troops stumbled upon it. The battle occurred at a point in the declivity of the road, where it makes a turn, forming an obtuse angle, and the third battery was so placed as to enfilade with its fire the approaches towards the Junction.

Much jealousy, it is stated by the same authority, existed between the regular officers and those of the volunteer corps, each appearing desirous of shifting to the other side the responsibility of any movement not advised by themselves, and the jealousy, it is feared, will seriously affect the efficiency of the "grand army." Thus, Gen. McDowell expressly states that the battle was not his own, but that of Gen. Tyler.

The former officer said he would not advance further until he had thoroughly and carefully reconnoitred the position of the batteries, their capabilities, &c.; and the inference derived by my informants from his remarks is, that he decms his present force entirely insufficient to carry the position before him.

One of the gentlemen mentioned at the commencement of this account gives it as his opinion that Manassas Junction cannot be carried by 50,000 men in two months, and all agreed in saying that the force under Beauregard has been entirely underrated numerically, and that their fighting qualities are superior. The cheers with which they rushed to the fight frequently rang above the din of the battle. Their numbers were not ascertained, but it is estimated at upwards of 5,000 South Carolinians, under coinmand of Gen. M. L. Bonham, of South Carolina.

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gressmen were standing. One ball fell direct- | been heavy. Among the killed, is said to be one ly in the midst of a group of Congressmen, Colonel Fountain-at least, a deserter so stated. among whom was Owen Lovejoy, but injured no one, the members scampering in different directions, sheltering among trees, &c.

It is said to have been admirably served, too, as the heavy list of killed and the disabling of Sherman's battery amply testify.

There were a number of rifle-pits also in front of the batteries, from which much execution was done by expert riflemen.

The Congressmen were greatly impressed with the extent and magnitude of the earthworks, intrenchments, &c., erected by the Confederates from Alexandria to Centreville and beyond. They were all of the most formidable and extensive character.

The excesses of the Federal troops in Virginia are exciting general indignation among army officers. A member of Congress, who visited the scene this morning, states that the village of Germantown has been entirely burnt, with the exception of one house, in which lay a sick man, who had been robbed, he was told, by an army surgeon, of nearly every article he possessed of the slightest value, even to his jack-knife.

Gen. McDowell has issued orders that the first soldier detected in perpetrating these depredations shall be shot, and has ordered that a guard be placed over the principal residences of any town the troops may enter.


It is thought by them that Manassas Junction is encircled by a chain of batteries, which can only be penetrated by severe fighting. All RICHMOND, July 19, 1861. the intrenchments evidence consummate skill A slight skirmish occurred between the conin their construction. The entire column under tending forces at Fairfax Court House on WedGen. McDowell fell back at 8 o'clock on Thurs-nesday, which resulted in the Federals occupyday evening, a short distance from Centreville, where they encamped. They were joined during the evening by Heintzelman's command, and on the succeeding morning by that of Col. Burnside, all of which troops are encamped there.

Later in the evening, Gen. Schenck's brigade of Ohio troops was sent forward on the Hainesville road to flank the batteries, but no tidings had been heard of them up to 8 o'clock yesterday (Friday) morning, when the Congressmen left Gen. McDowell's head-quarters, bringing with them his despatches to the War Depart

ing the town, the Confederate forces retiring to Centreville. On Thursday a general engagement occurred, extending along the line from Centreville to Bull Run. The enemy's column numbered twenty thousand, and was under the command of Major-General McDowell and two brigadiers. The confederate forces were led by Generals Bonham and Longstreet, and numbered eight thousand. In the attack the Yankees were repulsed with great slaughter, while the Confederate loss was very trifling. The War Department furnished no particulars. The Virginia and South Carolina troops were the principal sufferers, they being in the adThese despatches put the loss of the Federal-vance of our forces. No officers of distinction ists in killed at 5, but Mr. McClernand states were killed. that he himself saw a greater number than that RICHMOND, July 19.-Beauregard achieved a killed. All of these gentlemen agree in esti- great victory to-day. At daybreak this morninating the number killed at 100. The disparing the enemy appeared in force at Bull Run, ity between the statements of the gentlemen and the official despatches is accounted for by the fact that the latter are based upon the returns of the surgeons, and that many of the killed are oftentimes never reported until after the publication of the official accounts.


One remarkable fact which commanded the special attention of the members of Congress was the absence, from that portion of Virginia visited by them, of all the male inhabitants capable of bearing arms. They state that they saw but few people, and those were chiefly old women and children. The women seemed to regard the soldiers with bitter hostility, and, to quote the language of one of the Congressmen, their " eyes fairly flashed fire whenever they looked at a soldier."

Generel McDowell expressed no fears of being attacked, but seemed apprehensive of some of the volunteer corps stumbling upon a masked battery, and thus "precipitating a general engagement."

The loss of the Confederates was not known, but is conjectured by the Federalists to have

and attempted to cross the stream. A severe battle ensued, three miles northwest of Manassas. Beauregard commanded in person. Federal commander not yet known. The battle was at its height at four o'clock in the afternoon. Ceased at five. The enemy repulsed three times. They retreated in confusion, having suffered a con siderable loss. Our casualties were small. The First and Seventeenth Virginia regiments were prominent in the fight. Col. Moore was slightly wounded. The Washington Artillery, of New Orleans, did great execution. The fight extended all along the whole line from Bull Run nearly a mile. Wm. Singser, rifleman, killed a federal officer of high rank, and took seven hundred dollars in gold from his person. Capt. Delaney, of the Seventh Virginia regiment, was slightly wounded. A shot passed through the kitchen of a house in which Beauregard was at dinner. The enemy fired into the Confederate hospital, notwithstanding the yellow flag waved from it.

LATER-Apparently reliable advices from Fairfax, say the Federalists advanced this morn

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