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her people to regain their rights so ruthlessly taken away by the forces who march under banners inscribed with Beauty and Booty, as the reward of victory." He says he will show no quarter to those taken in arms.-Phila. Bulletin, August 2.

-NEW ORLEANS papers state that a "naval engagement" took place this day at the mouth of the Mississippi River between the U. S. frigate Niagara and "the little Confederate privateer J. O. Nixon;" and that, after an action of twenty minutes, the Niagara crowded on "every inch of canvas she could use, and male regular Manassas-time seaward."-(Doc. 150.)

-THE Onondaga County Cavalry, Capt. Moschell, departed from Syracuse, N. Y., for Washington at 10.20 to-night, to join Col. Van Alen's Cavalry Regiment. The company is 80 strong, and is composed of the very best material. A young bride, Mrs. Cook, accompanies them as a daughter of the regiment.-Baltimore American, August 3.

-IN the Senate of the United States, the bill to suppress insurrection and sedition was taken up, and an exciting debate occurred, in which Mr. Breckinridge and Mr. Baker, of Oregon, took part.-(Doc. 152.)

THE St. Louis Democrat of this day gives an account of the preparation and departure of Gen. Fremont's expedition from St. Louis to Bird's Point, Cairo, and other positions on the Mississippi River.—(Doc. 153.)

August 2.-Up to this date Indiana has equipped and sent into the field thirteen regiments of infantry and two companies of cavalry. Two additional regiments of infantry are now ready to march, and an entire regiment of cavalry will be ready in a short time. Seventeen additional regiments of infantry are now forming, and will be put into the service as speedily as possible. This will make thirty-three regiments raised and to be raised in Indiana-a force of about 36,000 men, including three artillery companies now about ready for active service. This is over

-THE Secretary of War at Washington di- 3,000 men for each Congressional District, or fortieth person in the State.-Indianapolis Journal, August 3.

rected the commandant of the forces at Alexandria, Va., that from this day all slaves now in prison at that post be liberated, and that they may be employed on the fortifications and military works, and be paid for as day-laborers in the service of the Government. All other slaves escaping hereafter shall be treated in a similar manner.-Louisville Journal, August 3. -GOVERNOR GAMBLE of Missouri delivered

his inaugural to the Convention of that State. After referring to the personal sacrifices made by him in accepting the office, he calls upon the Convention and the people to give the experiment just made a fair trial. He then gives a vivid sketch of the evils arising from the anarchy with which that State has lately been threatenel, assuring them that it will be his sole aim that the people of Missouri can worship God together, each feeling that his fellow-worship per is not an enemy; that each can meet his neighbor without any conversations on blood and slaughter. The inaugural closes with a strong appeal for the cultivation of confidence and good feeling.—(Doc. 151.)

-THE steamer B. P. Cheney was seized by the rebels at Columbus, Kentucky, and carried to the heal-quarters of Gen. Pillow.-Louistille Courier, August 10.

about every

THE United States steamer Albatross, Captain Prentiss, arrived at Philadelphia, Pa., from Hampton Roads, having in charge the schooner Enchantress, which was captured July 6th, 260 miles southeast of Sandy Hook, by the priva teer Jeff. Davis, and on attempting to take her into the port of Charleston, S. C., on the 22d of July, was re-captured with five men of the privateer's crew on board, west of Cape Hat

teras. The Enchantress cleared from Boston on the 29th of June, for ports in Cuba. All the crew except Garrick (negro cook) were removed to the Jeff. Davis, and a crew from the privateer, consisting of W. W. Smith, of Savannah, Ga.; Ebin Lane, of West Cambridge, Mass.; Thomas Quigley, of New York; Daniel Mullings, of Charleston, S. C.; and E. Rochford, of Liverpool-put on board to take her to Charleston, the negro Garrick being retained

as cook. After the schooner had left the Jeff. Davis, Garrick meditated getting possession of the Enchantress, but delayed the execution of his plan, so as to sound the views of a portion of the crew. Before coming to any definite conclusion the steamer Albatross hove in sight, and as soon as the crew on board the Enchantress discovered the character of the steamer

-THE Congress of the United States passed the Tariff and Direct Tax Bill, providing for a direct tax of twenty millions of dollars.—N. Y. Herald, August 3.

they "fought shy." When the Albatross ap- | engaged. Forty rebels were found dead upon proached and the Enchantress was hailed, a the field and forty-four wounded. Lyon's loss reply came that "the schooner was from New- was nine killed and thirty wounded.-(Doc. buryport, and bound to Santa Cruz." Just at 154.) that moment the negro Garrick appeared on the gunwale of the schooner and jumped overboard, at the same time crying out, "For God's sake, save me, Captain; she's a Secesher, bound to Charleston." A boat was immediately lowered from the Albatross, and, after picking up the negro, boarded the schooner. On examining her papers they were found to be the same that had been issued in Boston, and the crew had agreed to represent themselves as the original crew of the Enchantress, but the officers of the Albatross having seen the account of heriments of Cincinnati, were out in large force, capture in the papers, and also having the story of the negro to confute their statements, they were placed on board the Albatross and ironed, in which condition they were brought into port and turned over to the United States authorities. The Enchantress has a cargo of firstclass assorted goods, suitable for the army.Philadelphia Ledger.

-General FREMONT and staff and a fleet of eight steamers, four regiments of infantry, several detached companies of infantry, and two companies of light artillery, arrived at Cairo, Ill., this afternoon. They were enthusiastically received. The troops were landed at Bird's Point.-Boston Transcript, August 3.

-IN the House of Representatives at Washington, a joint resolution was adopted thanking the soldiers of the republic for their loyalty and devotion, and declaring that while the National Legislature expresses the sympathy of the nation for the bereaved families and friends of the fallen, they commend to a generous people and to the army, which is now eager to renew the contest with unyielding courage, the imperishable honor of their example.

-GENERAL LYON, with all the infantry, cavalry, and artillery of his command, came up with part of the rebel force under McCullough at Dug Spring, nineteen miles south-west of Springfield, Missouri; at 4 P. M., Lyon opened upon the enemy with artillery, and elicited but feeble response. A detachment of his cavalry, twenty-seven in number, came suddenly upon a regiment of rebel infantry, charged and broke it, and returned safely to their position. The artillery fire continued till night, when the enemy withdrew. The national infantry was not

unteers arrived at Cincinnati this morning from -FOUR companies of the Second Ohio VolWashington. The reception was the grandest demonstration ever witnessed in Cincinnati. The Home Guards of Covington and Newport, Ky., and the reserve militia and independent regand escorted the volunteers through some of the principal streets to the Eighth-street Park, where they were welcomed home by Judge Storer in an eloquent address. They afterward partook of a banquet in the Park, provided by the citizens. All along the line of march the streets were densely crowded, and the enthusiasm unbounded. The volunteers were completely covered with the bouquets and wreaths showered upon them. The city was gaily decorated with flags, and business was entirely suspended.-N. Y. Tribune, Aug. 3.

-GENERAL B. F. BUTLER, at Fortress Monroe, Va., issued a general order forbidding the sale of intoxicating liquors to the soldiers in his department.-(Doc. 155.)

-THE Fifth Regiment of New York Militia, under the command of Colonel Schwarzwaelder, returned home this morning, and were escorted to their head-quarters by the Eleventh Regiment, the Fourth Artillery, and several German societies. The service on which the Fifth has been employed was guard, picket, and scout duty, at the Relay House, Md. Their vigilance frequently prevented serious results to the body of troops stationed at that post. The railroad the Fifth, and the prevention of attempts to was also an object of the special vigilance of place obstacles on the track, was one way in

which their services were valuable.-N. Y. Commercial, August 2.

-THE Mobile Register of to-day, referring to a despatch to the effect that forty votes were given in Congress to Mr. Cox's peace proposition, says: "We know that there is a peace party already numbering among its representatives, nearly one-third of the United States

-THE Twentieth Regiment, Ulster Guard, N. Y. S. M., Colonel G. W. Pratt, returned to Rondout this morning, their term of service having expired. They were received at the landing by the military, firemen, and a very large number of citizens of Rondout and Kingston. The regiment was mustered out of the service soon after the arrival.-N. Y. Evening Post, August 3.

House of Representatives. This is a direct | name of the great interests at stake, demanding result of the triumph of Manassas. We have that the utmost aid be given him.—N. Y. Triconverted near one-third of the United States bune, August 3. House of Representatives from the error of their warlike ways by the powerful display of our ability to conquer a peace. We first asked peace. It was refused. Now we will conquer it. We have conquered one-third of it already. Another great victory like, or even less than that of Manassas, and we shall conquer another third-the two-thirds including all the commonsense men of the North, who will be brought to conversion: and the outside third, the radical abolition fanatics, will alone remain, the despised minority of their countrymen, who will rule them out of voice in the Government. Let us wait, and hope, and-fight, as if we had still three-thirds to conquer."

-THE following, in large letters on a handbill, was conspicuously posted at several places in New York city this morning. Crowds of people were attracted to read it:

August 3.-At Baltimore, Md., this morning, Sergeants Wallis and Cook, with Officer James board the steamer George Weems, at her wharf Pryor, of the Middle District Police, went on foot of Frederick street, and on her leaving for the usual trip to various landing places on the Patuxent River, proceeded in her as far as Fort McHenry wharf, where they directed Captain Weems to stop. A search of the steamer was here made, resulting in the discovery of con"The people awake! Enemies at home cealed arms and ammunition in various out-ofwearing the mask of peace (masks of the golden the-way places in the hold. Immediately under cross) as well as open foes, must be struck the upper deck, between the lower deck and down. Be not deceived! The freedom of the the skylight, were found 200 new Colt's patent press is subordinate to the interests of a nation. revolvers, done up singly in paper. In the aft Let the three Southern organs issued in this part of the hold the officers found a barrel in city beware, or editors will be assigned to them which rubbish had been placed for several to preserve the public welfare. From this date months. Concealed in the rubbish was a valise the authority of the people organizes a new filled with boxes, each containing 250 rifle persystem of legislation suited to the times. Poli- cussion caps. There was also found in the ticians will not be permitted to injure the gen-hold, separate from the other freight, a halferal cause in pursuit of ambitious ends. The barrel of sulphurated quinine, contained in rights of our soldiers will be protected. Dis- bottles and packages. On the discovery of appointed demagogues will be forbidden to these articles General Dix directed that the aggrandize themselves at their expense. The steamer should be detained for a more minute District-Attorney is expected to exercise his examination of the freight. He also directed power. Traitors, male and female, are marked. that the steamer Planter should be got ready to Their names enrolled. Not one shall escape. convey the passengers to their place of destina Southern sympathizers are directed to leave the tion.-Captain Weems disavowed any knowlState. One will! One way! One country! edge of the contraband articles.-Baltimore We have begun to act. From the league of American, August 3. loyalty,



-THE House of Representatives, at Washington, to-day recommitted the Confiscation bill. Mr. Crittenden made a speech upon it, protesting on constitutional grounds, and for reasons of policy, against the confiscation and consequent emancipation of slaves. He, however, pronounced boldly for the war, for the Union, sustaining the President, and, in the

-GOVERNOR GAMBLE, of Missouri, issued a proclamation to the citizens of that State, in which he calls upon all those who are enrolled in the State militia now in arms against the Federal Government, who were called out by his predecessor, Jackson, to return to their homes, promising them protection if they do so. He appeals to the sheriffs of counties and other magistrates, to exercise all the authority vested in them by law, in arresting and punishing

-THE Twenty-ninth Regiment of Pennsyl vania Volunteers, under the command of Colonel John K. Murphy, left Hestonville, West Philadelphia, for the seat of war.-Philadelphia Press, August 3.

every one who may break the peace, molest his | nolds, Hunter, Franklin, Rosecrans, Buell, Mansfellow-citizens, or retain arms, the property of field, McDowell, and Meigs.-Philadelphia Inthe Federal Government. He also notifies all quirer, August 5. those citizens of other States, who may be in arms within the boundaries of Missouri, (in the rebel ranks,) to withdraw to their own States, as Missouri does not need nor desire their presence. After the issue of this proclamation, Governor Gamble received a despatch from the -MRS. LINCOLN having kindly consented to War Department, stating his promise of pro-receive and distribute the havelocks made by tection to all those who may lay down their the ladies of Katonah and Bedford, Westchester, arms would be sustained by the Government. N. Y., a case was despatched to-day from the In several counties of Northern Missouri com- Jay homestead to the executive mansion by mittees of safety have been appointed to sup- Pullen's and Adams's express, containing 1,300 press rebellion, with the assurance that if they havelocks, of which 1,165 were made by the cannot effect that purpose, the military power ladies of Katonah and its vicinity, and 135 by will be used to its utmost extent.-(Doc. 156.) those of Bedford.-N. Y. World, August 5.

-THE Charleston Mercury of to-day, says: "We have been provoked beyond endurance by reading the most complacent and gratulatory comments of certain Virginia papers on the charming charity and benevolence of certain citizens and officials of that State toward the invaders of their soil, plunderers of their estates, destroyers of their homes and firesides, and polluters of their women. We demand that every prisoner in Richmond be incarcerated and put in irons. Justice, humanity, and civilization alike cry aloud for 'stern retribution.'

-SENATOR KENNEDY, of Maryland, in the Senate, at Washington, presented a memorial from the Legislature of that State, denouncing the National Government in unmeasured terms, and protesting against its action in imprisoning Ross Winans and others suspected of conspiracy. Its reception was objected to by several members on account of its disrespectful tone, but it was finally admitted and ordered to be printed, on the ground that it would not do to deny the right of petition.—N. Y.Times, August 5.

-BERIAH MAGOFFIN, Governor of Kentucky, issued a proclamation commanding all persons having arms belonging to the State, that have been unlawfully seized, to immediately deliver them up, that they may be returned to the State Arsenal, at Frankfort.-(Doc. 157.)

-THE Senate of the United States confirmed numerous army appointments. Among them are Major-Generals McClellan, Fremont, Dix, and Banks; and Brigadier-Generals Hooker, Curtis, McCall, Sherman, Lander, Kelly, Kearney, Pope, Heintzelman, Porter, Stone, Rey

-A LETTER from Isham G. Harris, Governor of Tennessee, to the editors of the Memphis Avalanche, on the military power of that State, was published.-(Doc. 158.)

-THE First Regiment of New Hampshire State Militia, under the command of Colonel Mason W. Tappan, passed through Philadelphia


on their return from the seat of war.
Col. Stone, and marched to Harper's Ferry,
regiment composed part of the command of

Va. They have been principally on guard
duty, and had a skirmish with the rebels at
Harper's Ferry. The men have performed
marches on foot to the extent of one hundred
and sixty miles since they left Washington.
The regiment has twenty ladies with them.
They return numerically as strong as when they
left, except six of the men, who were taken
prisoners.—Philadelphia Bulletin, August 5.

-THE House of Representatives, at Washington, passed, with a slight amendment, the Confiscation Bill. The amendment is, that slaves in the military or naval service, or working in the intrenchments of the rebels, will be confiscated.—(Doc. 159.)

-THE Sixth Regiment of Wisconsin Volunteers, commanded by Colonel L. Cutler, and the Twenty-first Regiment of Indiana Volunteers, under the command of Colonel J. W. McMillan, arrived at Baltimore, Md.-Baltimore American, August 5.

-THE N. Y. Journal of Commerce suggests as a way by which our troubles can be settled without more bloodshed "-1, an armistice; 2, delegates from every State, North and South,

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