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the petition for the preservation of the Union included an invocation for the success of the Convention's nominees before the people.

The old church used by the Convention is very much crowded this morning. The ladies' gallery is well filled; but there is hardly a fair representation of that female loveliness, for which this city has a just celebrity.

There are many distinguished men on the floor, but they are mostly venerable men," who have come down to us from a former generation of politicians, and whose retirement from the busy scenes of public life have been rather involuntary than otherwise, and whose disgust at political trickery may perhaps in part be attributed to the failure of the populace to appreciate their abilities and virtues.

The Hon. Jos. R. Ingersoll made the report of the Business committee. He said of the committeemen:

They met with entire cordiality; they proceeded with entire good feeling, and they terminated their proceedings with great unanimity, and I may say with patriotism. [Applause.] I would not venture to present as an example at all to a great and highly respectable body like this the feeling and the courteous deportment of the gentlemen with whom I had the pleasure to sit as chairman last evening; but I would say that a more entirely respectable set of men-in manner, appearance, and in result-I never saw. [Applause.]


Whereas, experience has demonstrated that platforms adopted by the partisan Conventions of the country have had the effect to mislead and deceive the people, and at the same time to widen the political divisions of the country, by the creation and encouragement of geographical and sectional parties; therefore

Resolved, That it is both the part of patriotism and of duty to recognize no political principles, other than

(Loud and prolonged cheering.)

and that, as the representatives of the Constitutional Union men of the country in National Convention assembled, we here pledge ourselves to maintain, protect, and defend, separately and unitedly, those great principles of public liberty and national safety, against all enemies, at home and abroad, believing that thereby peace may once more be restored to the country, and the just rights of the people, and of the States re-established, and the Government again placed in that condition of justice, fraternity and equality, which, under the example and constitution of our fathers, has solemnly bound every citizen of the United States to maintain, "a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity." [Prolonged cheers.]

Mr. Ingersoll in making this report was cheered when he took the stand, cheered when he opened his mouth, given nine cheers when he said the committee had with entire unanimity and surprising enthusiasm agreed that there should be no formal platform. When the declaration of principles was read, there was more cheering. The opening proceedings were, in fact, a long yell, partially subsiding at intervals, so that a few remarks could be interpolated. The declaration of principles was

passed unanimously, with a proper amount of the article of enthusiam. But the perfect harmony which had thus far prevailed, was now disturbed. There was a distressingly earnest and dreadfully protracted discussion, on the report as to the process of business, which was prescribed in the following resolutions:

Resolved, That each State shall be entitled to the same number of votes in this Convention as its electoral vote, and that each delegation shall, for itself, determine the manner in which its vote shall be cast.

Resolved, That in balloting for President and Vice-President, ballots shall be taken until the candidate nominated shall receive a majority of all the votes cast; that the candidate for President shall first be balloted for and selected, and then the candidate for Vice-President.

There was an impression somewhere that there was a disposition in the various States to coerce the minorities, and out of this the trou- | ble grew.

The Convention got itself into a very uncomfortable condition of confusion, and about twenty resolutions were heaped upon each other. The "gallant and gifted Goggin," of Virginia, at last offered a resolution, which brought the Convention out of tribulation and the rapids of controversy into calm and deep water.

It was as follows:

Resolved, That the chairman of each delegation shall cast the vote of his State for each delegate, in such way as he may be instructed by the delegate entitled to vote, and when there is not a full representation from any State, then the majority of such delegation shall decide how the vote of the district unrepresented shall be cast; and where there be two delegates who cannot agree, each of said delegates shall be entitled to one-half a vote.

This was adopted.

At half past eleven, the nomination of a candidate for the Presidency was in order. Some time was spent by the various State delegations, in preparing their votes, and there was no little sensation in the hall. The Maryland delegation being unable to get the proper construction of the Goggin resolution through its head without a surgical operation, retired for consultation, and to have the necessary operation performed. A delegate from Minnesota had a delicacy. He was the only man from that State, and had not been appointed a delegate. He was a substitute, consequently he did not feel like representing the State. The voice of the Convention overcame his modesty. The names most loudly cheered as the balloting proceeded were those of John Bell and Edward Everett. Everett reeeived a long and loud clamor, and the ladies waved their handkerchiefs. When the vote of Texas was called for, her hairy delegate got up and mentioned the battle of San Jacinto, and tried to give peculiar emphasis to the SAM part of Houston's name. But it did not take wonderfully.

The first ballot resulted as follows:


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As the second ballot was being taken it became apparent that the friends of John Bell were in the ascendant.

As the vote of New York was being taken, Jas. W. Garrard, of that State, gave his political biography. He stated that he had been in the habit of standing up in favor of the South. He was a Northern man with Northern principles. Northern conservative principles were the same as Southern conservative principles. He mentioned that he had several times talked like a prophet. He had something to say of Washington, the American Eagle, the Washington monument, the Battle monument, and striking upon expediency, availability, etc.,

wound up with a screech for Sam. Houston, appealing in behalf of the Dutch and Irish of New York. He declared that what was wanted was a Southern Democrat to sweep up the votes.

Pendleton of Ohio declared that Ohio wanted a Southern Whig. This expression was received with an uproar of approbation, as it was understood to be a stroke for John Bell. So it was Southern Whig against Southern Democrat.

Houston's long-haired friend from Texas, made a wild speech for him. He (long hair) was an old friend of Henry Clay-loved, admired, revered him, and followed him through his days of adversity. But Sam. Houston was the man.

It was now clear, however, that the flood was for John Bell.

When the State of Virginia was called, Mr. Summers of Virginia stated that the delegation asked to be allowed a few moments for consultation, before announcing her vote.

The excitement was intense throughout the Convention, as upon the vote which Virginia might give, would depend the nomination of Hon. John Bell of Tennessee upon this ballot, as he then lacked but three votes of a majority of all the electoral votes represented in the Convention.

The ballot, as it then stood, was as follows:

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Mr. Summers, on the part of the Virginia delegation, announced that

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he had been instructed to announce that they cast 13 votes for John Bell of Tennessee, and 2 votes for John Minor Botts.

This gave Bell a majority, and there was a great clamor of applause, a tearing roar of cheers, a violent stamping-Bedlam broken loose.

The Convention now went through the formality of changing votes, so as to make the nomination unanimous. As State after State changed its vote, there were the usual demonstrations of delight, by which this Convention has been distinguished above all other caucuses ever heard of.

Leslie Coombs, in changing the vote of Kentucky, paid a high compliment to Gen. Sam. Houston, and went over to Bell. Coombs said since the death of Clay, he had not been in active political life; but since the tocsin of disunion had been sounded North and South, he had thought it his duty to come up out of his political grave, and join the throng of the living, and enter into the campaign for the Union.

There was a great deal said of the great Bell that was to toll the knell of the Democratic party. Several gentlemen were quite captivated by their ability to pun on the name of the "favorite son of Tennessee," and a delegate from Pennsylvania proposed to furnish the bellmetal necessary for the enormous National Bell which was to be sounded over the Union. And so on for quantity.

While New York was changing her vote, there was a crash somewhere, and it suddenly occurred to every body that the galleries, which were enormously loaded, were giving way. There was a tremendous rush of terrified men for the doors and windows. By great efforts of those who were too far from tho windows to get out, and those who were in a position, and cool enough to see that there was no danger, the panic was subdued. When it was discovered that there was no peril, the crowd stared at each other, with white faces, and laughed.

The changing of votes was so tedious, that it became an almost insufferable bore. It was over with at last, however. Erastus Brooks moved to make the nomination unanimous, and the chairman put the question whether that should be done. Thereupon there was a yell that was called unanimous. Then the chairman arose to perform the proudest duty of his life. It was almost too big for him. But he struggled with it and triumphed, and he proclaimed that John Bell was the unanimous choice of that Convention.

Major G. A. Henry, of Tennessee, grandson of Patrick Henry, responded in behalf of his State. He spoke in glowing terms of John Bell, whose whole record he declared to be sound. No sectional sentiment ever soiled the paper on which his speeches were written.

He proceeded to make a Union speech. It would not do to allow the Union to be dissolved. He, for one, could not stand by and permit it. The revolutionary blood in his veins forbade him to be passive on such an occasion. A voice here cried out-"A grandson of Patrick Henry!" There was at once a sensation. Three cheers and three more were given, and Washington Hunt sprang up, his eyes streaming tears, and grasped his hand. Mr. Henry is a tall, well-formed gentleman, with fine pleasant face, bald head, and fringe of silvery white hair about the ears. The old man had really inherited some

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