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Within the hours designated, a constant stream of men and women poured through the Hall, which was. closed at midnight. By three o'clock Sunday morning, a large crowd of persons, of both sexes, were congregated on Chesnut street, between Fifth and Sixth, who patiently waited until six o'clock-the time for again opening the Hall to visitors. When it was opened, the people were formed in lines extending from Independence Hall to the Delaware river, on the east, and to the Schuylkill on the west. Thousands spent from three to four hours in the lines before reaching the Hall. Throughout the entire day and night, men and women, of all classes, continued to move in solid phalanx past the remains of the fallen chieftain. The crowd was so great at times that the people were almost suffocated. On the afternoon of Sunday, many women fainted in the crowd. During the day, about one hundred and fifty soldiers were taken in ambulances from the different hospitals in and around the city; and at a late hour, seventy-five veterans, who had each lost a leg in their country's service, hobbled into the Hall, there, amid the sacred surroundings, to take a last look at the face of him whose heart had always beaten in unison with their own.

Appropriate funeral sermons and orations were delivered in many of the churches of the city during the day. Among them may be mentioned the Rev. Dr. March, of the Clinton Street Presbyterian Church; Rev. Dr. Jeffrey, in the Fourth Baptist Church; Rev. H. A. Smith, in the Mantua Presbyterian Church; Rev. F. L. Robbins, of the Green Hill Church; Rev. N. Cyr, at the French Protestant Chapel, and Rev. J. Hyatt Smith, at Mechanics' Hall.

Both nights in Philadelphia, Independence Hall was brilliantly illuminated, as also the Ledger, Transcript and other newspaper offices, and many other publie and private buildings. The funeral escort were the guests of the city, and were quartered at the Conti


nental Hotel. While here, the hearse car was additionally decorated, the materials being furnished and the work done by the citizens, who regarded it a privilege to add this testimony of their respect to the memry of Abraham Lincoln.



At two o'clock a. m., Monday, April 24, the coffin as closed and preparations made for the departure. At four o'clock, the funeral train moved out of th e Kensington depot. After leaving Philadelphia, the track was lined on both sides with a continuous ari ay of people. At Bristol and Morristown, large wds stood in silence, with uncovered heads. From time of leaving Washington, at many points where no: stoppage was expected, entire neighborhoods, old and young, men and women, the latter frequently with chil tren in their arms, turned out by the roadside by night and by day, and anxiously watched the gorgeous funer al train as it passed: Flags at half mast, mournscriptions and funeral arches, testified the sorrow vas in every heart. Clusters of people were colat various points between stations. The men ntly uncovered their heads as the funeral train by.

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train reached Trenton at half past five in the g, and was greeted by the tolling of bells, firing ite guns and strains of solemn music. Crowds le were assembled, the number estimated at thousand, and the array of mourning inscripd other evidences of sorrow were abundant. the only State capital passed by the funeral on the entire journey, at which they failed to the people to engage in public demonstrations Its location between the two great cities, ar them, is, no doubt, the cause of its being exception. Governor Parker and staff, with zens were taken on board here, and accome remains to New York. At Princeton, a ber of college students were standing with


reverent bearing and in silence. At New Brunswick, the train stopped for a few moments, to find an immense crowd at the depot. Minute guns were fired from the time it came in sight until it passed from their view. Large numbers were assembled at Rahway and Elizabeth City, also.


At Newark, every house seemed to be dressed in mourning. It appeared as if the inhabitants had turned out en masse to pay their respects to the memory of Abraham Lincoln. Many of the women shedding tears, and the men stood with uncovered heads. For more then a mile, those on the train could only perceive one sea of human beings. The United States Hospital was appropriately decorated, and many of the soldiers on crutches were formed in line near it. Minute guns fired and bells tolled from the time the cortege arrived until it passed out of sight.

At Jersey City the scene was still more impressive. The depot was elaborately draped in mourning, bells tolled and cannon boomed, bringing back sad echoes as the train moved into the depot. The crowd was not admitted into the vast edifice. When those on board the train disembarked and the coffin was borne along the platform, the funeral party were startled by a vast choir, composed of German musical associations, which had been stationed in a gallery of the building. As they chanted an anthem or requiem for the dead, many who were unused to weeping were affected to tears. As the remains were conveyed from the depot to the boat, the choir chanted a solemn dirge and continued it until the ferry boat reached the opposite side of the Hudson river. The shipping of all nations in the harbor displayed their flags at half-mast.


The ferry boat landed at the foot of Desbrosses street, New York city, at ten o'clock a. m., April 24, and the coffin was at once conveyed to a magnificent hearse or funeral car, prepared especially for the occasion. The platform of this car was fourteen feet long and eight feet wide. On the platform, which was five feet from the ground, there was a dais, on which the coffin rested. This gave it sufficient elevation to be readily seen by those at a distance, over the heads of the multitude. Above the dais there was a canopy fifteen feet high, supported by columns, and in part by a miniature temple of liberty. The platform was covered with black cloth, which fell at the sides nearly to the ground. It was edged with silver bullion fringe, which hung in graceful festoons. Black cloth hung from the sides, festooned with silver stars, and was also edged with silver fringe. The canopy was trimmed in like manner, with black cloth, festooned and spangled with silver bullion, the corners surmounted by rich plumes of black and white feathers. At the base of each column were three American flags, slightly inclined outward, festooned and covered with crape.

The temple of liberty was represented as being deserted, or rather despoiled, having no emblems of any kind, in or around it, except a small flag on the top, at half-mast. The inside of the car was lined with white satin, fluted. From the centre of the canopy, a large eagle was suspended, with outspread wings, and holding in its talons a laurel wreath. The platform around the coffin was strewn with flowers.


hearse or funeral car was drawn by sixteen white horses, covered with black cloth trimming, each led by a groom.

From the foot of Desbrosses street, the remains were escorted by the Seventh regiment New York National Guards, to Hudson street, thence to Canal street, up Canal street to Broadway, and down Broadway to the west gate of the City Hall Park.

The procession which followed the remains was in keeping with the funeral car, the whole being indescribably grand and imposing. As far as the eye could see, a dense mass of people, many of them wearing some insignia of mourning, filled the streets and crowded every window. The fronts of the houses were draped in mourning, and the national ensign displayed at half-mast from the top of almost every building. The procession was simply a dense mass of human beings. During the time it was moving, minute guns were fired at different points, and bells were tolled from nearly all the church steeples in the city. The chime on Trinity church wailed forth the tune of Old Hundred in a most solemn and impressive manner.

On arriving at the City Hall, the coffin was borne into the rotunda, amid the solemn chanting of eight hundred voices, and was placed on a magnificent catafalque, which had been prepared for its reception. The Hall was richly and tastefully decorated with the national colors and mourning drapery, and the coffin almost buried with rare and costly floral offerings. A large military guard, in addition to the Guard of Honor, kept watch over the sacred dust. All day and all night long, the living tide pressed into the Hall, to take a last look at the martyred remains. At the solemn hour of midnight, between the twenty-fourth and the twenty-fifth days of April, the German musical societies of New York, numbering about one thousard voices, performed a requiem in the rotunda of the City Hall, with the most thrilling effect. About ten o'clock,

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