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Abolitionists condemned, 21.


sonian, policy and leading members,
107-109. Political differences of,
109-111. Leading men, 112, 113.
Radical, nominate Smith and Mc-
Farland, 695.

Adams, C. F., 120, 147. Nominated as
Vice-President, 156. Severe criticism
of, upon Webster, 344, 348.
Adams, John Quincy, 55. Death of,
161. Became an Abolitionist, and the
reason, 162-164. Despondent, 163.
Testimony of, 523, 608, 609.
Adrian, G. B., of N. J., 564.
Aggressions, Southern, 44-49. Slave-
holding, 163, 164, 174, 175. Excite
alarm, and counter movements, 175.
Struggles in Kentucky, 176-180;
their failure, 179. Pretended North-
ern, 198.

Allen, Charles, 120, 136. Address of,
145, 215, 216, 416.

Alley, J. B., 343, 538.
American party, formation, rapid growth
and disruption of, 419-434. Union
degree, 421, 422. National Council,
meeting of, 423-431. Strong South-
ern feeling, 423. Hostility to Massa-
chusetts and Mr. Wilson, 423, 424.
Acrimonious debate, 425. Two re-
ports, 427. Bitter discussion, 428-
Proslavery report adopted,
Council disrupted, meeting and ad-
dress of Northern delegates, 431, 432.
Convention of, 508. See Conventions.


Andrew, John A., 55, 442, 443, 604,
640, 693.

"Anti-man-hunting League," its object,
personnel, and drill, 442.
Antislavery, difficulties of, 106. Men,
differences among, 107. Meeting in
Philadelphia, 142. Movements in
Kentucky, 176-180. Failure, and
reasons, 179, 180.

Army bill, proviso to, 505. Defeated,

Archer, W. S., of Va., 4.

Ashmun, George, 88, 136. Timid speech
of, 229, 368, 690.

Association, American Missionary, 310.
Atchison, D., harangue of, 467, 468.
Calls on the South, 474. Speech to
the mob, 499.


Badger, G. E., 264, 300, 387, 391.
Bailey, G., Dr., addresses mob, 93, 111,

Baker, Edward D., of Ill., 214.
Baker, John J., 414.
Baldwin, Roger S., 35.

Banks, N. P., 399. Nomination of,

Barksdale, W., 649.
"Barn-burners," prominent, 141.
Barnes, Albert, Rev., 511.
Batchelder, James, 438.
Bayard, J. A., 403.
Bayly, Thomas H., 3, 21, 96.
Beecher, H. W., 311.

Bell, John, 48, 237. Nominated, 689.
Belser, James E., 2.

[blocks in formation]

Berrien, John M., 5, 36, 47, 236, 609.
Bibb, H.,
Bill, Three-Million, 18. Object of, 25.
Clay's Omnibus, 273.
Bingham, John A., 135. Speech of, on
the Lecompton bill, 560, 626, 634.
Bird, Francis W., 154, 343, 436.
Birney, J. G., 167.

Bissell, W. H., 228.

"Black laws" of Ohio, 57, 170. Inhu-
manity of, 181. Of Virginia, Mary-
land, Delaware, Missouri, Indiana,
Illinois, and Oregon, 180-187. Strug-
gle in Indiana concerning, 183-185.
Manly response of Mr. Colfax, 186.
Singular enforcement, 186, 187. In
several States, 636, 637.
Blair, Austin, 693.

Blair, F. P., letter of, 509.

Bliss, Philemon, 555.

Bolles, J. A., 345.

[blocks in formation]

Brooks, P. S., assaults Sumner, 481.
A representative man, 484. Re-elec-
tion of, 488. Challenges Burlingame,
492. Death and confession of, 495.
Brown, Albert G., 224, 391, 579, 580,
612, 627, 659.

Brown, Charles, Proslavery speech of,
193, 194.

Brown, J. Carter, 465.

Brown, John, 63. Invasion of Virginia,
587-600. In Kansas, 589. Plan of
government, 589. Preliminary move-
ments, 590-594. Secret committee,
591. Kennedy farm, 593. Under-
lying idea, 594. Assault on Harper's
Ferry and repulse, 594, 595. Trial,
conviction, and execution, 595-598.
Burial, 599. Estimate, 600. Six
companions executed, Coppoc, Stev-
ens, Cook, Hazlett, Copeland, and
Green, 596. Victor Hugo, 599. Song,
origin of, 600.

Brown, John, Jr., 604.

[blocks in formation]

Brown, Neil S., 690.

[blocks in formation]

Boutwell, G. S., 253. Chosen govern- Buckingham, J. T., amendment of, 255,

or, 348.


Boyd, Linn, 13. Speaker of XXXIId Buffalo Convention, 150-160. Plat-

Cong., 353.

[blocks in formation]

form of, 151. Speeches, 152-156.
Van Buren nominated, and fully ac-
cepts the platform, 156.

Buffinton, James, 481.

Burlingame, A., 308, 336. Speech and
challenge, 491–493.
In Boston,


Burns, Anthony, case of, 435-444. Ar-
rest and attempted rescue, 435-438.
Meetings, 436 - 439. Indefensible
conduct of Commissioner Loring,
439. Remanded to slavery, 441. In-

dictments against Parker, Phillips, | Cheves, Langdon, treasonable words of,

and Higginson, 443.

Burr, James E., 69.


Child, Linus, course of, 119.

Burt, Armistead, 24, Severe sarcasm Child, L. M., letters of, to Governor
of, 25.

Burt, Wm. L., 443.

Wise and John Brown, 596, 597.
Letter of Mrs. Mason to, 597.

Butler, Andrew P., 45, 46, 300, 356, Chilton, Samuel, 596.


Butler, B. F., of N. Y., 151, 152.

Butler, B. F., of Mass., 345, 677, 686.

Butler, W. O., 365.


Cabell, Ed. C., 224, 362.
Calhoun, J. C., 11. Extreme views of,
36-38, 99. Speech of, read, 238-

California, how settled, 210. Adopts
free constitution, 210. Bill for,
amendment, and protest, 277. Ad-
mitted, 282. Bill to divide, 634.
Cameron, Simon, 102.
Campbell, Lewis D., 137, 143, 399,

Cartter, D. K., 693.
Case, Charles, 625.

Cass Lewis, 12. Nominated, 132.
Nicholson letter and change of views,
132, 390. Speech of, 232, 315, 364,
403, 638.

Caste, cruel spirit of, 187.

Castle Garden meeting, 316.
Central America. See Cuba.

Chandler, P. W., 116, 493.

Channing, W. H., 336.

extortionate bail, 81, 82.

Choate, Rufus, brilliant speech of, 369,

Claflin, William, 538.

Clark, Daniel, 578.

Clark, H. F., 564.

Clark, J. B., 628. Helper resolution
of, 644.

Clarke, John H., 43.

Clay, C. C., 356. Insolent remarks of,
356, 652.

Clay, Cassius M., 511, 670.
Clay, Henry, letter of, to Pendell, 176.

Speech in Lexington, 177. Eight
resolutions and speech of, 233, 234,
236. Demoralizing influence of, 284,
300, 314. On Shadrach case, 330-
332. Letter of, on Cuba, 608.
Clayton, J. M., 12. Sec. of State, 208,

315, 391, 506.
Clayton, Thomas, 14.
Clemens, Jeremiah, 217, 219, 285, 315.
Insulting language of, 355.
Clergymen, indorsing Fugitive Slave
Act, 319. Memorials of, 393, 404.
Arraigned, 393, 394. Defended, 399.
Cleveland, Chauncy F., 215.
Clingman, T. L., 191, 223, 362, 395,
652. Amendment of, 663.

Clopton, D., 648.

Chaplin, William L., 80. Offence and Coalition, Mass., 338-351.

Chapman Hall meeting, 416.

Charleston Convention (see Conven-
tions), excitement in, 682.
Chase, S. P., enters the United States
Senate, 164. Leader of Liberty
Party, 167. The election of, 168-
172, 218. Speech of, 268, 331, 385,


Cheever, G. B., Dr., 311.
Chesnut, Jr., J., 631.


Mr. Wil-

Meeting at
Free Soil

cratic convention, 339.
son's purpose, 341, 342.
Adams House, 342, 343.
convention, 343, 344. Purpose and
plan of, 346. Opposed, 347. Suc-
cessful, 348. Senatorial struggle and
Mr. Sumner's election, 348, 349.
Cobb, Howell, Speaker, 316, 484, 638.
Cobb, Mrs. H. W., heroic action of,


Cochrane, C. B., 625.

Coffin, Levi, President of Underground
Railroad, 68.

Colfax, Schuyler, 184. Manly position
of, 186, 413, 432.

Collamer, J., of Vt., 209, 412, 476.
Collins, William, 29.

Colored seamen, amendment for, 294.
Comins, L. B., 491, 625.
Committee. Of thirteen (see Compro-
mise). On Kansas, 471. Report of,
501. Of fifteen, 546. On Harper's
Ferry, 601.

Compromise measures of 1850, 231-
290. President's message, 232. Com-
mittee of thirteen, 272. Clay's bill,
273. Long debate on,
lines of thought, 276.
Speeches of Hale and Julian,, 302,

274. Three

Adopted, 301.

Clay's estimate of, 314-330.

See Missouri. Compromise.
Congress, XXXth. Winthrop Speaker,
27. Meeting of Southern members
of, and their address, 197-199. Great
debate, 191-206. XXXIst, first ses-
sion of, remarkable, 211. Contest for
Speaker, 212-216. Fierce debates
in both houses, 213-219, XXXIId,
352. Debate in, 354-359. XXXIIId,
380. XXXIVth, 470. Special ses-
sion, 505, 506. XXXVth, 542.
XXXVIth, 578-602. Contest for
Speaker, 644-653. Three parties,
643. Three leading ideas, 657.
Conventions, at Port Byron and Mace-
don, 109. At Buffalo, 110. Whig
State in Faneuil Hall, 118. Two re-
ports, 119. Webster's short speech,
120. In Springfield, 123. Webster
claims the Wilmot proviso as his.
"thunder," 124. New York Demo-
cratic at Syracuse and Herkimer, 125–
128. Radical address, 127. National,
of 1848, 129-139. Democratic, of
1848, 129-133. Radical divisions
on the slavery issue, 130, 131.
nominated and his position, 132.
"Change" of views, 132. Whig, 133.
Candidates, 133-135 Taylor leads,


but strongly opposed, 134, 135. Nomi-
nated, 135. Declarations of Wilson
and Allen, 136. Triumph of Slave
Power, 138. Buffalo, preliminary

movements to, 140-150. Utica con-
vention, 140-142. Meeting in Phila-
delphia, called by Mr. Wilson, 142–
144. Ohio convention, 144. Ad-
dresses of Allen and Wilson, 144,
145, Worcester convention, 146,
Webster invited, but declined, 148.
(See Buffalo Convention.) At Boston,
157. (See Free Soil.) At Utica, 158.
In Ohio and Indiana, 158, 159. Demo-
cratic, of 1852, 363, 364. Pieree
nominated, 365. Whig, 366–371,
Resolutions of, indorsed by Mr. Web-
ster, 368. General Scott nominated,
371. Free Soil, 373, 374. Candi-
dates, and resolutions, 373, 374.
Free State, in Kansas, 500, 539.
Presidential, of 1856, 508 - 516.
American, 508, 509. Republican,
and platform, 511, 512. Seceders,
American, 513, 516. Democratic,
515. Whig, 516. In Chatham,
Canada, 589. Southern Commercial,
recommend reopening the slave-trade,
616. Slaveholding, in Maryland, 636.
Democratic national, of 1860, 673-
688. Platform, reports and debate
on, 676-679. Disorder, 679. Dis-
ruption, 680. Hesitation, 681. Se
ceders', meeting of, 682. Adjourn-
ment of, 683. At Baltimore, 684.
Rupture, 686. Douglas and Johnson,
and Breckinridge and Lane,
688, candidates. "Constitutional,"
689, 690. Bell and Everett, candi-
dates, 690. Republican, 690-694.
Resolutions, 691. Giddings's amend-
ment, 691. Candidates before, 692.
Lincoln and Dayton nominated, 693.
Great enthusiasm, 695. "Of Radical
Abolitionists," and nomination of
Smith and McFarland, 695.
Conscience Whigs, 123. Assault upon,
312, 313.

Corwin, Thomas, speech of, 42. Speech | Dellem, Hannah, case of, 825.

of, 650.

Cotton, Whigs, 117. Is king, 549.

Court House, in Chains, 334.

saulted, 437.

Cox, S. S., 563.

Crafts, W. and E., case of, 325, 326.

Crawford, Geo. W., 208.

Crawford, M. J., 645-647.

Speech of, 663.


Democratic party, routed in N. Y., 164.
Buchanan, candidate, 515. Platform,
515. Threats, 515. Humiliating po-
sition of, 664. Disaster and disrup-
tion of, 674, 680. Difficulties of north-
ern, 685. See Conventions.
Democrats, Independent, address of,
384. Douglas's reply, 885.

Crittenden, John J., 12, 504, 559, 565. Denver, J. W., governor, 544.

Cuba. Importance of, 608. Slavehold-
ing apprehensions in Congress, 609,
610. Change of Southern feeling,
610. Action of government, 610-
614. Senator Brown's demand, 612.
Resolution for purchase of, 612. Fili-
bustering, 613. President Taylor's

proclamation, 610.

Culver, Erastus D., 152.

Curry, J. L. M., 648.

Curtin, A. J., 692.

Curtis, B. R., Justice, 443, 531.
Curtis, G. T., Commissioner, 330, 333.
Curtis, George W., 691.

Cushing, Caleb, President of Charleston
Convention, 675, 687.


Dallas, G. M., 363.

Dana, C. A., 407.

Deseret, bill for, 232.

Dewey, O., Rev., 318.
Dickinson, D. S., 129, 368.
Disunion. Threatened by Clingman
and Foote, 211; Stanley, Toombs,
Stephens, Clemens, 213-219. Haz-
ards of, 226. Rebuked by Chase, 269.
Threatened, 277. Threats of, by
Clemens, Toombs, Holmes, 285, 286.
Nashville convention, 286-288. Men-
aces of, 504, 519, 521, 639. In
XXXVIth Cong., 643-654. "Help-
er" resolution, 644. Stormy debate
and revolutionary utterances, 644-

652. Election of Republican Presi-
dent a cause of, 647, 648. Southern
and Democratic protests, 649, 650.
Extreme utterances of Toombs, Iver-
son, and Clingman, 651, 652; also of
Governor Letcher, 654. Wilson's re-
of, in can-

[blocks in formation]

Dana, R. H., Jr., 250, 307, 330, 333, Dix, John A., 36, 158.

342, 436. Plea of, 440.

Dixon, A., 180, 356.

Davis, Garrett, 14. Intensely pro- Dodge, A. C., 355.
slavery, 180.

Davis, Jefferson, 101, 235, 332.


Brooks, 489, 581, 601, 617, 653, 657-
659. Seven resolutions of, 660.

Davis, John, 14, 102, 294.

Davis, Reuben, 649.

Davis, Winter, 564.

Dawes, H. L., 255, 626.

Dawson, W. C., 298, 367, 392.

Dayton, W. L., 264, 513.

De Bow's Review advocates the slave-

trade, 616.

De Jarnette, D. C., 646.

'Dogma, new," foreshadowed, 34, 40.
Of protection of slavery in the Terri-
tories, 655-665. Southern press,
concerning, 656.

Doolittle, James R., 126, 155, 662.
Douglas, Stephen A., 14, 101, 263, 332,

355, 365, 385, 455, 485. Votes against
Lecompton, 565. Great debate with
Lincoln, 566-577. Chicago speech of,
272, 273. Confers with Republicans,
567, 568. Resolution of, 606, 627 –
Ostracism of, 655-659. Per-
sonal defence of, 662. Deposition


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