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50; Yeats, 77.

Agriculture, Edison, 21; Importance of, Hill, 34;

Warner, 39; Jefferson, 148.

Ambition: Burke, 23; Intellectual, Holmes, 25;
Marden, 27; Attainment of, Appel, 70; Lincoln,

America, the melting-pot, Zangwill, 96.
Americanism, Gordon, 227.

Amusement: Balzac, 140; and work, Ruskin, 31.
Ancestry: Voltaire, 165; Pride of, Overbury, 21.
Ancients, The, Savonarola, 218.

Andre, The fate of, Hamilton, 134.

Anger: Dangers of, Metchnikoff, 78; Work and,

Luther, 82; Dodsley, 164; Penn, 205.

Animals, Cruelty to, Victoria, 20.
Aphorisms, Disraeli, 225.
Apples, Burroughs, 92.
April, Watson, 171.

Argument, Gibbon, 94.

Aristocracy, Today and tomorrow, Mazzini, 60.
Art: Ingersoll, 89; Michelangelo, 176; Ruskin, 30;
and education, Whistler, 38; and life, Morris,
120; and nature, Dostoievski, 41; and science,
Opie, 153; Charm of, Guizot, 72; Work and,
Mathews, 19.

Artistic temperament, The, Phillips, 44.
Artist, The first, Whistler, 24.

Aspiration, Alcott, 62.

Autumn, Carman, 20; Landor, 193.

Baltimore, Lord, Straus, 51.

Beautiful, The, Grayson, 38.

Beauty: Balzac, 15; an all-pervading presence,
Channing, 56; and truth, Keats, 59; Maeterlinck,

Beethoven, Music of, Wagner, 71.

Behavior, Necker, 143.

Belief: Terence, 168; Disraeli, 215.

Bibieni, Cardinal, Letter to niece of, Raphael, 188.
Bible, The: Aked, 227; Gladden, 227; and democracy,

Huxley, 92.

Bigotry, O'Connell, 33.

Birth of a child, Tagore, 54.

Bixby, Mrs., Letter to, Lincoln, 133.

Brahma, Emerson, 146.

Bravery, Shakespeare, 189.

Bribery, Garrick, 58.

Britain, Great, Jay, 193.

Brotherhood of man: Herron, 32; Markham, 35, 39;
George, 17; Terry, 19; Altgeld, 30; Mills, 78;
Robinson, 34.

Brown, John: Wise, 119; His address to the court,
120; Burial of, Phillips, 124.

Books, Bacon, 8; Gosse, 27; Burroughs, 81; Channing,
153, 198; Traubel, 161; Barrow, 171; Curtis, 179;

Thoreau, 221; Alcott, 225; Milton, 228; Power of,
Kingsley, 17; Suppression of, Milton, 20; Love
of, Trollope, 62; Stimulation of, Hare, 72; and
adversity, Irving, 120.

Boy, The American, Roosevelt, 24.
Bunker Hill, Adams, 192.

Burns, Robert: Hillis, 96; Rosebery, 209.
Business: Common law of, Armour, 30; Success in,

Selfridge, 61.

By-products, Brisbane, 40.

Byron, Lord: Macaulay, 138; Thorwaldsen, 190.

Capital, and labor: Newcomb, 27; Lincoln, 50;
Swing, 175.

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Chillon, Byron, 188.

Chivalry, The age of, Burke, 99.
Choir Invisible, The, George Eliot, 217.
Christmas, Dickens, 79.

Church: Roman and Protestant compared, White
197; The new, Emerson, 172; The, Garibaldi, 218.

Circumstantial evidence, Mark Twain, 57.

Civilization and slavery, Wilde, 48.
College, The, and democracy, 21.
Columbus, Joaquin Miller, 60.

Comfort, Peace and, Morris, 70.

Commercialism, Garfield, 169; Paine, 202.
Company, Great men as, Carlyle, 215.

Competition, Armour, 227.

Compromise, Watterson, 66.

Conduct: Newton, 211; The reward of good, Froebel,

Confidence, Cavour, 97; Lack of, Bovee, 56.

Consistency, Gilman, 52.

Contentment: Brooks, 17; Keats, 101; Riley, 167.
Conversation: Bovee, 56; Disraeli, 214; Equality and,

Steele, 56; Relaxation and, Steele, 196.

Co-operation, Aurelius, 211; Blatchford, 20; Fitch,

78; Herron, 32; Steinmetz, 165.

Corn laws, The, Bright, 208.

Correggio, Symonds, 217.

Corruption, Political, Macdonald, 225.

Country: Life in, Penn, 210; Dickens, 83; Petrarch,


Courage: Carlyle, 225; Allen, 228; and perseverance,

Adams, 96; Need of, Smith, 67.

Courtesy, Washington, 26.

Craftsmanship: Ruskin, 30; Lippmann, 62.
Creeds, Kipling, 128.

Crime, Meredith, 111; and poverty, Griffith, 68.


Criticism, Haeckel, 89; Wilde, 200; Disraeli, 226.
Cruelty, Lamartine, 75.

Cynic, The, Wilde, 83.

Daisies, Carman, 100.

Dante, Michelangelo, 179.

Darwin, Charles, Huxley, 211.

Death: Bell, 15; Lincoln, 17; Stevenson, 49; Raleigh,

80; Tennyson, 101; Scott, 108; Stevenson, 108;
and life, Crosby, 43; The mystery of, Cook, 76;
Democracy of, Ingalls, 77; King, 97; a friend,
Franklin, 118.

Debt, a teacher, Emerson, 104.
Dedication, A, Kipling, 138.
Defoe, Daniel, Besant, 196.

Demagogues and Agitators, Disraeli, 196.
Democracy: Whitman, 121; Jay, 180; and England,

Cobden, 179.

Destiny, Burroughs, 8; Socrates, 109; Shakespeare, 185.
Dirt, The love of, Warner, 39.

Discipline: St. Benedict, 222; Plato, 23.

Discontent, Varities of, Graham, 78.

Discretion, Franklin, 225.

Divinity, Luther, 120.

Dore, Gustave, Roosevelt, 224.
Doubt, Stanislaus, 140.
Drama, The, Cushman, 26.
Dreamer, The, O'Reilly, 131.

Dreams, Davies, 181.

Duty: Beecher, 19; Osler, 70; Stevenson, 88; Millet 157

Education: Whitlock, 43; Locke, 68; Bismarck, 128;
Peabody, 211; Cooper, 214; Meaning of, Ruskin,
17; Benson, 73; and democracy, Wilson, 21;
Dangers of, Wu Ting-Fang, 55; A liberal, Hux-
ley, 90; First aim of, Seton, 145.
Egotism and ignorance, Bulwer-Lytton, 61.
Electricity, Wonders of, Hawthorne, 57.
Eloquence, Cicero, 87.

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, Holmes, 183.
Endeavor, Fiona Macleod, 142.

Energy, Buxton, 72.

England and America, Cobden, 187.
Enjoyment, Limits of, Webster, 58.
Enlightenment, Longfellow, 25.
Enthusiasm, Chester, 60.

Envy: Smith, 69; Voltaire, 145.

Evil, Benefits of, Fiske, 36.

Evolution: Tabb, 169; of intellect, Darwin, 34; Soul,

Emerson, 201.

Examinations, Arnold, 181.

Executive, Qualifications of, Mahin, 143.

Experience, Shakespeare, 48.

Extravagance, Franklin, 53.

Faces, Carlyle, 117.

Fact and inference, Wilson, 86.

Failure, Disraeli, 157.

Fair play, Curtis, 107.

Faith: and practice, Tolstoy, 54; Lack of, Hadley, 61.
Fate: James, 76; Crane, 168; Mastery of, Henley, 24.
Fault-finding, West, 30.

Fear: Newman, 30; Ingersoll, 168; Conquest of,
Henley, 24; and ignorance, Traubel, 59.

Fellowship, Morris, 37.

Fidelity, Milton, 64.

Flowers: Irvine, 51; Beecher, 79; Carman, 100;
Blanden, 105; Loveman, 113; Tennyson, 149; and
trees, Smith, 65; Blessings of, Child, 45.

Fly, The, Hutchinson, 146

Folly and wisdom, Goldsmith, 86.

Food, Wiley, 145.

Foolishness: Lamb, 166; Mark Twain, 227.
France, Anatole, Characterization of, Brandes, 52.
France, The Queen of, Burke, 99.
Franklin, Benjamin: Epitaph of, 129; Fiske, 199;

and Washington, Jefferson, 177.

Freedom: Kant, 222; Lowell, 32; Dangers of, Gar-
rick, 58; Guardians of, Depew, 74; of speech,
Bradlaugh, 72; of thought, Straus, 51; Principles
of, Paine, 204; Religious, Straus, 51; Carlyle, 180.
Free-Thought, Owen, 223.

Friendship: Gorky, 14; Montaigne, 75; Burroughs,
108; Washington, 26; Emerson, 83; Stevenson, 29;
Perils of, Bourne, 59; a gift, Hughes, 75.

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Habit: James, 76; Mann, 167; Astor, 211; Sweden-
borg, 214.

Handel, George Frederick, Beattie, 226.
Handshaking, Everett, 144.

Happiness: Southey, 16; Maeterlinck, 30; Edison, 21;
Fiske, 36; Jerrold, 70; Aurelius, 79; Santayana,
92; Franklin, 98; Ruskin, 102; Ingersoll, 106;
Cheney, 127; Aristotle, 214; an incident, Haw-
thorne, 47; The attainment of, Franklin, 19; and
passion, Tennyson, 83; and pleasure, Eliot, 198;
Barrie, 227; Balzac, 228.

Hardship, Garibaldi, 228.
Harmony, Eddy, 182.
Hate, Miller, 41.

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Humility, Newton, 87.

Humor: Addison, 12; Beecher, 21; Forms of, Lamb,
63; and advertising, Ade, 54.

Hypocrisy, Savonarola, 164.

Idealism: Lee, 17; Lincoln, 17; Beecher, 19; Holmes,
25; Marden, 27; Sandburg, 30; Thackeray, 67;
Dreier, 94; Power of, Swing, 22.

Ideals: Grover, 62; Schurz, 222; Chinese, Dickinson,
97; and life, Van Dyke, 172.
Ideas: Old, Shaw, 30; and cities, Disraeli, 224.
Idleness: Haliburton, 198; Hillard, 214; Socrates,
215; Benefits of, Skinner, 36; and sickness,
Seneca, 53.

Ignorance: Confucius, 197, 227; and wisdom, King,

Illusions, Mark Twain, 137.
Immortality: Voorhees, 62; Ingersoll, 88; Socrates,
109; Van Dyke, 142; Stevenson, 149.

Inconsistency, Whitman, 200.

Independence: Emerson, 29; Sumner, 72; Plutarch,

Indians, The, Sprague, 95.
Indifference: Noyes, 63; Farrar, 67.
Industrialism, Keller, 12.

Industry: Page, 123; Whitman, 124; Franklin, 147.
Infinite, The, Hugo, 110; The thought of the,

Pasteur, 78.

Influence, Stephen, 23.

Ingersoll, Ebon C., Tribute to, Ingersoll, 131.

Innocence: Seneca, 208.

Inspiration: Bennett, 75; Dreier, 87.

Intelligence, Voltaire, 215.

Introspection: Whittier, 119; Smith, 127.

Jealousy: Stevenson, 97; National, Washington, 75.
Jefferson, Thomas, Straus, 51.

Jesus: Franklin, 104; Greatness of, Harris, 156.
Johnson, Samuel, Boswell, 186.

Josephine, Empress, Death of, Watson, 176.

Joy: a boomerang, Crawford, 17; Coates, 21; Willis,
91; Wagner, 164; and work, Briggs, 58; Art and,
Mathews, 19.

Judea, The Procurator of, France, 113.
Jury, The, Dickens, 88.

Justice: George Eliot, 14; Tolstoy, 16; and truth,
George, 47; Dickens, 88; Franklin, 89; Gals-
worthy, 126.

Kinship, Terry, 19.
Knowledge: Fuller, 12; Smith, 127; and wisdom,

Ouida, 79; and ignorance, Besant, 50.
Kubla Khan, Coleridge, 195.

Labor: and capital, Newcomb, 27; Foolishness of,
Skinner, 36; Voice of, Jaures, 46; and capital,
Lincoln, 50; Attitude of government toward,
Lincoln, 58; necessary to success, Roosevelt, 97;
Malthus, 222; Dignity of, Millet, 159; and song,
Quintilian, 172; and happiness, Girard, 223.

La Gioconda, Pater, 100.
Lake, The, Thoreau, 65.

Lamb, Charles, Hazlitt, 146.

Land: Man and the, George, 89, 199.
Laughter: Addison, 86; Blake, 110.

Law: and tyranny, Pitt, 185; Spiritual, Eddy, 185;
Pasteur, 14; Fourget, 38; and reason, Coke, 42.

Laws, Socrates, 86; Tacitus, 128.
Lawyers, Seward, 80.
Leadership, Newcomb, 27

Lee, Robert E., at Appomatox, Grant, 132.
L' Envoi, Kipling, 159.

Letters of recommendation, Franklin, 128.
Lexington, Battle of, Parker, 149.

Liberty: Whitlock, 61; Jefferson, 192; Ruskin, 157;
George, 203; Pitt, 224; and despotism, Garrison,
78; Political and economic, Whitlock, 43.

Library, In an old, Lamb, 56.


Life: Barbauld, 12; Bailey, 22; Ehrmann, 37; Mark
Twain, 69; Henry, 78; Hypatia, 190; Chateau-
briand, 215; Martineau, 228; Keat's dream of a
pleasant, 5; The abounding, Whiting, 13; Pur-
pose of, Swing, 22; End of, Landor, 27; Purpose
of, Altgeld, 30; and death, Crosby, 43; Growth of,
Gaynor, 44; Joy of, Morrow, 46; A strong,
Hamerton, 47; Love of, Goldsmith, 47; The ideal,
Brooks, 48; a succession of events, Hugo, 53;
Joys of, Goethe, 57; Mistakes of, Bronte, 57; The
consecrated, Van Dyke, 60; Joy of, Van Dyke, 66;
Beauty of, Kirkham, 66; Influences of, Channing,
67; Significance of, Hubbard, 68; Trials of,
Montaigne, 68; and thought, Lover, 69; an
inheritance, Lubbock, 71; The waste of, Cholmon-
deley, 72; Ideals of, Mill, 72; Purpose of,
lace, 73; Journey of, Rossetti, 73; The mystery of,
Cook, 76; The duty of, Bremer, 79; The conse-
crated, Dreier, 87; a looking-glass, Thackeray
92; The consecrated, Kleiser, 98; Joys of, Keats,
101; Preparation for, Burns, 110; Victory of,
Shelley, 111; a thought, Coleridge, 118; Sacred-
ness of, Griggs, 129; Joy of, Cherbuliez, 135;
Privileges of, Hazlitt, 136; Eternal, Shores, 136;
A Tragedy, Adler, 147; River of, Schreiner, 164;
Spiritual forces of, Froebel, 165; of the spirit,
Garfield, 171; Ladder of, Brownell, 182; and
Love, Riley, 184; Object of, Cooper, 184; and
sorrow, Landor, 193; a play, Jonason, 195; and
love, Masters, 201; A generous, Ingersoll, 218;
Country, Beecher, 225.

Light: and shadow, Gay, 68; and darkness, Gale, 93.
Lincoln, Abraham: at Gettysburg, Mason, 37;
Lindsay, 45; Hay, 72; Whitman, 134.
Literature, Functions of, De Quincey, 64; Burroughs,


Louvre, First visit to the, Millet, 174.
Love: Bourdillon, 39; Landor, 109; Stevenson, 126;
Dobson, 128; Byron, 140; Addison, 147; Burns
158; Markham, 190; Fee, 204; Bowman, 223;
Stories of, Wells, 8; Divine, Holmes, 17; Sand-
burg, 30; Henley, 33; Language of, Maeterlinck,
38; a river, Beecher, 52; Qualities of, Ingersoll,
55; and beauty, Maeterlinck, 55; Beauty of,
Chelley, 56; of material things, Brooke, 57; of
country, Root, 64; Philosophy of, Shelley, 64;
Field of, Drummond, 69; Consciousness of, Long-
fellow, 66; Qualities of, Gautier, 71; The mystery
of, Cook, 76; and skill, Ruskin, 79; The nature of,
Rhys, 80; Key, 95; Perfect, Hazlitt, 100; The test
of, Westcott, 101; in return for evil, Buddha, 108;
of life, Beecher, 181; and life, Tebbetts, 173; and
death, Penn, 204.

Luck, Max O'Rell, 133.

Mahomet, Voltaire, 170.

Man: Turgenef, 11; Keller, 12; Addison, 12; Gorky,
14; Ovid, 26; Voltaire, 191; War and, Hugo, 12;
The measure of a, Brann, 16; Brotherhood of,
Lloyd, 24; A good, Plato, 26; Progress of, Amiel
29; The honest, Spencer, 31; Duty of government
to, Jefferson, 55; Greatness of, Pascal, 59;
Ignorance of, Bulwer-Lytton, 61; Confidence in,
Hadley, 61; and woman compared, Debs, 67;
The power of, Emerson 94; The good, Curtis,
118; a book, Channing, 126; Influence of,
Dickens, 126; Worth of, Roosevelt, 137; Life of,
Andersen, 156; Kinship of, with the Divine,
Monahan, 167; with the hoe, The, Markham, 174;
a writing animal, Homer, 205; and woman,
Whitman, 225.

Mankind: Duty to, Ruskin, 29; The cause of,
Roosevelt, 145.

Manliness, Roosevelt, 24.

Manners and character, Winter, 98.

Marlborough, The Duke of, Thackeray, 160.

Marriage: Lecky, 62; Bacon, 102.

Martyr, The, Napoleon, 177.

Mary, Queen of Scots, Letter to, Knox, 197.

Matter and mind, Eddy, 180.

Mediocrity, Thackeray, 104.

Men: The need of, Hadley, 66; who do things,

Oliver, 77; Kinds of, Franklin, 98.

Mendelssohn, Felix, Taylor, 225.

Millet, Francois, Sensier, 175.

Millionaire, The, Lee, 17.

Mind: The, Bourdillon, 39; Shakespeare, 128; Free-
dom of, Longfellow, 25; Divine, Eddy, 177.

Minds, Great, Irving, 102.

Mining, Coal, Untermeyer, 25.

Mirth, Beecher, 21.

Misery, Untermeyer, 25.

Mockingbird, The, Hayes, 16.

Moderation: Garrison, 22; Aristotle, 57.
Modesty, Washington, 225.

Mona Lisa, The, Pater, 100.

Money: Lorimer, 96; Stevenson, 133; Greeley, 142;
Johnson, 202; Washington, 225; Uses of, Field,
53; Stevenson, 117; Lending, Franklin, 106; The
acquisition of, Rothschild, 214.

Morality: Eliot, 126; Maeterlinck, 200; and religion,

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Napoleon, Phillips, 206; and Jesus compared,
Simonds, 130; Grave of, Ingersoll, 137; Character
of, De Stael, 158; Manners of, Josephine, 22
Nature: Ingersoll, 13; Huxley, 25; Hoyt, 28; Law of,
Tolstoy, 15; The Law of, Emerson, 201; Human,
Bulwer-Lytton, 19; Imagination and, Blake, 25;
The drama of, Von Humboldt, 32; and art,
Dostoivski, 41; and Art, Whistler, 205; The God
of, Walton, 43; Beauties of, Whitman, 52, 66;
Beauties of, Dickens, 96; and mankind, Mabre,
53; and society, Wilde, 63; Joys of, Mitchell, 64;
Precepts of, Montessori, 64; Soul of, De Guerin,
65; Love of, Lubbock, 66; Motherhood of,
Stanton, 71; Charms of, Chateaubriand, 154;
Army of, James, 172.

Necessity, Burns, 110.
Negro, The, Washington, 182.
Nelson, Horatio: Southey, 162, 215.
Neo-platonism, Hypatia, 222.
New Year, The, Hunt, 73.

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Pleasure: Southey, 16; Finck, 37.

Poetry: Greek and Roman, Markham, 74; Heine, 94;
Shelley, 125; Cushman, 26; Uses of, Darwin, 52;
and energy, Arnold, 76; Canton, 207.
Politicians and statesmen compared, Clarke, 202.
Pontius Pilate, France, 113.
Poppy, The California, Joaquin Miller, 13.
Poverty: Turgenef, 9; Shaw, 14; Hood, 29; Fischer,
31; Garfield, 144; Causes of, Whitlock, 43; and
crime, Griffith, 68; Fear of, James, 75; and
morality, Stevenson, 107; and riches, Tacitus, 225.
Prayer: Marden, 27; Evening, Stevenson, 43; The
actor's, Crane, 15; The optimist's, Robinson, 35;
Stevenson, 211; The fool's, Sill, 85.

Preacher, The, Gilman, 52.
Preaching and practice, Tolstoy, 54.
Present, The, Relation of, to past and future,

Webster, 58.

Pride: National, Herder, 27; Ben Azai, 45.
Printing: Meredith, 27; The business of, Porter, 92;

The art of, Mann, 60.
Printing press, The, Davis, 58.
Prisons, Fry, 224.

Procrastination, Franklin, 25.

Progress: Amiel, 29; in life, Carlyle, 65; Cooper, 184;

Savonarola, 218.

Prophet, The, Traubel, 11.

Proserpine, In the garden of, Swinburne, 209.

Prosperity and adversity, Johnson, 98.
Prostitution, Lecky, 12.
Providence: Hugo, 7; Wesley, 215.
Publicity, Place of, Perkins, 64.

Punishment: Griffith, 68; Meredith, 111.

Railroads, American, Hill, 70.

Rain, Loveman, 113.

Reading, and exercise, Addison, 37.
Reading Gaol, The Ballad of, Wilde, 213.
Reason: Johnson, 97; Franklin, 123; and the law,

Coke, 42; versus force, Gompers, 75.

Red Jacket, Speech of, 219.
Reform, Social, Gladstone, 86.
Relations, Poor, Lamb, 105.
Relaxation, Steele, 196.

Religion: Balzac, 15; Penn, 30; Emerson, 51; Frank-
lin, 104; Mill, 149; Copernicus, 208; Eliot, 227;
of usefulness, Ingersoll, 13; and goodness, Renan,
32; and theology, Burbank, 41; Differences in,
Penn, 47; Denominations of, Paine, 202.

Rembrandt: Meissonier, 153; Michel, 218; Van

Dyke, 223; Place of, Michel, 11.
Remembrance, Twelve things worthy of, Field, 78..
Renunciation, Dante, 16.

Republic, The Ideal, Bryan, 87.

Resignation: Stevenson, 49; Scott, 108.

Resolution: Edgeworth, 123; Nelson, 133.

Responsibility, Pinchot, 70.

Right and wrong, Clarke, 95.

Rogers, H. H., Mark Twain, 213.

Romance: Age of, Carlyle, 14; Ideas of, Deming, 54.

Rome, Supremacy of, Fuller, 71.

Romola, Eliot, 198.

Rutledge, Anne, Masters, 185.

Satan, The case of, Mark Twain, 44.
Schools and the nation, Bismarck, 128.
Schopenhauer, Saltus, 166.

Science: Spencer, 215; Morley, 225; Teachings of,

Huxley, 69; Modern, Huxley, 75.

Scripture: The power of, Shaw, 108; Authority of,
Galileo, 208.

Sculpture, Cushman, 26.

Sea, The: Conrad, 98; Masefield, 107; Tennyson, 147.
Self-confidence, Johnson, 150.

Self control: Arnold, 36; Seneca, 167; Da Vinci, 218;

Maclaren, 226.

Self-interest, Steinway, 83.

Selfishness, Wilde, 25; Noyes, 63.

Self-knowledge, Disraeli, 224.

Self-mastery, Meredith, 99.

Self-restraint, Cato, 54.

Self-sacrifice, Ruskin, 29.

Sentiment: Le Gallienne, 38; and the imagination

Lamartine, 57; The story of human, Henderson,


Separation, Hitopadesa, 21.

Service: Crane, 20; Stevenson, 29; Traubel, 59;
Morgan, 79; Owen, 227; Rewards of, Aurelius, 89.

Sex superiority, Ruskin, 94.
Shadow and light, Gay, 68.

Shaw, G. Bernard, Frank, 145.

Shelley, Percy Bysshe: Poetry of, Thompson, 128;

The death of, Thompson, 148.

Shepherdess, The, Meynell, 76.

Shirt, Song of the, Hood, 29.

Silence: Carlyle, 215; Confucius, 224; More, 227;

varities of, Guyon, 78.

Simplicity, Reynolds, 215.

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Sonnets, Rossetti, 221.

Sorrow, Universality of, Longfellow, 46; and fear,
Benson, 127.

Soul, The: Houseman, 124; compared with fire,
De Stael, 19; Existence of, Voltaire, 66.
Speech, Kipling, 6; and the mind, Seneca, 8; Words
and things, Johnson, 21; The English, Emerson,

Spencer, Herbert, Letter to, Huxley, 216.
Spirit, Life of the, Ehrmann, 37.

Stage, Traditions of the, Shaw, 9.

Stars, The: Byron, 23; Untermeyer, 25; Von Hum-

boldt, 32; Keats, 203; Man and the, Ovid, 26.
Stevenson, Robert Louis, Death of, Quiller-Couch,


Stoicism, Santayana, 161.

Stomach, The, Souvester, 200.
Strife, Hall, 215; Family, Esop, 128.
Strike, The, Edwards, 18.

Style, Literary, Burroughs, 81.

Success: Howe, 16; Brisbane, 40; Mirabeau, 71;

Vail, 95; Horton, 102; Schopenhauer, 136; Camp-
bell, 169; Whiting, 13; Stanley, 56; Field, 78;
and mental attitude, Scott, 20; Cheerfulness and,
Kingsley, 29; and caution, Rockefeller, 54; Es-
sentials of, Harriman, 58; and work, Bolton, 61;
Business, Selfridge, 61; Secret of, Rockefeller, 69;
Perils of, Smith, 69; Conditions of, Sage, 70;
and anxiety, Stowe, 87; and merit, Cockran, 91;
in life, Nelson, 133; and failure, Jones, 173; and
failure, Thackeray, 223.

Sublime, The, and the ridiculous, Paine, 161.
Suffering, Young, 169.

Summer: Indian, Longfellow, 8; The pleasures of,

Jefferies, 67.

Sundown, Whitman, 52.
Superstition: Stephen, 20; Darwin, 34; Farrar, 67;

Paine, 181.

Sympathy: Ouida, 41; Wilde, 204.
System, Hugo, 169.

Tardiness, Dionysius, 52.

Task, A, Stevenson, 26.

Tears: Reese, 143; Tennyson, 183.

Thanksgiving, A man's, Newcomb, 23.

Theater, The, and social questions, Shaw, 42.
Theology: Emerson, 218; and religion, Burbank, 41.

Thrift: of time, Gladstone, 82; Smiles, 176.

Thought: Stephen, 23; Carlyle, 147; Pythagoras, 190;

Hugo, 227; Power of, Carlyle, 118; Religion and,

Fiske, 194.

Thoroughbred, The, Patterson, 48.
Thorwaldsen, Mendelssohn, 191.

Tiger, The, Blake, 139.

Time: Turgenef, 11; Bailey, 22, Browne, 101; Hodgson,

198; Use of, Brisbane, 40; Wrecks of, Voorhees, 62

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