50; Yeats, 77. Agriculture, Edison, 21; Importance of, Hill, 34; Warner, 39; Jefferson, 148. Ambition: Burke, 23; Intellectual, Holmes, 25; America, the melting-pot, Zangwill, 96. Amusement: Balzac, 140; and work, Ruskin, 31. Andre, The fate of, Hamilton, 134. Anger: Dangers of, Metchnikoff, 78; Work and, Luther, 82; Dodsley, 164; Penn, 205. Animals, Cruelty to, Victoria, 20. Argument, Gibbon, 94. Aristocracy, Today and tomorrow, Mazzini, 60. Artistic temperament, The, Phillips, 44. Aspiration, Alcott, 62. Autumn, Carman, 20; Landor, 193. Baltimore, Lord, Straus, 51. Beautiful, The, Grayson, 38. Beauty: Balzac, 15; an all-pervading presence, Beethoven, Music of, Wagner, 71. Behavior, Necker, 143. Belief: Terence, 168; Disraeli, 215. Bibieni, Cardinal, Letter to niece of, Raphael, 188. Huxley, 92. Bigotry, O'Connell, 33. Birth of a child, Tagore, 54. Bixby, Mrs., Letter to, Lincoln, 133. Brahma, Emerson, 146. Bravery, Shakespeare, 189. Bribery, Garrick, 58. Britain, Great, Jay, 193. Brotherhood of man: Herron, 32; Markham, 35, 39; Brown, John: Wise, 119; His address to the court, Books, Bacon, 8; Gosse, 27; Burroughs, 81; Channing, Thoreau, 221; Alcott, 225; Milton, 228; Power of, Boy, The American, Roosevelt, 24. Burns, Robert: Hillis, 96; Rosebery, 209. Selfridge, 61. By-products, Brisbane, 40. Byron, Lord: Macaulay, 138; Thorwaldsen, 190. Capital, and labor: Newcomb, 27; Lincoln, 50; Chillon, Byron, 188. Chivalry, The age of, Burke, 99. Church: Roman and Protestant compared, White Circumstantial evidence, Mark Twain, 57. Civilization and slavery, Wilde, 48. Comfort, Peace and, Morris, 70. Commercialism, Garfield, 169; Paine, 202. Competition, Armour, 227. Compromise, Watterson, 66. Conduct: Newton, 211; The reward of good, Froebel, Confidence, Cavour, 97; Lack of, Bovee, 56. Consistency, Gilman, 52. Contentment: Brooks, 17; Keats, 101; Riley, 167. Steele, 56; Relaxation and, Steele, 196. Co-operation, Aurelius, 211; Blatchford, 20; Fitch, 78; Herron, 32; Steinmetz, 165. Corn laws, The, Bright, 208. Correggio, Symonds, 217. Corruption, Political, Macdonald, 225. Country: Life in, Penn, 210; Dickens, 83; Petrarch, 222. Courage: Carlyle, 225; Allen, 228; and perseverance, Adams, 96; Need of, Smith, 67. Courtesy, Washington, 26. Craftsmanship: Ruskin, 30; Lippmann, 62. Crime, Meredith, 111; and poverty, Griffith, 68. i Criticism, Haeckel, 89; Wilde, 200; Disraeli, 226. Cynic, The, Wilde, 83. Daisies, Carman, 100. Dante, Michelangelo, 179. Darwin, Charles, Huxley, 211. Death: Bell, 15; Lincoln, 17; Stevenson, 49; Raleigh, 80; Tennyson, 101; Scott, 108; Stevenson, 108; Debt, a teacher, Emerson, 104. Demagogues and Agitators, Disraeli, 196. Cobden, 179. Destiny, Burroughs, 8; Socrates, 109; Shakespeare, 185. Discipline: St. Benedict, 222; Plato, 23. Discontent, Varities of, Graham, 78. Discretion, Franklin, 225. Divinity, Luther, 120. Dore, Gustave, Roosevelt, 224. Dreams, Davies, 181. Duty: Beecher, 19; Osler, 70; Stevenson, 88; Millet 157 Education: Whitlock, 43; Locke, 68; Bismarck, 128; Emerson, Ralph Waldo, Holmes, 183. Energy, Buxton, 72. England and America, Cobden, 187. Envy: Smith, 69; Voltaire, 145. Evil, Benefits of, Fiske, 36. Evolution: Tabb, 169; of intellect, Darwin, 34; Soul, Emerson, 201. Examinations, Arnold, 181. Executive, Qualifications of, Mahin, 143. Experience, Shakespeare, 48. Extravagance, Franklin, 53. Faces, Carlyle, 117. Fact and inference, Wilson, 86. Failure, Disraeli, 157. Fair play, Curtis, 107. Faith: and practice, Tolstoy, 54; Lack of, Hadley, 61. Fear: Newman, 30; Ingersoll, 168; Conquest of, Fellowship, Morris, 37. Fidelity, Milton, 64. Flowers: Irvine, 51; Beecher, 79; Carman, 100; Fly, The, Hutchinson, 146 Folly and wisdom, Goldsmith, 86. Food, Wiley, 145. Foolishness: Lamb, 166; Mark Twain, 227. and Washington, Jefferson, 177. Freedom: Kant, 222; Lowell, 32; Dangers of, Gar- Friendship: Gorky, 14; Montaigne, 75; Burroughs, Habit: James, 76; Mann, 167; Astor, 211; Sweden- Handel, George Frederick, Beattie, 226. Happiness: Southey, 16; Maeterlinck, 30; Edison, 21; Hardship, Garibaldi, 228. Humility, Newton, 87. Humor: Addison, 12; Beecher, 21; Forms of, Lamb, Hypocrisy, Savonarola, 164. Idealism: Lee, 17; Lincoln, 17; Beecher, 19; Holmes, Ideals: Grover, 62; Schurz, 222; Chinese, Dickinson, Ignorance: Confucius, 197, 227; and wisdom, King, Illusions, Mark Twain, 137. Inconsistency, Whitman, 200. Independence: Emerson, 29; Sumner, 72; Plutarch, Indians, The, Sprague, 95. Industry: Page, 123; Whitman, 124; Franklin, 147. Pasteur, 78. Influence, Stephen, 23. Ingersoll, Ebon C., Tribute to, Ingersoll, 131. Innocence: Seneca, 208. Inspiration: Bennett, 75; Dreier, 87. Intelligence, Voltaire, 215. Introspection: Whittier, 119; Smith, 127. Jealousy: Stevenson, 97; National, Washington, 75. Jesus: Franklin, 104; Greatness of, Harris, 156. Josephine, Empress, Death of, Watson, 176. Joy: a boomerang, Crawford, 17; Coates, 21; Willis, Judea, The Procurator of, France, 113. Justice: George Eliot, 14; Tolstoy, 16; and truth, Kinship, Terry, 19. Ouida, 79; and ignorance, Besant, 50. Labor: and capital, Newcomb, 27; Foolishness of, La Gioconda, Pater, 100. Lamb, Charles, Hazlitt, 146. Land: Man and the, George, 89, 199. Law: and tyranny, Pitt, 185; Spiritual, Eddy, 185; Laws, Socrates, 86; Tacitus, 128. Lee, Robert E., at Appomatox, Grant, 132. Letters of recommendation, Franklin, 128. Liberty: Whitlock, 61; Jefferson, 192; Ruskin, 157; Library, In an old, Lamb, 56. Wal- Life: Barbauld, 12; Bailey, 22; Ehrmann, 37; Mark Light: and shadow, Gay, 68; and darkness, Gale, 93. 81. Louvre, First visit to the, Millet, 174. Luck, Max O'Rell, 133. Mahomet, Voltaire, 170. Man: Turgenef, 11; Keller, 12; Addison, 12; Gorky, Mankind: Duty to, Ruskin, 29; The cause of, Manliness, Roosevelt, 24. Manners and character, Winter, 98. Marlborough, The Duke of, Thackeray, 160. Marriage: Lecky, 62; Bacon, 102. Martyr, The, Napoleon, 177. Mary, Queen of Scots, Letter to, Knox, 197. Matter and mind, Eddy, 180. Mediocrity, Thackeray, 104. Men: The need of, Hadley, 66; who do things, Oliver, 77; Kinds of, Franklin, 98. Mendelssohn, Felix, Taylor, 225. Millet, Francois, Sensier, 175. Millionaire, The, Lee, 17. Mind: The, Bourdillon, 39; Shakespeare, 128; Free- Minds, Great, Irving, 102. Mining, Coal, Untermeyer, 25. Mirth, Beecher, 21. Misery, Untermeyer, 25. Mockingbird, The, Hayes, 16. Moderation: Garrison, 22; Aristotle, 57. Mona Lisa, The, Pater, 100. Money: Lorimer, 96; Stevenson, 133; Greeley, 142; Morality: Eliot, 126; Maeterlinck, 200; and religion, Napoleon, Phillips, 206; and Jesus compared, Necessity, Burns, 110. Pleasure: Southey, 16; Finck, 37. Poetry: Greek and Roman, Markham, 74; Heine, 94; Preacher, The, Gilman, 52. Webster, 58. Pride: National, Herder, 27; Ben Azai, 45. The art of, Mann, 60. Procrastination, Franklin, 25. Progress: Amiel, 29; in life, Carlyle, 65; Cooper, 184; Savonarola, 218. Prophet, The, Traubel, 11. Proserpine, In the garden of, Swinburne, 209. Prosperity and adversity, Johnson, 98. Punishment: Griffith, 68; Meredith, 111. Railroads, American, Hill, 70. Rain, Loveman, 113. Reading, and exercise, Addison, 37. Coke, 42; versus force, Gompers, 75. Red Jacket, Speech of, 219. Religion: Balzac, 15; Penn, 30; Emerson, 51; Frank- Rembrandt: Meissonier, 153; Michel, 218; Van Dyke, 223; Place of, Michel, 11. Republic, The Ideal, Bryan, 87. Resignation: Stevenson, 49; Scott, 108. Resolution: Edgeworth, 123; Nelson, 133. Responsibility, Pinchot, 70. Right and wrong, Clarke, 95. Rogers, H. H., Mark Twain, 213. Romance: Age of, Carlyle, 14; Ideas of, Deming, 54. Rome, Supremacy of, Fuller, 71. Romola, Eliot, 198. Rutledge, Anne, Masters, 185. Satan, The case of, Mark Twain, 44. Science: Spencer, 215; Morley, 225; Teachings of, Huxley, 69; Modern, Huxley, 75. Scripture: The power of, Shaw, 108; Authority of, Sculpture, Cushman, 26. Sea, The: Conrad, 98; Masefield, 107; Tennyson, 147. Self control: Arnold, 36; Seneca, 167; Da Vinci, 218; Maclaren, 226. Self-interest, Steinway, 83. Selfishness, Wilde, 25; Noyes, 63. Self-knowledge, Disraeli, 224. Self-mastery, Meredith, 99. Self-restraint, Cato, 54. Self-sacrifice, Ruskin, 29. Sentiment: Le Gallienne, 38; and the imagination Lamartine, 57; The story of human, Henderson, 77. Separation, Hitopadesa, 21. Service: Crane, 20; Stevenson, 29; Traubel, 59; Sex superiority, Ruskin, 94. Shaw, G. Bernard, Frank, 145. Shelley, Percy Bysshe: Poetry of, Thompson, 128; The death of, Thompson, 148. Shepherdess, The, Meynell, 76. Shirt, Song of the, Hood, 29. Silence: Carlyle, 215; Confucius, 224; More, 227; varities of, Guyon, 78. Simplicity, Reynolds, 215. Sonnets, Rossetti, 221. Sorrow, Universality of, Longfellow, 46; and fear, Soul, The: Houseman, 124; compared with fire, Spencer, Herbert, Letter to, Huxley, 216. Stage, Traditions of the, Shaw, 9. Stars, The: Byron, 23; Untermeyer, 25; Von Hum- boldt, 32; Keats, 203; Man and the, Ovid, 26. 84. Stoicism, Santayana, 161. Stomach, The, Souvester, 200. Style, Literary, Burroughs, 81. Success: Howe, 16; Brisbane, 40; Mirabeau, 71; Vail, 95; Horton, 102; Schopenhauer, 136; Camp- Sublime, The, and the ridiculous, Paine, 161. Summer: Indian, Longfellow, 8; The pleasures of, Jefferies, 67. Sundown, Whitman, 52. Paine, 181. Sympathy: Ouida, 41; Wilde, 204. Tardiness, Dionysius, 52. Task, A, Stevenson, 26. Tears: Reese, 143; Tennyson, 183. Thanksgiving, A man's, Newcomb, 23. Theater, The, and social questions, Shaw, 42. Thrift: of time, Gladstone, 82; Smiles, 176. Thought: Stephen, 23; Carlyle, 147; Pythagoras, 190; Hugo, 227; Power of, Carlyle, 118; Religion and, Fiske, 194. Thoroughbred, The, Patterson, 48. Tiger, The, Blake, 139. Time: Turgenef, 11; Bailey, 22, Browne, 101; Hodgson, 198; Use of, Brisbane, 40; Wrecks of, Voorhees, 62 |