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government; his piety, his temperance, his love to mankind, his magnanimity, his public-spiritedness, and, in fine, his consummate virtue, make him justly deserve to be esteemed the glory of his country.-Franklin.

HE power of a man increases steadily

by continuance in one direction. He becomes acquainted with the resistances and with his own tools; increases his skill and strength and learns the favorable moments and favorable accidents. He is his own apprentice, and more time gives a great addition of power, just as a falling body acquires momentum with every foot of the fall.-Emerson.

Truth is such a precious article let us all economize in its use.-Mark Twain.

T is great, and there is no other greatness-to make one nook of God's creation more fruitful, better, more worthy of God; to make some human heart a little wiser, manlier, happier-more blessed, less accursed. -Carlyle.

F time be of all things most precious, wasting time must be the greatest prodigality, since lost time is never found again; and what we call time enough always proves little enough. Let us then be up and doing, and doing to a purpose; so by diligence shall we do more with less perplexity.-Franklin.

LWAYS in our dreams we hear the

turn of the key that shall close the door of the last brothel; the clink of the last coin that pays for the body and soul of a woman; the falling of the last wall that encloses artificially the activity of woman and divides her from man; always we picture the love of the sexes as once a dull, slow, creeping form; then a torpid, earthly chrysalis; at last the full-winged insect, glorious in the sunshine of the future s

Today, as we row hard against the stream of life, is it only blindness in our eyes, which have been too long strained, which makes us see, far up the river

where it fades into distance, through all the mists that rise from the river-banks, a clear, golden light? Is it only a delusion of the eyes which makes us grasp our oars more lightly and bend our backs lower; though we know well that long before the boat reaches those stretches, other hands than ours will man the oars and guide its helm? Is it all a dream? -Olive Schreiner.

KNOW not if I deserve that a laurel-wreath should one day be laid on my coffin. Poetry, dearly as I have loved it, has always been to me but a divine plaything I have never attached any great value to poetical fame; and I trouble myself very little whether people praise my verses or blame them. But lay on my coffin a sword; for I was a brave soldier in the Liberation War of humanity.-Heinrich Heine.

I never make the mistake of arguing with people for whose opinions I have no respect.-Gibbon.

O AWAKEN each morning with a

smile brightening my face, to greet the day with reverence, for the opportunities it contains; to approach my work with a clean mind; to hold ever before me, even in the doing of little things, the Ultimate Purpose toward which I am working; to meet men and women with laughter on my lips and love in my heart; to be gentle, kind and courteous through all the hours; to approach the night with weariness that ever wooes sleep and the joy that comes from work well done-this is how I desire to waste wisely my days.

-Thomas Dreier.

E are foolish, and without excuse

foolish, in speaking of the superiority of one sex to the other, as if they could be compared in similar things! Each has what the other has not; each completes the other; they are in nothing alike; and the happiness and perfection of both depend on each asking and receiving from the other what the other only can give.—John Ruskin.

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OT many generations ago, I is by affliction chiefly that the

where you now sit, encircled with all that exalts and embellishes civilized life, the rank thistle nodded in the wind, and the wild fox dug his hole unscared. Here lived and loved another race of beings. Beneath the same sun that rolls over your head; the Indian hunter pursued the panting deer; gazing on the same moon that smiles for you, the Indian lover wooed his dusky mate.

Here the wigwam blaze beamed on the tender and helpless, and the councilfire glared on the wise and daring. Now, they dipped their noble limbs in yon sedgy lakes, and now, they paddled the light canoe along yon rocky shores. Here they warred; the echoing whoop, the bloody grapple, the defying death-song, all were here; and when the tiger-strife was over, here curled the smoke of peace

Here, too, they worshiped; and from
many a dark bosom went up a fervent
prayer to the Great Spirit. He had not
written his laws for them on tables of
stone, but he had traced them on the
tables of their hearts. The poor child of
Nature knew not the God of Revela-
tion, but the God of the universe he ac-
knowledged in everything around.
And all this has passed away. Across the
ocean came a pilgrim bark, bearing the
seeds of life and death. The former were
sown for you; the latter sprang up in the
path of the simple native.

Here and there, a stricken few remain;
but how unlike their bold, untamable
progenitors. As a race, they have withered
from the land. Their arrows are broken,
their springs are dried up, their cabins
are in dust. Their council-fire has long
since gone out on the shore, and their war
cry is fast fading to the untrodden west.
Slowly and sadly they climb the distant
mountains, and read their doom in the
setting sun.

"The Indians," by Charles Sprague.

A more perfect racę means a more soulful race, a more soulful race a race having greater capacity for love.-Ellen Key.

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heart of man is purified, and that the thoughts are fixed on a better state. Prosperity, unalloyed and imperfect as it is, has power to intoxicate the imagination, to fix the mind upon the present scene, to produce confidence and elation, and to make him who enjoys affluence and honors forget the hand by which they were bestowed. It is seldom that we are otherwise than by affliction awakened to a sense of our imbecility, or taught to know how little all our acquisitions can conduce to safety or quiet, and how justly we may inscribe to the superintendence of a higher power those blessings which in the wantonness of success we considered as the attainments of our policy and courage.

-Samuel Johnson.

LL business as now conducted-particularly those lines of business which embrace the so-called industriesrequires specialized training and technical education, in fact so much scientific knowledge that the distinctive line between "business" and "profession" is fast disappearing.

Any one who hopes to achieve success, even the average, must know more, or at least as much, about some one thing as any other one, and not only know, but know how to do—and how to utilize his experience and knowledge for the benefit of others.

The crying evil of the young man who enters the business world today is the lack of application, preparation, and thoroughness, with ambition but without the willingness to struggle to gain his desired end. Mental and physical strength comes only through the exercise and working of mind and body.

There is too little idea of personal responsibility; too much of "the world owes me a living," forgetting that if the world does owe you a living you yourself must be your own collector. -Theodore N. Vail.

It may make a difference to all eternity whether we do right or wrong today. -James Freeman Clarke.

HAT Raphael is to color,EALTH is, indeed, so necessary to what Mozart is in music, that

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One day this child of poverty and obscurity left his plow behind, and entering the drawing-rooms of Edinburgh, met Scotland's most gifted scholars, her noblest lords and ladies. Mid these scholars, statesmen and philosophers, he blazed " like a torch amidst the tapers,' showing himself wiser than the scholars, wittier than the humorist, kinglier than the courtliest. And yet, in the very prime of his mid-manhood, Burns lay down to die, a broken-hearted man. He who had sinned much suffered much, and being the victim of his own folly, he was also the victim of ingratitude and misfortune. Bewildered by his debts, he seems like an untamed eagle beating against bars he can not break. The last time he lifted his pen upon the page it was not to give immortal form to some exquisite lyric he had fashioned, but to beg a friend in Edinburgh for a loan of ten pounds to save him from the terrors of a debtor's prison. By contrast with the lot of other worthies, Robert Burns seems to have been the child of good fortune. In the last analysis the blame is with the poet himself. Not want of good fortune without, but want of good guidance within, wrecked his youth. Save Saul alone, history holds no sadder tragedy that that of Burns, who sang the short and simple annals of the poor."-Newell Dwight Hillis.


gives time and

season some beauties of its own; and from morning to night, as from the cradle to the grave, is but a succession of changes so gentle and easy that we can scarcely mark their progress.-Dickens.

all the duties as well as pleasures of life, that the crime of squandering it is equal to the folly; and he that for a short gratification brings weakness and diseases upon himself, and for the pleasure of a few years passed in the tumults of diversion and clamors of merriment, condemns the maturer and more experienced part of his life to the chamber and the couch, may be justly reproached, not only as a spendthrift of his happiness, but as a robber of the public; as a wretch that has voluntarily disqualified himself for the business of his station, and refused that part which Providence assigns him in the general task of human nature. Samuel Johnson.

Courage and perseverance have a magical talisman, before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish into air.-John Quincy Adams.

MERICA is God's crucible, the

great Melting-Pot where all the races of Europe are melting and reforming! Here you stand, good folk, think I, when I see them at Ellis Island, here you stand in your fifty groups, with your fifty languages and histories, and your fifty blood hatreds and rivalries. But you won't be long like that, brothers, for these are the fires of God you've come to these are the fires of God. A fig for your feuds and vendettas! Germans and Frenchmen, Irishmen and Englishmen, Jews and Russians-into the Crucible with you all! God is making the American. The real American has not yet arrived. He is only in the crucible, I tell you-he will be the fusion of all races, the common superman.


-Israel Zangwill.

T'S good to have money and the

good, too, to check up once in a while and make sure you have n't lost the things that money can't buy.

-George Horace Lorimer.

He is the happiest, be he king or peasant, who finds peace in his home.-Goethe.

GREAT many people run down jealousy on the score that it is an artificial feeling, as well as practically inconvenient. This is scarcely fair; for the feeling on which it merely attends, like an ill-humored courtier, is self artificial in exactly the same sense and to the same degree. I suppose what is meant by that objection is that jealousy has not always been a character of man; formed no part of that very modest kit of sentiments

N China letters are respected not

merely to a degree but in a sense which must seem, I think, to you unintelligible and overstrained. But there is a reason for it. Our poets and literary men have taught their successors, for long generations, to look for good not in wealth, not in power, not in miscellaneous activity, but in a trained, a choice, an

If I should die tonight
And you should come to my cold corpse
and say,

Weeping and heartsick o'er my lifeless

If I should die tonight,

And you should come in deepest grief

and woe

And say: "Here's that ten dollars that
I owe,"

I might arise in my large white cravat
And say, "What's that?"

If I should die tonight

And you should come to my cold corpse
and kneel,

Clasping my bier to show the grief you feel,
I say, if I should die tonight
And you should come to me, and there
and then

exquisite appreciation of the most simple and universal relations of life.

To feel, and in order to feel to express, or at least to understand the expression of all that is lovely in Nature, all that is poignant and sensitive in man, is to us in itself a sufficient end. A rose in a moonlit garden, the shadow of trees on the turf, almond bloom, scent of pine, the wine-cup and the guitar, these and the pathos of life and death, the long embrace, the hand stretched out in vain, the moment that glides for ever away, with its freight of music and light, into the shadow and hush of the haunted past, all that we have, all that eludes us, a bird on the wing, a perfume escaped on the galeto all these things we are trained to respond, and the response is what we call literature.-G. Lowes Dickinson.

Just even hint at paying me that ten,
I might arise the while,

with which he is
supposed to have
begun the world;
but waited to make
its appearance in
better days and
among richer
natures. And this
is equally true of
love, and friend-
ship, and love of
country, and de-
light in what they
call the beauties of
nature, and most
other things worth
having. Love, in
particular, will not
endure any histor-
ical scrutiny: to all who have fallen
across it, it is one of the most incontest-
able facts in the world; but if you begin
to ask what it was in other periods and
countries, in Greece for instance, the
strangest doubts begin to spring up, and
everything seems so vague and changing
that a dream is logical in comparison.
Jealousy, at any rate, is one of the con-
sequences of love; you may like it or not,
at pleasure; but there it is.

· But I'd drop dead again.

"If I Should Die To-Night," by Ben King

-Robert Louis Stevenson

The law of worthy life is fundamentally the law of strife. It is only through labor and painful effort, by grim energy and resolute courage, that we move on to better things.-Theodore Roosevelt.

Reason elevates our thoughts as high as the stars, and leads us through the vast space of this mighty fabric; yet it comes far short of the real extent of our corporeal being.-Samuel Johnson.

The man who trusts men will make fewer mistakes than he who distrusts them.-Cavour.

RHERE are two sorts of people in the world, who, with equal degrees of health and wealth, and the other comforts of life, become, the one happy, and the other miserable. This arises very much from the different views in which they consider things, persons and events; and the effect of those different views upon their own minds.

In whatever situation men can be placed they may find conveniences and inconveniences; in whatever company they may find persons and conversation more or less pleasing; at whatever table they may meet with meats and drinks of better and worse taste, dishes better and worse dressed; in whatever climate they will find good and bad weather; under whatever government, they may find good and bad laws, and good and bad administration of those laws; in whatever poem or work of genius they may see faults and beauties; in almost every face and every person they may discover fine features and defects, good and bad qualities.

Under these circumstances the two sorts of people above mentioned fix their attention; those who are disposed to be happy, on the convenience of things, the pleasant parts of conversations, the welldressed dishes, the goodness of the wines, the fine weather, etc., and enjoy all with cheerfulness. Those who are to be unhappy think and speak only of the contraries. Hence they are continually discontented themselves, and by their remarks, sour the pleasure of society, offend personally many people, and make themselves everywhere disagreeable. If this turn of mind was founded in nature, such unhappy persons would be the more to be pitied. But as the disposition to criticise, and to be disgusted, is perhaps taken up originally by imitation, and is unawares grown into a habit, which, though at present strong, may nevertheless be cured, when those who have it are convinced of its bad effects on their felicity. . . . If these people will not change this bad habit, and condescend to be pleased with what is pleasing, without fretting themselves

and others about the contraries, it is good for others to avoid an acquaintance with them; which is always disagreeable, and sometimes very inconvenient, especially when one finds one's self entangled in their quarrels.-Franklin.

NEED not tell you what it is to be knocking about in an open boat. I remember nights and days of calm when we pulled, we pulled, and the boat seemed to stand still, as if bewitched within the circle of the sea horizon. I remember the heat, the deluge of rainsqualls that kept us bailing for dear life (but filled our water-cask), and I remember sixteen hours on end with a mouth dry as a cinder and a steering-oar over the stern to keep my first command head on to a breaking sea. I did not know how good a man I was till then. I remember the drawn faces, the dejected figures of my two men, and I remember my youth and the feeling that will never come back any more-the feeling that I could last for ever, outlast the sea, the earth, and all men; the deceitful feeling that lures us on to joys, to perils, to love, to vain effort to death; the triumphant conviction of strength, the heat of life in the handful of dust, the glow in the heart that with every year grows dim, grows cold, grows small, and expires and expires, too soon-before life itself.-Joseph Conrad.

O be strong and true; to be generous

in praise and appreciation of others; to impute worthy motives even to enemies; to give without expectation of return; to practise humility, tolerance and self-restraint; to make the best use of time and opportunity; to keep the mind pure and the judgment charitable; to extend intelligent sympathy to those in distress; to cultivate quietness and nonresistance; to seek truth and righteousness; to work, love, pray and serve daily, to aspire greatly, labor cheerfully, and take God at His word-this is to travel heavenward.-Grenville Kleiser.

Manners, the final and perfect flower of noble character.-William Winter.

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