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British Army Hastens Back to Skenesborough.

Burgoyne Issues a Proclamation and Sends Reidesel to Castleton.
Some Inhabitants Take the Oath of Allegiance.

Counter-Proclamation by Schuyler.

The Fall of Ticonderoga Creates Consternation on the New Hamp-
shire Grants and in America.

King George Rejoices.

St. Clair Tried by Court Martial and Acquitted.

The Vermont Council of Safety Appeals to New Hampshire for


Colonel Warner Issues a Circular to Militia Officers.

Acceptance of Ira Allen's Plan to Raise Money for Equipment of
Troops by Sequestration of Estates of Tories.

Burgoyne's Increasing Difficulties.

New Hampshire Responds Promptly to Appeal for Aid and Sends
Force under General Stark.

Importance of Bennington as a Depot of Supplies.

British, Short of Provisions, Plan to Seize the Post and Make Raid

over Green Mountains.

General Lincoln Sent to Manchester.

He Goes to Schuyler's Aid.

Massachusetts Sends Help.

Lieutenant Colonel Baume with German Troops Sent Against


Opposition Being Greater Than He Had Expected He Sends for
Reinforcements and Fortifies His Position.

First Dorset Convention.

Heman Allen Presents Petition to Congress.

That Body Recommends Temporary Submission to New York.

Second Dorset Convention.

Report of Mission to Philadelphia.

Proposal to Unite with New Hampshire Dismissed.

Convention Votes to Organize New Hampshire Grants into a Sepa-
rate District.

Ira Allen's Reasons for this Action.

Third Dorset Convention Subscribes to and Publishes a Covenant.

Committee of War Appointed.

Adjourned Session, Held at Westminster, Declares the New Hamp-
shire Grants an Independent State.

Name New Connecticut Adopted.

Declaration and Petition to Continental Congress Presented.
Windsor Convention Gives Name of Vermont to New Common-


Constitution Considered and Promulgated.

Pennsylvania Constitution Closely Followed.

News of Burgoyne's Invasion Received.

Vermont's Constitution First to Prohibit Slavery and Grant Man-

hood Suffrage.

Document not Submitted to Popular Vote for Ratification.

Sixteen New Hampshire Towns Annexed.

Ethan Allen Visits Philadelphia and Reports to Legislature Hos-
tility of Congress to Annexation of New Hampshire Towns and
Jurisdiction Withdrawn.

As a Result, Lieutenant Governor, Two Members of Council and

Twenty-four Representatives Withdraw from Vermont Legis-


Seceding Members Hold Convention and Favor a Union with New


Massachusetts and New Hampshire Lay Claim to Vermont Terri-

Foes Within and Without Threaten New Commonwealth.

Appointment of General Haldimand as Governor General of


Letters of Colonel Beverly Robinson to Ethan Allen Offering Ver-
mont a Separate Government Under the Crown.

Correspondence Sent to Congress with Notice of Vermont's Deter-
mination to Defend the Independence of the State.

Ira Allen Meets British Representatives at Isle Aux Noix to Confer

Regarding an Exchange of Prisoners.

Suspicion Regarding Negotiations.

Ira Allen's Skilful Explanation to General Assembly.

Fluctuating Opinion of British Authorities Concerning Vermont's


Ira Allen Manages Negotiations with Consummate Skill.

Enemies of Vermont and of Prominent Leaders Make Charges of


What the Haldimand Negotiations Accomplished.

Abundant Evidence Proves the Loyalty of the Vermont Leaders.
Attitude of Congress Toward Vermont More Friendly as a Result
of These Negotiations.

Attempt to Annex Vermont to New Hampshire.

Ira Allen's Remarkable Achievement in Averting a Dissolution of

the New State.

Vermont Annexes Portions of New Hampshire and New York.
Conflicts Arise from this Policy and Military Conflict with New
York Narrowly Averted.

Serious Complications with New Hampshire.

Eastern and Western Unions Abandoned.

Congress Proposes to Admit Vermont to the Union and then Fails
to Live Up to Its Implied Promise.

New York Pursues a More Conciliatory Policy.

Washington Alarmed Over Possible Attempt to Coerce Vermont.
After the Close of the War Vermont Grows Stronger as the Ameri-
can Confederation Grows Weaker.

Ira Allen Vindicated of Charges of Dishonesty as Surveyor General.
Defeat of Governor Chittenden.

Deaths of Seth Warner and Ethan Allen.

New York Opens Negotiations with Vermont and Commissioners

are Appointed.

Activity of Alexander Hamilton in Favor of Ending the Dispute.
Nathaniel Chipman Enters into Correspondence with Hamilton and
Later Visits Him.

The First Conference of the Two Commissions Unsuccessful.
New York Confers Broader Powers upon a Second Commission and
Another Conference Held at which an Agreement is Reached.

Vermont Agrees to Pay Thirty Thousand Dollars for a Relinquish-

ment of New York Land Claims.

Congress Votes to Admit Vermont as a State of the Union.
Convention Called to Ratify United States Constitution.

Debate Over Ratification.

Jefferson and Madison Visit Vermont.


Large Increase of Population During First Two Decades of the

State's History.

Industrial and Agricultural Conditions.

Friction on the Northern Border.

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