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in and confined in a barn to the rear of the house where Col. Johnson was re-gathering his regiment, and bringing together the brave ones who had so gallantly fallen. Here it was found that all the casualties, about thirty, save one or two in the batteries, were in the Twenty-fifth. Lieut.Col Savage, Surgeon Weed, and Lieut. Halpin were wounded, while Capt. McMahon, Lieut. Fiske, and Lieut. Thompson had baptized their patriotism with their life-blood, falling upon the threshold of victory, fighting to the last, like the brave men that they were. Several of the most valued non-commissioned officers likewise fell here.

The guns captured were twelve-pound smoothbore brass howitzers, belonging to Latham's celebrated New-Orleans battery, and they were left in good order. The limber-boxes were nearly full of ammunition, though one of them had been blown up by a shell from Griffin during the first of the engagement. The charge of the Seventeenth New-York upon these guns was very handsomely done. The superior drill of the regiment was manifest in the solid and regular front which they preserved in moving forward. The officers behaved with coolness and unflinching valor. Major Bartram and Lieut.-Col. Morris, though both confined to their tents for several days previously, were in their saddles, and with Colonel McLane and Lieut.-Col. Vincent, of the Eighty-third Pennsylvania, signalized their bravery by the capture of numerous prisoners single-handed. Gen. Butterfield complimented Col. Lansing very highly on his achievement.

The enemy fled beyond this point, his confusion becoming greater at every step. The cavalry pursued by each by-road, and helped to gather in the harvest of prisoners. The regiments halted briefly at the Court-House, finding it deserted of troops, the expected enemy having suddenly changed his tactics and moved off just in time to escape our net.

Martindale at the junction of the road by which the divisions had advanced, with the main turnpike to Richmond running parallel with the railroad. Between these two roads it was supposed the enemy would advance. They extended their flank, however, so as to cover both sides of the road by which we had come, advancing under shelter of the timber. The Forty-fourth New-York Col. Stryker, were here ordered into position on the left of Martin's battery, which was supported on the right by the Second Maine. The Twentyfifth regiment was also sent for, it having halted at Dr. Kinney's house, the locality of their spirited engagement, and were attending to the wants of their wounded. Their brave colonel soon rallied them, having first thanked them in a brief speech for their gallantry, and, proceeding to the ground, took up a position on the left of the battery, before which the enemy had already appeared. The Forty-fourth was then ordered to deploy into the woods on the left and clear them of the rebel skirmishers, in order to protect one of our hospitals which was some distance in the rear. They started, but an attempt of the enemy on our right flank caused them to be recalled, and they returned to their position, engaging their opponents vigorously. The fight had now become hot. Six regiments of rebel infantry were in plain sight. Their especial attention seemed to be the right flank, where Col. Roberts, having taken a good position in the edge of the woods, was pouring into them volley after volley of the most terrible musketry. Col. Johnson was ordered to relieve Col. Roberts, and the Second Maine filed off to the right, changing front slightly, but keeping up its fire with telling effect. This movement, through some unavoidable circumstance, exposed both the Twenty-fifth and Forty-fourth to an enfilading fire, from which they suffered severely. But the Second Maine, though low in ammunition, still kept the enemy in check. He plied the left wing of the Fortyfourth desperately, but it was more than a match for him. Col. Johnson was here wounded, and subsequently had his horse shot under him. Adjt. Houghton, of the same regiment, likewise received a flesh-wound in the leg. Maj. Chapin, of the Forty-fourth, received two severe wounds, one in the chest and one in the leg. Adjt. Knox was wounded in the wrist; Lieut. Fox in the shoulder; Lieut.-Col. Rice had his horse killed under him, and his sword cut off the belt by a musket-ball. But in vain the enemy pressed; these three heroic columns, though losing severely at every discharge, stood their ground most nobly, never yielding an inch. The Second Maine finally got out of ammunition, when Col. Roberts appealed for a chance to use cold steel if he could not get cold lead.

As elsewhere alluded to, the Twenty-second Massachusetts went out on the railroad and took up several hundred feet of the track, following up the road to the turnpike-crossing at Peake's Station, just below where the engagement took place. Here orders came back from Gen. Porter for the Twenty-second to continue to move up the railroad, and for all other regiments, the Forty-fourth and the battery below included, to move forward rapidly, as it was expected to meet the enemy in large force at or near Hanover. Col. Gove returned to the railroad, remarking that there were evidences of an attempt by the enemy to come upon our rear. The First and Second brigades then moved forward, but had not proceeded far before a cavalry picket rode in rapidly and informed Gen. Martindale that the enemy had brought up a force by rail, which was While this hot fight was going on, the brigades now coming swiftly forward for an attack upon which were in the advance were returning on the our rear, with the very evident and confident double-quick. They formed in line in the wheathope of getting us between two fires, and chew-field near where the first engagement took place, ing us up at their leisure. The Second Maine then pressed through the woods vigorously, and regiment, Col. Roberts, being in the rear, was were soon face to face with the enemy, who were immediately faced about and stationed by Gen. evidently startled by the appearance of so strong

a reënforcement. Butterfield threw the Eighty- my we no longer use the bugle for the "general third Pennsylvania and Sixteenth Michigan in on assembly" and "color"- and our stout fellows, the left. McQuade sent the Sixty-second Penn- cut short of their morning cup of coffee, seized sylvania, Col. Black, in the timber on the ex- their arms, and the long dark regimental lines treme right, deployed mainly as skirmishers, and began to appear over the camp grounds at the advancing rapidly; also the Ninth Massachusetts, first dawn of day. An hour passed, and still no Col. Cass, on the left of the Eighty-third. The order and no countermand. Yet another - and Fourteenth New-York having relieved the Second an orderly came galloping to our tent. We were Maine, was joined by the Thirteenth New-York, sure the march for that day had been given up. from Col. Warren's brigade, on our left support-"You will start with your command at onceed by Berdan's Sharp-shooters, half of whom the head of the column is moving. T. J. Hoyt, went in with their Sharpe's rifles, doing sure | A. A. G.” Out we went, nobody knew whither. work at every shot, while the balance of the regi- 'Twas enough we were going somewhere. ments were held in reserve. Griffin's battery Headed by the General and his staff, the brinow came thundering in, unlimbered and took gade filed into its place and the dreary march composition in a twinkling, and commenced throwing menced. Men were dainty at first where they shell and shrapnel with excellent effect. The planted their feet, but in half an hour puddles to fresh regiments now pressed forward, the Eighty- the knee and mud that was shallower were third Pennsylvania advancing under several vol- sounded alike with indifference. At each small leys, but reserving its fire for close quarters, losing stream, as we passed through the low swampy but slightly. The enemy found the pressure of wood, you could hear the question and reply the Sixty-second on his left and the other regi-along the ranks, "This the Chickahominy, boys?" ments in front altogether too great, and, with "Yes, here's New-Bridge!" "Big river, this!" several well-directed volleys, our advancing col-"Let's jump it!" but after a ten-mile march it umns soon threw him into the direst confusion, became evident we were not going to Richmond and he at once beat a precipitate retreat, under at least by New-Bridge. the cover of the dense forest in his rear.

The victory was ours! All honor to the three noble bands who so long held the enemy in check without abating an iota of their foothold; and great praise to the vigorous and timely efforts of the brave regiments from Butterfield and McQuade, who drove from the ground a force superior to the whole of ours engaged at any one time. Butterfield's efforts, from first to last, were productive of the very best results.

The results are more than we expected. to this hour, over six hundred prisoners. Stoneman captured a railway-train.







The morning wore away and at noon the storm had departed with it. We were now some twelve miles from camp in a direction about north-westerly. The order of advance at a cross-roads here was changed a little. The Seventeenth NewYork had led our brigade, followed by Griffin's battery, then the Forty-fourth New-York, Eightythird Pennsylvania, Twelfth New-York, and Sixteenth Michigan. Here the Forty-fourth NewYork was detached with two pieces of Martin's Fifth Massachusetts battery to guard against any attempt of the enemy to interfere with our rear. The regiments closed up, took the right-hand road, and forward we went for some three miles more. Sharp volleys of musketry were now heard, and then the heavy thunder of the larger guns. Evidently the enemy had been found. The Twenty-fifth New-York, Col. Johnson, was

Fort Donelson, Pittsburgh Landing, Williams-in advance of the division. The rebels had chosen burgh, Hanover, and Fair Oaks illustrate in this war, what is a remarkable fact in the campaigns of both classic and modern times, that the most drenching storms and the deepest mud have not been able to deter energetic commanders and vigorous troops from making long marches or fighting hard battles.

an open space of large extent, flanked with woods, several hundred yards to the right and left of an orchard and dwelling-house, (Dr. Kinney's,) near the centre, where they had planted two guns, supported by a regiment of infantry. Col. Johnson's attack upon this position was brave and impetuous, but the superior numbers of the enemy in the field, and in the woods on his right, compelled him to withdraw with severe loss. The artillery had opened briskly, and the head of this brigade — of which I wish particularly to speak, because I know whereof I affirm - made its appearance.

The old division of Gen. Fitz-John Porter, now commanded by its ranking general, Brig. Gen. Morell, received, on the night of the twenty-sixth instant, orders to move on the following morning, equipped for fight. Five o'clock was the hour appointed for starting. At three the officers of the different guards roused the men to find the Stripping off their wet blankets and tents, forrain falling rapidly, their tents overflowing, and ward went the Seventeenth New-York and Eightypools of muddy water where their kitchen-fires third Pennsylvania in line of battle, led by their had been the night before. The storm kept in- gallant General, and followed in column of divicreasing, and many an officer and man hoped sion by the Twelfth New-York and Sixteenth that before daylight a countermand would come. Michigan. This movement was for the enemy's The kindest persuasion could not induce a fire to flank as well as front; to gain this, therefore, the burn-"fall in," was heard, for so near the ene-woods to his right were taken and skirmishers

thrown ahead A slight reconnoissance revealed their guns through the same fence, which here his position. The word came from Gen. Butter-made nearly a right angle, and fired on each field to advance, and forward out of those woods other. The conduct of the Forty-fourth was galcame the Seventeenth New-York and Eighty- lant in the extreme. Four times was their flag third Pennsylvania in line, as compact and steady struck by a bullet to the ground and raised again as in the many dress-parades they have made by an intrepid hand. When the name of one of side by side. The skirmishers opened their fire these brave fellows was asked by the Lieut.-Coloand down bore the regiments upon the enemy, nel, then in command through the absence of the with the old Stars and Stripes flying high. No Colonel, in consultation with Gen. Martindale, he rebels could withstand this. The supports broke gave it, and remarked: "As long as I live, sir, and fled, the gunners emulated their haste, and you shall never see that flag in the dust." In a twelve-pound howitzer of Capt. Latham's bat- the fiercest of the fight, when it seemed necestery, abandoned in their flight, now attests the sary to make a charge to keep the enemy off, a discipline and courage of the Third brigade. captain replied to the question of the LieutenantColonel, "How many men can you muster to follow you in a charge?" "Every man, sir, will follow, save the dead." By a strange coïncidence the flag of the Forty-fourth was pierced with just forty-four bullets. The horse of the LieutenantColonel was killed, the Major wounded, and the arm of the Adjutant shattered while his blade was waving. For more than an hour consecrated by bravery like this, that mere handful of men held the enemy in check. At length the sound of distant cheers was heard. It was the Third brigade hastening to their relief.

The prisoners whom we took at this point were of the Twenty-eighth North-Carolina regiment, clad in the homespun "confederate grey," and of an intelligence and manner far inferior to the same class of society at the North. There was none of the savage and brutal appearance about them, attributed to rebels of the Gulf States.

The enemy had fled and disappeared in the woods; a momentary halt and three rousing cheers from the regiments as Gen. Butterfield rode along the line, and thanked us for this spirited conduct, and forward we went again. The enemy's plan, as disclosed to us soon, and afterwards corroborated by a captured officer, was to lead the main body of our troops onward after the Twenty-eighth North - Carolina, if it escaped, while the rest of their forces, lying concealed in the woods, should, after our advance, come upon our rear, place us between two fires, and make us an easy prey. As the sequel showed, their bag was well made, but the material was hardly strong enough for such troops as Fitz-quick." John Porter's.

Closely pressing the enemy, and capturing some thirty prisoners, among them a captain and half his company, the Eighty-third Pennsylvania hurried up the road in the direction of Hanover Court-House. There Gen. Butterfield received intelligence from Gen. Porter that the enemy was in our rear, and to return at once. Now commenced the marching such as no troops under the sun could have endured except those who had been subjected to their five months' severe drill on the banks of the Potomac.


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In line of battle, Sixteenth Michigan on the left and Eighty-third Pennsylvania on the right, they were pressing through the ploughed fields, straight for the heaviest fire. Up rode General Butterfield, whose uncovered head at this moment struck you as more than ordinarily like Napoleon's. "Ah! here comes the little General," says one. "Now for the double-quick." "Yes, my boys, now you see the use of double"Oh! yes; oh! yes.' "Well, then, three rousing cheers to encourage our brave fellows yonder.' The effect was electric. Those men who had already marched eighteen miles through drenching rain and bottomless roads, and chased the enemy two miles more, took up the double-quick, caught the General's cheer and sent it increased many fold through the ranks of the enemy, to gladden the hearts of our friends. As a prisoner stated to us afterwards, these cheers told the enemy his game was lost. His fire slackened perceptibly, and on went the regiments into the woods. The marks of a terrible

Meantime the Forty-fourth New-York, when battle were all around us. Dead and dying were the enemy made his appearance a second time at the foot of every tree; the trees themselves, for the purpose named, had been ordered up with a splintered and torn by the bullets, were as mansection of Martin's battery, and soon found it-gled as the bodies beneath them. The sulphuself subjected to a cross-fire from a much supe- rous smoke made the air strangely blue. Here rior force. Clearly the enemy thought his work we captured, from the enemy falling back, more prisoners than we dared detach men to guard. A fragment of the Twenty-fifth New-York, the One poor fellow jumped from the ground, eviSecond Maine, and the Forty-fourth New-York, dently to deliver himself up, but unfortunately lying in the open road, were exposed to the gall- brought his piece too near a horizontal line; one ing fire of an enemy concealed and protected by of our skirmishers dropped on his knees and a close fence in the woods, not two hundred fired. The rebel whirled completely round, yards distant, and yet here they lay receiving pierced through both sides. Two others came and returning volley after volley, until many had forward displaying a dirty handkerchief, once expended their sixty rounds of cartridges, and white-bearing between them a small pale-faced were obliged to borrow of the dead. So near fellow, a mere boy, badly wounded-and asked were the Second Maine and the enemy at one us to spare their lives. time, that the men on both sides actually thrust

"We've been forced into this; we're con

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our bullets in the evening closed the success of the day. Darkness had now come, and gathering up the honored dead and the sufferers who yet lived, we sent them to the hospital and returned to bivouac on the field.

The next morning Butterfield's brigade turned into the guard over two hundred and fifty prisoners, two hundred stand of small arms, wagons, tents, cannon, etc., etc.- among the prisoners a major, six or eight captains, a batch of lieutenand were ready for another fight, with one regiment on the march toward the South Anna, to accomplish, what I had forgotten to state was the object of our expedition, namely, the cutting the enemy's lines of communication with the forces in front of Banks and McDowell.

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There were many noteworthy incidents of the day that have not made part of my description. A ball struck at the foot of Gen. Porter's horse. "Did you see that?" asked an aid. "I see that Butterfield is driving them handsomely," was the quiet reply. An Irishman of the Seventeenth NewYork came up to the General, tugging under a load of three guns on one shoulder, his own at a trail in the other hand, driving three prisoners in gray before him "Sure Gineral, and I have three of them; what'll I do wid em ?"

scripts," they cried. Their piteous begging showed how fully their unprincipled leaders had deceived them with the idea that they were to be murdered at once. They, like the others, were sent to the rear. Here we found from the prisoners that two regiments of the enemy were just to the right of us, in line of battle at right angles to our own. Here we flung out our right skirmisher with his company -a burly captain, whose weight before the war was always a good three hundred, but now reduced by hard march-ants ing and harder eating to the size of common men -up the railroad-track, to feel the enemy there. He soon found them and received their introductory volley, returning the salutation. He turned to see where his supports were, and discovered Gen. Butterfield close behind him. "They are here in large force," said he to the General. "Pitch into them all you know how," was the prompt response. Aye, aye, sir," and away went the captain at the double-quick. The boldness of the flank attack surprised the enemy and he fell back. Pressing through the woods, the Eighty-third Pennsylvania came out just in front of the enemy, as two sections of Griffin's battery were unlimbering. Here again Gen. Butterfield appeared, and calling for a horse, shouted, "Where is Stockton? Give me a horse and Stockton too, and the day is ours!" and at once ordered the Eighty-third Pennsylvania forward through the battery, to engage the enemy now in the open field. The enemy was wavering, but this demonstration decided him at once; his face was One of our colonels is said to have been absent turned and we followed. Just as the Eighty- from his command at a most critical moment, imthird was crossing the railroad, excavated some properly, and it is reported that he will be cashten feet in the field here, and mounting the oppo-iered. Time must prove this. One of our genersite bank, the enemy opened upon them a terrific als is said to have cried and lost his mental balfire. Nothing but the protection offered by the ance completely for a time during the fight, but bank, and the position of the men as they lay the instant the fight was over, was laying down and sat firing, saved them in this fifteen minutes to the newspaper reporters, his deeds of valor, from severe loss. over the table where the surgeons were amputa ting the wounded. I might add a hundred incidents, but what I have told you is enough to give you an idea of the affair.

Here an incident occurred not to be soon forgotten. A sergeant, who had but just rejoined his regiment after a two months' sickness, had managed after great exertion to keep in his place through the trying march, but now was almost exhausted. An officer stopped to encourage him. "A few minutes more, sergeant, and we shall be on them." "Yes, I'll be with you," said he, and pulling out a miniature of his wife and two childien, "That is what I have to fight for." The next instant a ball shattering his leg had borne him to the ground.

Advancing now in compact line, and firing as they went, the Eighty-third Pennsylvania and Ninth Massachusetts drove the enemy some five hundred yards through the open field. No retreat could have been more handsomely made than was this. He retreated a short distance, came to the right about, and with colors steady, delivered his volley and again retreated. His pursuers were gaining on him, however, and others following fast after their steps, when near the edge of the woods his line gave way, and he fled in confusion. The enemy began his retreat in the morning under the fire of this brigade, and

The kindness shown the wounded and captured was an evident surprise to them, and affected them much. They had no desire to be exchanged. The battle-field brings out man's nature in its strongest and truest light.

Gen. McClellan came up the next morning and was most enthusiastically received by the men. He grasped Gen. Porter by the hand most cordially and congratulated him. Turning to Gen. Butterfield, who was near, he put one hand on his shoulder and said some words that we on the outside could not hear. That they were well merited compliments for brave and gallant deeds, the faces of both showed most plainly. Our brigade was satisfied and confident that under fire, as well as elsewhere, we have the right man in the right place.

Doc. 17.



NEW-BRIDGE, June 5-10.30 A.M.
Hon. E. M. Stanton, Secretary of War.
My telegraphic despatch of June 1st, in regard

to the battle of Fair Oaks,* was incorrectly pub- works extending to the left about eight hundred lished in the newspapers. I send with this a cor-yards, and terminating in a crotchet to the rear. rect copy, which I request may be published at once. I am the more anxious about this, since my despatch, as published, would seem to ignore the services of Gen. Sumner, which were too valnable and brilliant to be overlooked, both in the difficult passage of the stream and the subsequent combat. The mistake seems to have occurred in the transmittal of the despatch by the telegraph. G. B. MCCLELLAN, Major-General Commanding.

Similar works, about three hundred yards further in advance, were constructed on the right, extending toward the Richmond and West-Point Railroad.

[blocks in formation]

Yesterday, at one o'clock, the enemy, taking advantage of a terrible storm which had flooded the valley of the Chickahominy, attacked our troops on the right bank of that river. Casey's division, which was the first line, gave way, unaccountably and discreditably. This caused temporary confusion, during which some guns and baggage were lost. But Heintzelman and Kearney most gallantly brought up their troops, which checked the enemy. At the same time, however, General Sumner succeeded, by great exertions, in bringing across Sedgwick's and Richardson's divisions, who drove back the enemy at the point of the bayonet, covering the ground with his


This morning the enemy attempted to renew the conflict, but was everywhere repulsed. We have taken many prisoners, among whom are Gen. Pettigrew and Col. Long.

Our loss is heavy, but that of the enemy must be enormous. With the exception of Casey's division, our men have behaved splendidly. Several fine bayonet charges have been made. The Second Excelsior made two to-day.

Major-General Commanding.



Brig. Gen. S. Williams, Adjutant-General, Army of the Potomac :

SIR: The following is my report of the operations of the Fourth corps in the battle of the thirty-first May and first June:

Having been ordered by Gen. McClellan to hold the Seven Pines strongly, I designed to throw forward to that neighborhood two brigades of Casey's division, and to establish my picket-line considerably in advance, and far to the right.

The lines described above are those upon which the main body of the troops engaged near the Seven Pines spent the night of the thirty-first after the battle.

Examinations having been made by several engineers, I was ordered on the twenty-eighth of May to advance Casey's division to a point indiIcated by a large wood-pile and two houses, about three fourths of a mile beyond the Seven Pines, (but which, in fact, is only half a mile,) and to establish Couch's division at the Seven Pines.

Accordingly, Casey's division bivouacked on the right and left of the Williamsburgh road and wood-pile, and Couch established his division at the Seven Pines, and along the Nine-mile road. Both divisions set to work with the few intrenching tools at hand to slash the forests and to dig a few rifle-pits. Casey erected a small pentangular redoubt, and placed within it six pieces of artillery.

The country is mostly wooded, and greatly intersected with marshes. The Nine-mile road, branching to the right from the Seven Pines, slants forward, and at the distance of a mile crosses the railroad at Fair Oaks. A mile beyond it reaches an open field, where the enemy was seen in line of battle on the twenty-ninth and thirtieth days of May.

Casey's pickets were only about one thousand yards in advance of his line of battle, and I decided, after a personal inspection with him, that they could go no further, as they were stopped by the enemy in force, on the opposite side of an opening at that point. I pushed forward the pickets on the railroad a trifle, and they had been extended by Gen. Naglee to the open field where


to the right bank of the Chickahominy. After a enemy was seen in line of battle, and thence discovered that, on the thirtieth of May, the enethorough examination of my whole position, I my were, in greater or less force, closed upon the from my headquarters, near Seven Pines, with a whole circumference of a semi-circle, described

radius of two miles.

The Fourth corps, being in the advance, crossed the Chickahominy at Bottom's Bridge, the twenty-third of May, and encamped two miles beyond. Two days later I received orders to advance on at Seven Pines was open, cultivated ground, and A considerable space about the fork of the road the Williamsburgh road, and take up and fortify there was a clear space a short distance in front the nearest strong position to a fork of roads called of Casey's redoubt at the wood-pile. Between the Seven Pines. The camp I selected, and which the two openings we found a curtain of trees, was the next day approved by Major-Gen. Mc- which were cut down to form an abattis. That Clellan, stretches across the Williamsburgh road line of abattis was continued on a curve to the between Bottom's Bridge and Seven Pines, and is distant about a mile from the latter. I caused right and rear, and across the Nine-mile road. that camp to be fortified with rifle-pits and breast-was in front of the abattis, Naglee's brigade on When the battle commenced, Casey's division This battle is also known as the battle of the Seven Pines. the right, having two regiments beyond the rail

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