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Gen. Dana was indefatigable in his labors to get now been going on for three hours here without the troops off the transports, and through his ex- intermission, and a number of men were killed ertions most of the men and horses were off the and wounded. At this juncture our men were boats by nine o'clock, and preparations were withdrawn from the wood, where they were evibeing made to breakfast the men of this brigade, dently getting the worst of it, and the Second when the order was given for the Sixteenth, United States artillery, under Capt. Arnold, was Thirty-first, and Thirty-second New-York, and ordered into position on the right, and Capt. Porthe Ninety-fifth and Ninety-sixth Pennsylvania ter's First Massachusetts battery took up a posiregiments to advance into the woods and drive tion upon the left, and in a few minutes the shell off some of the rebel scouts who were firing occa- were flying through the air at the rate of about sional shots at our pickets, supposed to be sup- ten a minute. This soon compelled the rebels to ported by a force concealed in the woods. This make a move more on our left, where the shells proved correct, for no sooner had our men made flew less thick than upon the ground they were an advance into the woods than they were re- then occupying. But there evidently is no rest ceived with a volley of musketry from the rebels, for the wicked: for no sooner had the rebels who were hidden in the dense undergrowth. moved their forces upon our left, than our gunOur men pressed on and gave them a volley, boats, which up to that time had been unable to after which the enemy retreated further into the have a hand, in the affair, opened their batteries woods, with the Thirty-second New-York close at upon the foe with so much effect that, when I their heels; but they were too swift-footed for commenced to write, they had completely driven our boys-being more protected-and they soon the enemy out of sight and hearing. I am inleft the Thirty-second struggling in the mud. clined to think that this move upon our left was While this scene had been going on on the an expensive one to the rebels, who, ere this right centre, another was transpiring on the cen- reaches the readers of the Herald, will have tre where the Ninety-fifth Pennsylvania had learned that near our gunboats is not one of the entered the woods. In a few moments after they safest places that can be found. As soon as the entered they found themselves in a dense swamp, guns of Capt. Porter commenced to fire among and, in their struggles to get across, became them, accompanied by those from the river, the separated from each other. One of the com- rebels undertook to move one of their batteries panies managed to get to the other side, and was which they had got into position. The New-Jerclimbing the bank on the opposite side when they sey règiment received orders to charge upon this descried a party of soldiers lying in ambush. battery, and at it they went, with cheers that "Who comes there?" cried the party in am-made the very forests ring; but the rebels were ⚫ bush. "Friends," was the answer. "What again too fleet-footed. Before the Jersey boys are you?" was the next interrogation. "A got through the woods, the enemy had made tall company of the Ninety-fifth Pennsylvania." No travelling, and got out of sight in the woods. sooner was this answer returned than the party, whom the captain had mistaken for some of his own regiment, opened a terrible fire upon our men, who returned the fire and then returned to our reserves. In this affair Capt. Beates, of company B, was shot through the shoulder, but not dangerously wounded, and one or two privates, whose names I am as yet unable to learn, were killed, and carried off the field by their friends, who, before they quit the ground, revenged the fall of their brave comrades by giving the enemy a few well-directed volleys.

Everybody has done well, and the troops have acted nobly. They have been under arms all day thus far, and standing in the broiling sun without anything whatever to eat, except that which they may have had in their haversacks. I have yet to hear a word of complaint from any quarter. The idea of having an opportunity to have a fight with the rebels seems to have absorbed all their other faculties.

More troops are constantly arriving, and just now Capt. Saunders's company of Massachusetts sharp-shooters pass by me on their road to the front. These are the men who are able to teach the rebels that two parties can lie concealed in the woods.

But now the action became more general throughout the lines, and from every quarter of the woods came the sharp crack of musketry. I tried for a time to be ubiquitous, but after travelling from one point to another some fifty times, for the purpose of seeing how matters were going, I took my stand on the right, and calmly awaited the coming events. The sharp reports came nearer and nearer, and at length a ball lodged in a tree at my side. I was about to move from my dangerous quarters, when my attention was at tracted to that portion of the woods where the Thirty-first and Thirty-second New-York State militia had entered. Four men were carrying the body of a man, which, upon inquiry, I understood to be that of Capt. Young, of company G, The gunboats are still throwing shell into the of the Thirty-second regiment, who was shot in woods, to keep the enemy from erecting battethe throat and died instantly. The fight had ries. We expect to have an attack or make an

The artillery has now ceased firing, and I hear nothing except the occasional discharge of a musket; it seems to be far off towards Williamsburgh. I think we have got into their rear, and if we have, we intend halting them for a few hours until General McClellan can come up to carry them back to their deserted quarters at Yorktown.

At the close of the action in the afternoon the Fifth Maine regiment won encomiums from all the staff for their bravery in heading an advance into the woods upon the left.

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Gen. Franklin has just sent a despatch to Gen. McClellan announcing the battle of to-day.

THE KILLED AND WOUNDED.-First Lieut. Frederick Pross, Co. F, Thirty-first New-York, killed. William Linser, Co. F, Thirty-first New-York, (private,) killed. Lieut. Babcock, Co. D, Thirtyfirst New-York, mortally wounded. Minor Wiggins, (private,) severely wounded. Abraham Davis, (private,) Thirty second New-York, ball through waist. E. Chasser, (private,) Co. G, Thirty-second New-York, wounded. Wm. Umphries, (private,) Co. H, Thirty-second New-York, flesh wound. Edwin Comp, (private,) Co. I, Thirty-second New-York, flesh wound. Joseph Hepstine, (private,) Co. F, Thirty-first New-York,

flesh wound.

KNOWN TO BE DEAD. - Capt. Young, Co. D, Thirty-second New-York. Capt. S. H. Brown, Co. C, Thirty-second New-York. Lieut. Wallace, Co. C, Thirty-second New-York. Lieut. Pross, Co. F, Thirty-first New-York. Private Christian Hower, Co. B, Thirty-first New-York. Private William Linsener, Co. F, Thirty-first New-York. Private Philip Strells, Co. F, Thirty-first NewYork. Private Henry Urimclaserman, Co. F, Thirty-first New-York. Private John J. M. McClernan, Ninety-fifth Pennsylvania. Private C. Lebuy, Co. I, Sixteenth New-York.

fifth Pennsylvania; Lieut. J. Twaddle, Thirtysecond New York; Privates Joseph Taulh, Thirty-first New-York; Charles Allen, Thirtysecond New-York; Minor Hicken, Thirty-second New-York; Olmon Davis, Thirty-second NewYork; Charles Chatteman, Thirty-second NewYork; H.. Choper, Thirty-second New-York; W. Humphries, Thirty-second New-York; Sergt. E. Camp, Thirty-second New York; Private John Hepstine, Thirty-first New-York.


CAMP NEWTON, WEST-POINT, VA., May 8. I sit down under the shade of a tree to write some little account of the "second Shiloh" to which the rebels invited us. Precisely who was beaten at the first Shiloh I have never learned; but of how the little attempt at a repetition yesterday came out, I think I understand perfectly. Point. First, then, of the location of the camp at West

long, upon the river, located on the left bank of A large open field, a mile-more, I thinkthe river, and nearly half a mile wide-being the plantation—a good mansion and numerous barns, principal part of a large and particularly fine etc., thereon. This diagram will give the position with tolerable accuracy:





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WOUNDED.-Capt. J. H. Boltis, Ninety-fifth Pennsylvania; Sergt. P. S. Devitt, Thirty-first New-York; Privates Patrick Kelly, Thirty-second New-York, Thomas Alterdys, Thirty-second NewYork; E. B. Mulligan, Ninety-fifth Pennsylvania; J. A. Slocum, Thirty-second New-York; Pat Kildernay, Thirty-second New-York; M. O'Donnell, Thirty-second New-York; Oliver Wells, Sixteenth New-York; J. M. Smart, Thirty-second New-York; Richard Macnelly, Thirty second New-York; John Stevens, First New-York artillery; A. F. Sawyer, Thirty-second New-York; C. Hagan, Thirty-second New York; C. W. Smith, Thirty-second New-York; W. Robinson, George Cupping, Thirty-first New-York; James A. Day, Fifth Maine; Etheridge, Thirtysecond New-York; Jacob Walen, Thirty-first New-York; Lancert Parker, Fifth Maine; Freman Waymoth, Sixteenth New York; F. Detra, Thirty-first New-York; A. Carlton, Thirty-second The river makes a bend just above here, and New-York; W. C. Sweeney, Thirty-second New- the ground rises quite sharply from the water's York; C. Gumrin, Thirty-second New-York; edge, so that the bluff furnishes a very good William Luisener, Thirty-second New-York; opportunity for enfilading our camp. The woods H. M. Helms, Sixteenth New-York; L. Parrin, by which our camp is surrounded furnish excelSixteenth New-York; C. Thockeray, Ninety- lent cover for troops seeking to drive us into the fifth Pennsylvania; L. Alpheus Mase, Fifth river. I don't know that there is anything to be Maine; Henry Bennett, Thirty-second New- added to this, beyond what an examination of York; Hill, Thirty-second New-York; any map will show, except, perhaps, that it is the Capt. N. Martin Curtis, Sixteenth New York; most desirable camping ground I have yet seen Privates Thomas Chilton, Sixteenth New-York; in Virginia. J. Mott Smith, Thirty-second New-York; Thos. My license as a correspondent instructs me S. Murismon, Thirty-second New-York; Wm. that "the only restriction in the description of Steal, Thirty-second New-York; G. Wilson, battles and engagements, will be upon such inNinety-fifth Pennsylvania; John Wilson, Ninety-formation as may indicate the strength of troops

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B-Rebel Battery.

C-Rebel Battery.

held in reserve, or the future movements of our in position. Porter's First Massachusetts on the armies." So I shall not be hanged for saying left, with Lieut. Sleeper's section facing the works that Gen. Franklin's division-the best, in several on the heights, Capt. Platt's battery, (Co. D, Seimportant particulars, to be found in the army-cond artillery, regulars,) on the right, and Hexahad been at Ship Point quite a long time, when, mer's New-Jersey in the centre. Other artillery in on Sunday last, the rebel army evaporated, wait- the reserve. The batteries were supported by the ing, apparently, for something to turn up-for Twentieth Massachusetts, and portions of the something pretty important, too, it should seem, Nineteenth Massachusetts and Sixteenth Newfrom the commotion which was caused in the York. Positions as noted above. Cabinet when the President interfered to say that Gen. McClellan must have his way; that Franklin's division must go with the army of the Potomac.

The division was quite ready for a move when the order was received at inspection on Sunday last. On Tuesday its infantry was landed without opposition, gunboats having preceded the transport vessels. Tuesday night there were some picket murders. One, a sergeant in the Goslin Zouaves, of Philadelphia, was killed by a Texan Ranger. Another picket instantly fired upon the Texan, and in the morning the bodies of the two were found near together in the wood -the Texan dressed in unmilitary attire; in his pocket was a general pass permitting him to go anywhere within or through the lines of the confederate army, from which it is inferred that he was employed as a scout. Skirmishing was kept up to some extent all night.

Now when the troops first fell back, and bullets were whizzing over the field, there was a pretty nice question of generalship to be decided. The artillery, by moving forward, could clear the woods very quickly, undoubtedly, But what would be the effect upon our own infantry? If it had been permitted to give up then, and another one had been substituted, it is not unlikely that peaceable possession of the field could have been obtained with a less loss of life than we actually suffered. But there would have been an end, for a time, of the usefulness of the division.

The infantry having undertaken the task, must fight its way through or be utterly demoralized. So the infantry advanced again, promptly and willingly, quite as though it were a matter of course, to meet a second time the same reception. A second time they were driven back, and yet a third time the enemy succeeded in coming down to the skirt of the woods. The artillery had not In the morning the fight began in earnest, and been idle; whenever opportunity was offered, in the new style which the rebels appear to have sending shells from the Parrott ten-pounder over adopted. The artillery had been landed during the woods and into the clearing where the enemy the night, or much of it rather, for the disem- was posted, the enemy's battery at that point barkation was not complete until about ten pouring in grape whenever one man came within o'clock in the morning. The rebels had a work its range upon advancing. The battery on the of considerable development on the heights, with heights at our left opened too upon the shipping rifled field-pieces and a field-battery, behind has-in the river, and presently upon the camp, being tily thrown up intrenchments, in a small clearing marked C in the plan above. Shortly after nine o'clock the main body of the infantry-all of Franklin's division-advanced into the woods in front and on the flanks of the battery at C, meeting a very large body of the enemy, a portion of which was the famous Hampton Legion of SouthCarolina. It was not a fair stand-up meeting; but the enemy, familiar with the ground, and skilfully managed, found it very easy to get into ambuscades.


The Thirty-first New-York advancing, finds itself at once encountering, at a distance of a few yards, three regiments of the enemy, and so all through the battle, sharp-shooting, guerrilla fighting altogether on the part of the enemy. Other troops were landed meanwhile, and were held in The fighting commenced on the right and left of our line, and on the skirt of the Woods. But the troops advanced steadily and under the severest fire. It was about one hour that this bushwhacking business continued when our troops were obliged to fall back, the enemy folbwing close as long as they were protected by the forest. There was nothing like panic or fear. No bad conduct is reported on the part of any corps--on the contrary, every soldier was on his best behavior. The artillery had by this time got

responded to promptly and regularly by the left section of Porter's battery. The gunboats fired a few shells in that direction, and also toward the centre.

At about half-past three the infantry rallied for the last time. The artillery had damaged the rebels considerably, and the time had come for settling the question of possession. The whole division advanced, the First New-Jersey charging at the double-quick upon the rebel work at the centre, the artillery the while keeping up a brisk fire of shell upon the point. Two shells from Porter's battery fell in the work as the regi ment advanced, and the rebels ran away with their little howitzers, leaving the Jersey men a free entry. Their cheers announced to the artillerists in the field below the success of our troops, and the firing ceased.

An hour later a corps of infantry was seen marching by the house near the battery on the left, and Lieut. Sleeper sent two shells after them by way of a parting salute, the last going through the building. The battle was over and the field was ours. But it was not supposed that we were to be left in quiet repose, and therefore the battery horses were in harness all night. But no enemy appeared to disturb us, and to-day we have the satisfaction of knowing that they are as far

from us as they have been able to travel in the time that has elapsed.

ness, and only abandoned him when forced to do so by our artillery fire. When our infantry was driven back the second time, the enemy's musketry became so severe that it was necessary to remove the hospital on the right further toward the river. One man who had just come in with a wounded comrade received a musket-ball as he entered the hospital tents.

The Thirty-first and Thirty-second New-York were the greatest sufferers, though the two companies of the Sixteenth New-York, which were sent into the woods, scarcely escaped more easily. The enemy, in ambush, fired low-as the wounds of our soldiers testify-following the orders which you remember Gen. Magruder gave to his sol- “But_for_the_artillery, this would have been diers. In the course of this guerrilla fighting, another Ball's Bluff," said a general officer toof course there were many very singular scenes. day. In the early stages of the engagement there Capt. Montgomery, Gen. Newton's Chief-of-staff, were serious fears that the rebels would succeed and Lieut. Baker, of Gen. Franklin's staff, ventured in driving our troops into the river, protected as too far into the woods, and soon found themselves they were by the woods; but the steady fire of close up with the Hampton Legion. A question the long-range guns was quite too much for put by one of them revealed their character, and mere infantry to withstand, and so the enemy instantly a number of muskets were discharged retired, and the battle-field of yesterday is now at them. Lieut. Baker escaped; Captain Mont-as quiet this morning as Boston Common with a gomery's horse, pierced by half a dozen bullets, militia regiment encamped upon it. fell with his rider. The Captain feigned dead, but We have about two hundred and fifty wounded when the rebels commenced robbing his body he or killed the precise number it is impossible to was moved to come to life, and to give the seces-get at-but you will know all about it before you sionist the benefit of some testamentary opinions as Mr. Choate said when he spoke in behalf of the remains of the Whig party. Just at that moment a shell from one of our batteries—which I can't undertake to say, as the officers of three companies have positively assured me that they did it-burst among the party. Then the cry was raised, "Shoot the Yankee!" "Where-pany by a musket-ball. Porter's battery was fore?" queried the Captain, "I didn't fire the shell." Then another shell-whereupon the whole party skedaddled-rebels in one direction and the Captain in another.

Immortalize Pat, said Captain no-matter-who, just now. I obey the order. Last St. Patrick's day I happened to be a guest of the same captain upon the Potomac. At night I saw Pat for the first time, when he came in, considerably the worse for liquor, to apologize to his commanding officer for his condition- excuse he couldn't think of allowing that day of all others to go by without getting drunk. And Pat expiated his offence by sitting on a spare wheel the better part of the second day. Pat turned up again yesterday. Not at his place, however, but coming out of the woods, where the musketry was severest, with a rabbit which he had managed to kill.

"Where are you ?" asked his Captain.
"Sure, sir, I was detailed to stay in the camp,


And Pat upon being ordered to return to camp offered to compromise with the Captain by giving him the rabbit.

In some cases our wounded and dead were treated with shameful barbarity. The body of a soldier of the New-York Sixteenth was carried by, shot through the heart, and throat cut from ear to ear. Several cases of bayonet wounds upon our dead, who had been killed by bullets, are reported. Per contra, a squad of men, bring ing in a wounded soldier, have halted for a few minutes' rest under the tree where I am writing. The wounded man reports that he was taken prisoner by three men of the Hampton Legion, who treated him with every courtesy and kind

get this, for the official report will go by the Government telegraph line from Fortress Monroe. Many are line-officers. As I said before, the enemy fired low. A surgeon tells me he has amputated five legs to-day, but has heard of no man's losing an arm. Only one man in the artillery was wounded-he a soldier in Hexamer's com

the only one which had the honor of being shelled by the enemy-indeed it was the only one within range. But the shells hurt nobody, and the rebel battery was silenced in a very few minutes.

The buildings upon the plantation are all used for hospitals. I went through one of them this morning; and although some were dying, and all were severely wounded, I heard scarcely a single groan.

-Boston Journal.


The following is a private letter from an officer in our army to his father:

Thursday, May 8, 1862.

MY DEAR FATHER: By the time you receive this, the press will have furnished you with a description of the battle of West-Point, fought yesterday by us, and also of my wonderful and miraculous escapes throughout the day. General Franklin's division left Yorktown on Monday, and landed same night upon the south side of Pamunkey River, opposite West-Point, in presence of the pickets of the enemy. Sharp firing commenced immediately after our landing, and our brigade was therefore kept under arms and in line of battle all night. On the following morning (yesterday) it became evident that the retreating columns from Yorktown would attack our division here, with the hope of beating us off before the arrival of our reënforcements.

At seven o'clock I was sent out by Generals Franklin and Newton to make a reconnoissance of the ground around us in an engineering view, so that we might establish the point of their at

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tack. I took a company with me, and after going me." I remained in this way until they came up about two and a half miles, I observed a large to me, took away my pistol, and commenced body of rebels ahead of us in the woods, awaiting general plundering, and as they fingered away I our arrival. I ordered my men to deploy into the could not suppress a smile - and then rising, I woods as skirmishers, and then received a volley said: "Well, men, I yield as a prisoner of war." of musketry from them, which I returned, and They said: "You have been shamming, you d-d then finding they were surrounding me, I fell Yankee scoundrel, have you ?" Certainly," back gradually until I reached the reserve, always said I, "everything is fair in war." They then keeping one platoon in the woods as skirmishers, commenced to abuse me as a d-d Yankee this, to prevent an attack. Receiving orders then to and a d-d Yankee that, when I turned upon join the brigade as rapidly as possible, as the them, and said: "I have yielded as a prisoner of enemy was preparing to attack us in numbers, I war, I demand to be used as such. We in the took my position with General Newton, who had North know how to treat dogs better than you drawn up the brigade for action about half a mile do men; now lead me to your commanding offibehind where I was, or just outside the woods. cer." They gave me another volley of abuse, at The action commenced at nine o'clock A.M.-the which I merely smiled, and then a shell, fired by enemy being posted in thick woods, and we en- our artillery to the place where I was seen to endeavoring by manoeuvres to draw them out-and ter, burst like the wind amongst us-skinning was maintained with great spirit and incessant my nose and scattering the rebel rascals like chaff. firing until four o'clock P.M., when we succeeded | They seized their muskets, pointed two of them in driving them from their position and in occu- at me, and told me to come along, you d—d pying the ground lately occupied by rebel hordes. Yankee!" I still talked with them to gain time, The artillery worked beautifully, doing great ex- when another shell bursting amongst us, they moved on further, calling to me to come on," while I said: "Go ahead, lead the way, quick." I then saw a favorable moment, and preferring freedom to a Southern prison, I made one bound into the woods, and went back as fast as one leg would carry me. I felt very much exhausted, and was carried to the rear by some men and placed under a tree, when, with whisky and care, I soon felt stronger, although my leg was stiff. They wished me to go in an ambulance to hospital, but I politely declined, and calling for an extra horse, I was lifted on his back, and returned to the field and reported to Gen. Newton for duty. He kindly told me that I had distinguished myself enough this day, and requested me to keep quiet.


My own escape is wonderful, and, indeed, almost miraculous, and I forgot not to thank God for his watchfulness over me. It was about one o'clock P.M. when I received an order from Gen. Newton to go forward into the woods to ascertain whether the rebels were falling back, and whether a certain regiment of ours held its position there. I went forward at once as fast as my well-tried horse could carry me, and upon entering the woods moved cautiously until I reached a barricade, when hearing voices beside me I plunged into the woods, thinking, of course, it was one of our regiments-Thirty-first New-York-and was surprised to find that I had gone right into a perfect nest of the Hampton Legion, from SouthCarolina, who were lying behind trees, standing behind bushes, and kneeling behind stumps like bees. I at once perceived my mistake, and knew that nothing but the most consummate coolness would save me. I therefore saluted them, and they, taking me for a rebel officer, asked me how far Gen. Hampton was then. I answered without hesitation, and with rather more assurance than I thought I possessed, "I left him about ten rods below here," and added, “now, boys, the General expects you to do your duty to-day." I then turned my horse slowly to lull suspicion, and was congratulating myself on the probable success of my ruse, when seeing the U. S. on my cap, they yelled out: "That's a d-n Yankee son of a b--h, give him h-1!" On hearing this, I dashed the spurs into my horse, threw my head over his neck, and made for the road. A perfect volley of Minie-balls passed over and around me -killed my horse, who rolled over carrying me with him, and left me down. Knowing that apparently nothing but time would save me, I lay with my head back in a ditch, as I fell, and appeared dead for some ten minutes. I did not move a muscle or a feature, although the scoundrels were swarming around me, and threatening to "end VOL V.-Doc. 3

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Do you not think that this was a miraculous escape? My captors (Hampton Legion) were the most murderous looking body of villains I ever beheld, and as for honor and mercy, they know not the first principles of such excellent virtues. They are lost to all sense of honor, and should be used as dogs. Our men were brought in rapidly many fine officers killed and several men killed with Minie-balls and their throats cut from ear to ear! Savages themselves would blush at such barbarity. Gen. Newton conducted the engagement, Gen. Franklin arriving at twelve M. on the field. It was a beautifully planned battle, and they expected to drive us into the river. We had twenty thousand men against us, composed of Tennesseeans, Texan volunteers, Louisiana Tigers, Virginians, and Alabamians, beside the Hampton Legion. Our men fought like tigers, although they suffered severely. We are expecting to meet them again to-day, and will give them another chance at us. We are surrounded by them here, but we are bound to be in Richmond soon.

Believe me, ever, your affectionate son,

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