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Agricultural and mechanical society of Cotton Goods, Statement of Exports

Boone county, Mo. 243.

Amazon, valley of, 174

American Industry, protection of, 75.
Arctic Searching Expedition, 432.
Aspects of Civilization, 1.
Bank of Missouri.

Its condition on

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Caloric. Description of its application
as a motive power, 376.
Canada. Its commerce with Chicago.
51. Its Exports to all countries from
1844 to 1850, 358. Its exports to the
United States during same period,
358. Its population at different pe
riods, 361.

Capital, Observations on the investment
of, 149.

Census, Seventh census of the U.. S.

Report of the census commissioner,
with observations &c., 106.
Cheese trade of the U. S., 273.
Chicago, Its commerce, 50. Its man-
ufactures and population, 63.
China and Japan, Proposed reconnois-
sance of the surrounding seas, 98.
Short trips of American clippers at
San Francisco from China, 71.
Civilization, Aspects of, 1.
Clay, Henry, Dirge on the death of,


Clipper ships, arrival at San Francisco

from China in 34 days, 71.

Coinage of the U. S. and other coun-
tries at different periods, 264. Cost
of coinage in the U. S., Seigniorage
&c., 331. Deposite for coinage in
the U. S. mint for June, 1852, 357.
Total deposits for coinage since the
discovery of gold in California, 357.
Combustion, see heat &c., 393.
Commerce of Chicago, 50 to 63.
Commerce of the U. S. for the year
ending 30th June, 1851, 128.
Commerce of each State for the year
ending 30th June, 1851, 131. Sum-
mary statement of Exports from the
U. Š. for the year ending 30th June,
1851, 133. Commercial marine of
the U. S., 205. Foreign commerce of
the principal ports of the U. S., 272.
Commerce of San Francisco, 276.
Commerce of New York, Exports,
Imports &c., for the year ending
30th June, 1852, 355, 6, 7.
Conspiracy of Pontiac, 362, 432.

from the U. S. to all countries from
1833 to 1851, 252.

Cotton, quantity consumed in the U. S.
and Great Britain in different periods
from 1833 to 1851, 253.

Crime, its relation to ignorance, 297.
Deaf, Dumb, Blind, Insane and Idiotic
of the U. S., 359.
Dirge for Henry Clay, 295.
Emigrant Vessels, Statement of the
number of emigrant vessels and pas-
sengers which sailed from the ports
of Great Britain during 5 years, 360.
Ericsson, Inventor of the Caloric En-
gine, 376.

Finances of the U. S., Report of the
Secretary of the Treasury, 64.
France, Tabular statement of its popu-
lation at different periods, 360.
Fuel, see Heat and Combustion, 339.
Furnace, High-furnace for smelting
iron, and cupula compared, 155,
Geology of the State of Missouri, 228.
Gold, increased and increasing sup-
plies. Quantity of the precious met-
als existing in various forms at dif-
ferent periods. Products and coin-
age of different countries, 264.
Government and Laws of the District
of Louisiana, the Territory of Louisi-
ana, the Territory of Missouri and
State of Missouri, so far as these
laws were enacted by Congress, 310.
Heat, Combustion and Fuel, 393.
Henderson and Nashville Railroad, 17.
Ignorance, Relation between ignorance
and crime, 297.

Industrial Fair of the South and West,

Insane and Idiotic of the United States,


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Mississippi River. Bars and Channels

at its mouth, 169.

Montreal, Population at different pe-
riods, 361.

Musings of a Convert, 368.

New Orleans, Value of Real Estate
assessed and amount of revenue col-
lected in 1851, 204.

New Orleans and St. Louis Railroad, 82,
169, 181,408. Topography of the route,
253. Resolutions of the Little Rock
Convention, 283.

New Orleans, Opelousas and Great
Western Railroad, Speech of B. H.
Payne, Esq., at Little Rock, 338.
New York, its commerce in 1851 and
1852, 355, 6, 7.

Niagara Falls, description of, 219.
North and South, 223.

Ocean Steamers on the Pacific, Memo-
rial of Moore, Lawrence and others,

Ocean Steamers between Virginia and
Antwerp, 101.

O'Fallon, Colonel, John, his portrait
with a sketch of his life, 287.
Pacific Railroad, Second annual report,
cost of right of way &c., 122. Sale
of State Bonds, 286. Receipt and
cost of Locomotives, passenger cars
and rails, 422.

Physiology, see Vegetable Physiology,


Poems, by Edward Stagg, of St. Louis,

Poetry of Science, 291.
Population of the U. S. Reflections on
its increase. Tabular statements of
its future increase at different peri-
ods, 9.

Population of France at different peri-
ods, 360.

Population of Canada at different pe-
riods, 361.

RAILROADS. Henderson and Nash-
ville railroad, 17. North Missouri
railroad, 39. Railroad from St. Louis
to New Orleans, 82. Report of B.
H. Payne, 161. Topographical de-
scription of the route, 181, 258.
Railroad from St. Louis to the Iron
Mountain, 115.

Railroad, Pacific. Cost of right of way
&c., 22. See Pacific railroad. In-
fluence of Railroads on the price of
lands, 127. Reasons for investing
capital in Railroad Stocks, 149.
Commercial and Social Benefits of
Railroads from North to South, 223.
Are we building too many railroads?
250. Railroad from Galveston, Texas,
to Red river, 227. Railroad conven-
tion at Little Rock, 282, 283. Rail-
road from St. Louis to Terre Haute,
283. Railroad from St. Louis to Lake
Erie, 284. Milwaukee and Wiscon-

sin Railroad, 285. First Railroad in
Missouri, 308. New Orleans, Opel-
ousas and Great Western Railroad,
Speech of B. H. Payne, 338. Mobile
and Ohio Railroad, 387. Missouri
and Arkansas Railroad, U.S. Survey,
408. Alton and Springfield Railroad
completion of, 423. Belleville and
Illinoistown Railroad, Contract for
construction of, 423. Hannibal and
St. Joseph Railroad, Contract for
construction of, 423.
Religious Liberty, 210.
Richardson, Sir John.

Vide Arctic

Searching Expedition, 432.
Rocheport, Missouri, 70.
San Francisco, its commerce, shipping
&c., 276.

St. Louis, Its Civil and Financial con-
dition. Mayor's message. Value of
property owned by.. Value of tax-
able property and amount of revenue
collected. Comptroller's report &c.
196 to 204.

Seigniorage and Coinage of the U. S.
History of seigniorage in different
countries, 331.
Shipping of the U. S.

Amount of ton-
nage of American and foreign vessels
arriving and departing during the
year ending June 30, 1851, 128. Ton-
nage of the several districts of the U.
S., 205. Number and class of vesaels
built in the U. S. in the year ending
June 30, 1851, 209. Shipping &c. at
San Francisco, 276.
Southeastern Missouri, 144.
Stagg, Edward. See Poems, 440.
Steamboiler Explosions, causes of, 90.
Steam Vessels from California to Chi-
na, 44.

Steam Vessels for the Sandwich Is-
lands, 71.

Steam Vessels between Virginia and
Antwerp, 100.

Steamship Mail Service. History of the
different lines, Costs of ships, Earn-
nings &c., 102.

Tehuantepec, Topographical and Hy-
drographical description of the Isth-

mus of 95.

Texas, Accourt of Railroad from Gal-
veston to, Red river, 277.
Valley of the Amazon, 174.
Vegetable Physiology, 31.
Vessels, see Marine, Ships and Ship-

Virginia. Statistics of its Agriculture
&c., 101.

Wayland, Doctor, Strictures on his
chapter on Personal Liberty, 22.
Wool trade of Chicago, 61.
Wool trade, Tabular statement of wool
imported into the United States from
all countries, 275.

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